Mr.Teachey Retires After l 36 Years As School Man j .f < ' By: Ruth Grady J <&#? county Superin- J lendcot if School's office will r* i never be the same again. Mr J* B. a Teachey retired on June ^ ?SMW?25 | the spring of I960. He has p onrtiiiofl himself to nrlncliMds. " ?># f-* U1 T * gj |Sf!|nachei?. and workers over the _ entire county, and especially to J I j tli ool. Fronttbere he went to Wate H y\A Forest College where he ma jo- ti red to Science and Math. Liter * ? : he du graduate work at Wafte a Forn^^rehy h an MMtilstrator's certificate ? at Vahe Merest. After grad- C uatfag. he then worked in Lo- b V no|r County for IS years-two tj as a teacher and ten as Prto- a ctpal of the Mose Hill High Sc- i< venture a bit and workedfdrthe ? ?foo?eap of the Wort^irac ?i i lake teacher In the Wallace tl ' :hooi for three years. At 1 at time he was appointed Sc- > ape and Math Supervisor for ? uplln County, a position which f ? held for four years. When * e new Wallace-Rose Hill High < :hoel was buljt, Mr. Teacbey 1 Washed to serve as principal. H e served there for four years Daeiln County, under the 1 iperlntendency of the late O. ? . Johnson, was allotted an As- 1 Slant Superintendent In the < >ring of 1960. Mr. Teaehey 1 as appointed to that position J id has remainedIhere throuoh i rintendent of Schools was trector of personnel. ' Mr. Teaehey is mariried to e former Alice Fusseil of 'arsaw and they live in Rose ill. They are members of te Baptist Church where he j erves as deacon, and Adult anday School Superintendent, e is also active in the Lion's tub In professional organi itions he is a member a, the ounty and StateNCAE, a mpm tr of the American Associa on of School Administrators, ad a life member of the Hat mal Education Association. Mr. Teaehey Is just f?01 of Uns for retirement-he plans to itereSt in the3 school# of Ou lin County and will Support % *ra In ewry possible w.ythai [ can. In 36 years at school, rork, I have been most fortun- } ite My association with the j administration and office sta f, with the principals and tea ihers of Dupiln County has leen most pleasant and reward og" 1 Mr. Teachey, Miss Jessie utarphy, who Is also retiring, { ind Mr. John K. Wooten, who ' las been named Superintendent <s i Wayne County Schools, were tonored on last Friday night, rune 38, at a dinner at theCour j *ry Squire. The party was gi fen by the Board of Education ind office personnel. Duplin 4-H Represenatives Duplin County will be re presented at the 27th State 4-H Electric Congress by4-H'ers, Ruth Denning, Lynn Hell, and Dean Robins on. Mrs. Thomas Hall, 4-H Adult Leader, will accompany the group. The Electric Congress will be held in Durham, July 9-11. About 2004-H'ers a re expected. Marion C. Griffin, Agricul tural Extension Agent, said that Denning and Robinson were se lected to represent Duplin Co unty on the basis of their ach ievements in the 4-H electric project. Lynn Hall was selected ^tbe^^j)TwruUhTg boys Turing the Congress, the de legates will view electric de monstrations, tour a tobacco factory, and visit the Morehead Planetarium. State and terri torial winners in the 4-H elect ric project will also be announ ced. The 4-H Electric Congress is sponsored by Carolina Power and Light Company, Duke Power Company, Nantahala Power and Light Company, Virginia Elect ric and Power Company, and the Westlnghouse Educational Foundation In cooperation with the North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service. Teacher Of The Year At Lk IN D High School TYHO AND OLD PRO--Comparing notes on how to win ^ Elections? Perhaps so. David Phillips of Kenansville, recently elected president of the rising Junior class at CatrifcMl College, talks with Senater Sam J. Ervin Jr. ' - asafwi ( Phillips of Kenansville'. ' H' ' - - Law Day At Campbell ' ' mi? 1 ' - P ?il 11 |- iX tucoiMful campus *>oU J | acquainted ?rlth toenail wtxfS perhaps the world's sharpest, and certainly now its most fam ous, living constitutionalist yer. The occasion was Law Day, May 1. The speaker . ofcoursi, was Sam J. Ervin, Jr. f ^ U5, Savings Bond Sales i Sales o# Series E and H Sa vings Bonds W Duplin County during May were 117,467. Jaa?'; uary-May sales totaie4ftl8, 680. This represents 40.4per cent of the County's goal of 11 r- - iiijpup ? SWEARING IN-Mr. John A. Johnson is shown here swear ing in Mr. A. E. Shaw, |JI. of Rose Hill as the New Tax Supervisor for Duplin County. Mr. Shaw was sworn in on Monday July, 2, in a ceremony in the County Commis sioner's Office. m? Dublin County Employees Retire Duplin County has just lest two of bs most valuable empl oyees. Mr. Joe Wallace and Miss Margaret E. Williams. Both of tllese people completed their 40rk June 30 and hate ,jT Wallace was the Tut of Duplin County for dm past forty-fWe years. Mr. Wallace began *rtrk on January 1,1939 as deputy sheriff tnder D. S. WU 11a ins on. He served as deputy sheriff until World War H where he was a major in the Army. When Mr. Wallace returned from the service he was appointed Veteran Service Of ficer and Mr. Faison McGo wan's assistant until 1968. Mr. Wallace became Tax Supervisor when Mr. McGowen retired. Joe Wallace When Interviewed by The Du plin Times, M*. ? Wallace hac this to say about his retlremera and his work for Duplin County "Kve really enjoyed my worl for Duplin County. The peopli are so very nice. 1 have triec to help Duplin County the bes way I can. 1 have made man] friends and plan to take it eas] for a while." Miss Mirgaret Williams has teen Chief Clerk in the Taj ? Supervisors Office forsevera years. She too, has been a vi> tal part of Duplin County's sys tem cor over the past fort years. Miss Williams attendei East Carolina University am Miller Motte Business Collegi She has furthered hereducatia with courses at James Sprun Institute. -j'., She is a member of Gray Presbyterian Church, wher she has served as Secretary c Sunday School and as a Clrct Chairman for several terms Miss Williams has served th community as a Democrat dlS2aMked about her retire mem Miss Williams had this to say, "I've enjoyed my work with Duplin County. Right now 1 plan to take it easy and maybe do some traveling I have been looking forward to.*' deavors they have mads over the past years for DtpUn County, have been very important Fa rewell Mr. Wallace and Miss Williams. We will remember you and the good you have done for m here in Duplin County. By: i Jo Carol Jones If*.:-. . 'jf-: ? Henderson pPol#'J Congressman Davkl N. Hen- I derson today announced that he j will shortly mad to some 148,- A 000 Third District households ; lis 1913 Questionnaire solid ting the opinions of Ms consti tuency on various national is .sues of importance. Henderson said that this year, j to afford his constituents the widest possible opportunity to participate in expressing their opinions, he has provideaspace for three adult iqembers of each household to indicate their choices to each question. In addition, respondents will be ashed to indicate whether they fall into the 18-36,35-55, or 66 ana over age group. "Last year," the Congress man said, "1 polled high school seniors, all of whom were 17 and 18 years old. This year, it will be both interesting and informative to see how much age, In addition to geography, influences opinion on basic po litical issues." The Third District lawmaker said his 1973 Questionnaire is similar to his poll of last year, structuring basic questions al ong the line of spending prior ities on major categories and providing space for open-ended questions as well Henderson indicated that he likes to receive the opinions of age groups different from his own, "h is easy," he noted, ^to^et^the impression^that Women and men do not always agree, and younger people of ten do not have the same op inions as older ones. Having access to this information is valuable to a Congressman try ing to do the best possible job here in Washington." Rosenberg Named President of Guilford-National Comparn Lee Rosenberg has been named President of Guilford-Natlonal Company, It was announced here today. The announcement was made Jointly by Charles A. Hayes, president of Guilford Mills, Inc. of Greensboro, N.C. and by Jo seph Leff, president of National Spuming Co.. Inc. of New York. Rosenberg replaces Ralph E. Lacy, who resigned as presi dent last week. Guilford-Nathmal Company is a Joint venture between Guil ford Mills and National Spin ning. The company, whose plant and headquarters offices are lo cated here, was founded last ? year and is a completely vertical textiles producer. Rosenberg was formerly as soclated with I. M. I. War] Knits, Inc. of New York, when he acted as vice-president. Prior to this, Rosenberg serve for 14 years with Collins an Alkman, Inc. as director c Manufacturing and as presider of the Bangor Division. He is a native of New Yor City and holds a B. B. A. de gree from City College of Ne\ York and an M. B. A degre from the Wharton School * c Business of the University c Pennsylvania. Rosenberg is married and ha three children. He will m<tk his offices a*. Guilford-Nationa Company's headquarters in Ke nansville, North Carolina. Congressman David N. Hen derson noted in a recent ann ouncement that Duplin County has a total of 5,629citizens who receive Social Security benefits totalling $546,000. This makes Social Security payments one of the largest sources of income in the county, the Third District lawmaker pointed out. Increases in Social Security tax on bothemployers and em ployees in recent years have been substantial, but they .have ( made It possible for a large t number of citizens to maintain j a decent standard of living in f the face of rapidly escalating j costs, he continued. '? ?*? s ? . Henderson made (he point that ? there are few young-to-middle- j aged working people today who ? do no*, have one or more ckee i . relatives who, but the Social t Security benefits m.ffhthede- ] pendent upon them for a 11 veil- | hood. i ItflL. 1 11. ? I. 4 me reoerai government 1 ?Mnfk A lftf r?f mwvv fnr mic < Social Security Benefit ? Pay Duplin *546,000 loses which are questionab ind some which are downrlg txtravagant", he conclude 'A: least this is one progra there the benefits go direct o citizens who have establish! heir eligibility by working di ring their productive years ai thich directly stimulate the :al economy." Sewing Class A basic sewing course is beir ffered by the Agricultural E: ens ion Service for 11,19, and! rear olds. The class will me roro 1:30 p:m. to 4:30 c fuly 16-July 27. Instructions will include se acting patterns, fabric, and b; lie sewing methods. Aft< itudylng patterns and fabric, t) itudents will visit afabrlcstoi o make a selection of fabric ai pattern that will be used to con >lete a simple garmentdurii :he course. Participants wl 'HOL&NG THE SILVER OOBLET IS JOHN K. WOOTEN Mr. Wooten was honored by the Board of Education and Office Personnel at the Country Squire along with Miss Jessie Murphy and Mr. D. B. Teachey who retired. Mr. Wooten has been named Superintendent of Schools of Wa* yne County and will report to work there on July 2. He has been Associate Superintendent of Duplin County Sc hools for the past two years. Wooten Resigns | By: Ruth Grady a Mr. John K. Wooten, As- v sociate Superintendent of Ouplin H County Schools in charge of the d E.S.E.A program was honored C on Friday night,' June 22, at the 1; Country Squire by the Board of a Education and office personnel. 1; Mr. Wooten shared honors with * He was presented silver gob- g lets as it token of esteem and ap preciation for his two years of t sendee in Duplin County. n Mr. Wooten has been elected c County Superintendent of the Wayne County School and begins o service there on July 1, 1973. C He came to Duplin County af- p ter eight years of service as s Associate Superintendent in Le- c noir County. Before that he was g principal of the Southwood c School in Lenoir County for 15 vt years. He pioneered in special y education for the handicapped at t Southwood. s A son of the late Ludy Jones h nd John K. Wooten of Kins ton, /ooten attended Contentnea ligh School and took his A. Bl egree in education at Atlantic Ihristian College in Wilson. He iter got his master's degree in dministration at East Caro Lna University and completed 9 rork op his doctoral degree fl ptne months ano Be omplete his thesis for that de |ree later this year. Mr and Mrs. Women and heir daughter, Kelly, plan to nove to Goidsboro. He has been om muting to Duplin County. Eventhough Mr. Wooten spent nly a short two years in Duplin iounty, he was loved and ap ireciated by the Admi ni tration, teachers, aides,and ffice personnel. His quiet, entle and unassuming manner aptivated everyone. His work rith the E. S. E. A. program ras outstanding. Many innova ions and ideas have been in tigated into the program by im. Miss Murphy Retires From County Office 1 By: Ruth Grady After 20 years of service in the office of the County Super intendent of Schools, Miss Jes sie Murphy of Charity Cross Roads is retiring. Miss Mur phy has been bookkeeper for the local schools funds of the county, a position of much resp onsibility at which shehaswor & ked quietly, unceasingly, and without "fan-fare". Miss Murphy was born and raised in Duplin County at Char ity Cross Roads. She is the daughter of the late Mr.and Mrs. 0. H. Murphy. She lives , at the old home place with her j sister. Miss Velma Murphy. who is a speech therapist in the J Duplin County Schools. Theen r tire Murphy family has been I most active in the Wesley an , Methodist Church at Charity, j Miss Murphy is pianist and tr ^ easurer of the church, and has served as a Sunday School tea cher. Miss Murphy has a farm and will spend much of her time supervising its operation. The writer asked Miss Murphy about her plans for retirement. She said, "I have worked all of my life and it will be nice to have a few minutes of my own for a change. However. I don't think they are going to make a fisherman out of me.'' Miss Murphy was honored at the Country Squire by the Board of Education and office person nel, and was presented a silver service. Highway Closed In Faison Jessie graudated from Rose Hili High School sod went from ! there to Wesley an Junior Col ? lege at Central. S.C. After I graduating from Central she t then went to Mctt Business i College in Wilmington. Miss Murphy, after finishing busi ness school, worked for two years with a Security Company r in Wilmington before coming to t the Register of Deeds office in : Kenans ville where she served i for 16 years. She then ac cepted work in the office of the I Superintendent of Schools as bo 1 okkeeper to Local School funds - sad has been there until her retirement on June 90, 1979. N. C. Highway 403 will be closed east of Faison ot juiy 9, to allow state highway work ers to replace a suo-stanaara bridge with a culvert, the De partment of Transportation an nounced today. The road will be dosed for [ about four weeks, a department spokesman said.- During this period, traffic will be dstoured along SR 1320 and US 117 in Duplin County, a distance of some 4.4 miles. The section cf NC 403 from Sfe 1380 to the bridge site will be. opep only to local traffic, the announce- | 4vV::,. - Carl Morgan |L $ ?' "'* Teacher of the year at North Dupttn High School was Mr. Carl Morgan. Carpentry and Brickmasaftty teacher. Mr. Morgan is shown here with the plaque presented to him with the inscription "Mr. Carl Mor gan, Teacher of the Tear. 1978 78". The plaqueVas awarded at the Beat Club Tapping in the school. The teacher is sel ected by the Student Council and Beta Club and Is an an nul event at North Duplin.

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