LJB|tiPNi mWmMmM m ? IWMMifei^ ^ fl VOL. XXXIX NO. M KOtAHSVlLLE. N. C. SEPTEMBER ft. MW 10 PAGES THIS WEEK 10? PLUS TAX T~t ??, . . ???? v.-;." Seated, Sharon Cottle Standing Sharon Floyd, Mary Anna Johnson, Grace Shaw Sitting, Kim Kelly, Angela Norman ?J% A4 v" v ;? ?? i4: . : ' * ? W'[ ?;?'?*/ J-'; ' ";'? '.A' Standing Anita Peyton, Cynthia Rouse The Keoaasville United Me thodisr Church is ni?tmW a Set :o be held October 4th iHsa&S tte^Sice1* coffi tea and pepei cola will be ser ved both days from 11.00 ajn it HSU 2:00 p m L ; . " Harc scrtpcioo will be sold. The be filled with all Idndscf home* made goodies; such as Jam, Jellies, preserves, pickles,ca nned apples and beans. Cakes, pies, and candy Also, pump kins , sweet potatoes, peanuts, and other fall fruits and vege tables Of special Interest will be Thl Curiosity Shop con taining special items for all ages and occasions. The proceeds from thebataar will be used for the church and s w k ? S3 . A , ?/.. .. '-dpi ?"^ , The public is Invited - ] nity and purpose in retirement.. < Other services include re- 1 commended health, life and au tomobile insurance programs, a temporary employment ser vice, pharmacies offering pre scription medicines 'and other health items at reasonable prl-4 ces on a walk-in and mail order basis, a travel service geared to mature needs, a con tinuing education program and award-winning publications. The Associations also sponsor numerous service projects de signed to keep older Americana :< | actively involved in coramuniqr and national affairs. ? eligible 'for membership in M AARP. Persons who have been ; associated in any capacity with a school system, public or pri vate, are eligible for NRTA. Annual membership dues are I 18. For farther information about. 1 the Association, write: AARP NRTA, 1286 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, D. C. 20086. Agriculture Technology-Why Not? BY: THOMAS HALL Before you turn this page or read something else - read this article. It would determine your future. This was a welcome to the students who had enrolled in Agriculture Technology at James Sprunt Institute in 1972. It reads as follows: To those students who have chosen the field of technical agriculture, we extend a spe cial welcome to you. Maybe because you realise that agri culture is by far the largest industry in the United States employing about 29 million peo Change In Moisture Discount Schedule For Corn & Soybeans We have been informed that effective August 13 for corn and October 1 for soybeans that the following discount procedure will be used by the grain ex porters and presumably the major grain buyers inthestate: 2% of the market price shall be deducted for each point Vh of moisture over 16 8% for corn and for each point of moisture over 13.0% for soybeans. The cheapest drying of corn and soybeans occurs in the field. However, the decision to delay harvest must be weighed against losses dsr to weather or a drop in market price. It takes longer to dry 28% moisture corn man to dry IB or 20% moisture corn. When the corn golqg to the market has high moisture the dryarssooo di y field. pie in services and about 6 million in production Too, you are convinced that agriculture is the "back-booe" of this cou ntry and the world because not ma ny people can work or even live without food. That agri culture must continue, regard less of non-ag relative industry, to feed, shelter, and clothe die people of the world. Agriculture is a true sci ence and very complicated. In fact, we still have a long ways to go before we learn all the mysteries of plant life, soils, chemical reactions, feeds, livestock and many other things. Therefore, it is a changing field becuase of the new knowledge that is learned through research each year. ' As more informs 1 tioo is gained, we, working or studying in the field of agri culture, have to keep up to date and apply ourselves to in crease our knowledge to be in a position to help our fellow man and ourselves. Other changes that we might note for this coming year, we have women enrolling in agri culture programs for the First time. Let's give them a big welcome for awakening to the reality that there is a place for the fairer sex in this field. We may be called "clod hoppers,". "dirt-diggers" or other names, but you just remember the wheels of the nation would stop if all the "clod-hoppers" laid down their tools Registration For Cubs And Webelos J Registration for Cub Scouts and Webelo Scouts will be held September T, at 4 p.m. at the Webelo Hot behind the Police Station In Warsaw. Al Smith Cub Master for Cub Pack 30 and Tom Deaton assistant will hold registration. Requirements are, boys in Cubs must be 8 and 9 years old. Boys in Webelos must be 10 years old. Three dans have already been formed with Burt Ray den mother, Laura Berwick assis tant for dan 1; den 3 will be headad by Paye Hooeycun as ? J den mother. Den 3 will be bea ded by Julie Holt om, den mother and Joyce Pry, assistant. ? Al Smith said , "Wehaveroom for M boys In Cuba and IS in Webelos, first come,' first ANALYSIS OP SALES AND USE TAX COLLECTIONS AND OROtt RETAIL SALES REPORT - 1972-1973 I,... Cfaa? DUPLIN COUNTY ?*f" tot* 1 % Retail Sale. 4 4S.72S.W ? 4.SM.404 J* Auto, PI... A Emu 173.790.4P 8,?32,?5 App?el 32,271.14 l,UM07p. \.Q Automotive 192,121.34 14.372,770 Gm.r.l N.icS.4i.? 347,46241 ^ 13,909,131