PROGRESS SWT311^^ 3IISJ Not Spte U?r- Q*ft) Jo# Coetln, Adminis trator for the Duplin County Health Depart ment is shown discussing the N C. Ground Absorption Sewage Disposal System Act of V * . , *1 . 1973 with Sam Glasglow, Duplin County Sa nitarian The State Law will become effect ive October 1. 1973 S' i'2mhi 4iv-2L ' iK? :f: & M: *A" Duplin Citizens Must Have .r 'Improvement Permit'. Before House Or Motile Home Is Located a house or mobtlJ^home on any property which Is not se rved j!by a public or commu nity lower system According to Joe Costln, Du plin County Health Adraioistra Sthe Act alms to protect public health and consumer by requiring that the local he alth department ofcteach county determine whether or not a site In that county is suitable be fore a house or Mobile home is placed thereon f? Tte "Improvement Permit" can be obtained from the Du plin County Health Department in Kenansville end will be iss ued when a field investigation shows the site is suitable for a sewage disposal system in compliance with local regula lus obtained a ?certificate^ Completion," from the Duplin county Health Department, wfi Ich will be issued after a field Investigation shotli that the se sSnXs^rem as ** installed properly Ho permiu can be issue* for electrical, plumbing, heat ing, air conditioning, or any other construction to house or mobile home and no electri cal service can he provided un til the Certificate of Completion has been Obtained Other provisions of the Act lactate definitions; and proce dures for appeals and Judicial review. Developers are ex empt if they present acceptab le plans for community sewer systems and certify that such systems will be totalled before p Violation of ttg Cost In outlined what consti tutes a satisfactory "lrapr(*e tnent Permit" and "Certificate of Completion" for Duplin Co unty ai follows: IMPROVEMENT PERMIT-? Location of Property Boundary lines (2) Location by measure ment of all domestic water su pplies (wells, springs or sur face) within 103 feet of that purticular property (3) Deter mination. of jeitabllity of Lot and soil for septic tank system (6 steps) characteristics and prorosity of soil; percolation rate; topography; depth to water table; and rock or other taper vise formation \ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLE TION-? Determine that the in stallation is installed accord ing to layout design or impr ovement permit (3) Determine that septic tank is construct ively sound, of adequate size and is pre-form and is app roved by Sanitation Engineers Division. (3) Determine that all inlets, outlets, trees, baf fles and other pertinents are of proper design (4) Deter mine by water tests that the dis tribution box is constructed so undly, adequate in size and st albe. (8) Determine by mea surement the square footage in nitrification DRAIN) field, depth of filter material and proper grade of lines Coetin further states, "Our department will be happy to answer any questions concern ing the "improvement Permit" or "Certificate of Completion " 1 urge you to contact the Du Wot^ylnHg"hhl^bS^ a home or placing a mobile home" ' li ?An 3-Map**'?* Tar Heel Fine Arts & JSI Announce Plans For Concert Series a .The Tar Heel Fine Arte So ciety and James Sprunr Ins titute have completed plans for a concert series for 1978-74 and are conducting a fall ca mpaign now by soliciting sp nowned concern. I ?anisn D?inc?r5 WITH roiia Lo rca's Flamenco Dance Thea ter will perform on Tuesday, March 98, 1974. This tNOM of dancers is regarded as the greatest and most exciting gr ot* of Its kind in the world . Jose' Greco's name has been synonymous with the Spanish Deooe in this Country for over a decade. Accompanying him will be Nana Lores and a superbly ver satile group of young dancers, slifers and musicians THE PRESERVATION HALL JAZ AND from Boerboo It rest in New Orleans will bring the original New Orleans mus ic re on Tuesday, r nary IS 1974 These nusl and In the parades and saloons and dance halls. They are among the few living Jazz mu sicians who originated the sf yk. and their average age Is over 60 BROADWAY BABIES GROW UP, a musical review spotli ghting the American contribu tion will be presented en Mon day, November 86, 1973. IWs performance will Include sel ections by Victor Herbert, Slg mund Rhomberg, Rudolph Pr* 1ml, George Gershwin, Rogers and Hammersteln and others. All concerts will be pre sented In the Kenansvtlle El ementary School Auditorium at 8pm on the above date Se ason tickets are |7 50 for ip Adults and 13 00 for students (grades 1-12) and may be pur chased by writing the Tar Heel Fine Arts Society In Kenans vllle Prayer ok. Breakfast A mens dutch prayer break Scheduled Croatan 3 Wstrlcrere hoping for d dry weekend as they loofcJ" forward to the District < . p oree to be heM Friday eveu morning September 13rd ev ening at 7:00 P.M. Friday eeg enlng, ths Camporee will beheld as pel, James Henry wllj serve *$ Camp ree Chief f The Camporee activites will be centered aroend athletic and physical fitness. All activitiea will be held Saturday, Septem ber 32nd A campfire will be held Saturday n&K. , Scouts and Leaders will pre pared their own meals outdoors but should bring a lundi for Fri day night. A Sunday morning church ser vice led by a local minister will bring the Camporee to a close ? Any beys who are Interested In joining a Troop nawv conuct a local Scoutmaster Questions be forwarded to Mr Jemeape nry at E. E. Smith School In KenaasvlCm. ? 3 ^ B Bi BB B I P B m I' \ - ? f I J, **'?'y'*'i ?'?"*??>*'? ? ' j'-cl *? , ' Revival & Homecoming Sa recta United Methodist Ch urch will hold a revival beg inning on Sunday evening, Sep tember SO throqgh Friday, Oc tober 5 - The services will begin each night at 7:80 p.m The guest preacher this year will be the Rev. Ben Wilson of as a conclusion to the re vival , Homecoming will be ob served on October 7. After wo rship at die 11:00 hour, there will be a picnic dinner and fe llowship pelod. Homecoming Woodland United Methodist Church will observe Home coining this Sunday, September S3. Following the worship hour, there will be a picnic dinner and fellowship. Tax Collection LOCAL 1$ SALES AND USE flW COLLECTIONS BT DU PLIN COUNTY FOR AUGUST B7S REPORT WERE $*7,660.63 Mount Olive Native &ets Lawyers Award . _j. ? j-1 .mi ? wly^'s -*? vl J?\i 'y t **...? ? Wnrf 34 71 of Mt. Olive, North Carolina, was today presented the tmul "Younger Federal Lawyer Aw ard" of the Federal Bar Ass ociation at a luncheon in Chi cago's Palmer House. Henry has been Counsel for Trial Litigation In the Fair La bor Standards Division of the Office of the Solicitor, since December 1973. He was acco mpanied to the luncheon by U.S. Solicitor of Labor William J. Kllberg Henry earned a bachelor's degree from Morehouse College Atlanta, Ga , in 1901. He took Ms LLJL from Howard Uni versity, Washington, D. C.. ra nking seventh in his class and being selected by the faculty as the senior who nude the most satisfactory scholastic pro gress. He was also awarded the American Jurisprudence Award for excellence in legal methods and the American Jurisprudence Award for excellence in con flicts of laws Henry has been a federal employee for eight years. He started as a lawyer with the In terior Department, spent a per iod as a legislative assistant to Senator Harrison A Wi lliams, Jr. of New Jersey and came to the Labor Department i four years ago. 1 "He has cominously been ass igned responsibilities ordinar-1 ily carried out by attorneys of far higher grades than the gr grade of the position he occ upied, "the citation nominating him for the award stated K wat also noted that prior to his appointment to his present position, two senior lawyers had carried on the work he assumed. As Counsel, Henry directs i . J 'aflFMbntofrtee tl? raent's entire trial lttflraon ac rtvtry under the Fair Labor St andarde. Equal Pay and Age Discrimination In Employment Acts* The Department Insti tutes more dun 1800 cases un der these statutes each year The "Younger Federal Law- " yer Award" is presented during the annual convention of the Fe deral Bar Association, and is designed tp encourage young lawyers in federal serrioe both in domestic andforeigo service Henry, his wife, Patricia, and their daughter, Danielle, live In Potomac, Maryland. Sheriffs Report Horses Stolen Two horses were reported stolen between September 7 and 10 on the farm of Foster Holland on Rente 3, Mount Olive The horses were identified Mv'|fjied sorrell mare with light red mane and tail, white blase face, 9 years old, weigh ing between 800 and 900 pounds; and a sorrell stud, 3 years old with a white star forehead, back feet were white stocking feet, one back hoof was split, 48 inches high and a one inch scar On his neck. A 8360 reward is being of fered for information leading to the return of the horses Any one with information on the where abouts of the horses are asked to call 396-4531, Duplin County Sheriffs Depc , attention of Deputy R.S. Thigpen All information will be held in con fidence Thigpen said. Takes Life Wilbur Hill, 46, of near Alberston was found dead Mon day of self inflicted wounds. Hill was found by members of his family He is survived fay his wife and a daughter Break-In rffle fx&e been rscov* New Faculty Members The Junes Sprunt Institute, Department of Nursing Announ ced the appointment of M/s. Laura Mosely , N. to teach The New Home and Hospital Ai de Program being ofterM at die school beginning September t( 1973 Mrs Mosely grad uated from the Lincoln Mem School of Nursing in IXt North Cai Sh- has field posit lor at pod Ic Clin ical pltal School rf Nurslnj Nur ling Depa ent head on Ped iatrics and Orthopedics at Now K Memorial I spftal. "'?The lames Sprats Institute, rr is el Nursing has em ? ' . it ployed Mrj. Gayle Weeks, R.N. to teach in the Associate De gree Nursing Program begin ning July 1, 1973 Mrs. Weeks graduated from East Carolina University with a bachelor degree in nursing. She hasl held positions as a Staff Nurse at the University Hospital* San Diego County. University of California and as Head Nurse at Cherry Hospital, Goldsboro, North Carolina Her primary responsibility at James Sprunt Institute will be teaching psy chiatric ^wtOng to the senior BNC Names Davis Regional VP Freeman Manager Of Wallace Office Jack D- Davis has been named regional vice president in ch arge of eight Bank of North Car olina Offices, it was announced recently by BNC President J. Hugh Rich from the hank's st atewide headauarters here Rich explained that BNC's c 09 offices are being subdivided c into regions in order to str- l engthen the bank's management at the regional level and eff ect further decentralization of the statewide hanking system. The branches under Davis' su pervision are located in Benson, IXmn, Eliubethtown, Lillln gton, Mount Olive and Wallace. At the same time it was an nounced that Rufus Freeman, assistant vice president, has been promoted tomanager of the Wallace office, the position for merly held by Davis #ll*s f' Jack* Davis Davis began his banking car eer in 195T with Bank of Caro lina Beach ? He was executive vice president of that bank when it merged with BNC in 1971 For the past year and a half he has been manager of BNCs Wallace offices. Originally from Calypso, Davis Is a graduate of the Carolina School of Banking, UNC-Chapel HOI, and the School of Banking of the South at Louisiana State University. Davis is currently a member >f the Wallace School Board In lirollna Beach he served six rears as chairman of the Pl anning Commission and for sev eral years was an elder In the Presbyterian Church. He was named "Man of the Year" in Carolina Beach in 1967 and was chosen "Boss of the Year" In 1968 fay a Wilmington ABWA Ch apter. . *, r 'i"7Fl + Rufijs Freeman | Freeman joim* B*? to Au gust .1972 as a toe- officer to Wallace. , Previously he was vice president and manager of Southern and Trust Com pany office to Warsaw. Since his graduation from Ea st Carolina University in 1964 he has continued his education through courses offered by the American Institute of Banking A native of Sampson County, Freetoan is a Shriner and a member of Sudan Temple in New Bern and the Wallace Pre sbyterian Church. In Warsaw he served as president of the the Rotary Club. ARCHway East Needs Additional Items ARCHway East, a new app roach for rehabilitation af ch ronic alcoholics, is scheduled to open in Rose HOI October 1, 13*73 This faculty will serve the fallowing counties; Wayne, Duplin, Onslow, Lenoir, Cr aven, Jones, Carteret, sad Pamlico. The building, beds, and bed ding, kitchen equipment and many of the main Items of fu rniture have been acquired. Ho wever, In order to make the atmosphere of this facility more home like, there is a great need for additional Items sach as pictures, card tables, sod tables, coffee tables, game ta bbies, smoking stands, lamps, scatter rugs, chairs, dining ta bles. and even Sofas. Many persons fronvrlmMsiltne, have adpgf hpms. as longer In ?SS HE their hems, but too good to threw away. Won't asf please share wttbJpRfiHmy East? They could mean much in this evdbavor Please ch eck through your storage sod see what you can contribute to this worthy cause. Items may be delivered to : Duplin Co unty Mental Health Center, Ke nansville, Human Resource De velopment Center (old Rose Hill School), Rose Hill, or if you would like them picked up, pl ease call Kenansvllle 9M-4641. Four County EMC Annual Meet Set The twenty-fourth Annual Me et lmg of Members of Four Co unty EMC has been set for Mo nday night, Spetember 34,1973, at Wallace-Rose Hill High Sch ool, Teachey, N. C. Registra tion will be from 6:00 p.m. til 7:30 p.m. At 7:00 p m there will be a drawing for the Ea rly Attendance Prize cf a 1203 credit on the lucky member's power bill according to John Browning, Director of Member ft Community . Services for the Cooperative. After a brief report from the Cooperative's President, Mr. J. R. Powell and Secre tary-Treasurer, Mr.R.E.Pen dergrass, there will be an au dio-visual presentation of die Cooperative's operations. Mr Sam Bundy, humerous speaker from Farmville, N. C. will speak on the subject "What Do You Foresee for the Rest of *73?" Following Mr. Bundy will be the election of direc tors. In connection with the election of the Directors, the Nominating Committee has no minated Mr A. B. Herrings Wa tha; and Mr. R E. Pendergrass, Tomahawk, for three year te rms from the North Pender and West Sampson Districts res pectively L. P. Beverage, General Ma nager of the Cooperative, sta ted that the purpose of the meet tag Is "to give the membership an opportunity to check ap on how their Cooperative is opera ting; get the facta on Its fi nancial status, and to learn what problems it may have to face in the coming year. The mee ting will also give an opportuni ty to the membership to elect to office those members whom they feel will best guide Coo perative along the lines that they warn." Making Plans for the Bic|cle Rodeo to be held on Saturday, September"S3, at 9:30 a tn at the KmansvUle Elementary School Parking lot are (left to right): Ralph Ketchle, Blc , ycle Rodeo Project Chairman for the Kenan , svllle Jaycees; Trooper Wlllard Mitchell: El isabeth Splcer, Kfcnanrrtlle 4-H Club Preai f Jit , - i.-f. ' -4 ? " ? ?. . ?? ? \x~wn 1. -Vrm r V drat! tad Julia Splcer, local bicycler. All bicycle riders of eU ages ere invited to etignd ST3?CM* ?dUth!5^MviUe ?Iy?2SS rf^kUllTlnd rrfl0fl

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