; :?:&:;., r gpp^- v '^ y^MBI^B ?"?>? a ,y.;.' *?? Jfa- -^^i^jS?fc .- ? ' pP ^8(18?**$ t^v ?-. j?* .'^ ? v Li' v ii . ? -.^ n e ? ? i V^i^^Hr li ? >.' \v'V *I"m-' -~~ f5i 'TaT ';/ r?<;" 1 "^r -k' , ^ -j^,, *1 |?|L, . JJ , ^| 1 ^k ?-'jw -"*1 V1 _' 9 ;|'' J l l J '$ry '$L ^ ? '' ' ' V.'f'*? "^f y* ** ? - ' QCluflEK ^ ?a^???? }$. North Carolina Poultry Jubilee^ Festivities 1973 ?'far % & 5 az&m. October 5th fHf October 5th t "I 8:00 P.M. October '6th & 7th ?1 October 6th f V 10:00 A.M. October 8th 11:00 A.M. | i October ?th 11:00 A.M.-5:<# P.M. t? October Bth 2:30 P.M. | . October 8th 'J|: 9:00 P.M.-1:00 AM. . ^ North Carolina Poultry Jubilee "v Fire Cracker 100 Go Cart Bace Rose Hill Race Way ?? ' ^ ' Rose Hill, North CarollniOi^iwlF Qualifying for Golf Tournament Rock Fish Country Club ^ Wallace, North Carolina ?M Country Music Concert Featuring Del Reevel and The Good y Time Charlies Kenan Memorial Auditorium f.v. Kenansviile, North Carolina Golf Tournament ? Rock Fish Country Club '! Wallace. North Carolina . Breakfast Honoring Dignitaries Rose Hill, North Carolina Parade Downtown Rose Hill ,J$ The Clyde Mattocks Entertainers Jubilee Grounds Rom Hill, North Corolln. Dinner Served From "World's Largest Frying Pan" flubilee Grounds Rose Hill, North Carolina . i| ? 0 HwyttTvTMile South of Rose Hhi Introduction of Dignitaries and Presentation otNew Queen and.Her ^otift ? Jubilee Grounds P Rose HUT, North Carolina Southeastern Weight Lifting Championship Jubilee Grounds T t t ??(:& ?$ . Rose Hifi, North Carolina Featuring Maurice Williams and the NstfonapGuard Armory Wallace. North Carolina National Employ The Handicapped Week To Be October 7-13 |jtin| iht tundlupped to ob WUh thow words Mrs^ EMtt capped persons ?d riie locro*" t -1 ? - ? ^ . j?? j.., j.. flppnis pi ovo 10 dc rnaioi stacies to those with various laws have gone a long way to '??j- j ?? ? - ? .vii'. 1 ? ?? su J a-'s In all new ? w and nucl that is already ewMlnce, bu there ? B 4 ; way to jo. Mn. Gr sated that die problems oc cur In tnoet cases because mo st people are unaware of die obstacles "This Is the pur- t pose of Employ the Handicap ped Wee*," Mrs Grant coot. If we can just make everyone understand how It feels to be handicapped, then they will be more considerate " Several programs have been planned for Duplin County du ring the week Is addition to the publicity provided oj the newspapers and radio stations, an essay writing contest has been begun in the schools. These will be judged and prises will be awarded to the winners. Mrs Grant noted that there are many people in Duplin Cou nty who have some type of hat* Heap; The term handicap is a general one and covers many press ion, "hand in cap " This j was used in medleva: times to describe the practice of a par ticular game in which the players held money in a hat or cap, " ? ? - If they violated the rales of the game, they forfeited their money to the other piayers. This misfortune, hand-in-cap, was somehow expanded to in clude the loss or impairment of a physical or mental faculty., Webster's Dictionary defines a handicap as "certain condi tions imposed on contestants in order to equalise superior and irferlor ones " In the ga ms of life, a handicap is a handicap only if the individual allows it to be* There are any number of examples right here in Duplin County Those who experience some type of set-back and who determine to overcome it are better People for it. Moso do not consider themselves to be handicapped. IB fact, many lead norm ,! lives just like the rest of us. The purpose of National Employ the Handicapped Week is to create greater interest in the man made obstacles these people ha - ve to free By so doing, we will be nearing the day when they no longer exist. MISS NORTH CAROLINA POULTRYQUEEN Miss Bonnie Cox of Fwetteville was crowned Miss N.C. Poultry Qu^en Saturday night at the pageant held at Kenan Memorial Auditorium in Kenansvtlle. Fifsw runner-up was Miss Oebra Brewer of Faison and second runner if) was Miss Heidi Sapp also of Fayetteville. Shown loft to right are Miss Brewer, Miss Cox, Miss Jo Carol Jones, Miss N.C. Poultry Queen for 19T2 and Miss Sapp. Miss Cox a^d her court will be featured in the Poukry Jubilee Saturday in Rose Hill. _ . hr* Bonnie Cox Crowned Miss; N.C. Poultry Queen *#? L^Q*.of Fayettevllle was crown Miss -North Carolina Poultry Queen j Saturday night at Kenan Mem-H has brown hair ahdfcrown eyes and is five feat, six inches tall She is a former. Homecom ing Queen for TerrySanford High School as we}l ail form er "Miss Campbell College B? asketball Team". She was Miss Fayettevllle of 19T2 andasemi finallst in the 1973 Miss North Carolina Pageant For bar ta lent in the Miss Poultry Con test. Miss Cox did a ballet dance. She hopes to get her B.S. degree In Danoe and a Master's degree in Dance Th erapy She was sponsored by Morgan and Sons Poultry of Greensboro First runner-up to Miss Cox to Mbw Dehra An Brewer of School. Miss Ddbra er is the daughter of Mrs Es ter Craven Brewer ana the late Mr. Brewer of Fatooo. She Is seventeen years old, has brown hair and brown eyes. She is five feat, six inches tall At her high school she is a mem ber of the Humanity Society, the Chorus, the Band, and the French Club She to also chief secretary of the Student Go vernment Association and a ma Joreete*. Her favorite school subject is history. Atnetnber of the Millers Chapial Baptist Chu rch, she is a member of the IV'1 ? S -t jc choir, secretary of the Sunday Srfaffl] And itccmly Mcsidou of "Crusaders for Christ "She and eventually enter ^he field of twi fling. She wa*> sponsored by El Dons of Wafiace. Second ranner-ep was Miss Heidi Sapp of Faywteville Miss Sapp is the brown haired, bine-eyed daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jack Sapp She attends 71st High School. After gradua ting, Heidi hopes to enter the field of sociology or go into mu sic at NCSU or UNC-CH Her featured talent in the pageant was slqging Miss Sapp was sp onsored by, Raeford Turkey Farms. Raeford, N.C. Miss Jo Carol Jones, Miss N.C. Poultry Queen for 1973, crowned the new queen. New DoctorComesTo Duplin Or. Corazon Ngo, a native of the Philippines, will open her practice for Internal and C-meral Medicine In Kenans ville Monday . Dr. N$o's of flce will be located across F ' ; ? Dr. Noo v J rom the JSl Division of Nur sing. She will be associated with Duplin General Hospital. Or. Ngo is married to Roy L. Simpson who is a water consultant with the State Board of Health in Greenville They have two boys, ages 6 and 3. Dr. Ngo received her degree in the Philippines from the Utaiversity of Santo Tonus. She did one year internship at St. Francis Hospital, N.Y., 2 yrs residency in Internal Medicine at Br once Lebanon Hospital, N.Y., one year residency at 3t Joseph Infirmary in Louis ville. Ky.. and one and a half years fellowship in Endocrino logy and Rheumagology in Fair view General Hospital, Cleve land . Or, Ngo was house phy sician at Fairvlew and served 14 months as senior staff phy sician at the VA Hospital hi Fayetteville before coming to Kenansville. When asked why she chose Duplin County to open her prac tice Or. Ngo said " people, the people are my reason for coming to Kenansville, die pe ople are so nice." Break-Ins Reported West Duplin Christian Chu rch, highway 94 between War saw and Kenansville was bro ken into Thursday night and ac cording to Special investigator Glenn Jernigan $100 in cash and checks was stolen A two way radio valued at $1,900 was recovered from a break in last Tuesday from a Federal Paper Co Inc , bull dozer in Hallsville Three men hive been arrested and charg ed with larceny Arrested were Woodrow Brock, Rose Hill; and Andrew and Roger Albertson of Beulaville Jackson's IGa in Kenans ville was robbed Tuesday be tween 12:30 and 1 p.m. Four black men were reported ste aling JB00 from the cash re gister. More information was not available at press time. Several File Town Elections Nov.6th Nine Duplin County Munici palities will be holding elections for their town officials onHov. 6. 1973 and also voting an there statewide referendums. October 13, 1973 at 13:00 Noon is the last tine a person may Hie for the Nov 6th election. The referendums are as fol lows: (1) Public School Facili ties Bonds of 1973-8 million dollars (2) Clean water bond Act of 1971 and Admendment (3) Liquor by the Drink. As of press time the follow ing persons had filed for of fice in the nine municipalities: KENANSVILLE To be open for election. Mayor (4 yrs.); 3 Town Commissioners Doug las Clark for commissioner; John P. Archibald for Mayor; Incumbent Mayor Dixon Hall stated, "I will not file for re election and will not consider another term as mayor " MAGNOUA-To be open for electlcn-3 Town Commission ers ff yrs ) no filing informa tion ROSE HILL-To be open for election-Mayor (* yrs); 3 com missioners (4 yrs) Incumbent Mayor Ben L. Harrell and Per ry whaley has filed for mayor Joe Littleton has filed for Town Commissioner. TEA CHE Y-To be open toe election-Mayor; S Town Com missioners (2 yrs ), no filing information. Yf At I MHTiitfrkMb i'? tt *?55?Kyor(2 yrs^Tnm Commissioners (4 yrs). Incum bent Mayor Charles C. Farrior filed for re-election Cant mis ?loner* include: incumbent J.E. )ote) Wells. Lloyd J, Boone. Homer M. Booty, Jr. J.D. Teachey. Jr. BEULAVILLE-To be open for election-Mayor (4 yre ); 6 Town Commissioners. At press time the only person filing was BUI Ramsey for Commissioner CALYPSO-To be open for election-Mayor (Syray, 5 Town Cqmmiesioners. No filing infor mation FAISON-To be open for ?ie ction-Mayor; 5 Town Commis sioners (Syrs) Wilson King has filed for Mayor with MsMn Rogers and Isham Blank for commissioners. WARSAW-To be open for election-Mayor. 2 Town Com missioners Johnny Powell has filed for mayor with Colon Tew and Tharman GaslteU, Jr for The poles will be open from 8:80 pm. until 7:*) p.m. on November 6th Registrationsbo ok wtU be closed at 6-pm on October 6th In order to mm ? person must be regis tered in both town and county. The November Mi election wtU be held under the 168-39S Non Partisan election system decided by simple phiralky e 1 -winner or winners who re ars elected in esse of tie the Board of flsnUini determines ^jjy lot No absentee ballots will * Pass State Boards Assigned To Soil & Water Committee Laonie E. Thompson, U.S. Soil Conservation Service En gineer, has been asslgaed to the MC State Soil and Water Conservation Committee to he ad up a watershed planning pa rty according s- Grady Lane. Director of the State Committee . Mr Thompson a Civil Engi neer In the SCS River Basin ? Watershed Staff Office will di rect the PL-666 small water shed planning program for the State Committee in his new po sltion. He is being loaned tothi State Committee through the Inter-governmental Personnel Act or 1970 in which 49? of his salary is paid by the SCS and 517b from state funds. La nes says. "Thompson will di rect the watershed planning p arty in preparing work (Sans in some 7 or 8 watersheds where the State Committee has 1 assigned a priority but in whi ch very little or no planning work has been done to date. The State Committee has assig ned priority for planning to so me 76 watersheds in the state The most recent are Limestone Muddy Creek, Duplin County, Newport River, Carteret Cou nty, and Tri-Creek in Rowan County " Thompson is a graduate of NCSU, Class of 1933, and has had experience in watershed work throughout the State Doc Brinson The Kenans ville Drug St are has a, newly registered pharmacist employed there DocBrinsonre cleved word last week that he had passed the N.C. Pharmacy State Boards ? He took these on August 21st and 22nd after com pletion of the floe year phar macy program at UNC-CH Sc . hool of Pharmacy in May, UTS. He did his internship at Ke nansville Drug Store in the sum mers to fulfill the 12 month in ternship requirement. Doc is married to the former Ml West of Warhaw and they have a three-week old son. Ruse. They reside on John It. f in Kenans rille. Doc is the san;: of Mr. and Mrs. Amos BHn son. He attended James Risen High School ? SI ? *SI hti i( C. ' ? JufauM ] ? 11 U! v n Rom HE! JnroMt how bee !rl ig ft my in pnratt ig ? flrrt me t of t}? 1ST! j fe . (hie urt ednesday and Thursday JoyabU country music them. Chicken from ft* warlto of the N.C. Poultry Qmw and S.^affl:yg5?-j *"Vi i it^ i i i ?t ?? ???L I jiy|?u infer dbd. f Wallace National Guard Armory, the N. C. Poultry Jubilee Dance will bo held fMtajring music by the who attend, say those who of M p Poultry jJS? IZ*L L?^u"y