The Itaplln County Commls *?rs voted to hire ? Count*, tafeh Care Coordinator at tb* r regular sesaion held at ti* iplln County Courthouse Ut S naiuville on Monday. Cteto r 18th. |^p This action was taken after icussing the report from the lalth Care Task Force which Included a survey ?f all the health programs In Duplin O ounty. Also, after considering the report the commissioners voted that the Board of Trus tees of Duplin General Hospi tal, Inc. be sent a recommend elation that the present Admi nistrator of Duplin General H? ospital. Inc. be replaced. A ?>Py ?f the Task Force Sur vey jdll be printed In the Dup Mr, a,e. Shaw, in recom rawKW that the Tax Bluing Centra* bo awartfed to Dixie D?tt Processing of Warsaw. Upon motion of Commissioner DJ Fussen. Sr.and,ec ^ - Alcoholism Workshop r.' .. f $ *. h. *? s To Begin Friday ?%ZT2, SZ7. (8 works nop on Alconoi A* I ie and Alcoholism wUl be i Friday. Oct. ?6. at 8:30 A. at Roee Hill Restaurant ry. 117 North. Rose HU1. N.C. [The Workshop U being spou ted locally by Kenansville hrcees in cooperation with D PLIN MENTAL HEALTH C klcoholUmi Professionals as sisted with the Alcoholism raining Program for NjC.{ SPNC ). based at ECU. Gre ttllle. and Eastern Re-o pn Alcoholism Prografii. al ia with Duplin Mental Health Inter will conduct the one ^tPr^lsdiviy^ t i- . ? - 4\ 1 gram coordinator, Division of Mental Health said, "It is our hope that local programs will' find this workshop a meaning Moot and that eomnmoitv ci tlzens who mend will find it useful to heto them In their community , involvement in a wanness of alcohol problems and programs. hi addition to private clti ?AAMA ,al ,,a m ?mamWK m m i' ?ww, represent Hives rrom co mmaaity agencies such as thb Medical Society, Public Health, Lew Enforcement. Ministry So cial Services, Hospital, and Ci vic Clubs Witt be hi attendance. The evening session, whichwtll begin tt 7:80 pja., is open to Ivey Amdrtg hmqiisTS In Tractor Contest RICHMOND, VA.-A 4-H'er DIO Ml. Olive was among ft lists -vying for top honors in e Eastern U?. 4-H Tractor id Small Engine Contests, Se em ber 23-25, at the State tir of Virginia here. | Rouse Ivey, 18, son of Mr, id Mrs. CjC. Ivey. represen Id Ms state at the 23rd an ital 4-H tractor event. Ivey's rip was sponsored by Amoco il Foundation, which provid d the Guy Geinger Memorial ward and to the top operator od other awards in the contest. Active for four of his nine sate in 4-H in the tractor pro ram Ivey has wan four county ractor driving awards, and he >ok second place In district ompetitkn. His family's .203 ere tobacco farm gives him p cal tractor operating exper moo. Sp? Participants in the tractor I vis Ion of the Eastern contest ?ok a written test on tractor operation, safety and maintena nce and a practical exam in specting a tractor for faulty maintenance and safety items. Efficient use of energy was also stressed as everyone pa rticipated in the first 4-H Pe troleum Power Energy Crisis Workshop at the start of the three day event. During the workshop the 4-H 'ers, their coaches and Exten sion specialists helped develof a year-long energy emphasis program for uee throughout the u;s. Ivey also demonstrated his ability to operate and handle a tractor with a two-wheel and a four-wheel implement attac hed. Contestants tried to at tain the lowest possible score as they guided their machines through a prescribed course. The DupUn County youth was also treated to a tour of co lonial Jamestown, Williamsbu rg. Yorktown and Amoco Oil's Yorktown Refinery. iM v .i: .. i. . .. ? mx-i pltfarming a th? W? s?w Vetwwi's iyf Oldest Veteran In Duplin County John Huffman, 87. will he honored as the oldest Veteran In Duplin County with a gift and also he passed the Batton as ^art^of^he^Warw er^a^Diy^riehraUoti Nov. ll-18th. Sod remembers going on Several cattle drives to Kansas <, Clry. Mo. He entered the JJfi. Army on April 8,1917, embarked j for Europe in 1917 on the battle ship Bohemian and served in France with the 88th Division Field Artillary. In 1925, Huffman moved to Lenoir City, Tenn. and went to work for the Charles H. Bacon Holsery Mill where he retired from in '9S0. Huffman married the former Gertrude Parks of Lenoir City and after her death in December of 1964 moved to High Point, N.C, for eight years to live with his sister and brother in law. He now lives at Whaley's Rest Home in Kenansville. Major General William (Gib) Buck Major General William McGilvery Buck if the North Caro lina Army National Guard will be honored *t mars hall for the Warsaw Veteran's Day Pa-ads to be held on Saturday Wnlng November 10 In Warsaw. Bu