f <1*1- ii " '^s iiiiwimwi* r !'? ^1' f ijiK. >> ..AijaML. >? u-^v-'i WV ?'*'?- ? >*3 ^fv Wr JKiii ? - p M.. -,c-4 ? *- ? - ii '.-ill I I J r ? <V^L> ? ? ?' M'W Hfe "I ^'T" ?j - 1 K-? KENANSVII.LE, N.C. NOVEMBER 15. ?7S ? PAGES THIS WEEK K* PUB TAX Preparations to eiact asc Committeemen for llMirenow ? rv. I As In he pet t Skct wtt rroatt *a rtllbe ntt? ?< giJ* *? I M 19. 19 M I It of leg otlig j an interest In a arm as own IS farming operations on aneeclre farm; Is eligible to participate la any AfiCS program that la provided for by law regard l?s of the nana of fending. No pereon shall fee denied the right to vote boo ante of sex, r Any person who doe* not re ceive a ballot and thinks heU eligible to vote, can pick (*> a ballot at the County AgCS marked or returned to km sR Srirr unifies a chairman, vlce-cha Irmuj, regular member, first and second alternate will be ele cted. \ 1 The three elected committee men also become delegates to the County Convention which will be held In the ASCS Of fice on December 13. 1873 t beginning at 9j00 ajn. The co mmittee alternates bet ome al ternate delegates to the conv entioe and will attend only If regular members are unable to attend. -fa %?? ? ' The purpose ef the County Convention will be to nomin ate aid elect one member to the County Committee. The de h|*h? nut lutu nominate smrj elect a chairman and vice chairman flrom the newly ele- ! cted and Incumbent County oo? mmlttee members. A first and second alternate to the Cou nty Committee will also be nominated and elected. Iht County Contention la also op en to any Interested person. The newly elected county and community committeemen will take office on January 1. 1974 concerning ASC committee el ectlttm^or ^any^her prcyams Accent On Agriculture r?' >*" K i." '* .. ? I": IPoK ' 'i- -1 .J-ii,: . . 1' , VBY B.C. MAN6UM - J?. AC. Fanw Bureau Fade ratio* ^ AndJJown fiS ef1* Sso cents a pound Kgg nave aroppea rrom ine retail Ugh ol $1 par down la 70 to K cents, sad farm priest ceats*1o ?**i^sTcoale*per Snn priest haw^hsen^an the ^Ih fact, ^pritorjo the tall^ of Stan encounter. Poultry ^aad egg producers are ready and eiDtag^to taho^theirj|hancea in The 'best way to aasuht S/irrt^ tunlty for profit in the market Thla is why Farm Bureau has traditionally oppoaed gov ernment price and waee con ?swaaiwia? r ^aesa trols which discourage produc tlon aad attach only the sytnp tatns of hrfiatloa and net the pJulnod^ _ ccmpooy ofl prlmed'on Tuesday rf next wmk. Correepondew ?h ould hare their news la our office no Uter then 13 turn ? on UjoJey, Hoy. 18. potaSe wSSiyw ill nmi ?Mh^ ftf mnpiiitff Swe^rSw IJBq will aggravate extol of abut dowo hi IMB0H with far rompinio. employee*. 0*"* eeuntry. Urgent actio laire quired to mot thia critical? ait "ISl" _ru_riWml. fftiif ?Hi|at the In am Umoeof gttrx to conserve en will tike tlmijsf lttM;lk their mntoam." |gF*! Public Invited |o a ?. v*A.- .L .at w t f Open House At Guilford-National Mr. Lee Boeeeberg, raeet dent of GuiUord-Nationi? 1 Con|>j pany, Kenanxvitle. steeds a cordial invitation to citizen* of Duplin and neighborieg ei?> tie* to attend a special open ] 0,1 totw LolUllg lillS UvLawUll sprtldt to expteaa our thanks to our employees and many friends who have helped make Guild fcrd-National Company part of iL. -.ll. I 1.,nln^.r.J,.,l Af me grow in ana aeveiopmeni ox die communities in this area. We sincerely hope the tour of our plant will acquaint you and your family with our entire operation." > Ground - breaking ceremonies Duplin County's major indus tries, to a completely vertical warp knitting complex whsse operations include wacplhg, knitting, dyeing and (InMMtag. Services and fabric programs of the company we specifical ly designed to meet the In creasing demands of the mens and ladieswear and home fur nlshimt markets. Grond-breaking ceremonies for the multi-million-dollar en terprise were held October aO 1ITJ, on the plant site son# seven miles north of Kedans vllle on N. C. It. The plant went into operation about?a year later, and although gronOt th has been constant, . Guild - ford-National is still reaching toward full capability. The firm now ompleya ap proximately m persons, and is operating three shifts in all departments. X. The Guilford Mills, Inc. of Greensboro and National Spin ning^ Company, Inc., of New years experience aps Sn^^Sdtord^ markets iUtoxtils products ra Dallas. UK^H?rkMiami ami \ e*lnf)|M r V fpc.ll:: Ml of iwy- " "wy1 ? ji JWI'SyWBBBRFv.' The above picture *howi mejnheM of the Kenan*viBe Beautl ficetioo Committee who attended the Award* Precram, left I* right: Mr*. Prwton Retford. Mr*. Mary Jo Guthrie, SeoretH?. Mr*. Virginia Peneey. Quilrman (holding plaque) Mr*. N|M Pennell. Mr. HVHan PennelL and Mr*. Larene VeataL Extension Service Sponsors Contest Kenansville Wins First , tieo Committee von first place it the nine (purity area con test far ?TlKhnilllMT Devetop ment" and J'Anti-Utter * and t|M uTmnteeu" ^reeeettad ?MM tfkf IMIlill ' fwjr/1^ man li jK annual awards pro1 tt&igm; TUa money win be umd te ajnTT * "T RoK- % i", 1/ Mi Jbi Announces ^ bin. credit* wlli be atlforod at iamb* Spruat Inatltute during the Winter Quarter: MAT in Precakului Mnthomo Ilea 7:004:30 Moo. and Wed. SPE US Fundamental at Speech 7:00-0: so Tues and Tburs GEO 135 Introduction to Physi cal Georgraphy 6:30-10:01 Man. and Wodneedagr. ^ ; ?- ? ? ?" ? _ curriculum creau toward an Associate Degree: T-BUS 111 Accounting U 7:00 0:10 Monday and Wednaaday T-BUS 103 typewriting U 7 00 0:30 Tuesday and Tbonday T-BUS 107 Shorthand II 0:30 3:00 Monday and Wednnaday OCT HUM Beginning Drafting 7:00-10:00 Monday and WW. WLD 1141M Beginning Wcidfag 7 00-10:00 Monday and Wed. culture and i;* Thursday and 7*?:? Thursday. v . Wtator Qaorter raglatfatlau win ba beldaa Wednesday. November 28. StudenU may ra?i>tor |or the above-bated courses aa that day or at tka first dam mediae. For mora information, call theDeaa at StudenU' Office. 29M501. Concert Series Moved To Memorial Auditorium The Tar Heel Klne Art* So ciety has announced a change hi location for the 1973-74 con cert series Hie concert* war* originally scheduled to be hold In the KenansvBle Elementary School. However, due to the in crease in the number of ticket sales for the 1973-74 concert ?tries. It has been necessary to move the concerts to the Kenan Memorial Auditorium, which is adjacent to the Kenansvilie Elementary School. While location has changed the dates remain the same The first concert Broadway Babies rises wwae^s^eSw* Grow Up. is scheduled for Mon day night. November 33 at 3:00 p. m. Following will be the Preservation Hall Jasz Band on January 15. 1974, and Jos'e Greco and His Dancers on March 39, 1974 ./ Season tickets may be pur chased from any Board mem ber of die Tar Heel Fine Arts Society, or by celling the office of the Fine Arte Society at 393-4831 or James Sprunt In stitute M 3334331. "ji . . ' v- "* Beulaville Jaycees I To Collect Conned Goods 1EUUAVILLE - us? Native Of Duplin County John Grady Honored As Oldest Veteran Mb David Grady was bora la AlberUon, North Carolina on January at, lM. He lo the old not oon of Jamoo McRoe aad Mary WUliamo Grady. Bio fa tter waa owner-operator of a large country (tore and the oM carter Mm ta Albertaon. Bo early achooBng va at ttjerrtwe^l^jUaidiM^aad ?cSS*ta*Corteret Cour^He A tm n,,, %ff /a glb^ ? ? BQUbIvU ITuill W? w? OUWc University la IMS with a B. 8. degree In Agriculture. FeBmr iag graduation from ?eOege he worked in rnim?a??? Georgia ae a manager of the Muecafol Dairy Company. Later he re turned to North Car"*" whore he arm engaged in farming ami the mercantile buatneee. In Anguat 1?17 he entered the Sad officers training camp at Nort Oglethorpe, Ga. and LieutwS'ofMd artfllery?on October XI, U17, He served with the nath Held Artillery and with the Sixth Regiment aad at tend school of fire at Fort 801. OUa. He commanded tte Head quarter* Battery of tte tend Field ArtiBary until demobUx ed, then served with the MMh Reserved Labor Bfe?% un til Ms discharge, following wM-. ch be was commissioned a let. Lieutenant -in Field ArtiBary . Baser va and served untB Sept. 1Mb. 1MB. For 10 years thro 2aS ^ W^tTwar'n h* Mr. Grady, who is now N has lead ? very active life M Ms cemmunhy and atate. He tee teen a very legal Wolfpack tan attending most of tho km* games. Be wee honored at the fhwi game la Old Rkhhck Sta dium by being sited ta taae tte ceia for tte stmt of tte game. He played la the flret game at tte stadium la 1N7. He served a seven year If w - ? ? isr "w^ "'-ipyiiu 3 John Grady & Major General Buck term. ioehpKn* the yean of World War n. witfcjte Duplin County Selective Service Board. ty yean ee a pate bolder amd Judge at tlortttt He Ja maried to the termer Ruth ^Outlaw. daughter of^thC rr^n.~ as.? Wallace Dean was winner of the T.V. given away by the Warsaw Chamber of Commerce during the Veterans celebra tion last-week in Warsaw. The Warsaw Chamber of Commerce sponsored a bike race last Thursday night in connection with the celebration. Winner in the race were: 7-9 year olds. Earnest T. Knew les II; 9-10 year olds, Darret EzzeO; 11-12 year olds. Nor wood Wot; 42-U year olds. Earl Bright Each winner was given a $10 prise. The Warsaw Jaycees regis tered the bikes, inspected them and put reflector tape on each bike. Warsaw Police Chief R. J. Skelton said anyone not reg istering their bikes during the race may do so at the police department. - ? a Scenes From Veterans Day Parade

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