^ ^ ? ? ft ? ? ? - i X 1 Y ^ jt ? ^ ML Wfgff I' III | I I III MiL | S ' I ^L. V -'9 ? ? ??' . . '3* II * 5W^ "iT^E^ >w n m ?** %ii':.&w&::-- '? %L- &*MW: iiWfc 'i w-' i?Wii-> ..^i aLtal 1 VOL^HO^ , ?N?BTOXE.,J.NO?.M??3,.m, . P?*TH., wt*K '-PLUSTA* j Jo Carol Jones Crowned Miss Duplin County was crowned Miss Duplin Court 3 ty 1*74 Saturday night in the sponsored annually by the War saw Jaycees. * Miss Jones 1*. who b the daughter of Jlr. and Mrs Ar nold Jones,Js ^a yaduate^of is attending Guilford College. She won a MOO coOege scholar ship and a $100 wardrobe, pine ISO travelling expeneas to n#. ? Miss North^Caroiba Pageant. Jo Carol worked on the Duplin Times Staff bet summer. g ?, A Sham Kay Brown. ?1. dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs Russell JP. Brown o| route a. Rose HM-i was iiwaif first runner-up. MbO Brown b a Junior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel HB1 where she b a member of the Women's Glee Club and a feature writer tor the "Dnfly Tor fieri.' campus oewmaper. She reeeivod a. aann _-u- ? ?? ' ? ? .'''Si MM scholarship. Sherry Igma Edwards, IT daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil second runner-up She b a | senior at Cast OapKn High school where she is a member j of the Pre-Mod Club. Brenda Sue Sutton, 17. a ' senior at North Duplin High I school was seiected by the con testants as Miss Congeniality.1 Shs is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Sutton of Faison. ' Dick BBS. Director of Pub- f He Information for the North * Carolina Department ef Cul tural Roaaurcae in the Stato j Archives and History - State Library Building. Raleigh, was master ef ceremonies Judges for the pagesnt were Dr. Alberto De Bobe of Raleigh Gay Herring Brawn of Galda bero. Brie mei?? of Raleigh, R. Gene 9peas of Goldsboro, and Debroah Wilton of Spivey*s Mrs. Chirlie G. Carr served as producer-director of the Emt. The theme for this pageont was "There's A World Coming." Special entertainment Was onn,! .1, ,| L? Ttonmi Diuankat-lr proviaea oy Danny itivenDarn., Flynn Rivenbark. Joe Scott, lad Greg Shank. f MISS DUPLIN COUNTY ? Miss Joeleate Carol , ^*''a^- to Crvntd *<W Dupttn County f"? ***** fUncl?e? ^ y??r'? Miaa Duplin ir4?ifcg?ia are. (left to right), Sharon Brown, first runner up. Angela Hanchey Sherry Edwards, second runner-up, and ttwndo Sutton, Mlee Congao T "*?" # ?***< jp? TALENT AND BEAUT* - Urely Miw Jo Carol Jones select,* heT^t fr?m the mU3iCal "Ge"t,emen **"* Br* talent presentation Saturday in the annual "u t (PHOTO BY NEL80N BLAND h Wreck Kills Bowden Youth | outh, I I iim Donel) Joynqr, ??',-.ag killed 13 ,? 9p ' M ' Trw War flier ?ra Sy wi. w m hold Of * at their remodeled store on Fron; Street Thursday lira' Saturday : D - ; MWt 1. modeled ht etore, t Home Entertalnn nt ce ? feattrlng ra r.v; Qosed J. D Pike, Camping tad Ac s^r?.ofs.^.r nounced that the Tuscarora closed to cunp^l ?E Mate band on 'fire permit* bas been lifted. Pike went on to Mate that the woods are in critical condition due to the jack . of rain Jmd the fact that nights are cold and the fires are necessary to keep Scouts warm. He is hopeful that the band Would be lifted within the next Cmdr Tom Keane To Honor Duplin Scouters f ' 'i' ? t Cmdr. Thomas J. KeaneUSN speaker at the annul Croataa cafeteria, Watsaw^^^vl Cmdr. Keane is no stranger to scouts and stouter* of Cro at an District. He recently spoke to Veteran*' Night fes- 1 tivlties during dedication of the new, sprswlirg Bof Scout Res " ervation of Tnscfpora Council at DentoovUle. The opening of the camp this-year marked fifty years of continuous sc outing for Tuscaror a. V I Active in Scouting since 1031, Keane was the first National Director of Senior Scoutlqg, 06A, and retired as Nallanal Director of Civic Relation ships. He has received the Silver Buffalo Award from the BSA for distinguished service L *k ..I to boyhood and the Taka-sno Award .from the Boy Scouts fa Japan. . * J Dying fee evcnfa^sever* u?ca?icr^ wui roceiie awuut. iTtlTdl* rtt " wCl Ifa recofefeed fi a J? well done, line indrodualk viable position which CUHttn , holds among districts in fee ?: Council -- first place, having won the President's Trophy for five suoceeding years. Vl The highlight of fee evening will be a presetration fay Cmdr. Ksane. He will pre sent the Medal of Merit to ' a local Boy Scout for his efforts involved in saving fee life of a companion this summer. Tickets for the event are available from any adult scout er Duplin Sanitary Landfill Praised By State Officials Dtgjlin county's new sanitary landfill operation county trash vfceeoffteSc D?parteentof H^ru5S?toWai?d Hotter, chairman of the DupUn county commissioners, O. |f. Stricidand, supervisor of the Solid Wast# Msnssenisnt Unit Solid Waste and Vector Control Branch of the Sanitary thinly JHSLm which opened last June: < ? * "t visited your county on November t4, 1171, ac companied by Mr. James Sloan and Mr. Terry Dover and made an inspection of your solid waste management facilities "1 would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you^yuur boer^and thejpeopk '^ThTsaStary Iwdfifl SjKui ur#r coSeSK T,*yery adequateand I am sure your L..?L fn wainina ma?? ?. ioo ion rn 10 jiiiii - ww nun^ement and I think DupUn cowty is vary fortunate to have Mr. Dave UnderhiD as your Ortllrl aav a- ?* band waste Manager. "Congratulations again ea a fina program, and if this office can he of any aaaiatant, please let ui know. Vary truly yours, 0. W. Strickland. supervttr. The Duplin landfill waa opened in June of this year. It is iwuinri About six miles south of NC11. The site is opened from 8 a. m. until 4 p. m.. Monday rsi'sts.s isS: The landfill ia for Qw usa of D\g>lin County residents and &&&? mjt MsaWaiea i _aaL tnjiliullnd w garoage ana irasn^irauaing plosives, poison, etc. are not allowed however. ' ?hereby large 'teal trash containers are placed at various r?idents'ntnay 'dump their nay uk these containers to drop honwihnlrt trash, gar bage, etc The county recently pur chased two specially-built trucks to collect^ from the the truduMire MaSk^Chiter at route 2, Mount OUve and Phil Casteen of KenansviUe The trucks. 1174 models, hold S cUMc yards of garbage each. Area places where the can tslners iavc been j^loced in mill, Harvey Myers store e%? -?-_a ftrtt-t Beiutancus, ray onoge store Sum merlins Crossroads, A. L Jackson's store, an kstsrsectki near WlQie Ray Herring's store Hooty Jackson's froeery, Scott Store, Albertaon, Whiteflaah and at Unas Chapel. , In addition to tha trash pic up system (Ur county resident! Underbill said two specif trucks have been purchased t be used in tha industry pkk-u *r wins national honors *|Lynn Hail of Warsaw is shoWp with the la/out which won him National Honors at the Spth Annual Na ttanal Junior Horticuhural Convention held at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in November. Lynn won first place in the Landscaping category. Lynn Hall Wins National Landscaping Award Lynn Hall. representing t Warsaw and Duplin County ( 4-H, won first place in jhe I 1 Landscaping category at "the j 39th Annual National Junior l Horticultural Association Co nvention held* Oklahoma city J an Nov. 3-5. Lpm qualified fcr the Nqt M and 21 frdta over 40 rt? y tes interested in horticulture. was among 36 youths fropi North Carolina who wopf*. total of flue National Awards ( three 1st Place out cf? Flue basic-categories.) 1/ Hie fast moving NJHA'pfr grum was centered in the newly renovated Skirvin Pi>z* Hotel with the National cdm petition in Judging. Identifica tion. and Information as well as Demonstrations and Spee ches held on Saturday. Nov ember 3. The N^lonal Demonstration Contest was divided into S Msic categories including. (1) production. (2) marketing, f3) Use. (4) Landscaping, and (S) artistic arrangement. Nation al winners were selected in each division as in the Sec ond Annual Speaking of Horti swne day. The Judging, Identification knd Information Contest re quires a detailed knowledge of horticulture. The contes tants, each winners in their own state. Judged the market quality of horticultural pro tects. identified a selection of vegetables, fruits, flowers, and ornamentals as well as took a written examination on horticulture. Friday night the convention was called to order and the delegates greeted infine west ern fashion comnlete with Cowboys and Indians Saturday evening featured an old fashioned Oklahoma Chuck wagon Feast at the National Cowboy Hall of Fame. Sunday started with the Campbell's Soup Company Breakfast with Governor and Mrs. Hall as special guests, followed by a church service under the dir ection of the Association Of ficers. After lunch the delegates vi sited the state Cactus Show, Will Rogers Gardens and con ducted their 39th annual busi ness meeting at which time J the hew national officers were selected. A series of workshops were held on a number of horti cultural subjects under the leadership of national horti cultural authorities. Subjects - ranged from rerrariums to leadership. A visit to the Caslid* Dinner Theatef M 'SUlr Spaqgled Girl' was fe- 1 atured Sunday night. Monday featured tours to Moesel's Hort-Haven, 'New Horizons'. Tommy's Cello-Pak, Far mer's Market, The Oklahoma Ctty Zoo. Furrow's, Inc., and . j the Scottish Rite Temple. The climax of the conven tion came on Monday night with the 39th annual Awards Banquet held In the new My riad Convention Center. Na tional and regional winners were announced for the var ious NJHA contests held at the convention and in the En vironmental Be unification. Experimental Horticulture, Production and Marketing, and the Achievement and Leader ship Projects. The entire convention was planned, organized and is di rected by a group of Junior Officers and Junior Leaders supported by the local host committee and a National Bo ard of Trustees. Lynn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hall of Warsaw and has been very active in the 4-H programs in Duplin County. Farm Fuel Situation Many fanners have exprese ed concern about the fuel short age, particularly as to the ef fect the shortage will have on their operations. While roost row-crop farmers activities are limited to harvesting late beans and seeding cover crops, the poultry producers' needs for fuel will increase as the weath er turns colder. Below Is an advisory notice issued by the office of Petrol eum Allocation for your infor mation. Please note this notice - is in effect for a 60 day period, - and the emphasis placed on i farming operations (item S.). DEPARTMENT OF THE IN , TER OFFICE OF PETROLEUM . ALLOCATION ADVISORY NO I T1CE NO. % , In order to relieve unintend i ed results under the Mandatory Allocation Program for Middle ' Distillate Fuels, it has been de termined that pursuant to Sec tion of II of the Regulations I <EPO Reg. I; 30 FR 286601 far a period of. 80 days effective immediately, suppliers shell t ||,IMI ^ |i lowinj; purposes: dudes petroleum ostursl equipment tsvntiii w<J9vj|]nn There Is A Santa Claus As the Christina* mn approached in 197S, the aashau at the Department at Social Service* mleel hew wo ever pro vide "Santa Claus" for the raaay children in foster can la Dup lin County. Through the newspapers and personal materia we carried our need to the people who as willing}* cam* la our rescue. Many of our children had never experienced the wander ment at finding on Christinas morning that Santa had viritod them The donations at gifts, money and clothing began to come in, in ra^otioe to our appeal to the public. Through the combined efforts of. churches, schools, clubs, businesses, and other Inter ested person on Christmas morning, our footer children rented that "There really la a Santa Claus." During the past year many children have come Into the ha ter car* program because of neglectful and abusive situations, aad soma have boon returned to their own hornet or to the betnoo of roietivee. Again this year the Duplia County Dapartmmt of Social tar rices la requesting your htlp in providing a Many Christmas fir the thirty-five children presently In faster car* in the county.. Thane children range torn age 1 through If years. Aaysas to teres ted In preridh* Christines Cheer In the true BoNdsy ftdrit to than* deserving children may contact the DupUa Chanty De partment of Social Sarricea, P O Bos <0*. riaaaaitli. Mtrth Carolina. (Phono No. JN Ml) tigla CtlaA Om trip aaraM on portf

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