| m . w v 'v- ? NT ' Sv< . ; '/i"* > J ??; i * <-.?; % r i FJ /Pf ? ' *?? '"? * * ' v* '? ' V li-| " ? ^ ^ l.y^ ^ '' ^L. ^S* ^^ '1 jf ji ? 40?; "^ ifcp f JIt r' ~' l *':"H ? JfB'- I I ?' ^P?ipRPI^IB|j||^P!P'' " 'i~ -?'??ir *itr ?*' ? ^->*" James Sprunt Accredited By Southern Association Of Colleges And Schools James F. Strickland, Chair nan of the Board of Trustee*, is pleased to announce that James Sprunt Institute has re ceived full accreditation by Southern Association of Col leges and Schools; This action was taken by the Southern sssrr gjz In Houston, Texas on December .18, OT8, and confirmed by let fefr to President Hall front Dr. 5 Gordon W. Sweet, Executive gfotaKary of Southern Associa > Southern Association of Col lages and Schools la the ac crediting agency for college and schools for the Southeastern Region at the United States. James Sprunt Institute was Chartered as a technical insti tute and member institution c$' the North Carolina Department of Community Colleges in March of MM. The ^school Automotive Mechanics, aiM has I rm.-riculums and a fulltlme stu dent body of over 400. in ad dition. the Institute serves some 4,000 adults annually through non-credit extension type courses,. |g?||" ifOuiji sown rn amoc #. Ja,mes ln|#tuf? becomes a full voting delegate of the Association; becomes eligible for all federal funding; and. offers the assurance to the public that the program offer ings at James Sprunt institute meet the standards as estab lished by Southern Association of College and Schools for-edu cational institutions with simi lar offering. ' Accreditation is the culmina tion of three years of study and work by the staff of James Spirent Institute. Chairman Strickland would like to con gratulate President HaU and his faculty and staff for this accomplishment. V '|pi Church fuel i';:f Stoletfeplo ; According to Duplii Count* ??.reports, fuel oil was stdtafrori a Route 2 Beulaville ffwrch. Several gallons of fnelJRh* been remo /ed from an ojQirun. outside of the churqjg Mr. Victor Lawless has notiSkd the Sherrtff's Department the theft, i! ?. t Notk? ? * ham '.v, M Ken ana vi lie Ipvfn Office wO) be dosed from 12:30p.m.*: ceraber 19 uftil December*?. Tr^^yur^e p^iirf f ~ "nn Shown above are: 1-r, Judy Revell, president of the ftp Club, Joldie .Smith, vice-president df the National Honor Society, Mrs. Shlrlie Carr, sponsor for both the Pep Club and Na tional Honor Society, Nelson Baker, Pep Club member, Mr. H. L. Williams, sponsor for the T!'- . trWv'/^T^t' ? DECA Club, and Gall Grady, presiden" of the DECA Club. All these people were Waders in James Kenan's efforts to support five fester children during Christmas. Shown with them are the bicycles they purchased from the money raised in this wonderful project. a?'w6Ssi- ? *jar.o [(Cheer For Foster Children Students of James Kenan High School in Warsaw have been to h"hese students have chosen to ito Ssnti Clsus to iv very lucky Duplin County foster chil dren. Three main clubs of thr school - the DECA, Pep Club th< tin National Honoi Uarted this pro jet hlch as ,CMO n A Va?a,- MiiSiti .MA k gfown into ft nugc success* Mr3?? Shlrlle Cert of Rose Hil Mr. H? L. Williams hsve beer ).lS| adult sor s of this pro ;ave helped the stu The ire [oi the DECA Ch b a result of ? the sd cftMs ?<* to I James Kenan's halls afepast ers urging every stodenttogive money to this worthy cause. Mrs. Carr estimated that ap proximately 9330. has been raised for these children's Christmas. An example of what this find has been used for Is as i The school has already pur chased two blcyt les ft ? two of the foster children, plus count ies gifts The ? ' James Kenan High School haw really found the true meaning of Christ mas - giving not only gifts but e . Wht could not fee a nicer Chri Junes Kenan and these clubs mentioned have dene a wonder fu job in this effort to pre Vide Christmas for these chil dren. WhenSantaClaus arrives this year, flee ver. thankful fos ter children will remember the efforts of James Kenat and the beautiful job they have ful P" o Carol Jones Ml 'Si . ?;,< tarty Edition * - I Th. DUPLIN riMES KOI be 'SSL 21 , In the nbei 88. John A. Johnson Roceives Award On December 15, 1973, Mr. John A. Johnson of Warsaw received an award for 'outstand ing Community Service' for his participation in the Passport Application Acceptance Pro ?am. Mr. Johnson received ? award from Frances G. Knight, Director of the Passport Office of Washington, D.C. Mr. Johnson briefly described his Job with passports in Ae following statements. 'Here in the office we fill oat the applications for passports end . tail them for final approval to Washington, DjC. It takes about two weeks under ideal situations to get the form com pleted and returned from Wash ington. This Job takes knowlege and we must be correct in our work or the form will be return ed to us from Washington in complete,' So, there is evi dently a good deal of work that goes into obtaining a passport to another country. Mr. Johnson had these com ments about his award and the people who help him arrange ???,? . for IXiplin citizens toh*re pass ports. 'While I am grateful for the award, most of the actual work in this area is done by Mrs. Millie Band who is very ac complished in this work. As Clerk of the Court, I am grateful for the privilege of. rendering this passport service to the people of Duplin CoUnty.' Mr. Johqbon is married to the former HHen Brown and they have four