" "' ???. :j"^ - '" :?,'.!? ^ \ p?ul Brewer was named the recipient of the Warsaw Dis tinguished Award for 1976. The award was presented Tuesday night at a banquet ass&sr* bjJ A native of Wilson Brewer came to Warsaw^in 1972 as Vice Company. tt^has^n^frejfrthe <*|enansville Rotary Club and the privileged children ^is DugSff "S*?:Tiifrj Iti presenting the award. Colon Qiiiim lest yeef*s DSA recipient, said, "Paul is a man srrsrrr-: 3fSr?S^iit 11?^ .. Billy Kaowtn, Chairman ot ?1^ ?_ U- ?!???-?-, ft,, ?* B? ycsr s Danqueiv uiinxiucea ipoc)i| guests a4 foHffWs; pMk I sioaer; Frank Steed. Geral^ . the Faison Jayceesl .y V ^ Dwight Smith, legtoaal Di rector at tbe N.C. Jaycees, miroaucea ?Fi*? .speeser ror inNt evening, Joe HaBowefl, Piesl deot of the North Carolina J*HaHoweH said in Us opening remarks that ?We wejwc^ to job. and to^Ulk shoot'serious business, and that Is what Jaycees do." He said Jaycees *>.*- ."7*; ?; y;-i- j II III 11 Jf tli ?nhail *- ? nvxivwcii mamvo wc J My - | -* afc m a 1_ ?L- ? oeet and tnc piopie tn the com- | wide project*, uch as the | 3?5St;:= ! Flag Awards - Dwight Smkh, | Kenneth Oay. Colon Qafcw, Oonnie Johnson sad Bobby scribed as the " tool ZT*watft J with "To qualify fer this award, ) aJsya>es?ustbeartjvs^fcr More aew ?essber and ba a loyal 1 ^^^y^fw2?T ? * Email High School. They excell, h academic work and athletfcH KdvMei. Teresa is the dangh- 1 er of Mr. and Mrs. Tim ] Williams. Nelson is the son or? Hr. and Mrs. Nelson Carlton. < I The Outstanding Young Edu lator Award was presented to tfrs. Melba Bowies. Mrs. lowies teaches first grade at Warsaw Elementary School.She s the wife of Sun Bowles, a brroer coach at James Kenan The Outstanding Young former Award was given to Bill Suede. Jr. Bill is a graduate of NtOtodtot College in Fayette Mo. lis was Vice President of l|? CMniwsMe Branch of Fcd> iral Lend Bank before returning ThejDutotMding Young Fire ij. ^ ^ Dtw^ihrf Lv; ftljvCk Instruction I? ^7? ?fc.T SfS^ Administered the program since the beginning. The idea, of Individualized instrhetion 'feat , people have talked about fur wars is being realized under his leadership. The faculty is strong Ind works together to provide the needed contact for each ,#i>4d. The organization is based ?n three teachers teaming to iatflwr to develop a program jfonsiant evaluat ion of each child make the program rewarding and effective. I , The physical education pro gram has received much atten tioti by the planners. The con stant effort to provide know ledge is well as physical trgln ing for the youth is basic in the plan AU physical movement^ i are considered in the obstacle course, games are adapted for ihside as well as outside activi ties, sad objectives are set and* end results are well planned and RHudpal Slemenda said the program bus all bui eliminated disciplinary problems at the school. 8! includes . organized activities on an outside play area. or. if the weather is bad. in the school's gymnasium. ? 41 Leach assistant principal pointed out the program 4* basketball# nay be set on cylindrical tabes. Tin first com petitor tries to stack sue cylin der and ball atop another 11 a ball falls. Ike pupd must pick H up and do it over. This takes time and spredcounts. $ to~53 : T ! cftHMW ftloftikti ind lunniff 6 o:?V^ m ? ? A run-away-car ia Warsaw Wednesday afternoon censed traffic on US 117 to come to a halt. The car. a 1967 Ford, traveled round and round in a circle at a rmm tdeohoM Dole twice And u?ir212V!L5S;jfc rjjpggf*-"*; suit and he raised the hood to woii on the eatise. Preston Vot the Molar started end thee the to nee. The gear shift dieppsd into reverse sad off went the car. The vehicle started from be 5s1 frJS&JCulmSieae Ballard. Treasurer, re acted on the financial operation f the Council and the various neans of funding. During the mat year, support came from aincs Sprunt institute, the Hnplin County Board of Edu atfon. the N.C. Arts Council. and from many local members whose contributions ranged from SI to 1100. All goals for memberships and contributions for the present year wefre at tained. Regina Whaley. Executive Director of the Arts Council, reported on several of the events sponsored during the past year. Of particular impor tance was the "Arts in the Schools" project in which over 10.000 teachers, parents and students actively participated in activities held in 17 public schools. Last year's artists in cluded a potter, a painter, a soprano, a concert pianist and a photographer. This year the activities have been expanded to include a sculptor, a singer, a painter and musicians playing a variety of stringed instruments including the banjo, fiddle, dul cimer. guitar and harpsichord. ; ' -vi _ _ , , - jaMfi _ ?/ The Duplin County "Arts in the Schools" project has gained statewide attention for its over whelming. success. Director Regina Whaley has made nu merous trips across the state to speak to various groups abut the project. Other arts councils and schools arc interested in estab lishing similar programs. For the coming year several events are planned. One of the most exciting events will be a festival planned for May 6. 7 and 8 in Wallace. This festival will feature professional crafts men from throughout the east ern part of the country who will exhibit unusual crafts; local talent will provide entertain ment. Other plans include a special performance in April by Arts in the Schools participants, a summer scries of events, spe cial programs throughout the year by ft*: a I artists, and works by Third Century Artists. President Graham stressed that the goal of the Arts Council is to reach people of all ages and backgrounds with a variety of art forms so that they will have an opportunity not only to ex perience firsthand a variety of artists and their works, but also to explore and develop their own artistic talents. He stated that a goal has been set of 500 new members and explained the or ganization of the campaign. Local chairmen, made up of husband and wife teams, will organize their areas and co ordinate the efforts of workers that they designate. During the month of February these work ers will be calling on the resi dents of Duplin County to make a creative investment in support of the arts to help improve the (Continued to Page 2) Beulavitle, and Mr. and Mr?. William E. Craft of KenansvtlJa.