j/1^^^. n ? ; | A state audit of the DupHa County CM at Qmti office, ' court cases MIS improper ac counting. which brought the following statement from John II A. Johnson, Clerk: \ A .3$ ; | "Basically, the audit speaks of deficiencies of practices and ? procedures in bookkeeping Then k no question in this f 1 audit with reference to money, , as being short or over. The exception to thk is the $274.03 in dirbt^h invitation for anyone and every one to visit the Clerk s ofnev and examine our records and/or our system at any time. I'm here to serve the P' i NEW ADDmON TO QUINN COMPANY A new warehouse and freezer space 300x300 totaling 90.000 square feet will begin construction in the new (wo Jeckt M Quinn Company in Warsaw ? >*i*. v Fii - ? ????& z V t ? ' K The Quinn brothers presented die plans at a sranyfe ? h&i Quinn with the drawing of the proposed tmildiniE ~ K&fSm? ' miS: V. > ? 5 > ? ? v "^7 - - ' ? ....... Annual Stockholders Meeting Around 1,000 members at tended a joint stockholders' meeting of Coastal Production Credit Association and Federal Land Bank Association of Clinton Friday, March 11, 1977, at Kenan Memorial Auditorium in Kenansville The meeting was called to order by "Slim'Short", master of ceremonies, who welcomed the members and guests of the two cooperatives. Invocation was given by Garland ? King, former President of CPCA. John A. Smith, President of FLBA, and Roy Hqpston, Presi dent of CPCA, introduced their directors and employees respectively. Albert Coz of New Hanover and J. Ralph pritt of Duplin County, were re-elected to 3-year terms on the board of ,TA . Tom Morton, Assistant Vice President. Field. Federal Inter mediate Credit Bank, expressed a special welcome to the stock holders of each organization in attendance. The F1CB is the source where CPCA and FLBA gets its money to lend their stockholders. Separate business sessions were held by CPCA and FLBA. During the CPCA business ' meeting, Roy Houston, Presi- ' dent, presented the snausl report of income sad expenses. Houston also stated the CPCA j net worth for 1977 was S6.S96.666. and aepaid to its j borrowers in excess of >421.000, which was the largest return of ? any PCA in a four-state area. Also CPCA stockholders paid a aet rate of 7.33% interest. ' which wit 3rd lowest in North Carolina. Houston concluded by telling his stockholders that CPCA ia in real sound financial condition as of 1977. Upon completion of the business session, special enter tainment was provided bv the "Sweet Adelines" of Raleigh. Following this was a drawing for $1,400 in gifts given to hicky f lisa ana tfi;* stockholders in attendance, pluc 20 country iiamt as door prizes. CPCA stockholders winning 1100 are as follows: Tom Smith. Pink Hid; Wm. Ed row Haty. Beulaville; Melvin T. Rouse, Seven Springs; Gregory Mobley, Wallace; Terry Hatcher. Chinquapin; Thomas Earl Quinn, Magnolia; and David W. Rouse. RoseTfill. M. . ? . Wilkins Honored. 'tarsias Agent, wu honored In Raleigh Monday, March 14th. for 30 years of Sfervicfi with the N. C. Agricultural Extension Service. Wilkins was presented a plaque and a tie pin by Dr. George Hyatt, Jr., Extension Service Director. The presen tation was made during the annual conference of the exten sion Service at McKimmon Ex tension Education Center on the North Qaroiina State University His sptire career devoted to Extension Education in Duplin. Wilkins joined the staff in 1948 following military service. Pedestrian Killed^-' Hit ft Run Accident A migrant farm worker was killed around 7 o'clock Saturday night when he was struck by a hit-and-run vehicle on Highway 403. two miles west of Faison. The victim, Sam Flastory, was a worker at a Duplin County labor camp. He was dead on arival of the Faison Rescue Service, According to Highway Patrol reports, Flantory was apparent ly killed instantly when he was struck by a car passing another car. According to eyewitnesses of the second vehicle, the victim was crawling in the road. The occupants of the car were.un able to give a detailed descrip tion of the car. The address and age of the victim are unknown. Brother Charged In Murder Case i ?2i;? . m m' **?- ????** ** 3/^mmau ?? j antes uavia lariton, ov. liy Joe Lanier Jt Water, water, everywhere and not a drop to drink... This seems to be the outlook for Duplin County and many other counties in the not-too-distant future, according to many Health officials. Much of the water being.pumped into homes in rural areas would not pass inspection as being fit for human consumption. Though it probably will not kill those drinking it, it does cause sick ness and ill health. The Duplin County Planning Board, under the leadership of Bill Rand, is, and has been, looking into a county-wide water system, and has come up with some preliminary figures. The system if implemented follow ing much more study, would be through die sale of bands to FHA. The bonds would he authorised by the county, but repaid by the users of the water system. Thus, no tax monies would be used. Those on the water system would repay the louh, the upkeep adminis i-.i'..,. ? ? m ? - * ? ? ?? mA triiivc cost, projected rates is this time are in the neighbor hood of SB per month, which is itrimtsble. Last week, members of the Planning Board, along with Richard Woodcock and Jim Cognty Commissioners to if they wanted foe Planning BoMd to continue, ind advisini riT^^uiftiiTiirri pitfil i motion . . ... ivn m V ? if finmrmimllw fonaikin support a bond, and I saw Arliss Albert son nod his head yes, but the little old wine maker from Rose Hill was making so much noise telling me just what the amendment said. I was unable to see if Kelly and Cos tin were in favor or not. The Board was going into executive session to discuss personnel matters, so I left Just one fellow's opinion, though . . . .mine. I personally think it is a good idea, those who live where treated water is t not available do have problems with rust and other impurities, and if these people want to install a water system and pay far it themselves, using no tax monies, as everyone would not benefit, then more power to them. . . .And if it takes approval of the County Com missioners. I think they should approve. If a small county like Jones County can do It without using tax monies, I am sure Dupfin County caa also supply those, where possible, with water. (Continued to Page 5) Shrubbery Sale The Kenansville Beautifica tfan Committee will sponsor their arannal shrubbery sate Friday 25th and Saturday, oesioejtcKsons ria y. ..