L Certificate of Appreciation for 2S yean of employment at the same job by the KenansviHe Job Service office Kenan is employed by Jackson's IGA In Kenansvtlle. The presentation : beth H. Grant. Supervisor in-Charge of the ? KenansviHe Job Service office, stated, "The older worker who has been on the same job for many years is certainly to be commended. This worker has shown discipline, diligence and ; ability. Work is honorable and all work has failure. The older worker is a good prospect for a good team worker! It has been proven older workers have a greater job stability and better record of continued acceptance by the employer once they are hired. I offer my congratulations to all older workers during this week of recogni tion." Pictured (L to R). Jimmy Jack**, owner at Jackson's K3A; Robert Kenan with Oaitlflcale ; Dennis Klrby. Older Worker Specialists and Elisabeth H. Grant. Supervisor-in-Charge of the KenansvOle Job Service office. I Former Girl Scout Leader Recognized y sponsored an International Fair celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Juliette Low World Friendship Fund at Goettge Memorial Fieldhause in Camp Lejeune. Mrs. Pammie Graham was an honored guest at the affair, where she was recognized by the Council along with other outstanding members of the or ganization. Thev were entertained by all . _ ^ ? the GM Scout Troops through out the Coastal Carolina Council performing different kinds of dances and songs of many na tions. Booths wore set np to show different kinds of articles from the nations. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Hall and sons. Arthur. Bernard and Cicero, accompanied Mrs. Gramam. Mrs. Graham is the wife of Arthur Graham of Mag nolia. 11 Mre-Gr?h<"n On March 12th, the Girl Scout Council of Coastal Carolina ?yJkk -.. 1.*? School Day AH Olive College The. admissions office at Mount Olive College has scheduled High School Day for Saturday. March 19 at 16 a.m.-. announced Russell W. Duncan, Director of Admissions. The program is designed to give high school students and other interested persons an op ' povtanity to^sptee the. manp^ facets of student liH available at Flours 'JK& i at T"0:1S a.m. | and refreshments will be | served. The faculty will be available for conferences about ? specific programs of studies until 12 o'clocjt. A complimentary luncheon will be served at 12:15 followed & by entertainment by the Mount ?r OHve Singers. Auditions for the Mount Olive Singers will fro held for any interested students. I I I fl ! ^1 fl -J ? ? ? ? T^t fH BBBBfti*^. I ' ? "*'?'? ' ? ? -? DESIGNATE I To Sell Your Tobacco At The .^BH m I I' j ^B I u . ? ? b-ai , | || ! iS | lutrtid on N.W. KNih oNd St. In WnUnco I I 244-3444 (OH S^on) 296-2041 (OH S~on| ^ 28! 1332 (OH .) *6-3051 [Of Si I ?M '?M Mrs. Udlle Baugham was bwtess^to her bridge club last Mrs. C. D. Lea deceived high score. Completing the two tables were: Mrs. J. E- Fa i son. Mrs. N. K. Oates. Mrs. R. L. Benson, Mrs. Clarence A. Lingle, Sr.. Mrs. Mosley C. Bowdcn, Miss Sally Butler and Mrs. L. D. Groome. Mrs. Baugham served a salad course. Circle #1 met Wednesday morning with Mrs. Luther Taylor. Jr. Circle ?2 met Monday after noon with Mrs. C. D. Lee. Mrs Charles Decker was the Bible Study Moderator. Circle #3 met Monday night with Mrs. Tommy Taylor, with Mrs. J, W. Jackson as co hostess. Mrs. Walter Mangum was Bible Moderator. A social hour followed each meeting. Beamed Birthday s - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lewis were honored on their birthday by their children. Mr. and Mrs. William Marche of Upper Marl boro, Md., Miss Mildred Lewis of Washington, D.C.. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tew of Greensboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim, Taylor, with a dessert party Saturday night in their home. Invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. ?aven Lewis. Mrs. Will E. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lewis, Ms. J. C. Moore and Harvey and Murray Lewis. Mrs. WaTlT'Lewis, Mrs. William Clifton and Mrs. Louis Darden attended the District Meeting of the Federated Clubs Arts and Crafts meeting in Rose Hill last Saturday. Joby Bass represented the Faison Sesame dub as a contestant. Mr. and Mrs. William Marche of Upper Marlboro. Md? and Miss Mildred Lewis of Washington. D.C.. spent the weekend with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Crow visited Miss Mackie Flowers in Wayne Memorial Hospital in Goidsboro Friday afternoon. ? Miss Pam Moore, student at Jtferedith Coileae in Raleteh.. SPS lUe taring holidajTwhh her parents. Mr. and Mrs. CasWelt Moore in Bowden. Jimmy Thompson of Durham spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson. Mr. and Mrs, William Mc Cullen spent Sunday in Clinton with their daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Tatum Lee Sutton. They attended the worship service at Grace Methodist Church to hear their granddaughter. Tamra Sutton, sing in the youth choir. Mrs. Mildred Precythe went on a tour to the Grand Ole Opry hi Nashville, Tenn. last week had. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Oates, Jr. and daughter of Raleigh, ?pent the weekend with his ? parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald bates. Sr. Mosley C. Bowden is an operative patient in Wayne Memorial Hospital in Golds boro. Mrs. Lucille Baugham has returned home after a visit with hpr daughter and, family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Pntton. in More head City. Mr. and Mrs. John Mangum of Chapel Hill spent the spring holidays with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mangum and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Igoe. Sheriff's Report The Duplin County Sheriff's Department investigated the following activities during the past week: Ronnie Dale Brown, recently living in Wallace, but originally from Tomahawk, has been charged with forgery and uttering. Deputy Glenn Jerni gan was the arresting officer. He reported the man cashed checks twice at the T. W. Moore store on Route 1, Rose Hill, and purchased, a car for MOO from James Murphy of Route 2, Rose Hill, and a VW from Elaine Sanderson of Rose Hill, for $350. William Hardister of Wilson, a surveyor working with the N. C. Department of Natural and Economic Resources, which is doing a geodetic survey in Duplin County, reported that surveying equipment valued at S600-S800 was stolen on ST 1506. Eugene Wells of Rose Hill reported two pigs, weighing 25-30 pounds each, were stolen from a pen one mile north of Rose Hi|l on SR 1931. He valued the pigs at $40. Joe Jackson Bass of Route 1, Faison, reported a tape-player was stolen from his car parked M Nprth Duplin High School. Vf valu.S^-,at-570' , tJ&aRTffroct; was tlieinvesti gating officer. Robert Walker of Route 2, Mount Olive, reported the larceny of an air compressor and hose belonging to Strick land Oil Company of Warsaw. It was viplued at $250, and Ronald Brock is investigating. V. W. Murphy of Rose HiU . repotted three 100-foot rolls of chicken wire were stolen from a | tool shed one mile south of Rose Hill. E. G. Brock is inves- "? tigating. with Woody Brinsoo t * v'Towr Administratif .f 1 if . Spring is with in, hopefully to stay. Wfth thi? though! in mind, the Kenansville ftrturtAeart?. Committee encourages you to clean-up your yard and prepare for the beauty of spring. To aid you in improving your yard's apprearance. or to replace any shrubbery that was killed or damaged by our unusually cold winter, the Beautificatioo Com mittee will be conducting their annual Spring Shrubbery Sale on Friday afternoon. March 25, and Saturday, March 26 at the parking lot of Jackaon's KJA. Come by and help them raise some money to conduct their projects u well as helping improve your yard. Abo, when spring fever hits us, our thoughts turn to recrea tion and being out-of-doors. The Kenansville Recreation Com mission it meeting this week to outline plant for this summer. Details should be available for next week's column. The Kenansville Jaycoes will be sponsoring two events in the near future to help raise money "J for the Psrk project. On April 19. they will be sponsoring | another Mid-Atlantic Cham- i pionship Wrestling match, and also in early April the senior^ basketball players from UNC| will return for their annual -j airani Nln nvont liar kaaa I V?V.I11 I'U V.AWVI uau. Ii?a set since the Tar Heels are still involved in the NCAA playoffs. *; Support these two projects as the Jaycees try to raise money to ? support community projects. The new Kenansville Area i Chamber of Commerce met on i March 8, at which time they officially adopted by-laws for the organization and approved dues for membership. If you are interested in joining, please contact me at the Town Hall. The committee which drew up the by-laws consisted of Earl Hatcher, Kenansville Drug Store; Ray Johnson. Bank of North Carolina; Phil Kretsch, Waccamaw Bank and Trust Co.; Doris Jernigan, Guardian Care; and Carol Jenkins, J&B Service Certer. The nest meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will be on April 5 at 7:30 p.m. at the Duplin County Farm Bureau building. Officers will be elected at this meeting. Serving as a nominating committee are Violet Phillips. H. E. Phillips. Attorney-at-Law office; Kirmey at* ""i ** The DO SOMETHING cam paign has caught on like wild .?? tffyC-- V.t , fire. 1 had 200 of the buttons and now only ha\* about SO left. Thanks go to the people at Carey's Body Shop for their help in promoting the idea. Always be willing to mate the best of what you have. If fate deter mines that you should inherit a lemon, make the bed of it -- open up a lemonade stand. We have n lot to work with here in Kenpnsville (and no lemons); so let's mate the best of it and DO SOMETHING. If you want one of the buttons, see me soon while the supply lasts. Many new citizens have re cently moved to Kenansville. ?>? , i These include the Eati BrinkJey family, living in Mr*. O. P. Johnson's boose next to the Kenan* viHe Baptist Church on Rutledge Bond; the Jerry Jordan family, living on Wil liams Street; the James Evans family, living on Butledge Road at tine comer of John Street; Alfred Wells and son, living In Dr. Dan Young's house; and Star key Norria, living in the Canal Street apartments. We are glad to have you as citizens of our community, and hope you will work with us to improve it. , We here in Kenansville are Proud of Its Past, and take Pride in Its Future. H BENNETT j~~75] #UMi ? AM?VfttTlOW ? ycwcfti CREDIT FOR MORE ROOM TO GROW Whether you grow poultry, livestock, fruit or row-crops ... if you need more land to expand your operation, depend on your Land Bank Association to provide the necessary long-term capital. Now may be the beat time to expand, because land will HMy cost more and more as time passes. See us for long-term financing for more room to grow! ? KENANSVILLE Rutledge Road ?r ii.i.r.u .jWf .\.;v ? .. Depeedeaes... Phono 296-4761 II GOING OUT OF || II BUSINESS SALE || m 9 II Wood's II ? Buy - Rite I II Discount | II Health and Beauty Aids Monday Through Saturday K j/\| ".M B QyjMk^ ^ J I