HARRiS-MATTOX WIN MEMBER-GUEST GOLF TOURNEY AT RAMRLEWOOD ? Above, Tom Salter, extreme right. Tournament Co-Chairman, presents awards to Tom Mattox of Kinston, left, and Deep Run's Joel Harris. Harris and Mattox had rounds of 70-65-1J5 nine under par. Other winners in the Championship Flight were Emmitt Wick line and Ken Taylor with rounds of 71-74-145, and the team of Butch Budd and Nelson Tugwell with rounds of 77-74-151. Pro Jim Finch announced other winners in the successful Member-Guest as follows: First Flight - Joe Houston and Billy Jones (75-70); Reed Kennedy and Mike Hatch (75-72); and Russell Bostic and J.L. Costin (74-76). Jerry Smith and Ed Rector won the second flight with (76-74). followed by Robert Raynor and Danny Lanier (80-73). and Oliver Smith and Ed Herring with rounds of (76-84). *???? Ramblewood President D.L. Scott expressed appreciation to Donald Thigpen and Tom Salter for running the two-day event saying "I would also like to express appreciation to all the others who helped, including Pro Jim Finch and his wife. Dev." In the Ladies Putting Contest held along with the Member Guest at Ramblewood. winners in the chaiqnpionship flight were Jessica Wood and Shirley Budd. and Sally Jo Houston and Dev Finch in the first flight. * * Duplin Pro Joe Wirthman's final reminder to members of the "biggee" this coining week. Saturday and Sunday. Septem ber 3-4. The Member-Guest will be highlighted by a dinner, dance, fashion show, casino, and you-name-it. ? ????? Pro Joe Wirthman reports winners in the Junior Golf Championship held last weekend at Duplin including runners-up in the three divi sions. Ike Riddick won the 15-16 age division with Mike Stocker runner-up. In the 13-14 age group. Daryl Fry won with. I Jimmy West as runner-up. Brian Ellenburg won the Callo way in the 13-14 division. In the 10-12 group, the winner was Mark Rector with Mitchell Quinn runner-up. Michael Quinn won the Calloway in the 10-12 group. ????? Pro Doug Smith reports win ners in the Member-Member Golf Tournament held at Lake wood including overall winners Milton Costin-Frank Potter. Other winners included the team of Henry Carlton-Cooper Goff. Ed Dail-Bill McKay, and Oliver Smith-Rex Carlton. Smith also announces that Carol Britt won the longest drive, and A.Q. Smith won closest to pin. Special note or highlight from the M&M could be Allen Foun tain's all-time low 77 or Bobby Smith's 73. or even C.J. Mer cer's eagle. ????* Pro Doug Smith urges all members to start signing up for the club championship that will get underway at Lakewood (luring September. Rockfish Pro Gene Briggs says nothing's going on down his way except maybe a little talk about the Member-Guest that is in the planning stages for ^Coharie Pro Ed Smoot reports | ^ ^ | winners in the Cohaije Junior Golf Championship included Bill Nance in the A Division. Bill Turlington won the B Division. Robbie Parker won the C Divi sion and Frknk Leak won the D. ????? Lakewood Pro Doug Smith announces a Superball Golf Tournament for both men and women on Labor Day. Sep tember 5. Ladies Day at DCC will be held Thursday, September 8. Tee time is 9:30, and bridge will begin at 10 a.m. The Duplin Swingers will have a short business meeting after lunch. All lady golfers, please plan to attend. The pool at DCC will open at 12 noon Saturday. September 3. Due to the activities planned at open the -pool at 12 noon or shortly thereafter. The salad bar luncheon and fashion show planned for Saturday at DCC is a new feature added to this year's Member-Guest weekend. Reservations can be made with Mary Sue Thompson or Marie Riddick. Proceeds from the luncheon go to the additional 9 holes protect. Tickets ($2.50) can be purchased at the door ????? Fore. CPWTWCTNC EDUCATION wvuu utrcuu ATJSI James Sprunt Institute will offer the following courses during the Fall Quarter, 1977: A Sewing 1 course wiU be taught at the Cypress Creek Community Building beginning ' Wednesday, September 7. The class will meet on Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 1 4 p.m. for 17 weeks. Two Sewing U classes will be taught at the shop of Mrs. Grace Sumner of Beulaville. The first class will meet from 9 - 12 on Tuesdays and Thursdays begin ning Tuesday. September 6. for 17 weeks. The second class will meet from 7-10 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday nights beginning Wednesday. Septem ber 7 for 17 weeks. A Sewing I class will be taught at the JS1 campus begin ning Thursday. September 8. The class will meet from 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 17 weeks. The instructor for the sewing classes will be Mrs. Grace Sumner of Beulavilte. Registra tion will be on the first night of class at their respective loca tions. A S5 registration fee is required. For further informa tion on any of these courses, please contact the Department of Continuing education at James Sprunt Institute in Kqpansville. I tALE: Three bedroomi I I one and one-half bathe. I I tOananavittA Rich I ? ? DUPLIN'S JUNIOR GOLF TOURNAMENT HELD - Sixteen boys, age 10-lb. participated in a two-dayA Junior Golf Tournament at Duplin Country Club this past weekend. Trophies were presented the winners and runners-up in eaeli age bracket plus a special Callaway Handicap Trophy. After the rounds on Sunday, a ham burger cookout was held for all who participated. The Chairman of the tournament was Rivers Johnson. Top picture (L to R) standing: Brian EUcnburg. Callaway winner (13-16); Todd Price: * Jintim West. Runner-up (13-14): Mike Stocker. Runner-up (15-16) Ike Riddick. 1st Place Winner (15-16) Kneeling (L to R) Daryl Fry. 1st Place Winner (13-14): Glenn Crenshaw; and Patrick Bell. Bottom Picture (L to R) Standing - Mark Rector. 1st Place Winner (10-12); Steve Jones. Mitchell Quinn. Runner-up (10-12); Steve Lee. Lonnic Hcdrick. Kneeling (L to R) Mark Huffman. Jeff Holtom and Michael Quinn, Callaway Winner (10-12). w. m DUPLIN'S JUNIOR TOURNAMENT BIG SUCCESS -(LtoR) Pto Joe Wirthman and Chairman Rivers Johnson checking winners after the conclusion of Duplin's two-day Junior Golf Tournament on Sunday^. Pro Wirthman conducted several clinics for the boys and Johnion organized and carried out one of the finest tournaments ever held at Duplin Country Club. Selected To OYWA _ . ?. - j ?" - . -t, * ? * ?-'-'V ? -V" - 9BKi Connie Beth Matthis of War saw. teacher at Kenansville Elementary, and Barbara Jean Scott Sutton of Route 3. La grange. a laboratory technician with the Mount Olive Family Medicine. Center in Mount Olive, have been selected for inclusion in the 1977 edition of Outstanding Young Women of America. I ^,-1., I SALE - Four bedrooms, two full baths, central air and heat, all underground utilities.' Six acres plus. Located eight miles south Kl The Outstanding Young Women of America Program is designed to honor and en courage exceptional young women between the ages of 21 and 36 who have distinguished themselves in their homes, in their professions and ia their communities. Accomplishments such as these are the result of dedication, service and leader ship - qualities which deserve to be recognized and remembered. ADULT BASIC EDUCATION COURSE OFFERED James Sprunt Institute will offer a course in Adult Basic Education for adults with less than an eighth grade education. The student will receive in struction in arithmetic, spelling writing, and reading. The class 'began Thursday. August 25 and is meeting each Tuesday and Thursday evening from 7 ? 10 p.m. in Room 135 of the McGowan Building for ten weeks. The instructor for the class will be Ms. Wanda Bell of Mount Olive. Registration was on the first night of class but students will be welcomed to attend any successive class meeting if they were not present for the first class. AVIATION GROUND SCHOOL James Sprunt institute will offer a 54-hour course in Avia tion Ground School on Tuesdays and Thursday nights from 7 - 10 p.m.. Classes began August 30, and continue for 9 weeks. This . course is designed to be the first step toward obtaining a private pilot license. The subject matter to be covered will include air craft maintenance log. pilot flight log, maps, flight compu ters and flight plans The ap proximate cost or the course will be S20 - $25 for materials, plus a $5 registration fee. The course will be taught on the JSI campus and registration was Tuesday. August 30. The instructor is Wayne Rich of Wallace. P>- ? Order tt he Clert ol Super io C o tr rryatM to *cl<: th ?4me. ault havinj lean tade In th# ? f* # , - - , 1 - ? - , . , I. " ef" 01 11 n0U offer for sale. and will sail to tha highest bidder for cash at tha Courthouse Doot in Kenana ? tamber 2fc 1977, at tha hour ot Twelve O'clock, Noon, tha land described In said dead of trust " and hereinafter described, s And said sale Is made upon tha express condition that the highest bidder will be required to make a cash deposit not to exceed 10% of the amount of the Oic up to and including $1,000.00, plus 3% of any excess over $1,000.00, and If ?aid nignest trader f?Hs to make the required deposit, Hid property wHI immediately be re-offered for Hie at the wme time and place. The lend told hereunder and described In Mid deed of trust it described as follows: All those two certain tracts or I parcels of land In Qllsaon and Wolfscrape Townships bounded and described as follows: FIRST TRACT: AH that cer tain tract or parcel of land containing 14 acres more or lees which Is described in a deed dated the 6th day of July, 1989, from Emma Lucille Outlaw et els to Henrietta M. Outlaw, being recorded in the Public Registry of Duplin County in Book S2S, Page 574 to which reference it had. SECOND TRACT: Bounded on the South by the lands of Alton E. Dell, on the West by the lands of Carl Grady, on the North and Northeast by the land of Bennie F. Outlaw and Secon dary Road No. 1524, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake In the centerllne of Secondary. Road No. 1898', which stake Is on the line of Alton E. Doll tract of land and being on the line of oennie r. uuuaw iraci 01 iana u set forth and described in a dead to Bennie F. Outlaw and wife, aa recorded in Book CT4, Page 549 of the Duplin County Registry and runs thence from said beginning point so located as the old line of Bennie F. Outlaw and the line of Alton E. Dai l, North 84 degrees West 371 feet to a stake, A.E.Dail's corner In the tine of Carl Grady and said stake being the most southwestern corner of the tract of land as set forth and de scribed in a deed to Bennie F. Outlaw and wife, as recorded in Book 574, Page 54 of the Duplin County Registry; thence as the line of Cart Grady, North 6 degrees East 1S3.t1 feet to a stake in tha centerllne of Secon dary Road No. 1524; thence as the centerflhe and as the same curves, a straight line being approximately 425 feet to the point of beginning, containing .9 acres, more or leas. And being a portion of the lands in the Southwestern quadrant of icr bed in dwi ?I (rust 14, 1974 from ux al to Vi ;e B Gavin, Trusts or latio nhtot iecordec Boott '8t 'age 1% the Duplin < ' fofji. . duo the County of DupMn. M vancbb. oavin, trustee 9 22 41-VBG NOTICE OF SALE -NORTH ? INA OUPUN COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power of aale contained In two certain deeds of trust executed by James 1. Hlghamith and wife Annie M. Highsmlth, to James 0. Buchanan, Trustee, respec tively dated the 12th day of December, <968. and recordetf In Book 662, Page 220, In the Office of the Register of Deeds for Duplin County. North Caro lina. and the 13th day of July, 1978, and recorded in Book 810, Page 914, In the Office of the Register of Deeds for Duplin County, North CaroHna, default having been made In the pay ment of the Indebtednesses thereby secured and the said deeds of trust being by the terms thereof subject to fore closure, and the holder of the Indebtednesses thereby secured having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said Indebtednesses, and the Clerk of the Court granting permission for the foreclosure, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court house door In Kenaasville, North Carolina, at 12.00 noon, on the 6th day of September, 1977, the land, as Improved, conveyed In said deeds of trust, the same lying and being In Smith Township, Duplin County, North Carolina, and being more particularly de scribed as follows: Leaving the center of the bridge or culvert across Bridle Branch where It crosses Highway No. 1700 and Highway and where the Thomas and Smith line crosses said Highway; thenca with the Thomas and Smith line South 4 degrees SO minutes West 30 feet to a stake, the beginning corner of the hereinafter described lot; thence with the Thomas and Smith tine South 4 degrees 50 minutes west 161 feet to a stake; thence south 86% degrees East 183 feat to a farm ditch; thence with said ditch North 9 degrees East 164 feet to a stake on said Highway; thence with said Highway North 86% degrees West 197 feet to the BEGIN NING, containing 72/100 of an acre, more or less. SUBJECT, however, to taxes for the year 1977. Five percent (5%) of the amount of the highest bid must be deposited with the Trustee pending conffrmatton of the", sale. Dated this 4th day of August, 1977. JAMES O. BUCHANAN, Trustee , NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned, having qualified as Co-administrators [** art ? > v-f - , ? I" J Jimmy C. W?' Registered JJ ? Piano Technician 2 l Bo* sw, Wersew ?. 3 kiniaiiMiHi0! nt.j CUSTOM SPRAYING I CO.N ? SOYBEAHS ? >A?TU?K Hit* bar of their recovery. Ail persona, indvated u? wld^wuite will Thij the 10th day of August Janet S. Jonas SJwKNQ 28349 LtlPrank EjS^Bomers, Jr BHffl; Kenansville.NC 28349 >? Wt-it-c-il ' A ? PROGRESSIVE DUPLIN'S ? FINEST - 18th Century I Georgian. Authenicalty re-1 ' stored to simple elegance. I Wine Cellar. Country I Kitchen Ma baths and I open hearths Conveniently I located in Historic Kenans- I ville, N.C. Rick 8ummerlin I 296-1764 | |T I Christmas Lay-Away ? Now I* tho Umo to (tort your lay-away* lor Christ Aiir Savaaw luM. wur toys ?no wneviou goods aro arriving daily Coma by and so* us while our selection is greater1 ^ . > Quinn s Y?!d*!y ; Store > KENANSVILLE, NC ??m?M Building Supplies Lumber Moulding Window Units Doors Storm Doors Screen Doors mmmBmm Hh Asbestos Siding Plumbing Supplies I Pipe Fittings Brick, Blocks and ^ Mortar Cement Paint and Builders Hdwe. Z. J. CARTER & Son m Wallace, N. C ' ^ iJi A big International combine answers the need to cover ?H|fHKfl|H^nHP|m?|kWMkngtng heads of |Pf) 144 to 162 hp f 4 esign - through a 12-ft r Coaler si er :rop headers with Quick- I |e 3np ir:, and comfort-control cabs * 6lsKK^yHndes/concave space-extra room for orep loenferBaoHisive fi t and wires a* ?? kers ?