CAr<" i ? ? * f } QU PL Jll flOUIfTY DupllnOounty, Mil* it to'notlfy ?II ptrtoni having claims agalnat said aetata to preaent them to the undersigned on or batora tha 4th day of April, 1878, or thte not lea will ba pleaded to bar of thatr raoovary. Ail - ? ?~ U AA&fl All persons inoeoieo 10 saiu aetata will plaaaa make imme dlata paymant to tha under signed. Thia tha 4th day of October, 1877. Linwood M. Outlaw Route 1, Mount Olive, N.C. 28385 Ernestine O. Hudaon Albartaon, N.C. 29606 Administrators of tha Eatata of A.F. Outlaw, daeaaaad Henry L. Stavana, III Attorney at Law Kananavllla, N.C. 38349 11-3-4t-HLS NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION PEGGY THOMPSON NEWTON va. ROBERT NEWTON TO: ROBERT NEWTON TAKE NOTICE that a plead ing soaking relief against you has boon filed In tha General Court of Justice, District Court Division of Duplin County, North Carolina, In tha above entitled action. Tha nature of tha relief being sought is as follows: An abso lute divorce on the grounds of one year separation. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than tha 21st day of November, 1877, and upon your failure to do so, tha party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for relief sought. This 10th day of October, 1977. E. C. Thompson, III Attorney for tha Plaintiff Post Office Box 901 Warsaw, North Carolina 28391 Phone 919-293-7062 11-3-4t-ECT NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE FOR PARTITION Under and by virtue of an order of tha Superior Court of r\..Miu rA..n?u marU In thn civil WUUIIII WWWIHJi ???? ? ? "**w action (FMa No. 77 SP 122) therein pending entitled Walter R. Johnson, Plaintiff, vs. Jannia Paulina Williams Johnson, Defendant, and signed by His Honor, Robert L. Oavin, Judge Presiding at the September 12. 1977 term of said Court, the undersigned, who were by mmT order appointed commissioners to sell the lands described in the petition, will on the 24th day of October, 1977, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the door of the Court house in Kenansvtlle, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the lien of a certain deed of trust from Walter Randy John son and wife, Pauline W. John son, to Archie C. Walker, Turstee for Wachovia Mortgage Company, said deed of trust is dated December 19, 1909, and recorded in the Duplin County Registry in Book 667 et Page 168, but subject to confirmation by the Court, a certain tot or parcel of land lying and being in the Town ef Magnolia, Magno lia Township, Duplin County, North Carolina, and more parti cularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe in the Western edge of McRea I Storm Doors W\ I Screen Doors I W:: Booting And M I Asbestos Siding I P)m fltttnci I Brick, Blocks snd ? V? 11 h" . 1 ssrtrssrs'Jsu, ^ISrSSB Olflrm 00 miniiHt w??. w.w feet tq an old *en &&E2 Nortn TV dIViM W ifiiiiuiww Eeet, 176.47 ?mi to an tron ptpo in tho Western edge*IMcRae Street; tho^wWhWo JJj**? 3fesssffis TAININQ 3.45 OCT?. ?W* * Ma, as surveyed bv Robert Salmon, Jr. during July, 1666. Tho about described tract or parool o? land bolng all of lata Nos. 1 and 2 and the e*Hfn Ml of Lot MO. 3 and ona-baHo! the Eastern half of tot MO. 4 of Block 8 aa shown on a map of tho Town of Magnolia aa re corded In Book 21. Pago 481. Registry of Duplin County, North Carolina. Tho aforesaid lot or parcel of land was conveyed by Johnny M. Williams. Jr. and wife, Lottie M. Williams, to Walter ft Johnaon and wife. Pauline Wil liams Johnson, by deed dated August 3. 1866. and ^Wn?; corded in the OupHn County Registry In Book. 647 at Page fills 13th day of September, 8/H. E. Phillips. Commissioner Kwiansv^le. North Carolina 28346 S/Qeorge K. Freeman, Jr., Si&Xo^Narth Carolina 27830 Tel. Ho. (818) 735-7706 1O-2O-4t-HEP-l00 NORTH CAROLINA DOPUNCOwnnr NOTICE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an Order of the Soper^&x^ of Duplin County made and entered October 5,1877, In that special proceedings entlti^ "Russell Euerton *"% othersve^Lmian^ 2wM<o^7 cum ? the undersigned Com missioner will on Tuesday, No ^^15,1977.-10:00^ at the old home place of Theo SorTOutlaw (3rd dw-ling on W^NdeofS.R.t15MNoJh| from Intersection of way #111 and S.R. #1534) near Outlaw's Bridge, N.C., offer tor parcels?iiMMnmoor_iy ww oeing in ; Ktnson 10*1 ' ship, Duplin County. North Carolina, and described M fol EUomHW ' '?, *i', ' ^J|PV|HKo '* . * ? ;?"> ? ??ib? SCHEDULE A FIRST TRACT: All that car toln pwtei of land lying and being in Albertaon Township, Duplin County North Carolina, described aa oiio*? BEGIN NING at a stake on the run of Wolf Brbneh, M.W. Sutton's oorner and runs North S4 7/10 degress West SS 3/5 poles to a stake in the road; thence as the road South 30 degrees West 22 4/5 poles to a stake In satd road, Edith E. Mew bora's oorner; thenoe with her line South 54 7/10 degrees East SO poles to a stake on the run of Wolf Branch; thenoe up said branch or run to k- 1 .aetalalnn SO u?w uvyiniimy, wnwn...^ ??. 44/100 acres, mora or loos. And Ming the first tract of land described In a daad datad December 0,1968, from William Halaon Outlaw and wife, Annie H. Outlaw, to Theodore Outlaw, recorded In Book 406, page 616, of the Duplin County Registry. SECOND TRACT: All that certain parcel of land lying and being In Albertaon Townaltlp, Duplin County, North Carolina, described as follows: BEGIN NING at a stake In Charlie H. Sutton's corner In his Aleck Outlaw tract of land and runs with Charlie H. Sutton's line North 64 7/10 degrees West 104 3/9 poles to a stake In the Public ew ? - ?|. -_nn m _ ? ? -S "Oflu i inonce is ino ro^Q wonn 30 degrees East 21 3/5 poles to a stake, Patience E. Sutton's mmar- thanes urith her tins South 64 7/10 degress EMt 86 polos to ? stake In tho run of m-K * ? *- - th an n, rir*?ti? IKa wow Brancn, inwco oown tnG run to tho boginnlng, containing 131/16acros, mora or loss. And boing tho sooond tract of land ' described In a deed dated December 9,1966, from William Nelson Outlaw and wife, Annie H. Outlaw, to Theodora Outlaw, recorded In Book 496, page 616, of the Duplin County Registry. THIRD TRACT: All that cer tain panel of land lying and tM S IS, n TTAinn aKIri DGing ifi AiD6nson i ownsnipi Duplin County, North Carolina, described as follows: BEGIN NING at a stake, a corner of the Elizabeth Kornegay land, and runs North 40 East 104 poles to a stake In the Jones Branch; thence South 79 Wast 65 poles fas-stake In the old line; thence South 33 West 90 poles tr^s stake in the Kornegay line; thence as that line South 60 East 33 poles to the beginning, con taining 20 acres, more or leas. And being the same land con veyed by deed dated October 26,1911, from G.W. Outlaw and wife, Charlotte Outlaw, to Luis H. Outlaw, and recorded in JM * rioofc !tt, p?g* ?? Of tt? si in, i? Co?nmi*?ion?f OvHaw \n B<. U?Q? 231, of th* Duplin County ?cx: WZ cortoln porcol of load iy.'?e ond .. n Albortoofl To Oupiln Qounty, North Oorollrv t?#cribwJ k? fOdOWS BEOIN uum _* ? ...u. a Blackjack, and Known as tha Blackjack cornar, and runa thanoa with Luia Out'aw Jonaa' una North 58 Waat 450 taat to tha run of tha branch at tha ctooaingofthoroad toaatar- in Luia Outlaw Jonaa' Una; thanca aa tha road with Ita cantor South 42 Eaat 480 foot to a ataka where E.G. Outlaw'a Una croaaaa aaid road; thanoa with hla Una North 1 Eaat 188 foot to tha banning, containing 88/100 of an aore, mora or laoo And batng tha aama land convoyod by daad datad Oacombar 24,1837, from Robert G. Max wall and wlfa, Pharltu P UsvumII In flrnuftr JonM and wife, Luis Outlaw Jones end recorded In Book *r w vwf r%s i iff w#www% 394, papa 966, of tha Duplin County Registry. And being tha aaoond tract of land de scribed in a dead dated June 11, 1971, from H.E. Phillips, Com miss loner, to Theodore Outlaw iivi^wfwvrwr | saw nwwunw.w nFWiiw** i 9M Dru\L 'joij recorded in dook ow, paye ?30i of the Duplin County Registry. FIFTH TRACT: AM that car tain parcel of land lying and being In Albertaon Township, Duplin County, North Carolina, described as follows: BEGIN NING at a stake, formerly a pine and rune North 00 degrees 15 minutes East 9-20/100 chains to a stake in the road from Out law's Bridge to Drummonds vilte; thence with said road North 40 degrees 30 minutes West 7-18/100 chains to a stake; thence North 97 degrees 36 minutes West 2-73/100 chains to a stake In tha edge of a day hole; thenoe South 23 East 17-60/100 chains to the begin ning, containing 3-63/100 acres, mors or lose. And being the same land conveyed by deed dated January 27, 1946, from Annla Maxwell Outlaw and husband. B.F. Outlaw, to Grovw Jones and wlfa, Lula Outlaw Jones, and recorded in Book 428, page 348, ot the Duplin County Registry. And being the third tract of land described In a daad dated June 11, 1871, from H.E. Phillips, Commissioner, to Theodore Outlaw, recorded in Book 088, page 238, of the Duplin County Registry. EXCEPTING, HOWEVER, FROM THE THIRD, FOURTH AND FIFTH TRACft, THE County Pawed Road *1534, ad joining the lands of Annie Maxwell and others and con taining a portion of,which Is commonly called Theodore Out law Fish Pond and being more particularly described as fol-. : i AUCTION SALE ? .. SURPLUS LANDS BELONGING TO I Blizzard And Hqlnws Milling Co. I SALE DATE: Saturday Oct. 22 at 10;30 AJW. I Located: DUPLIN. COUNTY. NEAR ALBERTSONl AND LIDDEL, N.C I Tract No. 1 Tho Doylo Grady Farm I Umtod: N.C. 1MB M. 1MB. *Mt 1 W?t <X LMM. N.C. FARM CONSISTS OFr gj Thto praparty hM ? IMly ataH farraMnp IWMM.mdlt trMNd lanaad. Walar and atartrMty J acaakaady >naM?ad. AM IbcIIIMbi aaa nmtg la'MMta i Mf M| BpWrtteii. Maw la tha Mma, It yaw hava Man Mating about gabtg Into Mw hag pn<mlii| kpafewaa, ar , ] aapaadlag yawr milling bilwn, it canba yawn ter NN ?m prim H wa?H Mm la Ml mp a?| Tract R.C. Rous* Farm Leeeted: Ami eff N.C. State Hwy 1M2 ? ebeiit .7 mWee Nerth e( ARwrtaen, N.C. I FARM CONSISTS Of: JjU 4? Acre* ALLW00O6D I Thto lend le elf?tad ell the reed, eeeellenl heme <Ne with plenty ef prtveey. ALIO, thle hlfh . I end dry lend cen be a emert inveetment Mr e he* or twrfcey eperetion. Troct No. S.Jh* Sondorson Craft Farm I Leeetad: Appreelmetety 2.1 mNee Nerlh el Meewell'* MHIenN.C. tteteRd. 1143. t PAnM COtllllTI OR: Sfl rt II , uinAMK '? ? ZSZ 37 in East ,4/J, 75 fats with tha latitat iine of mM rc^ l as N curvaa tafc aplka; South Jag. 03 n Mast #31.00 faat to wtth old tla Wd point in tha Fiah Pond (formally I tha sdga of a clay hoia); thanes 43dag.2Smln. East 79.25 last t a tall In tha can tar Mm ol ?avad Road # thano M Lai?_ *?? "-'-4 -a mo wniw urnj ui muu iumu South 36 deg 34 mln East 168.07 feet to a railroad spike over a stool culvert, tho point and place of beginning, con talning 3.88 acres, and being all of the 3td tract of land and a portion of the 1st and 2nd traots of land dascribed In a dead dated the 11th day of June, 1871, from H. E. Phillips, Commissioner,, to Theodore Outlaw, recorded in Book 888, at page 238, of the Duplin County Registry. This descrip tion has a magnetic bearing date of Maroh 20. 1872. All angles are true in their relationship to each other. Tho error of oioours as calculated by latitudes and departures is not less than 1 toot to 9000 fast. The area was computed by the D.M.O. Method. Surveyed and de scribed By Raymond Pflce, Registered Land 8urveyer, L-828. And being the same lands as set forth In a deed dated January 21, 1874, from Theodore Outlaw. Single, to >?*???' ? s_4 .1- ? - -4 -.14 William e. iwianin, jr. ana wire, Vivian 8. Martin, recorded In Book 774, MO* 125, of Mm Duplin County Rogiatry. SCHEDULE B FIRST TRACT: All that oar tain parpal of land lying and balng In Albartaon Township, Duplin County,North Carolina. Beginning at a stake In the cantor of tho road and runs thence North 40-15 Wast 88.24 poles; thence North 17-45 Wast 61 poles; thence South 45-15 yWest 56 poles; thence South 38-15 East 128, poles; thence South 84-15 East 28 polos; thence South 28-15 East 57 poles to a stake on the Run of Poley Bridge Branch; thence South 14-15 Eaat 32 polea; thence South 88-16 Eaat 144 potee; thence South 41-45 Waet 85 polea; thence South 88-15 Eaat 112.5 polea; thence North 37-30 Weet 70 polea; thence North 55-15 Weat 56.4 polea; thence South 34-45 Weet 2.42 5 W Ml B-ts n is at I d wtntf ( land Mm <Jo?i , i'x >ry 30, to C 0*. r*oor? n Book 4 247. WltftOOl the i 9ECONC rRACT AM ?ho? parol of land lyli * i kit rta 3a M* B mi run* wee 40 45 East 27 5 ?ies; 48-1! W i 89-4$ Waat 54 >oles theim South 40-15 East ?stake It ?-?' of the road, thence South 36-15 East 38.18 potes; thence Sooth 55-15 East 17.78 potes; hence Sooth 34-45 West 2 42 potes; thence Sooth 56-15 Eest 0 poles thence North 84-45 East 2.42 potes; thence Sooth 55-15 East 55.4 poles; thence Sooth 37-30 East 70 poles; thence North 1-45 East 88 poles; thence North 43-15 West 130 poles to a stake In the ron of Poley Bridge Branch; thence with the run of the Branch to the beginning, containing 85.5 acres, more or leas. And being the land described In a deed dated January 20, 10*9, from Cleo Outlaw to Theodora Out law, recorded In Book 400, page 248, In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin County, North Carolina. All merchantable timber on the above deecrlbed tracts with a cutting time of 18 months will be offered for bid separate from sold land. A ton per card deposit will be required of the successful bidder as evldenoe of good faith Advertised this the 11th day of Oetober, 1977. i H. E. Phillips, Commissioner 11-10-4t-HEP-380 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PUBLIC CONSUMPTION OF INTOXICATING BEVER AGES Be It ordained by the Board of Commissioners of tha T?... -.0 I UWII ui OBU'OYIIW, UNR. It stall be unlawful tar any parson to consuma any Intoxi cating liquor as daftnsd by Q.8. 18A-2 on any propsrty ownad or oontrollad by tha Town ol Beulavllle or upon any public vehicular area; provided that this section shall not apply to tne premises o? tnose estaDiisn ments that have an "on prem ises" ABC permit as prescribed i ? "-??*?? i ' kitaj Uat? uilivara nr. Hi wm, -, 2 Aiw m v ce rtiMMMit oar *aal auparmarfMt, Mon, iwt tauranl, amusement oantor. lounge, Mlitor or * ?MMNnt nunloipi ?r> Ishmant or group* of ouch establishments, providing park ing space lor customers, ;M i smployeet.o tna puMis. I Section 2: Violation of this ordinance shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be umshabie by a IIM Ml to exceed $50.00, or hnprieoMMnt for up to 30 days, or both, within ! he discretion of tho Court, taction 3: All lawa and -I- |_ MMhflljat k^M. CMUIM Oi liWl in cvnniwi nvrv I Luttk ? 1--< >a tho antanf witn ira rvpnica 10 int wiwrn of auch conflict, taction 4: Thla ordinance I ak?ll ??' lion ipmt> ?? 1 sniii do oTTOCiive riovimDvr ?? 1077 after publication aa pro vided by law. Adopted: Thla 4th day of October, 1077. Chief of Police A.Q. Murphy ' 10-27-2t-TOB ? \'A ra?? \ s-M. si&Js&s M MOUTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY NOTICE OF tALE ' UNDER ANO BY VIRTUE of authority of an Order of the Board of Education of Duplin County, and acting under authority of Section 115-126, subsection B thereof, of the General Statutes of North Caro I E. W. GODWIN'S SONS * ? I Call Us If You Need Lumber II I Or Building Materials K I From Forest-ToMill-To You II ?w?lkM,N.e WOmhifK-, N. ell IPImim AT S*SS#S rhau SO 2-77)71 PPpZ wfm. (irfti | ti I Volte- Mattel Vft-4- aartaTVyt? I I27t- Franoti Ptattr MmOvmn t ?t!T^ ? rvooan wiiw, ?~^j9gq, 2Q ni ? llnrt^ A.9M iarlal ?Qa woow W4 No Attach^ Condition Unknown 3 Linoo'n Food Tranoport Unit, Stalnl-a ?ft Mode,. aarvaa the right to re|oct any andallMda. Advertlaod this the 11th day of OotoOar, 1977. DUPLIN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION BY: Ruaaail Brook, Chairman BY: C.H.Yalvarton,8aora?ary 10-27-21-DCBE I1 ? I ? i.1 ^ II I Poultry WP J I ^., J;:.,,,^^ -M* -/cm9St.\V|fI iX ?litI I :?<;.. _3n^Kh& ?ST ?: B^, ?Bfek*.-meEWm-^imtk. ^ a ^Bjt-^r^ V V $5*3$ "?'' -vfl I " ? ;1 "?*' ' v> >!. 0 \ m ? I* '.Mil* ' ' w o I ?^H ? ?fr* - . "'vf- - -? ??.?: -1 -. HBi ^taw '^A *$ . I ?? ? m I JM hi fl v II I i* lj * 8 HBBMHHE^Hf*!^1? i

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