, ?? ?h't-v. *f | j^> ]^P|^^^|||^PH^PPf ^p 1 If#e mess.. Just ain't no iother way to pet H - fT IS A A"d .?PP;rently If flocw f ten tnc two construction companies who were awarded the contracts to construct the jail and the Courthouse annex that will eventually do it. Thus far bwhle can put up with the patting lot casing, though it is incon I '-?*-! I ^ aL^ Iflntd* nlarn oecn ciosea stttce tne first piece of worn-out construction equip . .I. _ _ A ??? ?. jg g, ^ dSn^s DIA M I #% mcniwBs araggea 10 urj sue. in my opjnkM, it is just not in the best of interest. Some of the jjloy^ics are i ^ so open up the roJ^T^'count'y thrives, or survives, on people paying their taxes, but the county employees and construc tion crews parking in all the available spaces near the Court house. it is aggravating to find a parking space to pay Uses . . .Which you don't really want to pay in the first place. I suppose the reasong is something like "you csn't stand in the way of progress".. .On the other hand, why should progress stand in the way. . .Pull down the baricades and allow the traffic to , flow.. .If anyone should walk, it should be the constvuetlow crews. . .After all. they are the best paid in Kenansviile, and It is tax money paying them. i was out to the KenansvHIe Jaycees' turkey shoot Saturday night. I didn't win a turkey, but I did enjoy shooting those old muskets. 1 thought they would have kicked like a shotgun, but they didn't. In fact, if I could have kept the end of the barrel from waving around. I could have hit the bull's-eye. . .Of course I have the same problem with a little .22. . .the end of the n ~ism barrel iust wanders all around Jw*" ^v^uuu^^nm . and 1 try and pull the trigger whew I think^U jj^??y?? mias more often than I hit it. There was this fellow who came up at the shoot and asked about the shoot, wanting to knovk, about the loading of the muskets and ao on. . -After watching ? ...L11 - La ttrani La^L kir aaainft awniici nc went dsck to nis init( <. and came back with his awn musket, loaded it, paid Ids dollar, walked op to the line and blasted away putting a bole in the bull's-eye. the JCs were saying, you won yourself a turkey. Look here, he hit.the bull's-eye. . . This man wpti a turkey.. .The conversation went on and oa about him coming with Ma own mudket and hitting the bull's-eye and winning a turkey. . .The fellow stood around about half an hour. . .Move people came up and the JCs were tetling, "AHydw have to do is hit the Bull's-eye and you win a turkey". The fellow was still standing around with his musket ever bv the fire, and I heard him ask. "After you hit the bull's-eye, what do you nave to do to get the turkeyT " . . . Seems that in all tl?e excHmeut -aaraait A little 5-year-old-girl has nuwed across the street from me and Jennifer is her nfmc. They have a Doberman Pinscher and she was telling m* about her ddg...l asked her what kind it was and she said, "it is a double mint pincher". . .1 was telling her about running into a deer and she thought it was a bad thing I had done though 1 explained I hadn't done it intentionally. . .She said, "Well, you could have went on another road." When she sees me come in after dark, she yells across the street and asks. "Did you run over a deer?". . .and I. tell her. "No. I went on another road.".... Last week I said that if I didn 't cut down on eating my wife's {cooking. I was going to be overweight. . .Some folks have been telling me this week that I am not going to BE overweight. I already am My VW has a heater.. - It was there all the time. ? .It works too. : Jimmy Fulford put his magic touch to it. and it heats like crazy. . .It wasn't hooked up!.. .Son-of-a-Gun... | Duplin Arts Council ^ MM Awarded Funds The N.C. Ait? Council an nounce* Monday November P! has awarded 13 grants $13,950 for eastern arollna arts projects lor the first half of These were among 71 grants totaling SI 24.840 awarded lor arts activities across the state at the council s recent board meeting. The Duplin County Arts Council and the Community Arts Council of Goldsboro each received $2,000 in "challenge grants'* to stimulate local fund raising activities for arts projects. ? People in OepUn County have neernt d far i long time tS?V ? express themselves and their talents. Nov.. through the en cpuragc of Dupli O' ) Vrts Council and wider 5 ?ovir ;Cver pa ? Iblfc ? ? 18 x Dupl Board of Education), Arlissi Albotson (Duplin County Com- J mlsfioners). Edriel Auslev. y Irvin Graham and Regina Whalcy (Duplin County 4tt? ^The entire group present was ^ everyone expressed their will A ^^Po'et^nhiniiii Duplin 4-Her's Win 9 Major Awards Duplin County 4-H'ers won nine of the 17 major awards Saturday as seven counties in the area participated in the 20th annual Southeastern North Carolina, 4-H Honor Program sponsored by the Star-News Newspapers in Wilmington. Bladen won three awards, Brunswick two, and Onslow, Columbus and New Hanover, one each. Nearly 600 dub members, parents, leaden and extension workers registered for the pro gram, the registrations being counted in awarding the atten dance prize of a S50 savings bond, also won by Duplin County with 122 persons regis tered. Columbus had 110 regis tered. In the display in the Roland Grise Gym were 1,635 exhibits of which 403 won blue or first place rosettes. i,,i? mi:afe .? *.** i-*'- ? Duplin entries won 202 blue rosettes, Columbus entries 85, Onslow 58, Bladen 45, Brun swick 40. New Hanover 14, and. Pender nine. Walnut plaques, faced with a bronze plate with the winner's? name, what the winning is. and the Star-News name, are awarded the individual and county winners ip 17 categories. Winners from Duplin were: - Most representative junior 4-H members; Karen Moore of Warsaw, and A1 Worthingtcn of Kenansvile. runner-up. Hj? fl Most representative genior 4-H member: Glen Brigfion of Magnolia, with Bobby Bitts of Wallace and Ava Jo Raj nor of Wallace, runners-up. j fe. Most outstanding 4-H^eoders : Mrs. Josephine Outlaw of Kenansville and Turman Alphir of Route 1, Mount Olive, Most outstanding county 4-H program: Duplin County Participation: Duplin County Public speaking: Randall Kenan and Danetta Moore Skill driving: Joseph Scott. Runner-up. Fashion revile: early-teen di vision. Julia Spicer, and senior teen division, Anna Jo Raynor, runner-up. All exhibits appearing in the regional program were cham pions in their respective counties, having been declared blue ribbon winners. All con testants in the competitions Saturday were county cham pions vying for area honors. The exhibits featured a wide stray of crafts, hobbies, fits, sewing 'skills, cooking and scientific development. While 4-H still means agri cultural projects and exhibits for some members, it has come to mean more in the line of skills, crafts and/arts in the last 20 years. ' It Mm e i - ? 2.013 Attend FHA/HGRO Rpjlyjn K^ansvlUe l James Kenan High School fcembers and their chapter advisor of the Future home makers of America/Home Eco nomics Related Occupations attended the District II Rally for 1977. along with 1,932 other members and advisors from the Southeastern Region of North Carolina. The rally was held in Kenan Auditorium in Kenans ville Friday, November 18. The fifty-four members and their advisor from the JK chapter enjoyed serving as co-hoats for 1,856 members. 76 advisors. 18 special guests and 7 chapter parents.. Jf , - """ "?"J" secretary, and a senior tf Hobbton High School, presided over the session. District 11 advisor is Mrs. Margaret Slate from White Oak High School i? Jacksonville. The advisor-elect is Mrs. Pam Bradshan front Pender High and the newly elected co-advisor is Mrs. Ellen E. Berry from North Lenoir. High School. LaGrange. The Performance Groups!., from Fayetteville City Schools f presented a musical entitled ? "Gonna Build a Mountain". | which depicted youth, the world | they see. and the world they dream of. ?Stite amcj/ featured speeches and a question session forthe candidates. The new Stale-' Vice-President is Judy Johnson from Lakdnood High School at Roseboro.'the will be installed at the State Convention in Raleigh March 11.1978. The Future Homemaker of America/Home Economics Related Occupations are sponsored by Home Economics Education. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction in Raleigh, with Ms. Jean Mullen as District Con sultant and Dr. Hanoi Tripp as State Advisor. "THE PERFORMANCE GROUP" entertains ? A highlight of the District II FHAHERO Rally held Friday at Kenan Auditorium Was a musical program presented by the above pictured singers directed by Walter Williamson of the Favctteville t ?. ?. N?WS,,??,V.,*?,e3 L.ikeuood High School. RoxchA. ??? named the nfc* State i. KHA Vive-President during th^f1 PHA HERO Rail) at Kenaa Auditorium in KenaneviHe Frftuv. pictured (L to R), Judy WwOTt. ww V P. and Peggy ^|<>*dcn. State Secretary, from For b o fN Family and firiendtlW Our daily bread.. . the fruits of our labor. *3M Let's give thanks forM all of this. .. and M for the people who founded it: the % iifl stark courage of^wm the Pilgrims builwf^ this great nation. ? ^ * > , ? JPf Np Contest 'Contest' Winners Write Friends in Warsaw Friends of Warsaw, Joy and I have settled down some from our very exciting and most enjoyable trip to Warsaw, and we want to try and tell you all how impressed we were with you and your town. It is easy to understand why you felt your town was worth fighting for when it was belittled by the radio station. When we found out we had won a 10-hour bus trip for one to a ? mm * ? ' - - nfltkun swaiii m ivwii wc misw iiuiiiiu^ iuuui, rather than the weekend for two in New Orleans, we were dis appointed. as I am sure you can all understand. And when Mrs. Taylor first called and invited us up, we were a little unsure of what to expect. However, as time passed and we talked more to Mrs. Taylor and Others, we began to realize that we would probably have a good time. But say that we had a good time, or even a great time, would be very much an understatement. The trip far surpassed odr expec tations. ? Wc'live in the country and * from a small town much f|i same as yours. As we read the many bad things which happen daily throughout our country met brought us to the happy realization that the world is not all bad and that there are still plenty of good people around. Not just a few of you. but all of you welcomed us as if we were dear friends returning to Warsaw rather than people you had never met. We enjoyed every part of our trip, but I have to say that the sincere hospi tality of your town was the thing which impressed us most. It was the thing which brought a lump to our throats that Sunday when so many came to the airport to say goodby and ask us to come back. It is also the thing which makes each of you a credit to your town and your town a credit to North Carolina and to our Country. We thank you all for every thing you did for us; the fond memories, the gifts and the friendship and we will look forward to the day when we see you all again. We also hope that if any of you ever come to Leesville, S.C., you will come to see us. You will always be welcome at our home. Sincerely. Your friends Joy and Joe Wilson Rose Hill Receives Library Grant Rose HHt has received a grant of SS.000 to assist in the pur* chase of a building to house the Town's library. C.L. Fussell, Town Adminis trator. announced the grant from Z Smith Reynolds Foun dation. Inc. of Winston-Salem. The grant is payable when the balance of the hinds needed Mr the purpose have been secured. Whitley Announces Grant For Beulaville Congressmen Charlie Whitley announced the Environmental Protection Agency has approved 4grant in the amount of S30.000 ' to the To* n of HeulavUkv - ? u|g Whitley indicated that lllf