I l^l I l l l I l |f . B | | ^| I^Bi | V l | U i' ^iw^ppp^p|pippBPiWy ^^jpp^|p^pj^pp^ppwp^pwip|wpp^ r ?'A owTl JD# i0n|#r J fi The County Commissioners Kinto motion a couple of good ?in their Monday meeting. . .One that I am sure is good Is that the County will not sell my narite and address to some fHI mailbox with jink nifi The m of inn win. mut K ( Hoffler .?7 i i inrtt t Ih Bill ^^^othw item^ thrt the^ OpfNiOfl, n ft (BKKji ?' ? |?c*v " prov ramg ? inc one^needs to try, aametiring -different occasionally. . -to tackle a job he has never |done before.. A while back, a fellow ashed toe if I would paint a large nitrogen tank.. .1 looked it over and it looked simple enough, so . <1 gave him a price and agreed. . .And lam now at a point where I i am debating writing a book , entitled "All You Wanted To Know About Painting A Large Tank And Were Afraid To Ask".. .Have I had problems!.. .Son-of-a-gun. . .The tank looked to me not to be any larger than an average room. . .This being the case, a couple of gallons of paint would do the job. . .Was I ever more wrong?. . .1 have put 6 gallons of paint on that sucker. . .You can see my cost figure is shot up while my labor figure zipped ever gown ward* and is rolling around in the bottom of a paint can like a marble.. .But first off. I went to a paint dealer and asked about the type of paint. .He suggested some off-brand something, so I told Mm to order it. . Four months later, it still has not come, and 1 am running around trying to avoid the fellow who 'wanted the tank painted.. .Thia f special paint. . .1 think I am going to have to pay for when it comes, whether or not 1 uae it. so I w ait and wait. .1 think that during this watt, she- tank grew : larger. . Finally I used a dif ferent paint. So far as I know, Sf&tglfSLii from, but it has been emoute fjH"'.' vV" .'?*& OB es?h four months. . .Now, the base coot I was told to use by the expert was yellow.. .One coat of white wifl not covet yellow. ildore labor, more paint. .Wefl. it looks like I am finally going toget the took painted, so I start on the third coat. . .The weather changed and the tank k half foU'Jf liquid, thus it sweatmpQ^as't paint but half the tank,?o I thinks I will paint -k ' gjisi. m Cu/MrJnw ? ? ? l?MIJrl?v II ^Rl iKir OB. SWCH1D{(? ? But. as I am Standing on a step! adder a school bus comes by;. .Some kid waves, so I torn "> to my right and wave. . .At that.: exact instant,ttk stepladder fell to the left. .Next thing I know. 1 am laying on thit groond . Son-of-a-Gun. . .1 think to myself that 1 must have broken my Hba. . My aide sure hurts where 1 fell on that ladder. . thon^fe ? ' *et up and stort paintingTike nothing Is wrong, cause everyone of those kids on the schoolbus is looking Hght at !??? Maybe they will think 1 alwya was looking Out the has win- , dows atmjb .Not a soul was wwk^a.w.w.ua. Trying to cheer myself up, and at the same time trying to hide my hurt and eigMrass ment. 1 think, wefl. those kids may got have learned anything at scflboi today, but on the way home they learned how to get off a ladder quick. . .1 decided I wasn't hurt too bad. se I continued painting, after going behind the tank and brushing myself off.. .That night 1 was a little sore, and as I showered, all the injury 1 could see was the imprint of the ladderteg on my aide toward my chest. . .Next morning i could hardly get off the bed. . .Son-of-a-gun. was I sore.. .1 took another look at my j injury, and I looked like one ef those rock singers who paint themselves. . .1 was half black and half white. . .So i have made up my mind. . .Never wave while standing on a ladder. . .Never aay you will paint something unless you have the paint. . .Never esti mate how large something is. . Measure it. . . And. by the way. at this writing. I still have half that tank to paint. . .Wish me luck. I had planned to write some type of Christmas story today, and mailed off a letter to Santo Claus to get some exclusive news about the old sent, but my mailman. Nathah Cottin. brought the letter back to mc. I don't know why. unless I forgot the zip code on it. . . St* I will just w ish you a Mffljjp. Christmas, with the belief your joys this Christmas will be excelled oplv by the first Christ mas and the Birth of Christ.. . SiA*# '? ..A A, ,i?*. ,* " - i National Spinning Announces Expansion Of Duplin County Facility ijwV"? . ? v'f - -far. Bob Williams, Plant Manager of National Spinning's Bcula vUle operation, announced his company's plans for expansion Of the Beulaville plant. Williams stated, "The expansion represents an invest ment of over 2.S million dollars, and will allow us to double our manufacturing floor space Construction on the 5,000 i square foot addition will begin immediately and should be in full operation by July, 1978. The 1 expansion of our facility and equipment will represent an additional 70 jobs for our Beula ville plant. Hiring for these new I jobs will begin in Japuary, \ 1978." I Wiliiams expressed his com- < pany's appreciation for the i 1 yj*. ? js support and assistance given to National Spinning by Duplin County and in particular the people of Beulaville. The Beulaville operation for National Spinning is an industry leader in the production of ppen-emf spun yarns used pri marily in the men's half hose md high fashion outer wear markets. . i' '??'11 .! ' - i eM^t^ws^s Home i*4vhere hearts are... especially during Christmas. Our hope is that every home is filled .^rith the warmth ? of the true Christmas Spirit. Many^tfuftiks to everyone. Duplin Times^Staff i .?| :?, 1 8ft .,>* ?rrA.. J*'1*??4:1.1-* ' V..- If ?? ? L TRUSTEES VISIT WITH GOVERNOR HUNT Members of the Mount i)li\c College Board of Trustees from'Duplin (Joultov met with N.C. Governor James B Hunt. Jr.. during his reecnt visit to the Mount Olive campus. Trustees present from Dupl" in luded: (from left) James ' V ; ?.* ' . V- ci'-'": '? ?- ' '? ' *"'s ' I B. Hunt. Sr.. Chairman of the Board; Arthur Kennedy from Beulavilli; Governor Hunt; and Dr. Hervy Kornegay of Calypso. Governor Hunt was on campus in observance of the 250th Anniversary of the founding of the first Free Will Baptist Church in North Carolina (Photo by Kraft) SAND DOLLAR TREE - IXin and Ku.ss Hrinson. (onsnl Mr. and Mrs. Doe Hrinson of Kcnansville. slum off their unusual Christmas tree ileeorutcd with over three hundred sand dollars. I lie sand dtiiluis aery lied with red hows ami hiniy on the tin I lie Urinsoils collected the saiul dollars this summer at topsail* Heaeh. Court Schedule Changed John A. Johnson. Clerk of Superior Court, announced on Monday that the District Criminal Term of Court set for the week of January 9th has been cancelled. All persons cited to fhc District Criminal Court for the days of January 9 through January 13 are advised NOT to appear on those days. The new Court date for all those cited during the week of January 9th will be the week of January Open House The Staff of the Waccamaw Bank of Kenansville invites everyone to come by Friday afternoon. December 23rd, from three to si* p.m.. when they will be holding their annual Christmas Open House. 2Jrd- The new date will be the same day of the week as was set for the January 9th term. Th<* cancellation of this ferm ( of Court is due to the necessity of using the Court Room for a " needed term of Superior Criminal Court. Road Closed The N.C. Department of Transportation plans to close a portion of SR 1715 0.2 mile south of Cedar Fork in Duplin County on January 3. 1978. This closing is necessary in order to replace bridge #240 over a branch of Muddy Creek with a pipeline. It is estimated that SR 1715 will rc-open to traffic at this point within 4 weeks after the above closing date. No detour will be erected, but proper signing and barricades will be erected in advance and at the work site, according to T.W. Fundcrburk. Duplin County Board Of Commissioners . ^ ? The Duplin County Bo*rd of Cc iaeionors 1 nanl mouaJy adopted a reaolution barring sale of the county's tax -<'? a I -hj !js<1 Fu ell vex for th pc< rion jfflei y against it. lUe pc tfc ?? , r ?V (jHini 1 Re es! annual A i be 20?l more* thtn^n^ IKl^v? raise $5,000 neat month to pur chase the equipment used for prying smashed motor vehicles apart to rescue passengers trapped in them. It was also noted that at least three State Highway Depart mcnt signs indicating distances ? ? I ' contract with Dyneteria of Dunn to supply 170 meals a day at SI.46 per meal for 250. h approved in principle the request of National Spinning Co. to the County' industrial Bond Commission for permis sion to make a loan not ex ceeding U million for expansion . of its Beulaville plant The onioatw oians to add !(X so 18 -e ? to ** ... ' p increase the plant's capacity from 17S.OOO pounds to 325.000 pounds of yarn pef week. The project would add 70 employees to the payroll. ? Harry Oswald of Wallace and Harold Kornegay of Albert son were reappointed to the County Development Commission. An affirmative action plan for county employees was aiao ap fed*-.. MAKES DONATION - Pictured above is Grady Mercer as he presents a check of S200 to Mrs. Millie L Brown for the Duplin C ounts Foster Children's Christmas Drive. It is contributions from mans citizens of the county that make the children ba*? ? joyful Christinas. Any donations may be sent to the Duplin County Department of Social Services. P.O. Box 439. Kcnansville N t 28349, in KaViiMiH