fonoaoanwo.7 kenansville. hopw February it>. i ?; ??.< , plans. February 11, 1978 ? Official notification that grant for S33.9S3.S8 had been ap proved was announced by Coo gressman Charles Whitley. Ariiss Albertson. Chairman of Duplin County Commissioners, made these observations: "To me, recreation stands out as one of the prime tilings we should do n Duplin County and the Nation There was a lot of talk about the money to be spent on the new jail, and I feel that if we had more recreation, we would not need as much jail." "It's remarkable." said Representative Tommy Baketlr "what people can do if they don't care who gets the credit, and this is certainly true of this project." ' "I have never worked with \j f - KEaPft?' .tl v? m . ? w.?aSE & 'fmrrnfv RaSr*, ?*" Sf". ?' '?' > any people wno worxea any harder than the people of Duplin County to get this and other projects done." said Senator Harold Hardison. "And as Tommy has just remarked, it proves that projects can get done. quicker if people don't care whogets the credit." Dap Brinson. Park Project Treasure*, said that local dona tions' of 58,324 have been re ceived. bringing the total to about 542,000 of the 566.000 needed for completion of the Kendnsville Municipal Park Expansion Project. "Other donaious will gladly be ac cepted." stated Brinson. Wciody Brinson announced that construction would start next week, although some more money would be needed in order to complete the Park Expansion Project. School Bus Driver Guilty Of DUI Count iroprijoHfiJCM? ' so?* km, B^Ub? ^L-U* fcturifeu to trie bus it 2:43 p.rrs. * hCMIH; - " bos in Ms yud. Six students riding on the bos testified that si _ j 1 I.!- 11 ? ? ? A UKj HBCHCu DCCr Oil 1115 DlflUl when they boarded the bns. sad he was staging in s loud voice. The riders said his driving was They testified he let tbevn move svoradon the bus And play The father of one of the riders. Cartas &Mtts of Magnate his son totd him the but driver was flruak. He said he an-' called the Sheriff's Department. They called the Highway Patrol. Ward said he spotted the boa near the driver's house. When he approached the youth about 5:45 p.m.. Ward said he smelted beer oa the youth's breath and his face was flushed. The breathalyzer test registered .06. Officers testified they gave Haiamett sobrteW*. tests, huch as the heel-and-toe test, and walking a straight line, and said he tailed these F?? Hint Jm Volumeter Firt Department and you are 'nvtted to ^corne and Proceeds from the day's events, induding the dance at the Albertaon Fire House at 8 ?M go to the Volunteer Fire Department, and the Foa it i | 1. _ 11 n 11 \ l? ?. iihvm w spoinvrni uimwiy oy Son Of A Gun.... . by Joe Lanier A few years ago I was at Fort Bragg to do a story on the National Guard units from Duplin County. I was exhausted from riding in a Jeep over trees, gullies, and so on. so I decided to relax awhile before the drive back to Warsaw. . .1 had never been in an "adult book store", so 1 went in one to take a look around. . ? .Now I had seen Playboy magazines. . .1 had seen some of the under-counter books. . .but never had I seen such a display of magazines and books showing both male and female bodies in the nude. . .And other paraphernalia. . The number of revealing items in the store so openly displayed insulted, embarassed and con fused me. I left the store feeling like a pervert. . I was actually ashamed of having been in the store. . .1 have seen stag films, but never had I been exposed to so much at one time... As I began my trip back home. I was thinking how awful it was that a store such as this could take a beautiful, .wonder ful thing and make it so very vulgar. . .1 was thinking. . .Would I have enjoyed a place like that when I was younger?. . .Would I have been insulted, embarassed. and would I have questioned mykelf for being $*!TC?.n<*aiJ drove-aWfig with ^^tiUmUbody and confused ?t~a I thought maybe I should stop and get a soft drink and perhaps change my thoughts. I stopped at a country grocery stare, and 1 heard from across the road some very pretty gospel music. . .1 saw a tent from where it was coming, and as I drank my soda I asked a fellow what was going on over there.. .He said it was a revival tent meeting. . .The singing was so pretty I decided to go over and attend for awhile. . .The weather was cool, and the tent sides were down and the entrance was hanging loose. . .As I went inside. I was instantly aware it was a black revival. . .1 quickly looked over the people and saw I was the only white person in the tent. . .1 stopped, not knowing whether to sit down or leave. . . I thought I might embarass the congregation if I left, so I sat down. . .1 was uneasy, but soon the beautiful songs made me forget I was the only white there. . .The singing stopped, and the preacher began to preach. . .Again the thoughts of leaving entered my mind, but I needed an appro priate exit line. . .As I was planning my exit, the minister said. . ."We have a visitor in our tent tonight.". . .Son-of-a gun. I thought. . .He is talking about me. . .1 knew I shouldn't have come in here. . .The minister continued. "He is mingling with us poor lost souls tonight.". . .1 cast my eyes across the crowds to see how many were looking at me. . .but they were looking at the minister. . .Should I jump up and run out? . . .What should 1 do? I was thinking. . ."He is lily-white," said the minister. . Son-of-a-gun. I am going to get it.. .To be sure, they won't beat me up just for coming in to listen to their singing. . ."You know who he is."?said the preacher. . .The -congregation replied. "Oh. yes. we know." .. .1 thought, now. Joe. calm yourself dawn. . Look at the brighter side. . .If you don't get killed, at least it will make a good story . . . even if you do have to get someone else to write it because both your arms are broken. . .The preacher says. "Oh. yes. I can feel his presence. . Jesus Christ. . .The Son of God is here among us tonight." . . .My face turned from white to very red. . .If there had been a knothole where I was sitting. I am sure I would have fallen through it. . .Never have I felt so small . . .At that point I needed no exit line. . .1 just got up and left. . .Thank goodness they could not read my thoughts. .. The alternator went out on my truck, and the battery was not strong enough to crank it.. .So I got Donna to drive her car over to give me a jump. . .As I was hooking up the jumper cables. I. noticed one of the battery cables on her car was very loose, so after cranking my truck. I got a wrench to tighten up the battcrv cable. . .But Donna warned me. "Don't tighten it too tight." ."Why not?" f asked. . ."The engine won't tarn over if it's too tight." she .Son-of-a-Gun Music And Art Program Sunday At JSI The Duplin County Arts Council will sponsor a special program of music and art on Sunday, February 19 at 3 p.m. in the auditorium of James c . ? s_ r.n....?iu upiuiii uiaiuuit ?ii n^iiwwviiib. Artists featured will be Alice 1 Boyd of Goldsboro and Barbara Tavlor of ainton. Mrs. Boyd will explain her recent workshops in the junior high schools of Duplin County and exhibit drawings by parti opaiiug students. Mrs. taylor will present the musical program she has pre pared for high school students in Duplin County demonstrating the potential of the voice in popular, folk and classical music. She will be accompanied by Jean Hatch, piankt, also of Clinton, and Ttes Rich, guitarist from Wallace. ? . ROTARY STUDENT OF THE MONTH - H. C. Allen congratulates Greg Hedrick. who was selected Rotary Student of the Month. Hedrick Honored At Rotary Meeting Gregory Alan Hedrick was guest of honor at the Warsaw Kenansville Rotary Gub Thurs day. Greg was selected Rotary Student of the Month for Feb ruary by the faculty at James Kenan High School. A senior at James Kenan High School. Greg ranks 7th in his class of 153 students. Awards and honors while a student at JK include: Golden Star Award Nominee; National Foundation of Commended Scholars; Who's Who Among American High School Students during his senior year; a Gradu ation Marshal his junior year; Biology Award his sophomore year; and Math Award while a junior high student. Extracurricular activities include Chess Gub; Science Gub; Pep Gub; and National Honor Society. Greg is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Hedrick of Warsaw. They attend the Warsaw United Methodist Church. Birthday Sale Set I i Mount Olive mer chants will sponsor George Washington's birthday sale promo tion Friday, Saturday and Monday, Febru ary 17, 18 and 20, it was announced today by Mrs. Ethel Brew er, president of the Retail Merchants I Division Of the Mount I p Olive Area Chamber I of Commerce. I Dromotion n sh6 8Aid ? PMHJD TO ME FMM DtJHJN ? When you are driving around ? ta Depl.n County, -you might get behind ? car dtspiayiag the ?bare pictured license pUte. The trord in the plate MJFUN will tettthe story, "l a proud to be from Ddpltn Cooaty." % the way. the Hceaw plate belongs to the ? that belong, to the Duplin ^Coeaty thril Defense Director Hiram Brtnson of