?fo ; ?f -v If jjrrt'wwbfii Hfss Blood mobile Visits Faison Thursday, March 30 s .'^ ' r ' "? '??*?* i} - -_ V-' ' '. ^ t*.3k*ulcU* l^ujU- Hu-* of ??? ? :?S ;* ''**; '' '!?. ? ? <&? '? ?' " ^ ' Jp *P '.- "'- f ?"' " ?T>-S :: , "f ? ?". -/ ? ? V ;4t;:.A '.C'N ?- ' ">' '? ?' ? :"' ' - '" .*" ' . V'vs V .,3 ? '. r.': ' " . ' -f.'" W? ? > . ", ?y- Ll ?._;&?? V0L.XUb0IIN0.13 !? !>.'?- . __ KENANSVILLE. NC 28349 MARCH 30.1978 I ' HI i? 8 PAGES THIS WEEK 10 CENTS PLUS TAX itligh kaffeKS Mfcd to allowed a budget by I i?(Sw4 Of Education, it to not togs. Basically speaking. tKev ?re shabby. The James Kenan District's band if the only one in the county which lacks adequate uniforms. The East..Duplin. North Duplin and Wallace-Rose Hill bands ail have pew and good-looking uniforms, which are a nice reflection upon their c?Mlmunities. y *> Every time a band performs, be it ? a football game, a concert, or a marohing contest, it represents the community from which it domes. The James Kenan band is one which re public eye. ty is therefore necw A set of uniforms can bp acquireiHhat looks nice and will reflect .JlMe in the community KStteasTOb $4,500. "It is a lot Ugf money, but the benefits derived m terms of Civic pride I hut urowinR proeram. it is also active in Mrms of public per ^^Bnce. They have performed 'flfeibtball games, parades in Goldsboro, Wilmington, Wallace, Faison and Warsaw, and have participated in both marching and conceit contests. "However," Taylor said, "we are still far from realizing our true potential. We hope to continue to grow and improve the quality of the program. New Uniforms are instrumental in seeing that this occurs. The band program at James Kenan will prosper, but only if we can count on community support. With your help, the James Kenan High School Band wiH become the pride of Duplin County." If you feel that this cause It important and would like Id help, please contact the Band Director at Jaates Kenan. Whitley Recuperating ,< \ .??..'7* * T| ?" , *? Representative Charles O. Whitley, Democrat, Third Congressional District, was tative Whitley's'physicians have determined his chest puns were cassed by a circulatory distur bance in the heart muscles. The Congressman is experiencing no pain and is progressing satis factorily. His physicians antici regular duties tattle dear future. " Recruitment Board Met The Duplin County Physician Recruitment Board voted to retain the services of Walter Shepard. Assistant to the Dean, East Caroitha Medical School, in order to'develop a county physician recruitment plan. Shcpard told the Board that he felt their job was two-fold "First." he continued, "is to put Duplin County in a market able package. Secondly, is to ' "fP V' V ltf determine what type of people you want to come to Duplin County as physicians. I want to help you mike a comprehensive plan to' attract physicians to Duplin County.". He then mOifeAfiHaMwiaHittlHlMukMaMBfr ' ' showed a slide presentation which* had been prepared for physician recruitment in the Town pf Beulaville. 1 Earlier three new members of the B<j^rd were recognized. They ape Mrs. Lillian Langley of Calypso. Mrs. Virginia Veach of Warsaw and Rudolph Becton of Magnolia. Richard Harrell. Duplin Generpl Hospital Administrator, told the Board that their charter had been completed and re corded in the Duplin County Courthouse. The jBoard then selected John Hall as chairman, with Charles Farrior, Jr. and Mrs. Eula Mae Westbrbok to serve as a nomi nating committee for the election of officers and execu tive committeemen! be rs. The meeting was adjourned after a report of recent physician recruitment activities in Duplin County. R) John Hall. Chairman; Mrs. Eula Mae Westbrook; and Charles Farrior. Jr.. were selected to be the nominating committee for the election of officers at the Duplin ?ounty Physician-Recruitment meeting hekl on luesday night in Kenans vflle is Walter Shepard. Assis tant to the Dean. East Carolina University Medical School, and Richard Kartell. Hospital Administrator, look on. Bt 112 \ >1^ ?a h' flf? pictured: Dr Corbett Quinn. Magnolia: Richard^ Hanrell^ t WWT: 'J ? FORD DRIVES THEM TO KENANSVILLE ? A Phil Ford, that is. drove the people of Duplin and surrounding areas to'Kenansville Friday night to see the Carolina Seniors play the Kenansville - ?trifWf,- - ?' ? -rf.y - Jaycccs in an exhibition game. A crowd of over 700 witnessed the Tarheels out-shoot, out-rebound and plain wear-out the Jaycces. The score was unmentionable... very one-sided. V All-County Band & f'i ???-*% .. . ? ,% Chorus Concert ? On Sunday, April 2, the Junior High School and the Senior High School All-County bands and the Senior High Alt-County Chorus wiH present a concert at the East Duplin High School Auditorium at 3 p.m. The 160 students presenting the concert were selected through an audition process conducted in February from approximately 300 students. LaPointa Davis, director of bands at Elizabeth City State University, will conduct the Senior High Band. Ed Taylor, Band Director for Ginton City Schools, will conduct the Junior High* Band, and Dr. Ralph Slagle, Director of Music at Pembroke State University, will conduct the Senior High All County Chorus. This Is an opportunity for Duplin citizens to enjoy a part of the public schools cultural arts program. The public is invited to attend. There will be no admission charge. JSI Visited By .*? jv'- - ??'??1 '''v : ?*'" v .* "H .? ? JfJWr *5?*- '9?^ ? ' *Sr *7*-k? - ? TJ,"*/- ^ a Mr '!k? ? - - wJr Accrediting Team James Sprunt Institute hosted a ten-member team of educa tional specialists March 14-17. The members represented the state department of community colleges and eight community colleges and technical institutes in N.C. The visit culminated nearly a year of activity at JS1 in preparation for the review of the total educational services pro vided. Although James Sprunt is uh*ady a state accredited institution, to be eligible for re-affirmation of accreditation, procedures require a periodic visitation' and review of pro grams. The findings of the visiting team will be reported to the State Accreditation Agency. The Agency will then determine the accreditation status of the institution. Of primary importance in this process is the end result that programs offered by JSI meets acceptable educational meth odology. procedure and delivery of training and instruction. Also evaluated is the institution's resources, fiscal, physical and human. . 'vy * ?> .'5ft ? .. f The Kcaansvtlte itifieM ti. r, Committee will sponsor, their annual shrubbery sale April 7th and 8th at Jackson* ? J yitXjf- ? ? V? Son Of A Gun By Joo Lonior Not too many years ago, it was a rare sight to see a female driving a car in Duplin County.. .if one was spotted, chances are she was an old maid. . .But it is certainly not that way now. . .In fact, it is beginning to be a rare sight to see a male driving. . .Necessity causes many changes ...More than does * radical movement. . ..The movement gets the publicity, but necessity gets the job done. Speaking of driving females, my wife has had her problems. This past week, for an example. . . .She had been going to this place, and finding a parking spot was difficulty . . Well, she drove around and found a spot ?that was ideal ? no one was parked there and it was not far to walk. . . So. for the next few days she parked there, being very quiet about it so others would not start using the space and she would lose it. . .But things didn't look so good one day when she came to get into ' her car.. .She had been parking in a construction site, and lo and behold, the workers had built a brick wall across the road.. . She had seen they were con structing a building, but didn't know a wall was going to be built. . No wonder no one else parked there. . ."How am I going to get my car out?" she wondered. . .Everyone had gone and she sat there frus trated for awhile. . .Then she fired up the VW and took off into the building and drove out the front door and on home . .But she is looking for another parking place now. One day we were going to scar Wilmington was under construction. As we got into the construction area, there was a flagman stopping traffic and he man is waving for us to go on." 1 looked around, and sure enough he was motioning for us, 1 thought, to go. . .So off we started. . .Then he began motioning with both hands to stop.. .Donna said, "He is nuts. What is he doing?" . . .He covered his face with both hands.. ."I wonder what he has been into, marijuana or what," said Donna. . .And we kept on going. For some reason 1 looked to the right rear of the car and saw a monstrous earth-moving machine barrelling down on us. We were so low, and he was so high, he didn't see us. . .And this was whom the flagman was waving on. . .1 slammed the accelerator to the floor and that little red bug jumped across the highway and over behind the flaoman to safotv Thf man said. "I sure thought you were goners.. .What in the world are you all on, marijuana?". . ."No." I said, "I was just listening to Donna.". Did you ever hear of a well bucket that fitted from the bottom?. . .That's right, it filled from the bottom and not from the top.. .Kentuckians, in years past ? and mayfce.today ? had wells that were about a foot (12 inches) across, and they would lower a bucket with a false bottom Into the Well. . .When the bucket was pulled up, the bottom would, from the weight of the water, re-seat, holding tfie water in.. Son-of-a-Gun... Social Services Meeting

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