VOL XXXXI11 NO. 15 4''t KENANSVILLE, NC 21349 APRIL 13, 1978 10 PAGES THIS WEEK 10 CENTS PLUS TAX Southern Association Committee Visits James Keltan High School The committee for accredit* tioa by the Southern Association visited James Kenan High School last Tuesday and Wed l?1?n Tuesday, April 4th, the visiting committee met at the Duplin County Board of Educa they wctcyytlod by 2m tf D^taCmrnTsSS. I nat evening tnc ?> committee til for a banquefcpn* et was a joint affair for JK Warsaw Junior High On Wednesday, April 5, the committae returned to James Kenan at 8 mm. and visited until 5 p.m. During the school observed the faculty and met The committee met with Principal BUI Taylor and the faculty at 3:1S p.m. to give the results of their findings. James rated, and Taylor was' praised etcpMsksT'of ^"llbn^snd that a student government be farmed at JK, and Principal Taylor stated that such an orjanliarion^ould^be estab Mrs. Mary Dixon Brown servid ii chairoerson of the self-study for James Kenan High School. A year-long in depth study that included manj > * "S2? 4 ? ? . _ '??. ?. M meetings with the faculty and ' administrators, culminated with a fine report from the visiting . Ijpojnmittee. . The self-study of James , positive results. "The faculty, staff, students, administrators ?ml ill other involved oenoM in this worthwhile project are to be commended for their hard work and efforts," said Taylor t & J Whitley Announces Grant For James Sprunt tart? tut? to Kenansvtlle for a pilot interdisciplinary humanities course. A two-year year tech nical institute, James Sprunt at present offers no courses in its occupational curriculum which can really be considered to the humanities. ?'.n? Baseball 1*5? ,. 4^ / . ; > I ^ ^DWe^th^^baB^^^ Saturday, April 15, at 10 a.m. at the Kenansville Municipal Park. Players must be 8 years old before August 1, and not 13 before August 1. Boys who played last year do not peed to try out since they will already be assigned to their last year's team.' ,'Y" ? * ?? 5 ? a. a ? ? MM M wiH be teem-taught and guest lecturers will also be used. This grant will cover course develop ment, implementation and evaluation, and is one of 29 pilot I~ u.ai|| / rarimtlii mmimwArn*I L grants recently awarded ov too Humanities Endowment in a continuing program of support to institutions of higher . edu cation. ? ? l TO APPEAR W KBUMStuU - The National Opera Conpuy, founded in 4948 by A.J. Fletcher, a Raleigh attorney and businessman, will appear in Kenan Memorial Auditorium in Kenansville on Tuesday. April 18th at 8 pan. in a performance of "The Barber of Seville" under the sponsorship of the Tar Heel Fine Arts Society and James Sprunt Institute. These engaging end enthusiastic young ?performers, chosen from nationwide auditions, maie new and devoted friends for the cause of' 'Opera in English." They are both entertaining and fun, as witnessed by the spontaneous laughter and applause} ingredients too often missing when an English-speaking audience attends i conven tional performan?^op<^^^^^^^^^^^^^Y^ experience andemployment to young sieging artists. The remits have been outstanding, lp annual tours covering moot of Ac United States, these professional troupes have performed nearly that have ocvw'beforewifri caged live operatic perfoflfcaaegg. TWa production is offered free of charge to the public, compliments of the Tar Heel Fine Arts Society and James Sprunt Assistant Superintendent Scotland Countv Schools Elridse Thigpen. Principal Greene Central High School; Bill Taylor. Principal James Kenan High; Rock Sanders. State Department Of Public Instruction; and Tommy Benson. Chairperson. Warsaw noN ah u mo T JAWS ARRIVE?The Duplin County Association of Rescue Squads received its Jaws of Life power rescue tool Sunday. Shown at a meeting at a Kenansville restaurant Are 1-r: Margaret Bodzin ski, vice president of the association and captain of the Chinquapin squad; Hiram Brinson, director of Emergency Services fete* the county; Clarence Evans, chief, Magnolia'Fire Department; Herb Walls, a representative af the power tooLcpmpany receiving the check for $5,616; GlewrJernigan n/ 1 . 1 i???/ . t / chief of the Faison Rescue Service; Anthony Williams, assistant chief of the Beulaville Fire and Rescue Department; James Simmons, lieutenant of the Rose Hill Fire Department; Larry Benson\ captain of the Warsaw Rescue Service; and county commissioner Arliss Albertson. The Jaws will be ! kept in Kenansyille and will be available to all J rescue sauads ialhe county. The money was raised 1 through donations from individuals, businesses, in dustries and the Duplin Board of Commissioners. mmw'w a Gun I By Jo* Lonier ?' 'HB met a most unUsual man .while back. He is Johnny H. Williams, Sr. He was named _ i fjfcplin County's Oldest Em ployed Worker. In fact, this is Mien I met him ? when he was awarded the honor. fH9L^is 85 years old and is employed at J.P. Stevens' guest hpuse. . .He also farms. . .Last week I went out to talk with Mr. Williams and found him and a couple of ladies in the straw berry patch chopping weeds. !He said he had been raising ?- Strawberries, or messing around $heih. since he was a youngster 4f about 12!.. That, my friends, was back about 1905. 1 talked Wth Mr. Williams for several hours. . .Or rather, I listened. . .He is a very interesting story teller. and I do Kke tales of yesterday. .Especially ? amusing ones... s He said he worked in the log ? woods and pulled a crosscut saw. ;. ."Short fellows don't j? make good sawing partners. . .1 K liked a long, tall fellow with long E-arms sp we could make that saw F sing as it went through the log. . ?' .A short-armed fellow would H work you to death with them K little short strokes," He was paid 3 cents a log. . .Worked B: before that as a water boy for 25 F' cents ii day. . ."1 never have L.a a. I... ..J . pccn uirc iu i?j ucu-r emu uicmu m job. . J just went ahead and done it.. The harder it was, the harder fhit it," says Williams. . .And he apparently did it well. . .He and nis wife had nine children and sent all but one through col lege.. Recalling his younger dass. WUIianfc said. . ."When I was about IS or so, 1 had a little ox named Cannonball (after the train)... Well, Cannonball was poking along, like oxen do, pulling a hand-hewed cart. ) And I got me this ^ green thought_I could take U out firorrt .He fun6that cart into some busies and turned it over. . ? JGoq. was I ever glad when that burr fell out. . .. And you know, when an pld oxnets hot. he wilj just go right on into the water. . lotd^nealfyou want^andhe win Williams says he likes ail kinds of Tiunting. ? -But not fishing. . ."No sir, not me sit down on no riverbank with a hook in the water. . .They might not be a fish for a hundred miles. , .Hunting. . .If there is nothing there, you can see that fact and go elsewhere". ... There is a treat deal more about Johnny H. Williams, Sr. , that is interesting and will show up from time to time in Son-of-a Gun... Johnny H. Williams, Sr. is not 85 years "young". . . Personally. I do not like that phrase. . .H? is 85 years old. . .He is like an antique. . .His ? value has increased with the years. . .Like that of many others... - Grandmas, Grandpas. Moms and Dads are walking history books of yesterday., .They were a part of it. . .They lived it. . .And from them you can get a wondrous amount of informa tion. . Information about what it was like right here. . .Two miles' (town the road. . .Or across the county.. .This type of information is not in the history books end. sadly, will not always be here. . .Not only wiH you help yourself discover thingspf yesterday, but you will al& help someone older by simply by listening. . .And maybe passing it on. . .The older generation is a treasure. . .Don't be robbed bv not askinv somebne to share it. . .Most of the things in Son-of-a-Gun re ferring to yesterday come from this older generation. . .And by the way, I am always looking for ?ew sources. . .Any sugges ts?. .. ? ???** ?. If you watch western movies, ( am sure you have heard the phrases used by the Indians. . .White *yes. . .Speak with forked tongue. . .It is surprising these Indians knew of such things as.. .the government and electric companies saying con serve electricity, and in the same instance giving those who use the most electricity a cheaper rate per kilowatt... Someone this week was tell ing me about a fellow going to the creek to get a pail or vater.. ?As he dipped his bucket into the water, he saw an alligator . house and told ins mother, who piom, 1410 ine i&fl, ? II fl USING THE JAWS OF LIFE - Duplin County rescuemen got their first chance to use a Jaws of Life power rescue tool Sunday. Glenn Jernigan, center, of the FaisOn squad, and another unidentified rescueman pop off a car door as Herb Walls, a power tool tympany representative, gives instructions. The Jaws was paid for Sunday with over $5,000 raised by rescue personnel in the county. It will be available for use by all eight Duplin County squads. (From Mount Olive Tribune) Kenny Houston Rotary Student Of The Month Kenneth Edward Houston, son of Mr. and Mrs. LeadelF Houston of Warsaw, has been selected as the Mai; Tlirtdiiaii oftbe Month by the KenansvtUe outstanding football player at JK. He was named to the All Conference team and won Honorable Mention honors on the A|!-East Team. He has also ?; . lettered in basketball and track. ' Keqfiy has beet a home room repMMntative three years and is a (Member of the Monogram Ctobt; He plans to attend EJon College in. Greensboro. ON THE MAM % ? /^BAPCA'NS >1 * CRAZY DAY*/* "WES H1 .} 2 DAY# owLYf 'y# -