i I into - ? ^^T rl BL_ Nawb 11.11 II I ? r I ^ ^ I 'H I * r Up^!'- < i ' iDNTIEI 1a ? r? 1 1 1 1 a p i ?_ KENANSVH1E.NC 28349 APRIL 27,1978 16 PAGES THIS WEEK 10 CENTS PLUS TAK ^BaljgiggjSigsg^^ ; ? .. ? ' wnwi f Sr' 'iff* vT-% .7 v \ ' :*,-.Tb" "v; ? ' "? By Jo* Lonlor 1 am *ure that over the -1 past few weeks you have ' had your ear bent , or <-'? burned, your hand shook, your babies kissed, your ' ind bask patted, been grinned at, and your vote has been asked for. If i i you have doubts on whom /ou are going to vote for in some county race, 1 would like to ?M?St that vou 1 Dorset ill thf Dfonim mlST Uhk fiE the ' naMMl'a kaiAllfAlltLli I ^-.L eoongk ^"m^te^a small L Jn l?u plf mjT^county. Jate^'or oopntry, but a good turnout I of the voters*. who are interested in their county, state and country will keep I the best in office and make changes in other offices. Have you seen the movie "Annie HjMT" . . This ? movie has Von all kinds of Academy Awards.. .1 have come to the conclusion that movies which win these ? awards are not my type of i ? moVies. . Woody Allen, who starred in and pro duced "Annie Hall" didn't even show up for the pre movie. I don't blame him. ? I would have paid the box office ticket seller the price j of another ticket if she 'i I'Eva Si. could have given back the I **) minutes I wasted. . WeH, all the 90 minutes were not really wasted. . .1 slept through some of the movie.. .The jokes were so j aid 1 am sere most of them I Ji t-J IHhn,, W0P5 Dy Muwu Berie. . .1 failed to see one fresh new joke. . .Of course ^ ^^'d h*** UflWilil 1 Ttwtitnn landed^lto^use the 'bath room." ***** I was introduced last an attempt to be amusing 4 with . couple of stories, I was wandering around ' f , meeting those at the affair and one fellow said, -"So Is you are Son-of-s-Gun." . .1 \ smiled and shook his hand. * \f . .He continued, "Your father must have beep a pistol.". . .1 had ,#ver ready thought of it, but he was right. . .According to some of the stories I have heard, he was quite a pistol in his hey-day. . .Son-of-a Gun jt I ?jk'i * ? 'i ? k I Dr. Uo Jenkins To Addrofs C tl i r ; '> ?. . Dr. Leo Jenkins. Chancellor of East Carolina University, wr Court ? Judge.. Judge James R. Strickland is being opposed by Joseph C. Olschner, both of Jacksonville. < 1-40 Route Approved Route Will Lii}k Fofcon To Interstate . ' * ' - 4 A , . j At expected, the state Board of Transportation hat approved* the muting of Interstate 40 from Jaleigh to 1-95, just north of* SSSife.'&Xtt many peraons^Friday's three It had been exported that the/ Board would approve the F-3D route, which would have routed MO from Benson along High way 242 to Highway 421 and then south to Wilmington, but 1 that waa not approved. The chosen route was not among the oaes recommended < following a three-year study by WdlM?nP?dlan I, a consultant loir An expedld motion by Boadd 5 member William Herriaj^Jjn V The Wayne group hod b?*h fighting the Clinton routing fort several months, arguing that' 1-40 would serve more people if> routed through Galdaboro. > Herring's motion to fdur-lade U.S. 117 from Mount OHve to s r II I -MB?? (joldsboro was uniiiimjusl^ ap i|H|vedby the Board, trie Board also passed a motion to move ihe four-laning of U.S. 117 from ?VMtirt Olive to Faison up oa the although the 1-40 route re beh^ approval, it can, accord Appfoval of this neW route was s