' J-! ill I till ' S I Thigpen. Sr. in the race for Third District Commissioner. Albert son stated Tuesday night i he would ask for a run-off. I S. Franklin Williams was the ( winner for the County Commis- < sioner's seat from thd Fourth J District over incumbent Willard Hoffler. Williams had 994 votes to 768 for Hoffler. < . ^ ' J ^13.018.355 Budget Request ^Presented To Duplin Board ' The 1978-79 budget request Wt all xounty departments totaled 853,018,355 in the initial ?MotoniMto the Board of ?? Russell Tucker, County ?ccountant, said the grots re wTlevy of $6,168,377 compared ^168,377. This appears reasonable." Ttefer said. The Board will begin its. J budget paring process with meetings Thursday and Friday. About half the requested in Tease came from the Board of Educattou. Frank Moore, Tax Supervisor, said no estinate of the tax ?ate or the next fiscal year can be nade until Completion of the evaluation feports which are iow beginning to come from the ippraistl firm. He said tax looks undfr the revaluation isve been figured for five rural ownships. Glisson, Albertson, . .. . : Wolfscrape, Smith and Rock- fj fish. The total assessed valuation P of these townships is S99 mil- ii lion, almost double the SSO n million of last year, he added. si The Board will sit as a Board ? n of Equalization and Review May Jf 9, 10 and 11. So far, few re- tS quests for hearings have come p from citizens, Moore said. p After an executive session at e. mid-day, the Board reduced n Ann Hunter from Data Process* ? ajacaAcss: TifelUfufflr eMhirmed Iter as d data processor head. The action ft cdme after it was pointed ottt cl she lacked the full qualifications hi stated in the Board's advertise- |v ment for the position. The Board a' will re-advertise for a Data Processor Supervisor rather than a manager who would be a m department head. The new s< supervisor will be under o! Tucker's administration. Ms. th Hunter was described as a in capable and responsible tl employee, however, by Board members. The advertisement N for the job had called for either c two years of computer school or . four years of experience, and Ms. Hunter had not completely jlfilled the requirements. After Magnolia Mayor Melvin ope asked the Board for S2.000 i anti-recession funds for a (creation program, Commis loner W. J. Cos tin of Warsaw loved to give Magnolia, Warsaw, Faison and Beulaville 2,000 each for the purpose, teviously Wallace and Rose [ill had been granted $2,000 ich for their recreation depart icnts. The Board also approved a " (solution calling for ?? high Sf tere it a grade school for these iHdren in Wilson, but to attend igh school they have to go to V lorganton, nearly 300 miles C vay in western North Carolina. ( C Lei and Grady, Tax Collector, f, let with the Board and pre- ( :nted his report for the month ( F April and year-to-date. For ? le month of April $132.397.19 p i taxes was collected and for -> le year-to-date. $3,305,198.57. The Board was notified that n C 50, 2.5 miles south of b hinquapin. will be closed " (ginning May 8 for four weeks t< i replace bridge with pipe. 8 Mhitkyt Mobile OK*. To Visit Dqplin Congressman Charlie Vhitley's Third District Mobile Kfice will be visiting Duplin bounty May 10th. The Mobile Iffice will make stops at the blowing times: Beulaville Post Iffice, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.; Chinquapin Post Office, 11-12 oon; Rose Hill Post Office. 1-2 i.m. and Warsaw Post Office, :30 - 3:30 p.m. Rodney Knowles will be man ing the Mobile Office and will e available to anyone having tatters that they wish brought i the attention of the Con ressman. Judge James Strickland, re- I -ently appointed to a seat as Fourth Judicial District Superior p Court Judge, appeared to be tl winning by a substantial margin >ver Joseph C. Olscbner of r Jacksonville. Over 43 percent of the County's 18,102 registered Vmocrats went to the polls. For the unofficial precinct-by rccinct voting in Duplin, check tic tally sheet below. Moonlight Sale Set Mount Olive mer chants will hold a Moonlight Madness sale Friday, May 5, Retail Merchants Division President Mrs. Ethel Brewer announced today. Participating stores will close Friday from 6 until 7 p. m. in preparation for the sale. The sale will be held from 7 until 10 p. m. ([ r - j. ' v.;? dra r ? kj r'tny -* *iflnrTr ? ' sv5^B^ ??#?? > 111 11 '? . . i ' ... ...mi i,.i.~-. ?,., ?? l ; .*? ? -. .... i . i ?.R(P STATES SENATOC |!S?^ . J? j? j ?M ?1 , t I , I - ? """ i if Ijl ! ! i r ! I | f I I r | ! ? !?'! ? ? ? ? II I ? 11 ? I ? ? - I WH ?< II I ???111 ?? III* I II I. m ? ????" II ? ? ???* ? ?? ? ? ? ' ??? waauw >33 tl m 2* y> 1? 59 39? lit 4* fCQ W ?<* I^ 71* HI U taisom 2S x ? u t* i ti ll. r*i ist Y? I* /W 2><> & /g calyiso at o 1- Sg SL 3 0 3 43 St ?7 /* J?.sL /* I* "? ? " ? ?? ?? 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