UUPUTI TRAFFIC FATALITY - 10CIC *M i j second traffic fatality in four days in Dublin County. Tuesday at 1:15 p.m.. Mrs. Hazel Whitman Poythress of ^ Bowden. 55^ diedjw the and one-half miles east of Warsaw on Highw ay 24 near P* #1107, not far from James Kenan High School. According to Patrolman Wigard Mitchell, the 1972 Fordr Stefanlk from John* Medical School at the Uni\ eraity He dit dency int! an wedi ni at Mc K ?* Hoapital at .. capo * in [the senior Hub. He n- cived the thi Cbt*r hi". Co gjfgl - V ' j ? V' v, / ? ? /; "." v-'i ' .. -- " '& MggfiE >Egjafr ? _ 'V-: Incumbents Call For Runoffs ? ?' gjk\* , j > . *c- > p. Call* lor ? run-off Democratic primary election have been made by three candidates in the county races. r, .' - Two incumbent County Com missioners were forced to call for run-ofis in efforts to retain their seats. Emmett Kelly of the 2nd District has challenged Calvin C. Turner, Sr.. top vote-getter in a five-man race. District II includes Calypso, which voted 41%; WoHscrape. 43%; Glisson, 58%; Albertson, 67%; Smith. 65%; and Cabin Township, 37%. Turner had 565 votes to 335 for Kellv. In District III. incumbent Arliss Albertson has called for a run-off with top vote-getter Allen D. Nethercutt. District 111 includes Hallsville. which voted 59%: Beulavilte. 40%; Cedar Fork. 70%; Cjrpress Creek, 39%; and Chinquapin, 56%. Three candidates were in the race for a Board seat. Duplin votes by districts for Commis sioners. Also calling for a run-off in * t Duplin County is incumbent James F. Strickland to retain his seat on the Board of Education. Six candidates were entered in Duplin County Board of Edu cation race. Patricia Broadricfc. with J.248 votes, won a dear majority for one of the seats. Kiddick Wilkins ran second in the voting with 2.533 votes to 2.526 for Strickland. The Board of Educa tion is voted on county-wide, not by districts. > X In announcing that he had called for a run-off. Strickland made the following statement. "I detect a strong and healthy feeling of concern affecting education. I feet the public is telling us something, and I want and will listen. I want to continue to serve the people, and I feel I have something to offer." The run-off election will be held May 30th. Culvln C. Turner, Sr. Arlias Albertaon AOeo D. Nethereatt June* F. Strickland a ?' Mmm* j RIddick Wnidaa Son Of A Gun fcJwUUw ? The single-sljot vote, b it dirty politics or b it strategy? .. The answer is. as in many other things, all according to how it affects you. If you are using it, you would call tf Strategy, but if it b being used against you, it would, of cwirse, be dirty. politics. . . It is effective and very much so when used cor - rectly. but it only works in . incidents where there are two or more vests with several candi is. in effect, receiving two votes since you are not voting for any of the others. And you are hoping others are marking two candidates on their ballets. . . The single-shot vote and the bloc vote was very evident in' last week's elections in Duplin County in several precincts. A close examination of the pre cincts and the candidates' votes, will show you how it was used.' One might say. political aware ness is coming of age in Duplin County. To have political recognition for Duplin County. I believe the voters need voting machines. Before you say it b a waste of the estimated S80.000 it would cost, hear me out. If a miracle were to happen and all Duplin registered voters were to vote. . .some over 20.000 in a national election. . .there would not be enough to elect or defeat anyone whether they were hand counted or counted by machine. . .Now, under the same token. Duplin, being a small county, the returns could be counted and reported an hour after the polls closed if machines were used. In the last Election. Wallace used marines and had the totals reported in something just over thfrty minutes. . .Duplin'County could have its J2T ^ vole lM*"h mans would be an it ions to have ? good showing ia Duplin ? thus Duplih would be courted by aH the candidates before, during and after elect ions. . . Say or believe what you like, the hands go where those seeking or holding political office want to make, or need to make, a good showing.. .As it stands now. by the time Duplin County gets its votes hand-counted sometime after midnight, and shouts out its totals. everyone already knows who is or is going to be elected. No one pays any atten tion to the Duplin vote. I believe macMhes would change this... Ralph Vernon of Warsaw called me the other day and wanted me to come over to his house and take some pictures and sec "something you won't believe." says he. . .It was during the rainy, rainy week, and something happened and 4 didn't get over to his house. . .1 saw him downtown the other day and he said, "Joe. you sure missed a good picture." . . <1 apologized for not going when he suggested and asked him what it was. - .He said that during the rains, the water got so high in his garden that the catfish were eating the worms off his cabbage. . .Sounds like a fish story to me.... Speaking of fish stories. . .1 understand a couple of fellows decided to go fishing in a pond near Kenansville. When they drove up to the pond, they saw a man standing on the bank looking out over the pond. They readied their equipment and then went over to see what was happening to the man. . .They asked, out of curiosity, what he was doing. . .The man said, "I am waiting for the wind to change directions." .. .The two fellows looked up at the sky and then at each other question ingly. and then back to the man. . . They asked how long he had been standing there waiting for the wind to change. . ."About 45 minutes," said, calmly. . .Well, cariosity was about to get, the best at them, so they just had to ask why he wanted the wind to change. . .The man pointed out near the center of the pond, and there was a boat. Says he. "I am waiting for foe wind fohfow my boat back over here." . . .Seems the fottow. adh , ? .-j.atli kg r t.nrt* - t?r , iL. aner porting ma neat mm u?e water, went back to bis twick to . got hit tod and reel, bat J discovered he had already put j No Parking Allowed Kenansville Chief of Police Tyson Bostic issued a statement Tuesday stating that there is to be no parking in ftpnt of the Kenansville Post Office or in front of Theresa's Shoppe next door unless on official Post Office business after 6 p.m. Federal law prevents anyone from parking on Federal grounds. Ntw Telephone Directory Ntforing Completion Preparation of the Warsaw telephone directory is nearly completed. W. S. Richardson. District Commercial Manager, said that May 12 is the last day for requesting changes la the 'I new directory. Telephone customers who wish to change or add directory listings should call the business JLJf? i .1 ....nwintlai 'i'" Vu | Qcnoc prompiiy. Irw flsiliiraa~ii ? l.-l-. iL. MAtv. M.211 Jiny, Die new cnrccwory win contain more listings thaa ttth current directory. This is daMn, East Duplin Fine Arts Building To Be Dedicated The Duplin County Board of f Education has made plana yfor [ the dedication services of the Fine Arts Building at East Duplin High School. The pro- , gram is planned for Sunday, J May 14 at 3 p.m. Charles H. Yelverton. J Superintendent of Duplin B .ounty bcnoois. and (.harles K. ?owers. principal of East )uplin. announced the building fill be dedicated to the memory >f Mr. Emmett Rogers, a life ong resident of the East Duplin chooi district. He was a lember of the Duplin County loaid of Education from April 1.1963. to October 8. 1974. The Fine Arts Building at East Duplin Is considered to be one of the finest auditoriums in North Carolina. The faculty and student body are proud to have such a building on their campus. The public is invited to attend this dedication service. Duplin County Fireman's Day The third annual Duplin County Fireman's Day cthbpe tition will be held in Rose Hill at the 117 Recreation Park on May 20 beginning immediately following the Fire Equipment Parade at I p.m. 15te compc tition will be between the vofun teer tire departments of the county. Trophies will be awarded to the winners in each competitive event and a trophy will be awarded to the department accumulating the most points during the day. The events tnv...wv ijic Company Run; Hydrant Hook Up; Bucket Brigade* Maze. Ladder Gimb and Water Polo. The past winners have been Rose Hill, in 197b. and Harrells in 1977. The public is invited to attend and observe