gpfTDfEL^^J VOL.XXXXU1N0.35 KENANSVILLE.NC 28349 AUGUST 31.1978 10 PAGES THIS WEEK 10 CENTS PLUS TAX Son Of A Gun fty Jot lantor fffS-Si? :,f sevend H^yfcuflM(PBjl(BN(^^ going to demonstrate how to call a hog. . . Now everyone there knew there was no self-respect ing southern hog going to come to no Yankee a-yelling. . . Sherman sad his men fooled some southern hogs back in the ! 1800 s, but no mora. . .There John stood, all dressed in bib overalls, a red bandana around his neck, and a straw hat on his noggin.. .He curled bis thumbs around the galluses, rared buck, poked his lips out 'til they were j about the size of a small saucer. ! I and he began. . . Sooeee. . . 1 cough. . .cough. . .Soooeee. . Soooeee. . .It is all in how you fix your lips, says John, i, .Sooooeeee ... bis shoulders shaking. . .Sooooeeeee. '. .his head going from side to side, his k jaws flapping, and face almost as read as the bandanna. .Soooooeeeee. . .1 feel the presence of a hog. . . I got him coming, says John... Soooeeee. . . .John cupped his hands around Ids mouth with his Km poked out about two inches beyond his hands. . .Soooeeee. he yells. . .And by golly, a 1 squeal is heard coming from ' down the hallway. Most of those | southern meat men had ' ? . -'>L ? - ' : '? ? ' ' ! regained their composure and gotten up off the floor where they#had been wallenng and jMehing while John waa hog a nan ! qx SRC aoorwty wncrc inc pig fumeitlng waa coining from. . came a red and white tharn pig. . .Now hold on. . ^Ho away. am not ?K. Xet me finish.. .Thepig Hi an iron cage, and thfl^ ?MtWas on some youngun's ?and wagon. . .And Bobby flpwas pulling the wagon, in Pgr 1 must admit, this Yankee had me confrised foe a little MBpudien that pig began grapng. . .And, John may not be mm ot the best hog callers I haveigver heard, but he dang. Yankee bargain^. ? Someone was telling me sboet a fellow from over about Sarecta that got into a fight with himself and a knife. . .Seems this follow had sharpened his , knife until it was so sharp one could almost shave with it. He was out in the garden cutting okra when a bee lit on the side of his hand, between his thumb and finger. . .Well, his first thought was to knock the bee off before he get stung. . .For getting he had this sharp knife in Ms other hand, he hit st the See. . .sliced two fingers. . Feeling angry at himself, and in pain at the same time, he took out his handkerchief and wrapped it around the two cut fingers. . . By now be fwd sat down, and everyone knobs how difficult H is to tie something with only one hand. . .This AalLwi/ rmmi~tims" for il> shun ieiiow resciies ior tnts snarp knife again, to cut the end of the handkerchief so he could tie it.. ?Well, the knife ripped right through the handkerchief until it reached the hem.. .Here he had fo pet forth some extra effort, sad the knife slipped and fills time he cut his leg.. .Years back he was an Eagle Scout. . Son-of-a-Gun... fttf.v#,-.'? ...I ' Duplin General Intensive yore Uni* p?... ? n,# Propo Again Richard E. HarreU, Adminis trator at Duplin General Hospital, filed notice on August 23, 1978, of intent to incur a capital expenditure for the jMiipose of proposing to add nine (9) intensive care beds and J support areas to Duplin General Hospital. The project la scheduled for completion in September. '.979 and is aud ited tc 661 The project proposal has been submitted to the North Carolina ?Department of Human ?Resources. Sute Helath ?Planning and Development li^APV Ifjra |-?irigrwr Wa? film ft fit ft ? fr) building, to see the displays, and to meet the staff and have refreshments. Another activity planned is a public health awareness campaign to be Initiated in the Duplin County schools. This is to make students of all ages aware of the types of services available to tnem at their County Health Department. The State Division of Health Services made bumper stickers available to the local Health Departments. Staff members will be distributing them to anyoni or any groups who may like them. Pamphlets on clinics and services offered by the Health Department can L . 3 i .> J&jk' Mim be obtained at the Health Department at any time. Dr. Sarah T. Morrow. Secre tary of the Department of Human Resources, as honorary chairman 0f Public Health Week, will be among a group of stat^ health and political leaders attending a kick-off luncheon at the Raleigh Woman's Club. The kkyuoter will be Dr. Charles U. Lowe, special assistant for Child fieglth Affairs to the U.S. department of Health, Educa tian. and Welfare. Public Health Week, statewide, is being sponsored by the N.C. Public Health Association and the N.C. Citi zens for Public Health. ? >''? V; ? -MeHte To H?Od Red Cross Campaign A ? '-MS ^ The Reverend. Troy Dewitt Mollis, who is the 1978 Fond Campaign Manager for the Duplin County Chapter of the American National Red Cross, has been pastor Of Grove Pres byterian Church in Kenansville since October 1964. He also serves the Smith's Presbyterian Church near Pink Hill. He has served in Duplin County for nearly 14 years. Since coming to Duplin County, he has served as Moderator of Wilmington Pres bytery, and has been on various committees. Mr. Mullis was born in Wll grove in Mecklenburg County. After finishing Bain High School, he went to Richmond. Virginia, and received bis B.D. at Union Theological Seminary. Before coming to Wilmington Presbytery, he pastored churches in Fayetteville Pres bytery. He has also served churches in Virginia and West Virginia. In addition to his church work, Mr. Muilis has served as president of the Kenansvilie Lions Gob. He has helped the Red Cross and other community projects. He mpt his wife, the former Mary Elizabeth Brogden of Dupttn County, when he went home with her brother for a visit. They were married on July 10. 1940 at the Stanford Pres byterian Church near Calypso. They have three children, Troy Dewitt,t Jr., Herman Thomas, and Mary Elizabeth. Jury List Drawn I The Jury list filed by the County Jury Commission with the Register of Deeds, to appear Monday. September 11 at 2 I'-ia.. Superior Court Criminal, is aa follows: Clifton Smith. Mount -Olive; Lawrence R. Smith, Route 2. Pink Hill; Doris Price, Faison; Norman E. Hardison. Rose Hill; Letha A. Raup, Beulaville; Donnie Miller, Warsaw; MUton R. Whaley. Pink Hill; Robert Avery Shaw. Wallace; Himmy Howell, Warsaw; Vernell Futreal. Route 1. Teachey; Letter Shaw, Jr., Route i, Wallace; Annie T. Brown, Fa^KHi; Carolyn B. Jones, Beu laville. Thesia Isedira Garner. Route 1, Mount Olive; Minnie I A dalle Turner. Warsaw; WSWey Faison. Faison; John Martin Sumner. Route 2. Pink Hi|l; Jannie Mae Morrisey, Route 1? Warsaw; Mary A.K. Hall. Route 1. Wallace; John W. Swinsen. Warsaw; Remona Davis Miller. .Route 1. Seven Springs; Haxel , Houston Kennedy. Route 2. Pink Hill; Crystal Wells Johnson, Roue Hill; Henrietta Outlaw, Mount Olive: Kathleen Wells. srt* xst ? Warsaw; Viola Kaowlee Patsy Nethercutt Leraacks Beulaville: Thos. E. Hlnes WaBace, ElvU L. Kennedy. I, Bow dens; James A* Powers. WaUaly' Blooddl Mitfik fafittv I Harry Milton Hall, Route 1, 1 BeulaviHe; G.F. Underbill, Fai son; Bettie Alberta Whaley. Route 1, Chinquapin; Robert Eugene Jones, BeulaviHe; Richard Pollock, Route 2, Rose Hill; James Allen Stewart, Magnolia; Marvin James Swinson. Route 2, Mount Olive; Charles Fttzhugh Lee, Wallace; Ethel James Rackley. Rose Hill; Gene Arnold Duncan, Wallace; MarceUus Brock. Jr.. Warsaw; Adrian Vance Lanier. Route 2, BeulaviHe; Joseph Moore. Rose Hill; L.Q. DaU. Chinquapin; Johnny Ervin Boone. Rose Hill; Anarah H. Campbell. Calypso; Evelyn Dail. Mount Olive; Mrs. Raymond Shepard, Chinquapin; JoAnn Poythress, Faison; Tracy C. Lanier. Rote Hill; Edgar Sutton. Route 2, Warsaw; Mc Leon Shptar. Wallace; Mylie Cromartle. Calypso; Russell Killette, Route 1. Warsaw; Charles Leon Morrbey, War saw; Ann Fennelton Kornegay. Route 2, Faison; Emma Smith, Calypso; Mik> Pickett. Beula ville; Emma S. Pickett. Route 2, , BeulaviHe; Willie E. Sholar. j Wallace; Wyoma Q. Thomas. BeulaviHe; WiHie Dell Chest nutt. Magnolia; Minnie Bruce Birkins Simmons. Pink H^l; ? Marvin E. Norris, Route 1, 51 Renansville; Margaret Fonder- s* butk Harrell. Route 2. Warsaw: w Leslie Savage. Route 1, War th saw; Anthony Lynn Barham, H Route &JMount Olive; Edna (? Nrtt'ie'lxAson6 Milter" Redans- ? HUI; Terry Glenn KOHor, Route th I. BeulaviHe; Ishnm Faison ' Beware..Four-Way j 3v '.\ V I: : V' ?$? . \ "? ; ' ' -??.* ? . Stop Signs In County y~ rOP! STOP! STOP! STOP! That's right. Four up signs hav? been put at the intersection of ards Bridge Road (CM. Outlaw's Store) and e bowdens-Kenansville SR 1301. Roger awkins. Divisional Traffic Engineer. North icolina Department of Transportation, ch ained that the four sto^signs jjr?re temporary oblent, according to C.M. Outl e past25 years there hasn't been a atop sign on 1300. and residents are having trouble getting displeasure with the change, and suggested leaving the four stop signs or installing a traffic light. Hawkins said the State maintains