I ^ V ^ i l ililiiiml 'in . i*i ? * J^JB^^flfc^MBfcJBM|MM flHj^Hjjjf'T^jHNTI^T ?? ? I , ?? / :{j.?^^KJjjrE^r' ,-i v. ' .. s ? , - lj. i" ?? . ?,,_?-/? i '' ?fr^**^1"'1 1 ' ??^r* 1 " 1 ^untypEmployees Urged To Improve Public Image Duplin County department Mondsy to Improve their image the department heads were caHed to the meeting by Chair man William J. Costin. Cos tin reminded department heads at the Board of Commissioners meeting that California voters had rebelled against high taxes by approving Proposition 13 which limited r^iDroDcrtv taxes "The tax burden has shifted in Duplin due to revaluation," he said. "You, the department heads, county employees, and Board of Commissioners have a poor image in the county, and we want to change that.!' ? He said Board members pad heard of rudeness to residents on the part of some employees, and that residents' compltfnts had been ignored. "You must realize tlfcse people are taxpayers and pat all our bills. If you are paid fed 40 hours of work, we want 40 hairs of work ? no more, and no less," he said. Costin said it has been re ported that some employees have been seen in super markets, barber shops, and other places during woriring hours. "The public questions this, and rightly so," lie said. Costin said the key to im proved public relations is im proved attitude toward people. If an dtotployee persists in exhibiting a bad attitude, the employment should be ter-. minated, he said. "If there is job over-lapping, it should be eliminated," |k insisted. Costin urged department heads to speak before civic groups to discuss their depart ments and jobs. He also urgM them to explain their work In newspaper articles. In other matters, the Board, by a split vote, approved {be request of Duplin Development^' Commission Chairman Harry Qswald of . Wallace and members, C. W. Surratt of Krite Hill and Alios Brinson of ,Kenan$ville, lor permissiqfi to advertise for k new director to Opposing was Comnfcsioner Franklin WBlianmi who Said be thought the Boait should wait until a decision cin be mad* on V.-' > ??!?? whether to hire ? county manager. Williams said he thinks the two positions could be combined. Commissioners D.J.. FuSsell, Calvin Turner, and, Allen Nethercutt approved the advertisement request. ,f The Board received the resig nation of Windsor Johnson ad head of the Program for the Elderly because of his age. He agreed to stay on temporarily, however. Russell Tucker, County Accountant, advised the Board that Wilbur Jackson, a retired Federal Aviation Administration employee, will arrive January IS as operator of the P.B. Raiford airport. The Board appointed Clifton Smith of Warsaw, Mike Pistner of Tepchey, Lois B. WilHams of Rose Hill, O.J. Simpson of Beulaville, Haden Pickett of Wallace. Abbie Smith of Mag nolia, Annie Catherineteland of Rose Hill, Margaret OJ Sutton of Mount Olive, and Cortridia Britt of Albertson to the?Citizens Advisory Council on Community Development Grants. ' Mary Stevens of Kmhansville was n.?d to the-iimtpower saw wttMtamed to the Health Department Board. " rM ' T Son Of A Gun By Joo Lanier * I Duplin County schools received accreditation this past week by the Southern Associa tion of CbHeeps and Schools ? an accomplishment that to many of Duplin's educators ~^at icjud ttosc 1 have talked administration. therataJw'typwrd end evetyOffc else taooleHiin thia prestigious accomplish ment. ., I do. however. auestion ??srwwsvi a .smawwawii the trip to Atlanta to accept the award. ^ news article located eimwherc 1% this paper lists 2fc people- as /being in ' Atlanta Sunday through Wednesday. 1 have been-told that only 21 of thenyWereat the expense of the schobl board, and they were the educators and administration fonty. The chartered airplane flight to and from and the motel accommodations were listed at S181 per person, state allocated meals $49, and registration $10. for a total of iuat aver $5,000 plus the three days' wages. The argument I have received in I favor of die trip was that the schools have worked for three years to receive this and the principal should accept the award. When I asked if ftte person could have accepter! figr-1 all the Schools, the answer wan I that the principals worked hard and it just Would not have been right not let them acceut the award, get their ptetureftaken. and all. . .My reply?. . -* ... -r '?'?? -???-? ? /h .I , / /y . / ^ V /^t__ C^uCtZ^ m / r * St7r "tjdL /?