X' :::-4 HO IJ. BUffB ' Club Professional I Bcrnic Mayer Rockflsh Pro Cole Brad shaw reports Ncal Carlton's team of Jim Ounn. Dennis Johnson and Brooks Bian chard won the March Scramble at his club with a best ball 65. Gary Burton. Linda Burton. Steve Steele and Matt Bray came in second with a best-ball 66. while the team of Billy Harrcll. Miles Harrcll. Charles Maynard and Willie Futrcll took third in a field of 42 players with a 67. ????? . Duplin Swingers arc re minded of Ladies Day at the club March 8th with bridge and golf at ten. Minnie Dark and Jewel Taylor in charge of the fun day for the girls. Pro Ed Smoot announces a Four-Man Best-Ball for members coming in March 25th at his club in Clinton. Smoot will release golf tour naments at his club this spring next week in this column. Word has reached the 1 jth Hole that-Alfred Harringand Wood row Blackburn arc still trying to get over the licking put on them by George Henry Best and Nathan Costin last week at Duplin. If it was for the amount I heard. Wood row is still humming, and Alfred dug for that last cigar. MM* Ramblcwood Pro Bcrnie Mayer announces a Scramble Golf Tournament and Steak Night every Thursday at the dub. All members arc urged to bring a steak and play a little golf and enjoy the fellowship. Lakcwood Pro Doug Smith report* good play over jat his [ club, and hopes to announce some golf tournaments within the next week or so. "Our course is in excellent condition, and with a little warm spring weather, it would be sbrocthing.' Smith said. ***** Pro Cole Bradshaw reports ." a Couple's Golf Tournament coming up at Rockfish of , Wallace March 25th. Members and guests arc. invited to play in this special event. h~ : 'a i Dtiplin's Steak Fry has 5 been set for Saturday night. ' Mart-It 17. with the Bill Hu's. Lcthco Wrenns. Terry Ouihns and John Flaitzs in . charge. Bring your steak and enjoy an evening with friends , at the club. Southern Wayne Pro Mac MeKeilhan called and will release a list of golf tourna meats set up at his club next wcj-k So be sure to check on c our favorite outings..", ? ???? Tlte Sand trappers League will show at Beltridcre ? Country Club down at; Hampstead on Tuesday.' March 20. Tee time. 10 a.m. f 1 All ladies in the JJuplin area arc invited to free golf lessons at Rockfish of ^ Wallace every Tuesday ?nd, Tltursdav at five o'clock I April Pro Cole Bradshaw *V be conducting the clinic. ^ ????* Fore. . ,, .'i, ;; j ' Alice S. Scott Speaks On Nutrition I ill | ' II What should the athlete eat to build muscle tissue? A mistaken idea is that the athlete must eat a great deal of protein rich foods. The primary difference between the athlete and the nou athlete is the increased need for energy. Therefore, the athlete needs to increase Ms total energy intake to com &?lTa2trer8y uscd in pnyncii activity. The diet recommended for the athlete is one h.gh in ij protein and low in fat. ' we energy for physical Te c^rholij - are acquired through a I variety of exercises ? iso- I metric (force against an un moving surfact). isotonic !weight lifting), and through . endurance activities as I logging, swimming, tennis. 1 etc Protc in is important for building and repairing body tissues, but should not be consumed in excessive small amountaddi- I A fact frequently over looked is that a diet high in |l 0M ? ?-m ! Is D I t ui