Kenansville News Floating Reception Mesdames H.D. Taylor. O.P. Johnson and W.M. Ingram will be joint hostesses to a reception honoring Mr. and Mrs. Timmy Hughes, who were recently married, h will be held in the fellowship hall of the Kenansville United Methodist Church Sunday afternoon. Feb. 1st. from three until five o'clock. All friends and relatives are invited to attend. Silver Streakers The monthly meeting of the Silver Streakers was held Monday evening, Jan. 19 in the fellowship hall of the Kenansville United Methodist Church. The en joyable program was pre sented by "The Sounds of Music" from Wallace. They were introduced by Mrs. W.M. Ingram. A short busi ness session was held after the program, presided over by Mrs. H.D. Taylor, after which refreshments were served to the 25 present by Mesdames Viola W. Quinn and Hazel W. Scott. They served punch, open-faced sandwiches, cookies and salted peanuts. THOMAS, ASU STUDENT NAMED TO WHO'S WHO David Timothy Thomas of Beulaville, a student at Appalachian State Univer sity, is among 49 students selected to appear in the 1980-81 edition of Who's Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Thomas, a senior CMB theatre art major, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenwood Thomas of Beulaville. KE'l'IKED SCHOOL PERSONNEL The director of the Divi sion of Retired School Per sonnel of the N.C. Associa tion of Educators will speak at a luncheon meeting of the Duplin County unit on Jan. 28 in Rose Hill. The director is Baxter R. Ridenhour, a retired prin cipal from Durham. He will address the 60-member local unit in the Rose Hill Res taurant beginning at 10:30 a.m. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. David Anthony Braswell of Faison announce the birth of their daughter, Natacha Lee, on February 22, 1981, at Duplin ' General Hospital in Kenans ville. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Taylor of Beulaville and Mrs. Bessie Braswell of Warsaw. T.AC. Club Mrs. H.D. Taylor was hostess for the Town and Country Bridge Club Tues day night. Additional guests included Mesdames Lorena Vestal, Sue Neil Lentz and Mattie Bar bee Club high score was made by Mrs. Eloise K. Ryder and by Mrs. Bar bee for the visitors. For refreshments, Mrs. Tay lor served yum-yum salad, coffee and toasted pecans. Personals Mesdames Ruby Kornegay and Eloise K. Ryder made a business trip to Chapel Hill Friday. N.B. Boney Jr. of Char lotte spent Monday night here with his mother. He came to take her to Wil mington on Tuesday to her brother, Edward Smith Kor negay's, funeral. Mr. and Mrs. John Wright Blake and baby boy of New Knoxville, Ohio, visited the Key Bowdens Wednesday. Mrs. Martha P. Sitterson spent several days recently in Wilmington with her sister, Mrs. J. Rowe Greene. ivir. ana Mrs. KoDert Franklin Williamson and two children and Mrs. Hazel Scott, and the Harold Pre cythes of Faison went to Ashland. Va. Wednesday to attend the funeral of their uncle. Paul Williamson. Mrs. H.W. Shoulars of Richsquare spent the week end here with her sister, Mrs. Bob Jones. They at tended the wedding of their niece, Cindy Pridgen. and Dennis Smith in the Friend ship United Methodist Church on Sunday at noon. Mrs. Bertha Hollingsworth spent the weekend with the Rudy Navidads in Fayette ville. Mrs. Bobby Pittman of Jacksonville spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Viola W. Quinn. m ini in ? uurLin MNiea-rKUUHbSS SENTINEL Published Weekly by DUPLIN PUBLISHING CO., INC. Ike Riddick, Publisher P.O. Box68 Kenamville, N.C. 28349 Second Class Postage Paid at Kenansville, N.C. 28349 SUBSCRIPTION PRICES Single Copy 11 Cents In Duplin and Adjoining Counties 6 Mos.-$1.82 1 Yr.-S3.64,, Outside of Duplin and Adjoining Counties 6Mos.-S2.34 1 Yr.?S4.68 [Includes N.C. Sales Tax] Outside North Carolina S5.50 r % PRICE SALE I Boys Cordurory Jeans, I Velours, Knit Shirts I Girls Velours and Dresses Infants Special I Selected Merchandise B6VI am i.u sites iu\ I Tenny's Children Shop i 117 N. C?nt?r St. Mount Oliv* y Tel. 658 5396 V | Popcorn, peanut butter, ?? even wine are wtK no longer _ __ H ilrtfMmff 1 no-nos. Now you can cat these favor ites and more?within limits of course?and still lose weight. Tb find out more about our new food plan, join a Weight Watchers* class near you. WEIGHT WATCHERS Tha moat ?m-.A~t Wmg>* WMrhm, u \y* I ^V. .^V j^H ? ^V I'9 V~: fl^Pff 4 4 ^ 14 v 4 v 4 I super market Monk Whaloy, Owner WE RESERVE THE RIGHT BEULAVILLE I TO LIMIT QUANTITY L ? Ph. 298-3646 PRICES GOOD JANUARY 29-30-31 WILLIAMSTON I SCOTLAND COUNTY B^S?N I /fij^ COUNTRY HAM SMOKED PICNICS 69< PEPSI-COLA M CH,p-A-RO? I CHOCOLATE CHIP I 4039^ I 32 PLUS DEPOSIT ?? ^B A I SPORK& BEANS lllll I BB 'cAN2 B I SUNSHINE I Ml I KRISPY I BB FOR T I ICRACKERSI tsrh^hS^ti r n J.I aJlm AJAXLAUNDR^^^^B FLAKES I P 1| DETERGENT I I m $i?9 $11 ?JonX^J X ? GT. SIZE ||| BANQUET UPPLE PIES 69* MB I Ml I -1 ? ? HB * m w WILLIAMSTON HOT DOGS 79' WILLIAMSTON BOLOGNA 99'^ 1 CHARMIN TOILET TISSUE $149 ?? ' I 6-ROLL DINNE^ I ORANGES I *1110 L I VJCK'S NYQUIL I COLD MEDICINE $ |99|