?BMW ' PROGRESS SENTINEL ^VOL XXXXV NO. 8 USPS 162 860 KENANSVILLE. NC 28349 FEBRUARY 19. 1981 16 PAGES THIS WEEK 10 CENTS PLUS TAX Duplin Gross Agricultural , Income $238,773, 220 By Lois Britt, Snodie Wilson, Robert Swain and J. Michael Moore Duplin County's estimated gross agricultural income for 1980 totals $238,773,220, which is an increase of $37,408,907 from 1979. This increase came about because M)f combination of higher "prices and greater produc tion. Agricultural Extension officials are quick to point out that coupled with this, the farmers experienced greater expenses in order to produce last year's crop. Labor, fuel, feed, seed, fertilizer and all raw products were higher than ever known. So even though total agricultural ^income was up. net income Pbiay, in fact, be down for individual farmers. However, the total amount of $238,773,200 was put into circulation many times in the economy. Income figures were: (1980 first figure, and 1979 second) Tobacco - $39,558,043. $28,114,507; Corn - $20,160, 000, $17,400,000; Soybean ? $9,280,000, $5,969,000; Other Field Cron Inmate Hangs Himself A 20-year-old inmate at the correctional facility near Kenansville hanged himself to death using a bed sheet for a noose early Saturday, a :orrections department spokesman said. Guards found Gerald E. Davis, serving two years for larceny and 30 days for a worthless check, dead in his single cell at 9:45 a.m. He had served less than a month of his sentence, having been convicted Jan. 26 in Wayne County Superior Cpurt. Davis had escaped Feb. 11 after being trasnferred to Duplin from a prison unit at Goldsboro. He was recap tured last Thursday and put in a single cell at the mini mum custody facility, Stuart Shadbolt of the Department of Corrections said. Another man was being held in the same cell block, Shadbolt said, and Davis was alive when guards removed the other man at 8:45 a.m. Saturday. They found Davis hanging by the bed sheet when thcv returned the second man to his cell an hour later. Prison official Capt. L.W. Parker said Davis tied the top of the sheet to a bar on the door of his cell. Parker said Davis may have aone absent without leave from the Marines in December. Davis was a Duplin County native, Parker said. His mother, who now lives in Dudley, has been notified of his death, he said. An autopsy was scheduled to be performed this week. Parker said. Barbecue Supper The E. E. Smith P.T.O. ?vill sponsor a barbecue supper on Frida\. Feb. 27, from 5-8 p.m. jn the school :afeteria. Tickets are $2.50 tnd may be purchased from students at the school. The menu will include barbecue, potato salad, slaw, hush puppies and tea or coffee. Man Killed In Warsaw Fire Deams Wiggs, 64, appa rently died of smoke inhala tion when his apartment at 207 South Brighton Ave. in Warsaw caught fire early Tuesday last week according to Fire Chief Frank Steed. The fire started in the kitchen from unknown causes, the chief said. Wiggs, fully clothed, was found in the living room. The depanment was called at 4:IS a.m. When firemen arrived, mey found the heat from the flames had melted a television set in the living room and the clock was stopped at 3:05. No flames had broken through the wall to the livirlg room, however. Steed said the fire was extin guished within a few minutes. He said nearby residents told him they heard the smoke alarm sound. Wiggs was a retired pro fessor trom Atlantic Chris tian College at Wilson.