MOBLEY-WHALEY ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. Monk Whaley of Bculaville announce the engagement of their daughter. Ginger Robin, to Mr. Lynn Mobley of Chinquapin. The wedding is planned for June 13th in the Beulaville Baptist Church in Beulaville. Kenansville News Bridal Shower of Miss Johnson Sarah Lynn Johnson, bride-elect of the month, was given a bridal shower Friday night. The joint hostesses were Mesdames Sallie Ingram. Louise Mitchell. Thelma Taylor, Victoria Stephens and Ruby Newton. It was held in the fellowship hall of the Kenansville United Methodist Church. Over fifty guests floated through between the hours of eight and nine-thirty. They were greeted by Mrs. Ingram and introduced to the re ceiving line by Mrs. A.T.' Outlaw. Receiving with the honoree were her mother. Mrs. James Owen Johnson and the groom-elect's mother, Mrs. Ralph James Mooring. They were each pinned with a daisy corsage. The refreshment table was centered with a floral ar rangement of pink and white roses, glads, carnations and Gypsophila, flanked by four burning pink candles. Mrs. O.P. Johnson served bridal cake squares decorated with a pink rosebud from one end of the long table, and Mrs. Taylor served pink punch from the opposite end. Other refreshments consisted of mints also decorated with a pink rosebud and toasted pecans. They were assisted by Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Newton. Attending at the gift table were Mesdames Stephens and David Baeueries. The bride's book was kept by Miss Carole Sharpe. Eastern Star The bi-monthly meeting of Kenansville Chapter #215. Order of the Eastern Star, was held Tuesdav. April 27th at the Masonic Temple. In the absence of the worthy matron. the associate matron, Gloria Brown, pre sided. assisted by the worthy patron. J.B. Stroud. During the business session, plans were finalized to sponsor the hot dog wagon on Friday and Saturday. May 7th and 8th. It will be opened in Jackson's IGA parking lot from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. each of those days. Thelma Murphy is heading the com mittee, assisted by Gloria Brown. Sally Tyndall. Edna Brinson. Ruby Newton. Celia Stroud and Virginia Holland. Duplinltes Bridge Club Mrs. Charles Hughes was hostess fur the Duplinltes Bridge Club when it met with her last Monday night. Visiting players included Vickie Alabaster and Kay Autrey. Glenora Stepp won high score prize for members playing and Mrs. Alabaster for the visitors. Linda Bow den received low prize. For refreshments, Mrs. Hughes served peach-apple pie a-la-mode with choice of coffee or iced drink. Couples Club Norma and Henry Guy hosted the Couples Club Saturday night. For refresh ments. the players enjoyed pound cake, chocolate fudge candy, cheese ball and assorted crackers, also a vegetable tray with choice of coffee or coke. High score was won by Kathy Wrenn and second high by Tom Fife. The consolation prize went to Rhetta Hughes. Birth Announced Mr. and Mrs. Michael I ? Hasty of Wilmington an nounce the birth of their daughter. Sarah Jane, in New Hanover Memorial Hospital on April 21. 1982. Mrs. Hasty is the former Jan Long, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Long of William ston. The paternal grand mother is Mrs. Hortense T. Hasty of Kenansville. Liberty Hall Bridge Club Mrs. Louise W. Mitchell was hostess for the Liberty Hall Bridge Club Wednesday night. Mesdames H. D. Taylor and Sue Neil Lentz substituted for two of the absent members. Between progressions, the hostess, assisted by Mrs. J.J. Wells, served peach pie a-la-mode and coffee. Mrs. N.B. Boney was high scorer for members and Mrs. Lentz for the visitors. Personals Mr. and Mrs, David Cran mer Williamson of Charlotte spent Saturday night here with Mrs. Hazel W. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. David Baueries of Royal Oak, Md. spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. W.M. Ingram. Margaret 0. Dail spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Lee Edwards, in Kin ston. Mrs. Thomas Hughes visited her sister, Mrs. Belle Stallings in Wallace on Fri day night. Mis. Wilbur Adams of Carolina Beach spent the weekend with her sister, Margaret Williams. Martha Sitterson and Margaret Williams made a business trip to Goldsboro last Monday. Thelma Murphy and Ruth Wells made a business trip to Kinston one day last week. Mrs. Alton Newton visited relatives in Kinston on Wed nesday. Mrs. Ellis Vestal has re turned home after a visit with the Brinson Vestal family in Slidell, Louisiana. She was accompanied there by Mrs. 1 Lillian Rouse who visited her daughter Mary. Mrs. Peggy Hoffman and Mrs. Eva Kilpatrick have returned from Florida, where Mrs. Hoffman visited friends in Cocoa Beach and Mrs. Kilpatrick visited an aunt in Silver Springs. KENANSVILLE UNITED METHODIST PARISH BARBECUE j The Kcnansv'lfc Parish, ! consisting of the United Methodist Churches at Kenansville, Sarecta, Wes- < ley and Woodland, will be sponsoring a pork barbecue at Wesley Church on High- ( way 11, north of Kenansville, on May 8th from 4-8 p.m. Plates wjll be available for ?$3.00, including dessert. The Parish Council decided that any extra barbecue or cakes will be sold beginning at 7:45 p.m. WOMEN'S AGLOW According to Marilyn Thomas of Beulaville, the Women's Aglow Fellowship. Kenansville Chapter, will hold their monthly meeting and breakfast May 8th at 8:45 with the meeting be ginning at 9:30, at the Country Girl Restaurant near Kenansville. Speaker will be Kay Colville of Falls Church. Virginia. MISS WILKINS TO WED Mr and Mrs Luther J. Wilkins of Route 2, Mount Olive, announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Jonnie Belinda, to Jeffrey David Grantham, son of Mrs. Susan Grantham of Route Four, Mount Olive, and son of Mr. Claro Tha Grantham of Route Four, Mount Olive. The wedding is planned for May 22 at four o'clock in the afternoon at Rooty Branch Free Will Baptist Church. Mount Olive. All friends and relatives are invited to attend. No invitations are being mailed. Chapter Meets The April meeting of Beta Eta Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa waa held at the Kenansville United Metho dist Church. I'jstesses were Nancy Williamson, Ann Alphin, Melba Bowles and Connie Matthis. Presiding was Elizabeth P. Holly. The devotional was given by Ann Alphin, Chaplain. Joyce Bell, secretary, called the roll and read minutes of the last meeting. The financial report was given by Elizabeth Murphy, treasurer. Mary H. Lanier, sergeant-at-arms, collected the March calendar packs. A report on applications for the Patsy Howard Schol arship was given by Edna Earle Brinson, committee chairman. MaryThigpen and Nancy Wilson reported on the District 6 workshop held in Wilmington in March, attended by seven members. The program, entitled "Stumping the Experts on Fraternalism." was' paneled by Bettie B. Hawes, Geral dine F. Johnson and Enda Earle Brinson, past presi dents. Questions on frater nalism were asked by the membership. Six members planned to attend the state convention. * * They are Elizabeth P. HolljSS Anne Jackson. Bettie D.j ? Hawes, Edna Earle BrinspiTv? Lucy D. Rivenbark and Singh ^ Woof en. , ? New officer* will be 3i>-v" stalled at a joint installations* dinner meeting on Thursdaj^fe Mky J3, at the Graham? House Inn in Kenansville. * COUNTY JUNIOR HIGHwt BASEBALL TOURNAMENTS. DELAYED 1?^3 The Duplin County Junioi \ High School baseball toufn? ' ment has been delayed on*>3 week. The first round wjll sU played on Thursday, May lla at 4 p.m. E.E. Smith willpla^p in the first round at home. A concession stand wjll operated and parents - 1 Q90 I SAVER" PROGRAM *> ? & J* | Mon-Fri 10 til 5 Alao by Appointment Drop by for FREE Consultation phe diet connection 109 E. CoNofi St., Clork Sluppim Contor Woroow. Pbowo 193-7310 MOTHER'S DAY SALE I Get a FREE Chic Sack fromhJ.s When you buy the world's f} best fitting jeans. Or wten you buy my o? world's best fitting pants, padal pushers, shorts, or a skirt ' for that matter Come 5?? Rebate Starts April 29th Heritage Mens Knit Shirts $iA95 Reg. *16, 1 ** I Theresa's I I Fashions I Beulavlfle Kenonsville | 200-3914 300-1212 | Nine of our states got their names from the rivers that flow through them ? Minnesota, Colorado, Con necticut, Illinois, Mississippi, Nebraska, Ohio, Oregon and Wisconsin. DUPLIN TIMES-PROGRESS SENTINEL Published Weekly by 4 DUPLIN PUBLISHING CO., INC. ' Ike Riddick, Publisher P.O. Box 68 Kenansvllle, NC 28349 Second Class Postage Paid at Kenansvllle, N.C. 28349 SUBSCRIPTION PRICES Single Copy 11 Cents In Duplin and Adjoining Counties i Mos.?$1.82 1Yr.?$3.64 Outside of Duplin and Adjoining Counties i Mos.?$2.34 1 Yr.?$4.68 Outside North Carolina $5.50 per year daily WotAeri 0*3)?V Entire Stock 20% off Thurs.-Fri-Sat Only Bob "S Place I E. Hill St? Warsaw Miners m i* May 9k J ramily Ring ? for mother or grandmother colorful birthstortes represent eacfj child's birth month Starting at 25.95 ($3 per stone) Yellow or White , Available Lay-A way Today .A Hoftnes' Jewelers Front St KENHtSVIUi ^ . , ... . ,-v ? -a .>?- ?; fj. ' ? ' >'? . ' -Vs .. v '* ' ? ??. We Want To Win ?? ~l ( REDUCTIONS A Trip To Hawaii.:'. hPt A SPECIAL *1fj y We Must Sell 51 Chev Cars & Trucks By * June 31 To Qualify ? 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