IktpKitj %\rn*4 PROGRESS SENTINEL froL. XXXXVIt NO. 28 USPS 162-860 KENANSVILLE. N.C.^8349 JULY 14. 1983 16 PAGES THIS WEEK IQCfcNTS PLUSTAX SWEE^ORNjj COUNTRY FRESH - Local gardens are beginning to yield and many-Duplin farmers are offering vegetables and produce for sale. Roadside produce and vegetable siands dot the county offering a variety of foods including fresh canteloupes, watermelon, tomatoes, peaches and corn. Pictured above is a small roadside garden stand just outside Faisnn. James F. Strickland Liberty Cart Dedicates 1983 Season To James F. Strickland A member of the original cast of the 1949-50 produc tions of THE DUPLIN STORY and current presi dent of the Duplin Outdoor Drama Society, James F. Strickland is honored this season by the Kenansville based outdoor drama THE LIBERTY CART, General Manager Jim Johnson an nounced opening night, July 8 at the William R. Kenan Memorial Amphitheatre. Strickland has served on the Board of the DODS since its creation to organize out door drama in Duplin County during the bi-centennial celebration in 1976. The Warsaw businessman is a life-long native of Duplin County and better known to most citizens as "Jimmy." ?Since THE LIBERTY CART opened in 1976, Jimmy has probably missed no more than two or three of ^he approximately 175 per formances," Johnson said. "He and his wife Margaret are always on hand to pitch in where they are needed, handing out cushions, greet ing people, selling conces sions, solving problems, giving encouragement, acting in any capacity needed just to make things go smoothly." Johnson pointed out Strickland's many acti vities, including a career in the N.C. National Guard, where he rose to the rank of Colonel. Strickland has been a member of the Duplin County Board of Education , for more than 20 years and served as its chairmah and vice-chairman. Dedicated to i improved education, Strick land is a member of the James Sprunt Technical i College Board of Trustees where he recently served as chairman. He is also a mem- i ber of the Liberty Hall 1 Restoration Commission* the i Warsaw Baptist church and the Kenansville-Warsaw Ro tary Club. "You might sum up Jimmy's life very simply by saying that he has spent a greater part of it doing his very best to make Duplin i County a better place for all < of us," Johnson said. "THE ( LIBERTY CART is pleased to i dedicate the 1983 production I season to Jimmy Strickland, 1 whose devotion and support has helped make it possible for use to bring our area something very special in entertainment, and at the &tne time allow us to assist in- the preservation of our heritage for generations yet to come." THE LIBERTY CART, Randolph Umberger's out door drama about the de velopment of eastern North Carolina during colonial and civil war times, opened its season July 8 at the William R. Kenan Memorial Amphi theatre in Kenansville. In addition to weekly perfor mances of THE LIBERTY CART this summer, the pro fessional cast of the outdoor drama will perform GOD SRELL, which opens its second season July 20, play ing each Wednesday and Friday night until Aug. 19. North Carolina Theatre Arts and the N.C. Depart ment of Cultural Resources recognize THE LIBERTY CART as a professional theatre and provide grant assistance to this theatre from funds appropriated by the N.C. General Assembly. Duplin Commissioners Approve 9-Member Hospital Board Nominees The Duplin County Board of Commissioners last Tues- ' day approved the 9-member hospital board nominated by ' the former hospital board of trustees. Last week, the hospital ' board, following wishes of 1 the county board and recom- ' mendations of a study of the | hospital's financial situation 1 appointed a new hospital ' board consisting of eight votinp members and one * non-voting member. The board previously numbered 28 members. The old board dissolved itself at midnight June 30. The new board took office July 1, subject to confir mation by the county com missioners. The county owns the hospital which was fi nanced by county bond issues. It leases the facility to the hospital board. The commissioners reject ed a Board of Education request for an additional $87,750 to pay the salaries of 2Vi principals and eight teachers aides to help the system retain accreditation by the Southern Association . of Schools and Colleges. The commissioners last month budgeted $1,890,586 from county funds for the school system. The appropriation was the same as that for the 1982-83 school year. Commissioners Chairman W.J. Costin responded to the plea of School supporters for the additional money with, "The county is poor. We have a lot of people out of work. The state has not added funds to reduce class size. We're obligated to keep up the school buildings and we receive no money front [he state for that." In other action, the board approved a resolution asking he Farmers Home Adminis ration to obligate funds for he proposed Albertson com nunity water system project n northeastern Duplin bounty. During a hearing on the vater system proposal, Bob Pittman of Rivers and Asso ciates of Raleigh, a consult ing engineering firm, esti mated the project cost at $1,325,000. He said an FmHA grant of $697,900 and a state grant of $313,100 may be available if local resi dents would approve a bond issue of $313,100 in a re ferendum. FmHA would buy or guarantee the bonds, he added. Pittman said the first two paytffents of such a bond issue would consist only of the interest. He estimated the interest would be $30,000 each of the first two years. The proposed system would take in $58,000 a year in fees, a study by FmHA indicated. The estimated water rate would be $12 per month for a minimum of 2.000 gallons. Pittman estimated the average fee would be $16 a month for 5,000 gallons. The board also voted to combine the positions of landfill secretary and gate attendant in an effort to save $7,000 a year. The latter position had been vacant for some time due to the re tirement of the previous attendant. The current secretary will handle the combined position. The secretary's salary will be increased from $8,745 to $9,90b a year. Federal, StateCutbacks Trim School Outlay The new budget of $16,938,611 was approved by the Duplin County Board of Education last week. The 1982-83 budget totaled $17,845,405. The system had an average daily attendance of 7,904 students during the 1982-83 school year. Of the total budget, $2,321,775 is expected to come from county sources, including taxes, fines, for feitures and miscellaneous items for current expeises and $225,000 for capital out lay. The county appropria tion from the general fund (primarily from property tax revenue) is $1,890,586 for current expenses, the same as last year. The capital outlay fund was cut about $35,000. The state will contribute $10,392,706 plus about $900,000 in matching funds. Federal funds are expected to total $1,209,271. The lunchroom gross in come is projected at $1,758,930. The board decided to keep the prices of school lunches at 75 cents for high school students, 70 cents for other students and $1.25 for adults for lunch. Breakfast prices will be 45 cents for students and 65 cents for adults. Students whose families meet certain income require ments can qualify for a reduced lunch price of 40 cents or for a free lunch. The federal government paid the school lunch pro gram its full cost of $1.17 per meal for free lunches during the past year for the first time, according to the annual report of Shelby Kilpatrick, food services supervisor. In the past, she said, the government paid a flat fee that was less than the free meal cost. The schooLj*y??i opet i a'ts one 4VF '&i^4s "restaurant" businesses in Duplin County. The break fast and lunch program took in $1,715,942.19 in student fees and federal contribu tions. The cost of the pro gram was $1,572,878.27. Mrs. Kilpatrick reported food for the 1982-83 program cost $741,828.82 and labor, $612,404.01. Student and adult payments for lunches totaled $354,221.38. The program has $472,413.72 in cash and in ventory to start the food program this fall. Mrs. Kil patrick said this is enough to operate for 2.66 months without any income. Federal payments begin arriving one to 'wo months after the start of school. The federal payment to the lunch program during the past year totaled more than $1.1 billion. East Coast Headwear Cap Factory Taking Applications In Chinquapin Billboards across the fore head ? caps today serve as one of the nation's most popular forms of advertise ment. And, Duplin County will join the trend and manu facture caps at Chinquapin. East Coast Headwear will open July 18 employing ap proximately 30 people in the production of caps. Plant manager Hilda Houston of Potters Hill expected more than 100 applications last week at the hat company. The factory will operate one shift of workers. The cap company is located in Chin quapin on Highway 41. "There are 15 operations ?a c com kin a Kof '' Cocf Coast Headwear Plant Manager Hilda Houston said. "1 know it doesn't look like there is that much to do in making caps, but some have even more ? up to 21. The type we will mostly make only have about 15 steps." Houston explained many of the caps made in Chin quapin will be used in sports and promotions. The caps at the Chinquapin plant will be made under contract. "Over the past several years the demand for caps has gone up more than the price which makes them good for adver tisement." Houston received training in cap manufacturing at a Virginia-based plant which specialized in the production nf militarv hpaHupar AnH Houston pointed out, the success of the cap industry depends on the speed of production and the quality of the product. "One of the reasons Chin quapin was selected as the site of the cap factory is to draw from the applicants that are experienced sewers," Houston said. "The outlook is good for the future and if business goes as well as expected during the next couple of months, East Coast Headwear will open another plant or build onto the present building. I believe this plant will be just the beginning of a successful operation." Cap factory em ployees will operate chain stitch sewing machines which are similar to the straight stitch machines used by local manufacturing plants, Houston said. "Of course, there is a feeling of fright," Houston said. "I guess when you start anything new and give up what you have been doing, you feel a little scared. I am excited about the prospects of the cap factory and feel like it will be good for Duplin g ? not only providing jobs. ni but promoting Duplin County fj everywhere the caps are ta sold." East Coast Headwear is vned by Sammy Miller of ichmond. Va. Miller is a itive of Duplin. The manu icturing company began iking applications July 5. Beulaville Town Employees Receive 10 Percent Pay Raise Beulaville Town Commis sioners approved a 10 per cent pay raise for town employees after local citizens appeared before the Board in favor of the salary increase, July 5 at the town hall. A 10 percent salary in crease had been included with the 1983-84 budget at the June 27 special Board meeting. A group of Beulaville citizens appeared at the public hearing on the proposed budget June 27, and opposed the salary raise for town employees due to the increased trash collection fees. Commissioner S.A. Bliz zard made the motion to raise town employees salary 10 percent. The motion carried with Commissioner R3bon Maready voting no. oaran noun appeareo before the town board requesting the town repair or replace the septic tank at her rental home on Stanford Street. A letter to the Board from Bolin's attorney David Phillips was presented to the Commissioners. The home is serviced by a septic tank which was covered when an . addition was constructed to the house. Bolin explained the property would be con demned by the Duplin County Health Department if sewer problems were not alleviated. Town attornev Rustv Lanier advised Commission ers that Beulaville was not the only municipality which maintained septic tanks, t Maintenance and repair to r septic tanks at homes beyond t sewer lines within city limits j and not tank replacement < was the extent of the town's [ responsibility, Lanier < explained. i Commissioner Rabon ( Maready stated his residence has not connected to the i town water system and re- t quested town clerk Carol ( Miller average his sewer fees j for the past 12 months and ] bill him. Town attorney i Lanier advised Maready that ? a home can unhook from the | Beulaville water system, but own ordinances require pav nent of the minimum bill at hat residence. Discon tected from the town water system. Commissioner llizzard stated, the fees for sewer services would be mpossible to calculate with >ut a meter. Several bids for the treat nent plant operator position vere presented to the Beula dlle Commissioners and re ected. Commissioner Vlarcady opposed action on he bids, staling a specific set of specifications should je written for the oosition. The Board requested Stanley Miller, currently serving as Beulaville treatment plant operator, to write a job description on which bids would be taken. Kenneth Smith and Charlie Chasten were re appointed to the Beulaville Recreation Board. Both men were serving terms expiring July 31. Cecil Lanier and Quincv Greene were reappointed to the Beulaville Zoning Board, each were serving terms expiring July 17. Wind, Hail Damage Tobacco In Duplin Duplin County agricultural ,r officials last week were C checking reports of hail and T wind damage to tobacco ?' fields. s< Hail and wind damage was reported on Monday in P' several sections of the county 31 icluding the eastern area, ounty Commissioner Calvin < urner said he had 29 acres i f tobacco damaged by a \ orm. Other damage was re- i orted in the Brices Store rea northwest of Rose Hill. Turner said he had a crew working to straighten lobacco stalks blown over by the wind. He said the rain had made the ground so soft that most of the plants could be salvaged. Leaf damage was extensive, however. Inmates Recaatured In Kenansville Two inmates who escaped from the state prison facility in Kenansville Friday were found about three hours later, said Sgt. Jack Grady of the N.C. Prison Unit 4125. Mark Steven Taylor, 27, and Robert Brown. 22, jumped the fence at (he minimum-security prison about a mile south of Kenansville around 8 p.m., Sgt. William Hendrix said. B _ Prison otticiats began searching for the inmates with bloodhounds at 9 p.m., I Grady -aid. One of the dogs followed their scent into woods about a mile north of the prison where they were found. Grady said. Taylor was serving a nine year sentence for breaking and entering. Brown was serving a two-year sentence for possession of stolen goods. Both will be charged with prison escape. :ir? Kills Chick?ns About 20,000 chickens were destroyed last week in a fire that consumed two chicken houses near Seven Springs,'the Wayne County Sheriff"s Department said. Losses of the building and chickens owned by Durwood Grady, were estimated at $82,500. /