Kenansville News Personals Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gooding and daughter, Elizabeth, of Gray, Georgia spent last week here with the Roscoe Jones'. Other guests of the Jones' recently were Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jones and daughter. Amy, of Wilmington, and Jimmy Bowden of Rose Hill Tuesday night for dinner. Mrs. Clarence Murphy has returned from Norfolk, Va. after a visit there with her brother, Walter Boone. Edna E. Brinson and Ruby G. Newton attended an Eastern Star workshop in Jacksonville on Satur day. The Joseph Hewettes of Fayette ville spent the weekend with the Wilev T. Booths. Mrs. Rudy Navidad of Fayette ville visited her mother, Mrs. Robert Hollingsworth on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Ketelsleger accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Fes Turlington to Raleigh Saturday to the annual state Agribusiness Council meeting. Audrey Kilpatrick and Donna Ashley of Greenville attended home coming at Dobson Chapel Sunday. The week before, Audrey went to Winston-Salem for an eurology seminar representing Pitt Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Edna Paschal of Glendon spent the weekend with Mrs. Gordon Kornegay and accompanied them to hfew Bern Sunday to the christening of Aaron Paschal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Paschal. The service was held in the First Methodist Church. Mrs. Joanie Mabry and Holly of Rock Hill, S.C. spent Monday and Tuesday here with the Gordon Kornegays. Mrs. Hazel W. Scott spent last weekend with the Harold Presythes at Myrtle Beach. Col. (Ret.) S.B. McGowan of Columbia, S.C. spent the weekend here with his mother, Mrs. E.S. McGowan. They went to Lacrosse, Va. Sunday to attend the Whitby family reunion. Mrs. Frances Hollard of Kanna polis spent Thursday night here with Mrs. Mattie W. Barbee. Birthday Party Martha McKay was six years old last week and her mother, Mrs. Bill McKay, gave her a birthday party Monday afternoon. Guests were members of the family and neigh borhood friends. In addition to the birthday cake and ice cream, the 12 guests enjoyed outdoor games. United Methodist Women Mrs. Ed Rector entertained the United Methodist Women in her home near the Duplin Country Club Monday evening. She called the meeting to order and presided. The opening prayer and program on prayer was presented by Mrs. Sallie Ingram. During the business session, plans were discussed for the annual bazaar on Oct. 26. Lemonade and cookies were enjoyed for re freshments. Birth Announced Mr. and Mrs. Carey A. Williams Jr. announce the birth of a son, Austin Martin, on September 26, 1984, in Wayne Memorial Hospital in Goldsboro. The maternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Martin Strickland of Mount Olive, and Mrs. Hazel J. Williams is the paternal grandmother. iMtcm Star Celia Stroud, worthy matron, and J.B. Stroud, worthy patron, were in their repsective stations Tuesday night when Kenansville Chapter #215, Order of the Eastern Star, met for its bi-monthly meeting. The highlight of the meeting was the honoring of the charter members and past matrons and past patrons. Ruby G. Newton was the only charter member present, but there were nine past matrons and two past patrons welcomed. Each of them still takes an active part in the chapter. Liberty Hall Bridge Club Mesdames Mattie Barbee and Martha Swann were visitors when the Liberty Hall Bridge Club met with Mrs. Hazel W. Scott Wed nesday night. Mrs. N.B. Boney was high for members present, and Mrs. Barbee for the visiting players. Between progressions, the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Louise W. Mitchell, served key lime pie and salted peanuts. The Bridgettes Three tables of bridge were in play at the Graham House Inn Wed nesday night when Mrs. Ed Rector was hostess for The Bridgettes. H I >? > Visitors playing were Mesdames Karen Benton, Katie Brown, Norma 3uy, Milta King and Beverly Rouse. High score prize was won by Rebecca Lockamy, second high by Beth Brinson and traveling by Katie Brown. For refreshments, the guests snjoyed cocoanut cake and coffee or tea. 3 Family YARD SALE SAT., OCT. 6 New & Used Items On Hwy 24 3 Miles West Of Beulaville FOR SAL! HOUSE FOR SALE 10S E. Hill St.. Warsaw Spacious2.150m. ft., carpatad through out Central Host. Must saa to appre ciate. Contact: Ed Holt or Scon Bacfc at 293-7156. A .... Co-OP Observation Planned The Hon. Charles Whitley will be the guest speaker at a breakfast observing October as "Cooperative Month" on Oct. 10 at Captain Willie's Restaurant in Clinton. The Co-op Month observance is being held nationwide by over 40,000 cooperatives, including rural electric and telephone co-ops, farm credit services, production credit services, FCX and federal land banks, among I I others, who serve approximately 60 million consumer-members. The theme for this year's obser vance is "Building a Better America." Locally, community and business leaders from across south eastern North Carolina have been invited to participate in the meeting and hear Rep. Whitley speak. The breakfast is being sponsored by the Cooperative Council of North Carolina, which is the statewide organization for all types of product and service cooperatives. "The purpose of holding a Co-op Month observance is to draw atten tion to the contributions cooperatives make on the local, state and national levels," said a spokesperson for 'he council. "It makes no difference how bi^> a cooperative is or where it is located, its success depends on the grass roots involvement and enthusiasm of its consumer-members. Coopera tives continually prove that their way of conducting business based on the democratic process is one of the most workable solutions ever devised by people to achieve com mon goals." MINCHEW BUICK OLOSMOBILE, INC. ->wy. 117 N. Wallace Phone 285-7151 Dealer No. 2147 1980 Olds. 98 Regency, 4-dr. loaded w/equip *6995?? 1982 Olds. 98 Regency 4-dr.. air the 1 extras MI.SOO" 1982 Pontloc Bon neville, 4-dr great family car ?7295"* 1981 Bulck Riviera, 2-dr., extra nice ?999S" 1981 Olds. 98 Regency, 2-dr. all the nice equipment *9C9S*? 1980 Pontlac Trans Am, 2-dr , tor the sports minded ?S49S?? 1980 Datsun B210 S/W economy family c.rr <5995?* , '77 Olds Cutlass Brou gham - Like new. One Owner, 50,000 + miles *3,495 ?78 FOrd LTD II, 2-dr . local one owner, low mileage *2995 '81 vw Rabbit ls, 4-dr *4495 '78 Chev. Monte Carlo, 2-dr., nicely equipped *4495 1979 Olds, cutlass Supreme, 2-dr., low miles, extra clean*5995M 1979 BuICk Lesabre, 4-dr *4595" j 1979 Olds. Cutlass sup., 2-dr.. very sharp *4495"* 1979 Pontlac Crand Prix, 2-dr. like new *4995" 1979 Cadillac I Sedan DeVllle, lull I power local car *6995 1979 OltfS. Custom cruiser, stall nwagtn. large family bargain *399S** 1979 Chew. Caprice Classic, 4-dr , extra, extra clean UMJ" 1990 Chew, cita tion, 4-dr., like "n *3999" 77 Buick Blectra lltltd., 4-dr., AC, power everything. *3993 S3 Pulck Eloctra - 4-dr.,, Maded w/equib. *12.996; TRUCKS 1979 Word h Ton Pickup, AT. VI, PS. PB, utility body. *3999** less cmc Jimmy ?WO, high slora. power equipped *10, SO?** See one of our saknmen: Craig Rich, Mike Newkirk. R.W. Carlton. Ilrlmar Minchcw. In Burgaw call Ben Howard. 25*5243. or W.C, Black more, 257-25AI y: CWfcwrt V V 1 ' v. I Customized < / Hand-painted Wood \ \ Crafta. Wa alto paint A "You name it. .. -i-> .. .Wa paint it.. Call Frank Whalay 296 0459 I SOLID WOOD BUNK BEDS 2x6'a, Rag. *164.00 K Suggeated *219.00 SALE PRICE - *139.00 EASON'S HOME FURNISHINGS Call 293-3313 I The Whopper $699.00 down 14*70 3-Bedroom furnished mobile home. Call TH-Coonty Mobile Homes. Hwy. 70-East, Goldsboro. N.C. 778-2806. A V| ? I lJ| I B H Ll I ^Br ^VnUlVIU'I# Frl., Oct. 12. 1984 - 10:00 A.M. Farm Machinery Of Leonard Hill Kinston, N.C. IMKI.I'llO.VN: l.ilw iWjIiwjy > 1 smith in mi 1 kimkmi i<> fansitai I m?*j mnp tutu Ml <*? .lid i>M>I 'I 14) (*> imfc Jifcl liMM I>|hl .Ml iUn imad St* <mhJ house tat Ml VW^*? li lot <*jMkmi S4gn* 664 I.H. Tractor 2 Row I.H. Cult w/sowers 35 MF. Tractor ^Hardee Side Cutter 464 I H Tractor 3 Pt. Scoop 12 Ft King Pull Disc 4 Row '309 Ford Planter 3 Pt. Blade Davis Pull Harvester 3 * 14 I.H Plow 3 Pt. Sprayer Pull Type Spray 3 Pt 8 Ft. King Disc 3 Pt. Bush Hog Cutter 2 * Oliver Plow 4 Row Lilliston Cult. 4 Wheel Wagon H.D Steel 2 Axle Trailer 4?Davis Tobacco Trailers imitM ?iiM i i i.\vnH s I1KMS: Cuk or jpprovcd check 1.1X4 II U UI.U41 J sot wseohsmu io? scooters P.O ho. 213 ? QoUrfinrr honk CaWk 27533 ? TMwhont 919/7344234 Qotdabora. N.C. NCAL *IM Ph. 7344234 HUGH PATE S.G. (MICKEY) FOREHAND HUGH PATE. JR. Lroh.4 HM - 523 2944 Auction Sale Annie Belle Dunn Estate Sat., October 20th - 10 A.M. Located: 2 Miles Off Hwy 11 near Woodland Church, Glisson Township, Duplin County. Property Consists Of: 148.5 plus Total Acres 88 plus Cropland Acres 3.58 Tobacco Acres(1984 Basic Allotment) 8835 Tobacco Pounds (1984 Basic Allotment) For Mailt Contact: ??IIWSEL^jH"ENTS W1T6SFN uve ?XT. f Barrow - Kennedy j AUCTION CO ^ ** ?-??> 0' ?'?? Ilia, I *.??? fto ? IKiillm X Mniw Ma N 11. a> ?wi?.? c nam. * c. Ncaii.Na.MiM * C >M?a Uaa~a |*J NCaik.ito.aita 527-8464 DAY OR NIGHT LAND AUCTION SAL! 33.1S Acres Known As The "U.W. JBNNITTR Place" Faison Township, Duplin County # Travel bast from Faison on N.C. #403 for approximately 4.5 miles to farm on left (See Signs). SAT,, OCTOBRR 13 10 AJM. I Approximately 24 acres cropland, 1984 Base Tobacco Allotments - .99 Acresiwith 2485 pounds. ASCS Farm Serial No. C-4428. Frame dwelling in good condition, and miscellaneous outbuildings. This property has approximately 800 feet frontage on NC #403. Terms: 10% deposit on day of sale. Balance within 30 days. Owners reserve right to reject any bid. This will be a final sale. No waiting period (Sale conducted on premises). SALE CONDUCTED BY ' For more information and map, see: Starling Auction Co., Clinton, N.C. Realtor/Broker James Sauls Jr. L.D. (Lew) Starling Jr. L.N. 22473 N C a' Phone 293-4286 ___ . ?: ? - > , LEGAL NOTICES i NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY FIN No. MSP 100 . IN THE GENERALCOURT OF JU8TICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK NOTICE OF SALE CAROL-ANN TUCKER and HUBERT E.TUCKER VS. FLORENCE T. SHEFFIELD. ETALS Under end by virtue Of an Order Of the General COurt Of Justice. Superior COurt Divi sion in Specisl Proceeding entitled as ebOve. the under signed Commissioner will On the 19th day Of OcsOber, 1984. at Twelve O'clock. NOOn, at the COurthOuse DOOr in Kenaneville. Duplin COunty, NOrth Carolina. Offar fOr sale tO the highest bidder fOr cash that certain raal estate situate in the COunty Of Duplin, State Of NOrth Carolina, and mOre particu larly described as fOIIOws: TRACT ONE: BEGINNING at a stake On the NOrth side Of Buck Branch On SOI. Chest nutt line running abOut NOrth I East. SOI. Chestnutt line 210 yards to a stake On W & W Rail ROad boundary On West side Of said Rail ROad, thence with boundary Of said Rail ROad SOuth 220 vards to a stake On Buck Branch canal, thence with said canal as it I meanders on tO the begin- I ning, containing fOur and One-half (454) acres, mOre Or less. TRACT TWO: BEGIN- ' NING at a stake On the Street 1 65 feet frOm the center Of the I track and runs with the Street I 250 feet tO s stake, thence a I line northward parallel with I the railroad 146 feet tO a I stake, thence east 38 feet tO a i stake M.J. Tucker's cOrner, I thence SOuth with Tucker line I 73 feet to a stake, thence East > with Tucker line 112 feet tO a i stake On the right Of way, < thence with tha said right Of I way 73 feet to the beginning, I containing 7/11 Of an acre. mOre Or less. I TRACT THREE: Lying On 1 the West side Of the < A.C.L.R.R. in the Southern > first Of the TOwn Of Magnolia 1 and runs as fOIIOws, begin ning at a stake, Mrs. Mdn- 1 tires cOrner On right Of way Of Mid A.C.L.R.R. and run* Muth 15 H East 72 fMt. thane* south 74 Vi Waal 112 feet, thane* NOrth 16M Waal 72 faat tO Mr*. Matntkaa line, thane* with th* Una parallel with SOuth boundary Una 10 th* beginning. con taining abOut 1/5 Of an acre, mora Or leM. THE SALE WILL BE MADE SUBJECT TO ALL PRIOR LIENS, UNPAID TAXES (TOWN AND COUNTY), RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS OF RECORD AND ASSESSMENTS. IF ANY. That th* highaat bidder at ?uch Ml* will b* required tO make a cash dapOait Of 10% Of th* first ?1.000.00 Of Mid bid, and plus five percent (5%) Of the regaining balance at avidana* Of oOOd faith, and th* balana* shall be paid upOn delivery Of COremiMlOnar's Dead. UpOn th* failure Of th* highaat bidder at Mid Ml* tO make th* required cash de posit. Mid lands will Imme diately be re-Offered fOr Ml*. This, the 17th day Of Sep tember. 1984. J. Garrett Ludlura, COmmiMiOner P.O. BOx 901 WarMw, NOrth Carolina 28398 Telephone 919-293-3124 IO-18-4t-T8iL-112 NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned, MAR VIN M. BROCK, having qualified as Administrator Of the Estate Of MARVIN BROCK, deceased, late Of Duplin COuntv, NOrth Carb ine, this is to notify all persons having claims ?gainst Mid Estate to preMnt them tO the undersigned, MARVIN M. BROCK, c/0 iOhn P. Edwards, Jr., Attor ney fOr the Estate, POst Dffice BOx 506, Mount Olive, NOrth Carolina 28365 On Or pefOre the 4th day Of April, I985, Or this Notice will be pleaded in bar Of their right 0 recover. All persons in debted tO Mid Estate will make immediate payment tO the undersigned. This the 27th day Of Sep tember, 1984. MARVIN M. BROCK, ArtministratOr Of the EMU WM^VINBROCKD. Q03S0U/ e/OJOhn P. Edwards, Jr. AttOmay at Law p.o. BO* 506 MOunt ollvo. NOrth C?fOlm? 10-17-4t-e-JPE STATE OP NORTH COUNTY OF GREENE PH#;84J22 ? IN THE GENERAL COURT ? OF JUSTICE JUVENILE DIVISION in Re- Watson, a Mlnof Child notice of service of process by publication to: Stava Lynwood Watson TAKE NOTICE that ? plaadino ?eek>ng aoainat vOu has bean filed in tha abOve-antltled nrdceeding. Tha nature Of tha reheftfiught N a that vOu have abandonee^ WataOn. a minOr fa ma la child, within the meaning Of Chapter 48 Of tha General Statutes Of NOrth Carolina end that vOur parental rights be terminated. YOu are required tO make defense to such Pleading by not later than tha 6th dayOt November. 1984. UpOn your failure tO dO SO. the PatUiOnaf will apply to the Court fOr tha relief sought. This 27th day Of Septem b*fHARRISON AND HEATW^ P.O. BO* 948 KinstOn. NOrth CerOlina 28501 Telephone: (9191 527-1757 By: /s Fred W. Harrison Attorney fOr Petitioner 10;11-3t-H?iH-41 EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having Qualified as Exe cutrix Of the estate Of William R. CliftOn, deceased, late Of Duplin COunty, NOrth Card ling, this is tO notify al^ I persons having claims against the estate Of said deceased tO present them to the undersigned On Or before March 27, 1985, Or this notice will be pleaded in bar Of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 27th day Of September 27, 1984. Elizabeth R. CliftOn, Executrix P.O. BOx 126 FaiaOn, NC 28341 10-18-41-ERC * Piano Tuning and Rapair Jimmy C. Wast Raoistarad Piano Tachnician Bos 602. Warsaw Kanansvilla 296 0219 WHY BUY USED whan yOu can buy NEW 1st Quality furnitura at Low Dlaeount or ices at Eaaon'a Homa Furnlshlnga. 213 3313 I =zr?i I 4 bedrooms, 2-story, formal living room, dining room, 2 full baths, large F I den with fireplace and ceiling fan, central air conditioning and heat. I Three years old. Located on one-acre lot north of Kenansviiie, one mile I | off N.C. 11 on RPR 1300. Call 778-9292 I Put Number 1 to work for you. GOIUMh " ?iff! Jim ?X DRAUGHON AGENCY 107 N. Front St. Warsaw, N.C. PRICE REDUCED HOUSE FOR SALE - Corner Lot on Word Bridge Rood. Warsaw. This One hat 4 bedrMrat, 2 baths, dan, dinino rOOm and tpaciOus kitchen. NEW LISTING WARSAW - 301 Wade St. - ApprOx. 1950 ?g ft. Of living area. 3-bedrOOms, 2 batha, fireplace with inaart. Beautiful oOrner lot with Outaide storage and workshop attached. 2-car earpOrt WISTERIA ST.. WARSAW - This 6ne has Avar 1,700 sauare feet with 3 bed rooms, 2 baths, livino room, dining room, eat-in kitchen and mOre. Beautiful lot. NEWLY LISTED REASONAVLE PRICE - 406 N. Frisco St.. Warsaw. This 3-bedrA6m. 2-bath, house is beautifuly arranged and deco rated. Y6u must see to aDpreciate. RESIDENTIAL .?* WARSAW ? 202 Wade St. Brick 3-bed rOOm 1H bathe, large obrnar lot, 1,170 sq. ft. RESTORABLE - Older house, 5 acres Of land, located 1 mile nArth Of Magnolia. PERFECT FIRST HOME - 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Fireplace with wood stove. Outside storage bldg. Pollock St., Warsaw. Priced to Selll POLLOCK STREET Warsaw - White frame. 4-bedrOOm, 1V4 baths, living rOom, large kitchen and den area Large corner lot. Call us for more detsilsl AN AFFORDABLE HOME I Intersection of Memorial Or. A College St., Wareaw. Den, living rOOm, 3 bedrOOms, 1V4 baths. SUPER LOCATION I Ward Bridge Road, Warsaw - 3 bedrOOms. 2 baths, great rOOm with fireplace, living rOOm, dining rOOm, carport with storage. WARSAW - W. Hill St. Frame house. 2 bedrOOms. 1 bath, living rOOm, den. Older house. Immaculate condition. WARSAW - Walnut Street - 3 bedrOOms. 2 baths, aopfOx. 1,650 sq. ft., hasted, plus attached storage. V COMMERCIAL NEW LISTING ? Plank Straat. Warsaw - 2 commarcial buildings. Idaal for atOraga Or rantal property LOTS WARSAW ? COrnar Of Chelly and Gum. 3 building lots. ACREAGES HWY ISIS NEAR WHITE FLASH - ? ' Road frontage On both aidaa. 19.14 acres KENANSVILLE - 3 acres located near Guilford East Off PRP 1300. Will sail 1-acre lOts separately Or all together J HWY. 11 NEAR B.F. GRADY SCHOOL -10.7 acres *8.000. HWY 1B01 NEAR GARNERS CHAPEL ' CHURCH. 326 acres. 52 acres cleared. 3.990 lbs. tobacco. Owner financing for 10 years at 10% interest. WEST OF CLINTON - 175 acres. 100 acres cleared. A 23 ACRES - WARSAW TOWNSHIP ? Subdivided into lOts. Excellent invest ment prOoerty. 96 ACRES WEST OF WARSAW GOOd growing timber. ROad and rail frOntaga HSt<iii Draughon phone . Steve Draughon 293-4673 ? realtor* ** EDITH KORNEGAY ? 658-3430 ?1984 Century 21 RmI Estate Corporation aa trustee tor the NAF. m R and tm-trademarks Of Century 21 Real Estate Cdrirdrstkm. Equal Opportunity Employer** EACH OFFICE 18 INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED ] /

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