LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION The public will take optica that tha Board ?f CAremis siAners Of iha Town At Kananavilla, North Carolina hat called a public Hear ma at 7:00 A'dOcfc. P.M. An Iha 5th day Of November 1984 ai Iha TAwn Hall An the quae i o> Of annexation of the following described territory, requeated by petit .An filed pursuant tA G S. 160A 58.2, as amended LAcatad in Kananavilla Township. Duplin CAunfy, NArth Carolina and raOre particularly described as fAI BEGINNING at a railrAad spike in the oemerline Of NArth Carolina Highway Number 24, cArner "A" shOwn An a map entitled "Country Squire & Vintage Inn Property' dated October 7. 1982. as recorded in Mao BOOk II. Page 95. Of tha Duplin CAuntv Registry, the northwest OOrner Of Tract NO 10 Of the T.J. McGOwan Division (Mao BOOk 5. Page 151. said railroad spike being ] located NOrth 58 degrees 17 minutes 25 seconds West 470.90 feet from a 172 inch 1 . iron rod in the centerline intersection Of N.C. Hwy NO 24 and "I.C.S.R. NO 1376. j and runs thence. 1 ] 1. With the center fO the j pavement Of N.C. Hwy NO 24 NArth 58 degrees 17 minutes 25 seconds West | j 499 84 feet tO a 172 inch if An ! rod:thence 2 NOrth 25 degree' 77 minutes 15 seconds cas ' ; 389.50 feet (passing a con 1 Crete monument at 175 03 feet) to a concrete raOnu ment, cArner C": tirence 3. NOrth 76 degrees 43 minutes 45 seconds East 92 29 feet to a concrete monument, corner "O"; i thence i 4 South 65 degrees 06j minutes 15 seconds East I 317.76 feet to a oOnerete monument. cOrner "E"; i tnence 5. Sduth 38 degrees 40. minules 15 seconds East, 534 67 feel tO a concrete monument in the nOrth line Ot Tract NO. 10 Of the T.J. McGdwan division, corner "F"; thence 6 With the line Of Tract NO 10 SOuth 79 degrees 28 minutes 35 seconds Westj 461 98 feet to the pOint Of BEGINNING, containing 7 26 > acres. mOre Or less, as shCwn On a map entitled "Country Sauire & Vintage Inn Property" dated October 7, 1982 as recorded in Mar Book 11, Page 95 Of the Dublin County Registry, and being part o that land de scribed in deeds recorded in the Dublin COuntv Registry as follows To Joseph A West and wife. Janet H. West m Book 553, Page 93 to H M West in BOOk 423, Page 274. to JOseoh A West in Book 756. Page 304. and to JOseoh A West in Book 898. Page 539 And further being the same lands described in a deed dated the 22nd day Of. October. 1982, frOm JOseoh A West (Single) and LeOna H West (WidOwl. tO Eakes Investment Company. JOe D. Eakes and DOris W Eakes. I partners, recorded in BOOk ' 903, Page 340. Duplin COuntv Registry DATED October 12. 1984 MARY ANNE JENKINS. TOWN CLERK 10 18 It TOK 109 NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY FILE NO 84 Sp 72 IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S RESALE OF REAL PROPERTY DAVID T. PHILLIPS Ad ministrator DBN of the Estate of Etta Blackmon Smith PETITIONER VS KATTIE W BORDEN and husband. RUBIN BORDEN; JAMES HARRIS, and wife. ESTELLE HARRIS. HARRIS STEWART and wife, DOROTHY IE CATH ERINE) STEWART; 1 RUSSELL P BRITT, TRUSTEE. DUPLIN TRAOING COMPANY. IN CORPORATED RESPONDENTS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE Of an Order 6f Resale Of the I Clerk for the General COurt Of Justice. Sup?nOr Court Divi sion *0r Duplin COunty. made in Special Proceeding NO. 84 So-72 entitled "David T. Phillips. Administrator DSN 04 the Estate Of Ens Black mOn Smith versus Kartie W BOrden and Others", the undersigned Commissioner will On Tuesday the 30th day Of October. 1984. at 12:00 O'clock noon at the East entrance Of the Duplin COunty COurthOuse. Offer fOr sale to the highest bidder, but subject 10 the confirms tiOn Of COurt. as to the First Tract less exceptions as here inafter described uoOn an Ooening bid in the name Of Ralph L. Veach in the amount Of *29.103 50; as 10 the Second Tract as hereinafter described upon an Opening bid in the name Of Ralph L. Veach in the amount Of *5,069 00, and as tO the Third Tract as hereinafter de scribed upOn an Opening bid in the name Of Ralph L. Veach in the amount Of *11.904.50; said tracts being described as follows: All those certain three :racts Or parcels Of land lying >nd being in FaisOn Town ship Duplin COunty. NOrth Carolina, (along N.C S R 13071 and described as fOHOws; FIRST TRACT: Located in FaisOn Township, Duplin COunty, NOrth Carolina, and oeing described as follows BEGINNING at a stake On the Run of Goshen Swamp and runs SOuth 3-1/2 degrees East 194 poles to a stake On [he main road; thence with [he center of said rOed IN C. Secondary Road 13071 East 38 poles tO a stake D.W. Anderson's corner; thence with his line NOrth 1 degree i/Vest 80 pOles tO a maple; [hence NOrth 80 East 34 pOles to a slake; thence NOrth 78 East 26 poles to a blackgum in the mOuth Of a small branch; thence NOrth 3-1/2 West 77 pOles tO an ash On the Run Of GOshen Swamp; thence uo the Run Of GOshen Swamo a? it meanders t6 the beginning, CONTAINING 94 acres, mOre Or less And being the lands as devised t6 Etta Smith by the Last Will and Testament Of Henry CatOr Smith in File 71-E-145. And being the lands further described in Deed BOOk 435. Page 328; BOOk 433. Page 463; BOOk 433. Page 462; BOOk 445. Page 606. all recorded in the Duplin COuntv Register Of Deeds Of Duplin COuntv Reference is further had tO that certain deed to Kidar Smith frOm B.J. AndersOn, dated 4/28/1900, filed 11/13/1900, containing 94 acres, the same being duly recorded in BOOk 67, Page 63 Of the Duplin COuntv Register Of Deeds. FIRST EXCEPTION; BE GINNING at a stake in the public rOad and runs NOrth 1 degree East 41 4/5 poles to a ditch where another ditch enters it at a lightwOOd stake, thence with the ditcb NOrth 20 degrees East 10-2/5 poles to a stake at a crOOk Of said ditch; thence NOrth 2 degrees West 25 pOles and 7 links to a stake where said ditch enters another ditch; thence with it SOuth 82 degrees East 39 2/5 poles to a stake. D.W An dersons and Kidar Smith Old corner; thence with their Old line. SOuth 3-1/2 degrees East 80 pOles to the public road, thence with the rOad. 3 3/5 poles to the beginning, CONTAINING 2 5/8 acres, more Or less And being the lands in a Deed frOm Kidar Smith and wife. Cassie Smith to Joe Edward Smith, dated July 4. 1910, and recorded in BOok 129, Page 149 Of the Duplin County Registry SECOND EXCEPTION BEGINNING at a maple in the line in a Deed to Kidar Smith py B.J. AndersOn Of a 94 acre tract and knOwn as the corner between Kidar Smith and D.W. AndersOn, and runs a direct line frOm said maple East with such variation s6 as to cut Off 8 acres Of land within the boundaries Of the lands in a Deed tO Kidar Smith by 6 J. AndersOn and said 8 acres to jOin the lands Of D.W An derson where the lines Of said first parties tOuch said An derson land and this COn veyance is tO convey to said second oarty 8 acres and nO more And being the lands in a Deed frOm Kidar Smith and wife. Cassie Smith to Joe Edward Smith, dated August 1. 1910. and recorded in BOOk 129. Page 150, Of the Duplin COuntv Registry ...Mil . ...,vil , in Faieon Township, Duplin COunty. North Carolina, and being described aa follows: BEGINNING at a (take in the public road. S B Smiths corner, and runt aa hia lina SOuth 9 degrees Watt 110 poles to a stake in the Run Of Nehunga Swamp; thence dOwn the Run Of Nahunga Swamp abOut 15 pOlaa to a (take; thence NOrth 9 de grees East 102 poles to a stake in the public rOad; thence as said rOad. NOrth 87 1/2 degrees West 14-6/11 poles to the beginning, CON TAINING 10 acres. mOre Or less. And being the lands devised to Er.J Smith under the Last Will and Testament Of Henry Cater Smith in File NO. 71-E-145 as On file with the Clerk Of Superior COurt for Duplin COunty. Reference , is further had to those certain Deeds recorded in BOOk 370. Page 331; BOOk 318, Page 08; BOOk 336 Page 191; BOOk 304. Page 381; and BOOk 164. Page 514. all recorded in tha Duplin COunty Register Of Deeds. THIRD TRACT: Located in FaisOn TOwnshlp. Duplin COunty. NOrth Carolina, and being described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in tha Run Of Nahunga Swamo. Joseph and Fair Smith corner Of a tract Of land. sOld to tham by GastOn Kelly, and runs thence with their line NOrth 09 degrees East 110 poles tO a stake On the road; thence with the rOad NOrth 87-1/2 West 36 pOles to a stake, Charlie Smith's corner, for merly TOm Waddell's corner; thence with the line SOuth 09 degrees West 113 pOles to the Run Of Nahunge Swamp; thence di vn the Run Of Nahunge Swamp as it meanders to the beginning, CONTAINING 23-3/4 acres. mOre Or less, and being a part Of the land. knOwn as the Evans Smith place. Refe rence is had to that certain Deed frOm S. Bertsy Smith and wife to Henry Cater Smith and wife. Etta Smith. dated 8/21/1948. and duly recorded in BOOk 445. Page 569. Of the Dunlin COuntv Registry Reference is fur ther had ?6 that certain Deed from GastOn Kelly and wife 10 S Bertsy Smith and wife, Ida Smith, dated 2/15/1913. the same duly recorded in BOOk 149. Page 259. Of the Duplin COunty Register Of Deeds THE SALE WILL BE MADE SUBJECT TO ALL RESTRICTIONS. EASE MENTS OF RECOR ) AND ASSESSMENTS, IF ANY PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF SAID ORDER THE ABOVE THREE TRACTS OR PARCELS OF LAND WILL BE SOLD INDI VIDUALLY AND NOT COM BINED TOGETHER FOR SALE IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER THE FIRST TRACT CONTAINING NINETY FOUR 1941 ACRES LESS TWO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE SOLD FIRST, THE SECOND TRACT CONTAIN ING TEN 1101 ACRES WILL BE SOLD SECOND. THE THIRD TRACT CONTAIN ING TWENTY THREE AND THREE FOURTHS (23-3/4) ACRES WILL BE SOLD THIRO FURTHER. NO TOBACCO ALLOTMENT WILL BE WARRANTED BY THE UNDERSIGNED COM MISSIONER The successful bidder will be required to deposit with the undersigned Commis sioner. immediately upon the conclusion Of the sale, a cash deposit Of ten percent (10%) of the first One Thousand Dollars 151,000.00) and five percent 15%) Of all Over One Thousand Dollars (1 000.00) of his bid as evidence Of gOOd faith any successful bidder shall be reauired to tender the full balance purchase price sO bid in cash Or cretified check at the time the undersigned Commissioner tenders to him a Deed for the property Or attempts tO tender such Deed, and should said successful bidder fail to pav the full balance , purchase price sO bid at that lime, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided for in NOrth Carolina General | Statutes 1 339 30. (e). This sale will be held Open 1 ten (10) days fOr upset bids as reouired by N.C.G S 1 339 25.(a). This the 10th day Of OctO ber. 1984 ( J. Garrett Ludlum. Commissioner POst Office BOx 901 Warsaw, NOrth Carolina 28398 Telephone 919 293 3124 I 10 25 2t-P8iP 320 I LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY File No. M 8P 100 . IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK NOTICE OF SALE CAROL-ANN TUCKER end HUBERT E.TUCKER VS. FLORENCE T. SHEFFIELD. ET ALS Undor ond bv virtue Of on Order Of the General COurt Of Justice. SuoeriOr COurt P'vi sibn in Special Proceeding ; entitled as abOve. the under signed Commissioner will On the 19th day Of OelOber, 1984, at Twelve O'dOck, NOOn. at the COurthOuse DOOr in Kenansville. Duplin county. NOrth Carolina. Offer fOr sale tO the highest bidder fOr cash that certain reel estate situete in the COunty Of Duplin, State Of NOrth Carolina, and mOre particu larly described as follows: TRACT ONE: BEGINNING at a stake On the NOrth side Of Buck Branch On SOI. Chest nutt line running abOut NOrth East. SOI. Chestnutt line 210 yards tO a stake On W & W Rail ROed boundary On West side Of said Rail ROad, thence with boundary Of said Rail ROad SOuth 220 vards tO a stake On Buck Branch canal, thence with said canal as it meanders On tO the begin ning, oOnteining fOur end One-half (4 V41 acres, mOre Or less. TRACT TWO: BEGIN NING at a stake On the Street 65 feet frOm the center Of the track and runs with the Street 250 feet tO a stake, thence a line nOrthwerd parallel with the railroad 146 feet tO a stake, thence east 38 feet to a stake M.J. Tucker's corner, thence SOuth with Tucker line 73 feet tO a stake, thence Eest with Tucker line 112 feet tO a stake On the right Of way. thence with the said right Of way 73 feet tO the beginning, containing 7/11 Of an acre, naOre Or less. TRACT THREE: Lying On the West side Of the A.C.L.R.R. in the Southern first Of the TOwn Of MagnOlie and runs as follows, begin ning at a stake, Mrs. Meln tires corner On right Of wey Of Mid A.C.L.R.N, and run* Muth 18H EM 72 feel, thence SOuth 74* WM 112 fMt, thence NOrth 15 H Wast 72 fMt 16 Mrs Mdntiras I ins. thence with ths tins parallel with SSuth boundary tins to tha baginnino. oOn taining abdut 1 /6 Of an acta, more Or Ism. THE SALE WILL BE MADE SUBJECT TO ALL PRIOR LIENS. UNPAID TAXES (TOWN AND COUNTYI, RESTRICTIONS. EASEMENTS OF RECORD AND ASSESSMENTS. IF ANY. That tha highest biddsr at such Mia will ba required tfl make a caah deposit 6f 10% of tha first 41.000.00 Of Mid bid. and plus five percent (5%) Of the remaining balance as evidence Of gOOd faith, and tha balance ahall ba paid upon delivery Of Commissioner's Dead. UpOn tha failure Of tha highMt bidder at Mid Mia tO make tha required cash de posit. Mid lands will Imme diately ba re-Offered fOr Mia. This, tha 17th day Of Sep tember. 1984. J. Garrett Ludlum. Commits (Oner P.O. B0x 901 WarMW, NOrth Carolina 28398 Telephone 919-293-3124 10-18-4t-T4L-112 NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned, MAR VIN M. BROCK, having qualified as Administrator Of tha Estate Of MARVIN BROCK, deceased, late Of Duplin county, NOrth Caro lina. this is to notify all persons having claims against Mid Estate to preMnt them tO the undersigned. MARVIN M BROCK, c/0 JOhn P. Edwards. Jr., Attor ney fOr the Estate. POst Office BOx 506. Mount Olive. North Carolina 28365 On Or before the 4th day Of April, 1985, Or this Notice will be pleaded in bar Of their right tO recover. All persons in debted to Mid Estste will make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 27th day Of Sep tember, 1984 MARVIN M BROCK. Administrator Of the Estats Of MARVIN BROCK. Da OHIKj, c/0 JOhn P. Edwards. Jr. AttOrrvav at Law P.O. BOx 600 MOunt Oliva, NOrth Carolina 28366 10-17-4t-c-JPE EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY I Having quallfiad On tha 10th day Of OdObar. 1884. an I FvecutOr Of tha Estata Of FaiaOn Smith, daoaasad. lata Of Quolln COuntv. . NOrth Carolina, this is to rtO(ify all persons. firms and oOrpOra tiOna having dairoa against tha dscadant to exhibit tha sama tO tha undaraignad William AarOn Smith, Executor On Or bafOra tha 18th day Of April. 1986, Or this notice will ba plaadad in bar Of thair raoOvary. All parsOns, firms and oOrpOra tiOns indebtad 10 tha astata ahOuld make immediate pay ment. This tha 10th day Of OctO- , bar 1984. William AarOn Smith, ExeoutOr Of Estate Of FaiaOn Smith ROute 1. BOx 4 AlbertsOn, N.C. 28508 Philllbe & Philllbs Attorneys at Law P.O. BOx 727 Kenansville, N.C. 28349 11-8-4t-P8iP NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as CO axecutrixea Of tha aetata Of Walter Jamas Patterson, de ceased. late Of Duplin County. NOrth Carolina, this is tO notify all persons having claims against the estate Of said deceased to present them to the undersigned On Or before March 27, 1985, Or this notice will be pleaded in bar Of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make imme diate payment. This the 21st day Of Sep tember, 1984. Helen P. HinsOn 1010 N. Breazeale Mount Olive, NC 28385 Shirley P. Kelly P.O. BOx 794 MOunt Olive, NC 28365 10-18-4t-HPH EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified aa Exe cutor Of the aetata Of Maggia A. Smith, deceased. lata Of Duplin COuntv, NOrth Caro lina, thia ia t* notify all PfrsOns having giaiiOs agatnat tha aatata Of aald deceased tO present thank 10 tha undersigned On Or before April 11. 1986, Or this notice will be pleaded in bar Of their reoOvery. All persons in debted to said estate please make immediate payment. This tha 4th day Of OetO bar, 1984. ? ' I WAAdrAw W. Smith i P.O. BAx337 1 Kananavilla, NC 28349 11-1-41 WWS EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having gualifiad ?? Exa cutrix 4? tha aatata 4f Oamo aav WOOd Smith, dacaaaad. lata pf Duplin CAuntv, NArth CarAlina, thia it 14 nAtifv all paraAna having elainta ?gainst tha aatsts ? said V Jaoaaaad M Drsaant thara M ha undaraignad 6n Sr bsfara Vf AprH 11. 1M6, 4r thla ndliea will ba Dlaadsd In bar M thalr racdvary. All oaradna indabt ad t? said aatata glaaaa rdafca irumadiata payntant. This tha 2nd day df Oc*A bar. 1984 Anna Balla Srakh Rduta2 Pink Hill. NC 28H 11-1-4t-ABS " ' |H ? Piano Tuning and Repair Jimmy C West Registered Piano Technician Box 502 Warsaw Kenansville 296 0219 FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE 106 E Hill St.. Wi'H* Spacious 2.150 sq ft . carpeted through out Central Hut Mutt sea to appre crate Contact: Ed Holt or Scott Back at 293 7156 HOME FOR SALE Rural Duplin COuntv AporOx 2,100 aq.fl. living area with 2-car garage Ideated On One acre, brick veneer, 3-BR. 2 baths, fOrmals, family rOOm with fireplace, many features too numerous tO mention Ourwood Kennedy 668 4*89 or 658 2866 IThe Whopper I $69900 I DOWN I 14*70 3-Bedroom ftfnished I mobile home. Call Trl-County I Mobile Home*, Hwy. 70-East, I Goldsbirr N.C. 77*-'M6. 1WHY BUY USED when you can buy NEW let Qu'.'ity furniture ai Low Dltcoi prices at Eason'e Home Furnithingt. 293 3313 HOUSE FOR SALE 4 bedrooms, 2-story, formal living room, dining room, 2 full baths, large ? den with fireplace and ceiling fan, central air conditioning and heat. Three years old. Located on one-acre lot north of Kenansviile, one m''e I off N.C. 11 on RPR 1300. Call 778-9292 SPOTLIGHT SPECIALS you can save 100 s of Dollars on These spotlight Specials. These Are Just A Few of The Creat used car Deals now On Our Lot. ALL PRICES ARE STRAIGHT SALE. TRADE-INS WELCOMED. - ? 81 Butck Regal Limited V-6 engine, auto trans . AC, PS, PB. AM/FM stereo cassette, power windows & locks 2 Door ONLY *6900 'II Butck Riviera PS. P8. AC. auto trans, fully automatic, power equipped, beautiful car ONLY *9800 '?1 Butck Mgal V-6 engine. PS. PB. AM/FM cassette, power windows, auto trans., 2 door ONLY *7500 ?insnn^r^ Fully power equipped, a luxury car at an affordable cost White with blue accents Diesel power ONLY *5800 12 6MC Jimmy Htffc Slam 4 wh. dr.. cruisa. lilt. PS. P8, AM/FM stereo. AC. chrome wheels OH1Y*9800 '90 Trim Am Black with GoM Eagle. Alpine sound system. AC. auto trans.. V-B. T-root OWLY *5800 '80 OMi Delta M V-8. auto trans.. AC, PS. PB. AM/FM stereo, low mileage, t owner family car ONLY *5200 MINCHEW Buick-Oldsmobile, Inc. HIGHWAY 117 N. WALLACE PHONE: 285-7151 Dealer No. 2147 USED CARS to be sold at LOW PRICES! ! Large selection of WILKINS' !? USED CARS . 1982 ford exp. Silver, 4-speed, AC," stereo 1979 ford fairmont Very clean. Automatic. 1980 dodge 150 pickup 4-speed, 6 cyl. Very Sharp! Great Condition! 1984 HONDA ACCOKD LX 2-door. hatchback, 5-speed VERY SHARP! 11 1981 DODGE OMNI 024 2-door, white, 4-speed, A/C 1979 MERCURY CAPRI Hack with Green Strip, A/C, lM-FM with cass., Very 1979 MUSTANG 2-Dr., Gray, A/C, Stereo, AM/FM 1983 HONDA ACCORD LX Gray, 5-speed, A/C, local one owner 1982 YAMAHA MAXIM 650 VERY SHARP MOTORCYCLE 1977 CHEVROLET MONTE CARLO Yellow with Tan Vinyl Roof, A^^^FMRadio^^ 1982 TOYOTA COROLLA SR-5 Brown half vinyl roof, A/C, stereo w/cass. 1982oBsS!oBnlTuTCr^ Dark blue, AM-FM Stereo/w cass., A/C, wire wheel cover, Cruise, Tilt Steering Wheel, & MuchMonJjfer^hAr^^^^ WILKINS OF WARSAW I Pontiac, GMC, AMC & Jeep I ,?^? f Farm Machinery Auction Sale Tuesday, November 6th, 10 A.M. 126 Tractors, 400 Implements We buy & sell used equipment daily Wayne Implement Auction Corp. P 0. Box 233 ? Goldsboro. North Carolina 27530 ? Telephone I 219/734-4234 ? N.C. License No 188 I Auction Sale ], V 1 Annie Belle Dunn Estate Sat., October 20th - 10 A.N. V Located: 2 Miles Off Hwy 11 near Woodland Church, Glisson Township, Duplin County. Property Consists Of: 148.5 plus Total Acres 88 plus Cropland Acres 3.58 Tobacco Acres(1984 Basic Allotment) ''? 8835 Tobacco Pounds (1984 Basic Allotment) Fo? Oatalli Contact: SKIING yjggAOENTS WATCNFN 1T1 " ?-jjBllSi f Barrow - Kennedy J V AUCTION CO . P. Btm Kimniy Tm* ?' W W (IMtv) Ki.mRy WW. IWiiMm U StncaltM WW. IWiiWf W. KWrtwi. M.C. Kfcwtaa. M.C mcacl m. mm * c uumi lu ncrkl 527-8464 DAY OR NIGHT Put Number 1 toworkforyou. Centuo^, FfTZl DRAUGHON AGENCY 107 N. Front St. Warsaw, N.C. i ? PRICE REDUCED HOUSE FOR SALE - Corner Lot on Ward Bridge Road. Warsaw. This One has 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, den. dining rOOm and spacious kitchen. Mr m '' rjuaaaaKjaaaaaaaa n NEW LISTING WARSAW 301 Wad* St. - ApprOx 1950 sq ft. Of living area. 3-b*dr00ms, 2 baths, firaplao* with inaert. Beautiful corner lot with Outside storage and workshop attached, 2-ear carport POLLOCK STREET Warsaw ? White frame. 4-bedroom, 1V4 batha, living room, large kitchen end den area. Large corner lot. Cell ue for more detailsl RESIDENTIAL WISTERIA ST.. WARSAW - This One haa over 1.700 aquare feet with 3 bed rooma. 2 batha. living room, dining room, eat-in kitchen and more. Beautiful lot. RESTORABLE - Older house. S acres of land, located 1 mile north of Magnolia. PERFECT FIRST HOME - 2 bedrooms. 1 bath. Fireplace with wood atove, outside storage bldg. Pollock St., Warsaw. Priced to Selll WARSAW 202 Wade St. Brick 3-bed rOOm 114 batha. large corner lot, 1,170 sg. ft. AN AFFORDABLE HOME I Interaectlon of Memorial Or. A College St.. Warsaw. Den, living room, 3 bedrooms, 1 Y> baths. SUPER LOCATION I Ward Bridge Road, Warsaw 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, great room with fireplace, living rOOm, dining room, carport with storage. WARSAW - W. Hill St. - Frame house. 2 bedrooms. 1 bath, living rOOm, den. Older house, Immaculate condition. WARSAW - Walnut Street - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, apprOx. 1,650 sg. ft., heated, plus attached storage. * . me NEWLY LISTED REASONAVLE PRICE 406 N. Frl?eo St., Wirtiw. Thi? 3-bedrOOm, 2-bath, hOuse it beautifuly arranged and deco rated. YOu mutt tee to appreciate COMMERCIAL NEW LISTING - Plank Straat. Warsaw - i 2 commercial buildings. Ideal fOr storage V or rental Drooerty. LOTS WARSAW - Corner of Chelly and Gum. 3 building lots. ACREAGES HWY 1519 NEAR WHITE FLASH - Road frontage on both sides 19.14 acres KENANSVILLE - 3 acres located near Guilford East off PRP 1300. Will sell 1 -acre lots seoarately Or all together. ^ j HWY. 11 NEAR B F. GRADY SCHOOL ? 10.7 acres. 48.000. HWY 1501 NEAR GARNERS CHAPEL CHURCH. 326 acres, 52 acres cleared. 3,990 lbs. tobacco. Owner financing for 10 years at 10% interest. WEST OF CLINTON - 175 acres. 100 acres cleared. 23 ACRES - WARSAW TOWNSHIP - Subdivided into lots. Excellent invest ment property. 96 ACRES WEST OF WARSAW GOOd ( I growing limber. Road and rail frontage Complete Auction Service mStan Draughon phon. Steve Draughon 293-4673 realtor w EDITH KORNEGAY - *<*-3430 (?>1984 Century 41 HMl Ettate Corporation at Iruataa tor tha NAF. , R and tm-trademarke Of Cantury 21 Real Ettata Corporation. Equal OpoOrtunitv EmplOvor \ ' ^^^^^^^ACH^FFIC^SMNDEPENDENTL>^WNE^^NC^PJ|*ATE?^^^^^J i t

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