Along The Way i By Emily Klllette ( One of Duplin's finest hours was the dedication of Duplin General Hospital in Kenansville. Not only did the hospital offer local medical services, it offered jobs. Duplin General has gone through many changes since it was first dedicated and opened in 1955. Today, as in 1955, Duplin has a hospital it can be proud of apd continue to support. Dedication ser vices were held for the hospital February 27, 1955, and the program was primed in the February 24 issue of THE DUPLIN TIMES. The article written by Paul Barwick is reprinted below. The program began at 2 p.m.. Owens, President of N.C. Medical Society, Speaker Dr. Zack K. Owens, president of the North Carolina Medical Society, will be principal speaker at dedi cation ceremonies of the Duplin General Hospital Sunday. The program will begin sharply at 2 p.m. in Kenan Memorial Audi torium on the campus of Kenansville School. Dr. Owens, now practicing in Elizabeth City, is one of the out s anding medical doctors in North Carolina and throughout the South and nation. Dr. I.G. Greer, executive secretary of the North Carolina Business Foundation, will serve as master of ceremonies. Prior to the invocation by the Rev. W.H. Allison, pastor of the Ri>se Hill Presbyterian Church, the Duplin County School Band, under the stir, .? Ion ,,f Paul Bodie, will render several numbers. David N. Henderson, solicitor of General Duplin County Court, will welcome those attending the dedica tion. Greetings will be extended by J.H. Clark, North Carolina Medical Care Commission; Dr. J.W.R. Norton, S'a'c Health Officer; Sample B. Forbus. secretary of North Cantlina Hospital Association; Mrs. Marie B. N'?l, executive secretary of North Carolina Nurses Association; and Marshall Pickens, director of Duke Endowment. the Kex Hospital Choir, under the direction of Dr. Frederick Stanley Sini'h. will present a program of several musical selections. F.W. McGowen, Duplin County Auditor and secretary of the Board of Directors and Building Committee of Duplin County General Hospital, will present a historical sketch of the ii spital. included in his comments a ill be a summary of the workings behind ihe scene, which he directed, in making the hospital a reality. Presentation of the buildings, hospital, nurses' home, health center, will be Leslie N. Boney. Sr., architect and J.O. Stokes, chairman the building committee. Acceptance will be by A.C. Hall, chairman of the Duplin Board of Commissioners and Lee Brown, chairman of the Board of Trustees of Duplin General Hospital. Others associated with the accep ance of buildings are Dr. John F. Powers, Duplin County Health Officer; Dr. E.P. Fwers, chief of the medical staff of f the hospital. After leaving the hospital, groups will be guided through the nurses' home and health center. Tea and cookies will be served in the last 'wobuildings. The tours will begin immediately after dedication ceremonies. Administrator Wilkerson and Mrs. 1 Williams pointed out that no tours will be conducted at the hospital health center or nurses' home until after dedication services are com pleted. The dedication program will be broadcast over radio station WLSE in Wallace. Duplin Schools Accredited The S u licrn Ass cia i n f C lieges and Sell Is. hr ugh i s G nimissi n n Elcnicn ary Sch - Is. Iras awarded e n inning aeercdi a i n Duplin C tin y sell Is by ae i 11 aken during lie ass eia i n's K9 n annual mee ing in A Ian a. Georgia Dec. 9-12, 1984. Thr ugh aeercdi a i n. sch. I s aff and I'aeul > members will bencfi by kn wing ha e ndi i nsf r caching in aeeredi ed sell Is mee eer aiu minimum s andards and ha eft r s are e n inu usly made impr vc liesee ndi i lis. Regi nal s andards ? require adequate faculties and facili ties and their effective use. C'i i/ens aie assured I acc un - .Hull \ and I value f r heir ax d liars hr ugh lie pr cess f sand aril se ing and he re'gular rc cxalua i n I SAGS member ins i u i lis. C" milium ies wi It aeeredi - ed sell Is can be e nfiden ha heir ins i ii i its c in pa re lav rably wi h hers in lie regi n. Aeeredi cd wii Is are a "plus" I r h se w h are in Ores ed in rel ea ing heir families and businesses. I' iimled in IH9S. lie S u'hern \ss eia i n f C lieges and Sell Is is ik- f six regi nal aeeredi ing h ilies in lie Uni cd S a es. M re an 11.000 member public and priva'e univcrsi ies. e lieges, juni r C lieges, ecu pa' i nal ins i u i us. see ndarx sell Is. middle sell Is. ami clcnicn ary sell Is enr II ap pr xinia cl\ fixe miili n s udcu s. DUPLIN TIMES PROGRESS SENTINEL Published Weekly bv DUPLIN PUBLISHING CO., INC. ike Riddick, Publisher P.O. Box 68 Kenansville, NC 28349 Second Class Postage Paid at Kenansville, NC 28349 SUBSCRIPTION PRICES Single Copy 11 Cents In Duplin and Adjoining Counties 6 Mos.?$1.83 I Yr.?S3.66 Outside of Duplin and Adjoining Counties 6 Mos.?S2.35 1 Yr.? $4.70 Outside North Carolina $5.50 per year Start* Friday W Show* 7 A t. Sun 2. 4. 7 4 9 1 NINJA III k Sh* I* th* parfact waapon Ratad R A Maid Ovar ? S>tf>ws7 & 9 Sun., 2. 4, 7 ft 9 1 NIGHT PATROL 1 Adult Comadv Rated R ^A ^r Maid Ovar Seventh Wee* | Shine* 749. 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