NC Opera To Hold Audition North Carolina Opera is casting for supporting roles for a four-week tour Oct. 25 - Nov. 23 of "Man of LaMancha" and artist-in-residence positions (mid-August, 1985 through May 31,1986.) ) Artists-in-residence must relor*t?> to Charlotte for the nine-month period and will tour mid-Atlantic and southern states extensively during the contract period. Proposed re pertoire thay include: The Magic Flute, Alice in Wonderland, The Face on the Bar Room Floor, Cosi FanTutte, Extravaganze (music-the atre and opera sceens program) and Babes in Toyland, as well as the possibility of supporting roles in the Charlotte Opera season, which is t Willie Stark, Manon Lescaut, and Faust. Auditions will be scheduled by invitation only. To be considered, send all of the following items as application: current resume and photo; cassette tape of at least two contrasting arias (one must be in English); and preference for audition date and location, March 15 or 16 New York, March 29 or 30 - Charlotte. Video cassette (Vi"VHS) of a current performance or audition, with resume and photo are ac ceptable in lieu of personal audition. Send applications to Robert M. Swedberg, Artistic Director, The North Carolina Opera, 110 E. Spuonih r-l 1-..- kj/ LEGAL NOTICES EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified aa Exe cutor of the aetata of Winnie B. Houaton. deceaaed, late of Duplin County, North Caro lina. thle la to notify all paraona having claims against the aetata of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before July 31st. 1985 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All parsons In debted to said estate please make Immediate payment. This the 28th day of Janu ary. 1985. Billy F. Jones Route 3. Box 22 Dunn. NC 28334 2-21-4t-c-BFJ NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS OF NORWOOD C. CHESTNUTT All parsons, firms and corporations having claims against the Estate of Nor wood C. Chastnutt. de ceased. are notified to exhibit them to Batty R. Chastnutt. administrator of said Estate, on or before July 31. 1985 or be barred from their re covery. Debtors of the de cedent are asked to make Immediate payment to the above-named administrator. This 27th day of Decem ber. 1984. Betty R. Chastnutt. Administrator Route 1. Box 277 Warsaw. N.C. 28398 2-21-4t-c-BRC STA1E OF NORTH CARO LINA COUNTY OF DUPLIN FILE NO. 84 CVS 69 IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION DUPLIN COUNTY. Plaintiff vs. ROBERT W. GRADY and "H?. INEZ J. GRADY, VANCE E. SWIFT, Truatee for U.S.A. acting through Formoro Homo Admlnlatra tlon ILIonholdorl; H E. PHIL LIPS. trustoo for D.M. PRICE. [Llonholdorl; H.E. PHILLIPS, truatoo for JOHN L. GRADY [llonholdorl; IKE F. ANDREWS or J. ED STONE, truatooa for Carolina Cottlo Co.. [Llonholdorl; VANCE B. GAVIN, truatoo for JOHN L. GRADY.ILIon holdorl; J. EDGAR STONE, truatoo for Piedmont Cottlo Company ILionholdorl; and THE FALCO CORPORA TION. [Llonholdorl. Dafondanta NOTICE OF SALE Undar and by virtua of an ordar of tha Superior Court of Duplin County. North Crirullna mado and entered ir. tna action entitled "Duplin County Againat Robert W. Grady, at ala", tho undaraignod Commit aionara will, on tha 15th day of February. 1985. offer for aala and aall for caah to tha laet and highaat bidder at Duhlic mrtlnn mt ?K? house door in Duplin County. North Carolina, in Kenans villa at 12:00 o'clock, noon, tha following described real estate, lying and being in Wolf scrape Township. State and County aforesaid, and more particulerly described as follow*: Containing 74 acres, more or less, known as part of the Thaddeus Jonas land, located on a public road six miles | East from Mount Olive, N.C. bounded on the North by Northeast River; on the East | by Rodney Qrady; on the South by Edgerton land; on the West by J.J. Jones and C.A. Summerlin, said tract being particularly described according to a plat prepared by Paul Ingram. Surveyor, on January, 1934. as follows: BEGINNING at the North east River corner of C.A. Summerlin; thence along said river South 78? East 2S.5 poles to the corner of Rodney Grady; thence leave river. South 172 poles; South 69? East 1.8 poles; thence cross- , ?-?-?> v.??iiuire, LOLML. ing road. South 12? West 301.? polo* to tho cornar of Edearton lands; thanco North M? Wast 33 polas; thanca North 1S? East 141 polaa; South 80? Wast 7.8 polas; North 12? East crossing road 170.8 polas; North 59? Wast 1.8 polaa; thanes dus North 164 polas to tha beginning And baing Lot No. 3 as allottad and asslgnad to Norman Jonas In division of Thaddaus Jonas as racordsd In Book 209. paga 2 of tha Offica of Raglstar of Dsads of Duplin County. And furthar balng tha sama lands da scrlbad in a dasd from Norman Jonas and wlfa, to Robart Qrady. recorded in Book 487. paga 480. of tha Duplin County Rsgistry. And balng tha sama land da scribad in s dasd datad August 4, I960 from Vanes B. Gavin and wlfa. Rsba P. Gavin, to Robart W. Grady and wlfa. Inai J. Grady, racordsd In Book 536. paga 141 of tha Duplin County Registry. This sals will be made subjact to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improvement asssssmsnts against the above described property not included in the judgment In the above entitled cause. This the 10th day of Janu ary. 1985. Russell J. Lanier, Jr. Commissioner H E. Phillips Commissioner 2-14-4t-c-RT-124 NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an Order of Sale filed on January 8. 1985. with the Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County in Spaical Proceeding File No. 84-Sp-166. entitled. "Madgie G. Jones. Administratrix of the Estate of Rene J. Hall at el VS Currie Jackson A/K/A Curlie Judge Jackaon at el", the undersigned Commis sioners will on the 15th day of February, 1985. at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the Court house door. Eoot ontroneo. located In Kananovlllo, North Carolina, offer for tola to the highest bidder for caah. that certain tract or parcel of land lying and bolno In Cyproao Crook Township. Duplin County. North Carolina, and mors particularly described ss follows: BEGINNING at s small Sweet Gum near Robert Pad- . ! gett s cornet on the new'oed that oxtends from t'tp Eoot corner of Chs. toy Wtrbo ! rough's land to Andrew Judge's and Dock Brown's land and runs along the South edge of said road South 76 Wast 16 poles to s small pin*; thenc* South 14 E**t 20 polas to ? stsks. thane* North 76 E*?t 16 polas to a (t*k*; thane* North 14 Wast 20 polas to th* beginning, CON TAINING 2.0 acras, mora or lass. Th* sbova dascribad land was convayad to Willi* Judge by dead datad Juna 10. 1907. by Or. C S Sloan and L.J. Sloan. And baing th* sam* land convayad to tha party of th* first part by Oonni* Judg* Clark. Iwidowl. at al, to b* duly racordad in th* Public Registry of Duplin County. Reference is further had to that dead datad January 10, 19S6. from Matti* Judg* a widow to Rana Judg* Hall and Curli* Judge Jackson as racordad in Deed Book 495. Pag* 675 of th* Duplin County Registry. The highest bidder at said sal* will b* required tu make a cash deposit of tan percent 110%) of tha first One Thousand 141.000.001 and five percent I5%1 of all over On* Thousand Dollars isi nnn nni -- evidence of good faith. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 1-339.30.(a), a defaulting bidder at any sale or resale is liable on hie bid. and In case a resale is had because of such default, he shall remain liable to the extent that the final sals price is less than his bid plus all costs of such resale or raaalas. The undersigned Commis sioners reserve the right, in the event of insufficient bide, to petition the Clerk not to confirm said sale or resales. The sale will be held open for ten 1101 days for upset bide at required by law. All resales, if any, will be con ducted at the Courthouse door [East entrance) in Kenansville, North Carolina. This the 9th day of Janu ary. 1985. ~""?3rBKr, 2->?-??-Pap.MComn"wi oner I 'NTHEQENE^ASLPro2 ' su?^C0U*T SUPERIOR COURT JOUki _ division I AND KENNet?TNUTT I SAVAGE rnl~ "? cHESTNUTr?7nd,VE-1 MVRr/ip QARET c lOfflt' mAR. JOHNSON A J2,IF** BARBARA C Quiai0?*'" ?TITlo?tBS| ?mWtf,? ??.J g"prlZfigM? 3KrWiSgm?% THOMAS EAmEX5T V?? ssms^SS1 SSFriffijgrfSSJ: AOSCOE Baked V"? ?1AV c LOr^c;..EDNA CECIL ELBERT CHEST NUTT. UNMARRIED; NOR WOOD CHESTNUTT ST UX. ?ETTY CHESTNUTT; ANNIE C. PERDUE ST VIR. JOHN PERDUE; DAVIS CHESTNUTT ET UX. EVELYN CHESTNUTT; RAY CHESTNUTT ET UX. BETTY CHESTNUTT; HOW ARD FRANKLIN CHEST NUTT ET UX. CATHERINE CHESTNUTT; MAQQIE C. THOMPSON ET VIR. CLIF TON O. THOMPSON: JOSEPH HENRY CHEST NUTT ET UX. ELSIE COFFEE CHESTNUTT; RUTH C PRESSLEY ET VIR. WO PRESSLEY; JAMES CLIFTON CHEST NUTT ET UX. ROBERTA JONES r.HFSTNIITT Uic C. TRENT ET VIR. HOW ARD TRENT. JR.; ADDIE C. THOMPSON ET VIR. JOSEPH THOMPSON; DAVID ALTON CHEST NUTT ET UX. EFFIE CAS TEEN CHESTNUTT; JAMES ARNOLD CHESTNUTT ET UX. JEWEL S. CHEST NUTT; WILLIAM EDWARD CHESTNUTT ET UX. ADELLE CHESTNUTT; ED WIN RUDOLPH CHEST NUTT ET UX. KAY CHEST NUTT; ELOISE C BAKER ET VIR. J. Y. BAKER; MARY C. PARKS ET VIR. HAROLD PARKS; VERLA C. TEW. ET VIR. JOSEPH TEW; RADDIE ELLIS VEL HINES ET VIR. LIVY VEL HINES; KETURAH WRIGHT ELLIS HINNANT ET VIR. CLAUDE S. HIN NANT; LEOLA B. ELLIS SHEPARD ET VIR. JAMES SHEPARD; DORADEEN ELLIS HOWELL ET VIR. ZELPH NAR HOWELL; ANETTE C. SMITH ET VIR, THOMAS I. SMITH; HELEN MARIF Fl I IS UUAI TCBC CT VIR. ALFRED RICHARD SON WALTERS; EDWIN OLVIER ELLIS ET VIR. ELIZABETH ANN WIL LIAMS ELLIS: JOHN JACK SON ELLIS ET UX. STE PHINE ELLIS; EDWARD ALLEN ELLIS ET UX. KATHLEEN ELLIS; MARIAN FRANCES ELLIS FORD ET VIR. MARION FORD; MARGARET EMILY ELLIS DYE ET VIR. WIL LIAM DYE; CHRISTINE WRIGHT PATE SKINNER ET VIR. DONALD LAWRENCE SKINNER; JEFF DAVIS PATE ET UX, BARBARA PATE; JACKIE RAY PATE ET UX. ES TRELLA PATE; HELEN FAYE PATE FIRTH ET VIR. GILBERT S. FIRTH, JR.; ROBERT THEODORE PATE ET UX. DEBBIE PHAUP PATE; GWINETH ANITA FORREST OKES ET VIR. BILLY OKES; WILLIAM KENT FORREST. UNMAR RIED; FREDERICK ELLIS PATE ET UX. ENID MARIE BUTLER PATE; MORRIS ELLIS PATE. A MONOR; KENNETH RAY PATE, A MONOR: LISA SALLIE PATE. A MONOR; ERVIN WAYNE PATE. UNMAR RIED; BETTY LOU PATE MINCE ET VIR. STEVE MINCE; KENNETH LEE PAGE. UNMARRIED; CYNTHIA ANN PATE. UN MARRIED; REBECCA LYNN PATE. UNMARRIED. A MINOR; MICHAEL WARD PATE. UNMAR RIED. A MINOR; SYLVIA ANN PATE. UNMARRIED; MARY FRANCES ELLIS MCDONALD AND HUS BAND. JAMES A. MCDONALD:ROBERT TEDDY ELLIS. JR. AND WIFE. BETTY ELLIS; RUTH MARION ELLIS MCLEAN AND HUSBAND. WILLIAM DAYTON MCLEAN; JUNE SADLER RAZO AND HUS BAND. ARTHUR RAZO; JOYCE SADLER CLARK AND HUSBAND AUBREY CLARK; LARRY STEVEN SADLER. UNMARRIED; JANET SADLER THOMP SON AND HUSBAND. JAMES THOMPSON NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an Order of the Superior Court of Duplin County made in the Special Proceeding entitled "John Earl Cheetnutt end Kenneth R. Savage. Co-Ad miniatretors or me Eetate of E.O. Cheetnutt. deceeaed at : ale vs. Clerabelle C. Hen derson at vlr. at ale" it being 84 SP 142 in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin County. North Caro line to which reference is j had. the undersigned Com mlssioner will on the 1>th day of February, 1986. at Twelve O'clock. Noon at the Court house Door in Kenansville. North Carolina off or for aala to tha highest biddar for caah tha following daacrlbad tract of land: Thoaa cartain land lying and balng In Magnolia Townahip, Duplin County. North Carolina and balng that tract of land mora par ticularly daacrlbad aa follows. BEGINNING AT THE H. Bowdon and Haath corner on a spring ditch of Maxwell Swamp and runs down said ditch about South 10 degrees East 17 poles to a stake; thanes South 11 Wast 17 poles to a stake; thanes South 22 Wast 37 polos to where said spring ditch empties into Maxwell run naar tha mouth of Jamas Branch; thence up tha run of said branch as It meanders the agreed line between Kilby Hoilingsworth and H. Bowdan about North 63 West SB poles to a crook on said run near tha old ford; thence South 87 Wast 42 polos to a crook naar a large pins; thence North 80 Weet 2 poles; thance North 36 wast 22 poles; thence North 61-1/2 I tut 15 poles. thane* North 15 W*?t 26 poles; thane* North 39 Wait 28 polaa to Hollingsworth and Bowdan'a corner on aaid run; thanca North 2 Eaat 129 polaa to a gum naar and abov* th* old ! mill; thane* down th* run of ! said Mill Branch about North 60 Eaat 39 polaa to th* run of ; i Armstrong Branch; thanca down th* run of Armstrong Branch a* It maandars about South 60 East 64 polas to a I crook on said run; thanes about South 70 East 66 poiaj to tha H. Bowdan and Mary Faison Corner, thane* South 50 Wast 29 polas to a ?take, thane* down tha outsld* fence about South 36 East 78 polas to a staka; thane* with tha road South 73 East 21 polos to a crook on tha spring ditch of Maxwell; thane* down said ditch South 16 East 9 polas to a crook; thanca South 27 East 16 polas to a crook; thanca about South 3 polas to the begin ning. containing 168 acras. mora or lass. THERE IS EXCEPTED HOWEVER. FROM THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT. THE FOLLOWING: All of thos* two 121 tracts of land containing 30-3/4 acras each as described In a dead from William H. Chaatnutt at ux. to William J. Chastnutt at als. dated January 12. 1921. and recorded m Book 230. rage as or in# uuphn bounty Registry. The above described tract of land is that same tract conveyed to E.G. Chestnurt by deed dated October 13. 1972. recorded in Book 737. Page 334. by deed dated October 23. 1972, recorded in Book 737. Page 331; and acquired by William Henry Chestnutt by deed dated November 5. 1904. recorded in Book 102. Page 9S--all of the Duplin County Registry, to which reference is had. AND FURTHER EXCEPT ING FROM THE ABOVE DESCRIBED FIRST TRACT a fee simple title to the right-of-way and temporary construction easement in favor of the State of North Carolina. Department of Transportation as con demned by it as will appear by reference to Judgment recorded in that certain matter entitled "Department of Transportation vs. E.G. Chestnutt at ale" it being File No. 81 CVS 491 in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin County. North Corollno. to which rotor coco la hod TMs mIo la mada subject to tho confirmation of tha Court In tho mannor by low pro- | acrlbad and tha hlphoat bidder at aaid aola will bo required to make a caeh dopoolt of tan porcant of the first One Thoueand Dollars 1*1.000.001 of hla bid plua five porcant of any a??a*a over One Thousand Dollars 1*1.000.001 aa evidence of pood faith, and upon tho failure of tha hlphoat bidder to make aald pood faith deposit, aald lands will immediately be re-offered for sale at aald time and place. This tha 10th day of January. 1006. VANCE B. GAVIN. COMMISSIONER 2 14-4t-VBG-3ia NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, heving qualified as Exacutor of the Estate of Annie Hutn Taylor, lata of Duplin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons heving claims egeinst the said astate to praaant them to Jim T. Teylor. Route 2, Box 375 Feiaon. North Carolina 28341 or Vlckory & Hawkins. At torneys for the Estate. Post Office Box 235. Faison, North Carolina 28341 on or before July 24. 1985. said data baing at least six months from ths date of the first publication hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 24th day of Janu ary. 1985 Jim T. Taylor | Executor for the Estate of Annie Ruth Taylor i NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DUPLIN Under end by virtue of the power of sole conteined In e certein Deed of Truet exe cuted by Kenley M Turner end wife. Linde S. Turner to Jemei O. Buchenan, Trustee, dated 2nd dey of August, 1976 and recorded in Book 811. Pege 462. in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Duplin, North Carolina, and a certain Deed of Trust executed by Michael Drinkwater and wife. Marilyn Drinkwater, to Thurman E. Burnette, Trustee, dated the 19th day of February. 1982. and recorded in Book 894. Page 663. in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Duplin County. North Caroline, de fault having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured end the said Deeds of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to fore closure. and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secur ed having demanded a fore closure thereof for the pur pose of satisfying said in debtedness. and the Clerk of Court granting permission for the foreclosure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Kenansville. North Carolina, at 12:00 Noon, on the 5th day of February, 1986. the land, as improved, conveyed in said Deeds of Trust, the same lying and heing in Limestone Township, Duplin County. | North Carolina, and boina mora particularly deecribcd "BEGINNING at a atako In tha cantorllna of Sacondary Road No. 1711 lunpavodl. aaid beginning point bolno located North 36 dogrooa 44 minutes Waal 1343.(9 toot from the canterltne of N.C. Highway No. 41 at Its Inter section with the centerline of Secondary Road No. 1714 lunpavodl; thence North 36 degrees 44 minutes West 166.11 feet as the centerline of Secondary Road No. 1716 to a stake: thenca North 64 degrees 16 minutes East 230 feet: thence South 33 degrees 37 minutes Esst 110.10 feet; thence South 42 degrees 46 miw..*oa lift CO 6 a s. the point of beginning. Being the tame property at thown on a map prepared by R.J. Strickland. R.S.. dated Feb ruary 18. 1986, entitled "Plot Plan, Stanley Earl Tyndall ". being the tame land con veyed by deed dated March 19. 1974, from Arlene B. Tyndall and husband, Stanley Earl Tyndall, to Stanley Earl Tyndall, record ed in Book 781. Page 43. and in a deed dated September 15, 1964, from Hettie Batchelor to Arlene Tyndall and hutband, Stanley Earl Tyndall, recorded in Book 604. Page 297, of the Duplin County Regiatry. The record owners of this property at reflected on the recordt of the Regiater of Deeds are Michael Drink water and wife. Marilyn Drinkwater. Terms of the sale, in eluding the amount of the cash deposit, if any, to be made by the highest bidder at the sale, are Five percent (5%I of the amount of the highest bid m ? ? ? t Ka ?.UU Trustee pending confirma tion of the sale THURMANE BURNETTE. Trustee, substituted by that instrument recorded in Book 934. Page 656. Duplin County Registry. N C. 1 31 2t WEC FmHA 4eff 113 RE-ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Town of Greenevers Route 2. Bos 331-E Rose Hill. N.C. Separate sealed CiOS for the rehabilitation of a 3.150 square foot community center 5% BID SECURITY FOR THE TOTAL AMOUNT WILL BE REQUIRED. Will be received by the Town of Greenevers at the office of the Town of Greenevers until 2:00 p.m., (Standard Time! January 31. 1985. and then at said office publicly o&ened and read aloud. The CONTRACT DOCU MENTS may be examined at the following locations: Greenevers Town Hall. Route 2. Box 331 E. Rose Hill. N.C.: McDavid Associates. Inc P O. Box 738. 716 S Main St.. Kenansville, NC. Copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be ob tained at the office of Mc David Associates, Inc. located at 716 S. Main St.. Kenans villa, N.C. upon payment of 425.00 for each aet Any BIDDER, upon re turning the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS promptly and in good condition, will be refunded his payment, and j ji, i7<? rage i j any non-biddor upon ao ro turnlng Ih. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS will bo ro fundodM 00 January 17. 1M6. Ala* Brown. Mayor Town of Qraonavori 1 24 It TOK 46 off to McD NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undaraignad. Norwood Bruco Bonoy. Jr., having quallflad u Eiacutor of the Estoto of LouIm Kornagav Bonoy. docotoad. late of Duplin County. North Caro lina. thia la to notify all paraona having clalma againat aaid aatata to proaont tham to thy undoraignod on or bofora tha 10th day of July. 1M6. or thia notlca will bo pload in bar of thair rocovary. All paraona Indobtad to mid estate win piimi man* immediate payment to the undersigned. This Bnd day of January, '985 NORWOOD BRUCE BONEV. JR Executor of the Estate of Louisa Kornegay Bonay 1530 Queens Road #903 Charlotte. North Carolina 28207 William E. Craft Attorney at Law P.O. Box 6 Kenansvilla. NC 28349 1 31 ?t WEC NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Ad miniatratrix of the aetata of Robert Nelms. deceased, late of Duplin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all parsons having claims against the aetata of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before July 31st. 1985. or this notice will ba pleaded in bar of their recovery. All parsons indebt ad to said estate plsasa make immediate payment Thia the 28th day of Janu ary, 1985. Cheri A. Cavender 1590 Jefferson Rd Sumter, S C. 29150 2 21 4t c CAC EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified on the 11th day of January, 1985. as Executors of the Estate of Owen T. Whaley. deceased, late of Duplin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corpora tions having claims against the decedent to exhibit the same to the undersigned Executors on or before the 17th day of July, 1985, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corpora tions indebted to the estate should make immediate pay ment. This the 14th day of Janu ary. 1985 Bythole James Whaley. Roy Lee Whaley and James Donald Whaley. Executors of Estate of Owen T. Whaley Route 2. Pink Hill. N.C. 28572 Phillips & Phillips Attorneys at Law P.O. Box 727 Kenansville. N.C 28349 2 7-4t-PAP FARM AUCTION Owned by George Hatcher, et als. Located 2 Miles South of Lyman just off State Road 1817 in Cypress Creek Township in Duplin County. Saturday, Fab. 16th, 11 A.M. ? Approximately ? 495 ACRES TOTAL 40 ACRES CROPLAND 1984 BASE TOBACCO ALLOTMENT .45 Acres 1,236 Pounds Nice 2 Bedroom House LIVE BAND I FREE BARBECUE For More Information Contact v?\EAST CAROLINA ? AUCTION CO. Mestee, N.C. PkMC (118) 627-11H (111) 627-4148 N.C. License No. i< Auction Sale PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE C.E. QUINN FARM SAT., FEB. 2, 1985 10 AM RAIN DATE - FEB. 9,1985 Located near Delway, N.C. From Delway go approx. 1.6 miles east on N.C. #1003, then right on NC #1946 approx. 1.0 miles. LOOK FOR SIGNS SALE CONDUCTED ON SITE Terms: This is not a judicial sale. Final bid subject to approval of owners. Ten (10) percent deposit the day of sale. Balance due within 60 days. Farm consists of approx. 415 acres total. 188.64 acres cleared and 226.36 acres of good timber. 13.541 lbs. of Tobacco (1985). Will sell in three tracts and as one tract. OFFERED BY: Cknkiy TfinrrZI DRAUGHON AGENCY 293-4673 P.O. BOX 645, Warsaw, NC 28398. NCAL Firm #3264 Dennis Graham: Auctioneer Stan Draughon NCAL #2013 NCRL# 49739 PH: 293-7466 PH: 293-4624 f ' Zi AUTO RADIATOR HI AND MUFFLER CENTER Compete Radiator Heater ana A.r Condition Service s. Y?u' Complete E*haust and Custom Bendmg Service Allen Cauley Business 2819 Pink Hill Road Home HHfn CDC 523-8851 Klnslon, NC 28501 568-3170 make your new years resolution a reality LOSE WEIGHT NOW Ask The Former Tat Daddy'? To Share How He Lost 130 Lbs. & A? nches In The Waist I I before! 343 lbs. I'"stI30ib,i; calk293-4322 or 1-800-FAT DADY 0 Natural Cleansing & Healing Herbal Products for the Entire Body ? 100% Money Back Guaranteed Weight Loss of 10-29 Lbs. per Month ? Complete Sldn Care Program We accept personal checks ? MasterCard - Visa or UPS-Collect INCuME OPPORTUNITY Reasonable Investment, long hours. Eventual significant Income as Herbal Consultant. Business Opportunity meeting, Saturday, ? Feb. 2 at 9:4S a.m. Fnssell Steak House, Clinton Meet Fat Daddy In person and Dr. Matthews, Herbal Nutritionist, for Free Seminar. For Information, call 293-4322 or 1-800-FAT DADY Farm Machinery *Aution Sale Tuesday, Feb. 5th 10a.m. 150 Tractors,500 Implements We buy & sell used equipment daily Wayne Implement Auction Corp. P.O. Box 233 ? Goldsboro, North Carolina 27530 ? Telephone 219/734-4234 ? N.C. License No. 188 B And S Plumbing Albertson, NC New Work and Installation, Repair Work, Water Line Systems, Industrial Pipe Maintenance, Welding, Trenching Service Phone 568-4167 or 568-4019 I I Grady Insurance Agency Sixteen years' experience in Insurance. I pledge the Best Coverage Available for the Least Cost Possible. Office 52 7-3521 I your/Mndependentj \ Insurance ?/agent j Home \ ""rj? 522-1450 ?^ i i Where more r? Americans find , a bigger refund j H&R BLOCK We can't promise everyone Foiinrl Trarev Daniel thls but ln a recent survey of . r ouna l rdccy UctlUCl customers who cot refunds. 3 -a. ^ ^ n | out of 4 believe they got bigger J4fc I ?* T refunds than if thev did tneir *4* 9J ? own taxes. 3 out of 4! What can we find for you? 111 N. Front St. H*R BLOCK t>|M!a 9 AM-6 PM Weekdays, 9-5 Saturday ^Phone 293-4733 THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE MasterCard and Visa accepted T

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