Master Food Preserver Consumers can learn the basics of home food preservation with the start of a "Master Food Preserver" program in Craven, Pamlico and Lenoir counties on April 23 thMugh Mav 27. The seven-week program is being offered by the Agricultural Exten sion Service of North Carolina State University. The program is designed to train volunteers, who will then work with others interested in home food preservation. Among the subjects to be covered in the weekly 4-hour lessons are: pressure canning, water bath can ning. freezing, jam and jelly prepa ration, pickling and drying. The course will be taught by county AES home economists and staff. Classes will include lectures, demonstrations and first-hand experience. Each participant will receive a notebook of food preservation in formation. Participants must pass weekly quizzes and a final exam before being certified as Master Food Preserver Volunteers.. Gradu ates are asked to promote safe food preservation in their communities. Extension staff will assist volun teers in answering telephone questions, providing information at farm markets, fairs and food preser vation workshops, and providing personal assistance to beginning canners. The course fee is $15. A limited number of scholarships are being provided by local merchants and organizations. Registration deadline is April 10 for the limited enrollment program. For additonal information and application forms, contact Deborah Crandall at 527-2191, Lorelei A. O'Quinn at 633-1477 or Susan Herring at 745-4121. Externsion Home Economic News Instead of Nagging Nagging has been proven ineffec tive time and again. Even so, many parents continue to nag their chil dren. Why? Well, often it seems like the shortest distance between two points. Just tell the kids what you want and they will do it. Unfor tunately, this rarely works, especial ly with young children whose thought processes don't operate quaite that way. So. instead of nagging, try re direction ? that is, substituting an acceptable activity for a less accep table one. Ft>r examply, if your young child starts to scribble on a wall, explain that "walls aren't for scribbling but paper is." Then give him crayons and paper for drawing. This simple approach usually works better than nagging or scolding. And it is especially helpful with babies and toddlers who are too young to understand why they cannot play with or do certain things. Sr iicks can be Beneficial Pity the poor snack. For years it has received a poor press. But snacking between meals may not deserve the bad reputation some people give it. Snacking is a part of the American way of life. Therefore, what you eat between meals is just as important as what you devour during meals. A survey done by the U.S. Department of Agriculture reveals (hat 60 percent of us eat at least one snack a day. We do most of that nibbling between 5 p.m. and mid night. Snacks contribute almost 20 percent of our daily cj>' ? ies, 12 percent of our protein needs, 15 percent of our fat intake, and 24 percent of our carbohydrates. What's more, snack/may provide 20 percent of our calcium intake, and more than 12 percent of our daily iron and B vitamin needs, plus vitamins A and C. On the mionus side, snacks usually have a higher ratio of calories and carbohydrates to nutrients than do the foods we eat at mealtime. Having a bite to eat between meals or before going to bed is a habit most folks don't want to give up. Chances are you don't either. And you don't need to, provided you choose foods rich in nutrients. For example, have a glass of fruit juice and an oatmeal cookie instead of a cola and brownie. <***% I HAKKY H. CUMM1NGS. INC. 2716 West Vsrnon Avtnu. Klntton, North Carotin* 28601 Buainoaa |616| 622-0011 Raaldanc* 1616) 622-4423 SHAMROCK VILLAGE RT 1. PINK HILL. NC Boautllully landacaoed brick vanoor horn* In f ipular Shamrock VIHag* naar Pink Hill. Thia horn* ha* living room. dan. kltchon with built-in appll anca*. thro# bodroom*. two caramk til* bath*, carport, dock, hmk screen ?d In porch, **vpn calling fan*, outside storage and chain link fenc*. Loan aaaumabla at ? 'h '* Excellent condi tion. Call Walter Johnson. 622-4423 301 BROADWAY S*tEET PINK HILL. N.C. Vary nieo homo In Pink Hill. Rocontly ranovatad. now roof. 4 bedroom*, kitchen, living room, greet room with firepiaco. 2 both*. 2 car garage Aaaumabla VA loan. CaH Walter Johnaon. 622 4423. . . . - t. ? | WHIM FIHtTNBR NANCY SMITH ?OUTS 1 ALBMTSON BRIMDA Bit IN SON RPD MIPS IIN | Wl NOW HAVS TWO LOCATIONS TO SITTNI SINVI YOUl . STORK NO. 1 STORK NO. 2 ^L\Ul * I PINK HILL DKKP.RUN 8 til t \^L ^ 8 fil 9 W? STILL WAV! WMOLI PIPS \&U> 0 whou ^ies ?miN HAMS LB. >1.09 ?PRION BACKBONI LB. >1.09 ? PRION RIB OIBIO LB. 99* ?PRION OHOIILBIRO LB. 99* LijNDY MLI HAM ?? $1.89 I . jr # SIRLOIN TIP ROAST ^lllll^ w^L. SIRLOIN TOS SLICID I ^ / r?. | ? ? # m mi III 11II lllllll llll || 111111111II1111 HAAMURGER^ Wl HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY Oi^ ? TURKEYS - FRESH HAMS' | AND TKNMRIZSD HAMS. fV\/vA^ RAT / CHIISI % LB. FRISH LIAN x LB. * 29' \AAA/~ 1 ? IK* ? LOVITTI SMOKIDW k PICNICS / * 1 LIMIT 1 WITH ? m *10X0 ORNR