LEGAL NOTICES . T: notici of re-sale -JOHN EARL CHEETNUTT 3AND KENNETH R. 3?AVAQB. CO-ADMINIS TRATORS Of THE ESTATE E.O. CHESTNUTT: ET " claraselle'c. hender * SON ET VIR. VERNON ; HENDERSON: ETALS Under and by vlrtua of an ty-der of Salo dated February ?V *. 1SSS; And under and by vlrtua of ft an Order of Raaala upon an .' advanced bfd dated March 4. 1SSS. mada In the Spalcal froeaadlna entitled aa abava, ? It belna file number ED4-SP142 In the Office of the TClerk of the Superior Court of Ouplln County, to which reference la had; ! And under and by virtue of - bn Order of Re-Sale upon an 2 advance bid made by the I iCIerk of the Superior Court af - i Duplin Cr' nty In aald cauee ^lan thr vth day of March, utNl, the undarelgned com - ? I mlealonar will offer for cole to Hjhe hlahoet bidder for caeh ?. (Upon an opening bid of Forty -?I Two Thoueand Seventy-Five *?>ollara (M2.S7S.00I. on %Monday. April IS. 1?86. at >he hour of 12:00 O'clock JJ Noon at the door of the Duplin County Courthoute In Kenanevllle. North Carolina, , the following doecrlbod land; II Thoee aortain landa lying and balng In Magnolia Tewnahlp, Duplin County. North Caroline and being that tract af land more parti i Cularly deecrlbed ae follows: BEQINNINQ at the H. Bowdtn md H^tth OQfMf M ? tprln? dltoh of Mimwll ftiMmn *nH runt -* ul<( vivvmy snv iiiiiv uvwn miu ditch about South 10 dogrooa Eaat 17 poloo to a ataka. thonoa South 11 Wool 17 poloa to a ataka; thonoa South 22 Wool 27 poloo to whoro aold aprlne dltoh omptloa Into Maxwoll Run noor tho mouth of Jamoa Branch; thonco up tho run of aald branch aa It moondora tha aoraad lino botwoan Kllbv Holllnsaworth and H. Bowdan about North S3 Woot SB poloa to a crook an aald run naar tha old ford; thonco South 37 Wool 42 poloa to a crook noar a laroa Pino; thonco North SO Waat 2 poloa; thonco North SS Waat 22 poloa; thanco North SI-1/2 Eaat IS poloa; thonco North IS Waat 20 poloa; thonco North M Waat 2S poloa to Holllngaworth and H. Bow dan'a cornor on aald run; thonco North 2 Eaat 12S polaa to a gum noor and abova tha old mill; thanca down tho run of aald Mill Branch about North SO Eaat IS poloa to tha run of Armatrong Branch; thanca down tho run of Arm atrong Branch aa It moandora about South BO Eaat 64 polaa to a crook on aald run: thanco about South 70 Eaat SS polaa to tho H. Bowdan and Mary Falaon cornar; thanco South SO Waat 20 polaa to a ataka; iliriica down tha outalda fanco about 8outh 38 Eaat 78 polaa to a ataka: thonco with tho road South 73 Eaat 21 polaa to a crook on tho aprlng ditch of Maxwall; thanca down aald ditch South 16 Eaat S polaa to a crook; thanca South 27 Eaat 16 polaa to a crook; thanca about South 3 poloa to tho bogin nlng, containing 1M acrao. mara or laaa. THERE IE EXCEPTED HOWEVER. FROM THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT. THE FOLLOWING: All af thaaa two 121 tracts of land oantalnlng 30-3/4 acraa aaeh at daaerlbad in a daad from William H. Choatnutt at ? ux. to William J. Choatnutt at ala. da tad January 12. 1B21, and rooordad In Book 230. Faga SB of tha Duplin County Ralgatry. Tha abovo daaerlbad tract of land la tha aamo tract convavad to E.Q. Choatnutt by daad datad October 13. 1472. racordad In Book 737. paga 334; by daad datad October 23. 1472. rooordad In Book 737. paga 331; and acquired by William Hanry Choatnutt by daad datad No vember B. 1404. rooordad In book 102. page 40 -all of tha Duplin County Registry, to which reference la had. Thla ra-aala Is made sub ject to tha confirmation of tha Court In the manner by law prescribed and tha highest bidder at said raaala will be required to maka a cash deposit of tan par cant of tha first One Thousand Dollars 141.000.00] of his bid plus five percent of any axcaas over One Thousand Dollars (41.000.CD) as evidence of good faith, and upon tha failure of tha highest bidder to make said good faith deposit, said lands will immediately be re-offered for sals at said time and place. This tha 28th day of March. IkOti. Vance B. Gavin, Commissioner 4-11-2t-VBG-162 r NORTH CAROLINA 1 DUPLIN COUNTY FILENOMWU IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION before the clerk in the matter of the foreclosure of the deed of trust exe cuted by buren van bavel and wife. zella 0. van bavel. clifton l. moore. JR-. trustee. and coastal produc tion credit associa tion. to stewart b. warre*. trustee for the federal land bank of columbia. which said deed of trust was assumed by olen van bavel. and the same recorded in book 807. paoe ms. of | the duplin county registry: mar* p!**6 van bavel: cliftoni l. moore. JR . 1 richard l. burrows, trustee: coastal pro duction credit ASSOCIATION: FIRST CITIZENS BANK li TRU|T COMPANY: *?*; HUMPHREY. II. TRUSTEE UNITED STATES 8TEEL CORPORATION lRAWLS FARM SERVICE1: CIRCLE j. FARM CENTER. , SEE THE APPOINTMENT i OF DAVID T. PHILLIPS AS SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE AS RECORDED IN BOOK 821. PAGE 287. OF THE DUPLIN COUNTY REGISTRY^ NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE trustee s resale of REAL PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an Order of the Clark of Suparlor Court of Duplin County. North Carolina, en tarad In tha abova-antltlad special procaaading authorli ing tha undaralgnad to pro coad with tha toracloaura of tha above referenced Deed of Trust and undar and by virtue of tha powar of Mlo contained in th,,,5?y*" rofarancad Dead of Trust, and undar an Order of Raaala antarad In thia matter on March 22. 1986. tha undar aignad Substitute Trustee will offer for sals at public auction to tha highest bidder for cash at 12 Noon, on j Tuaadav. April 9. 1985. at tha door of the Duplin County CourthouM [East entrance), located In Kenansvllle, North Carolina, upon an opening bid In tha name of Flrst Cltlions Bank and Truat Company. Burgaw Branch Offlca. In tha amount of 636,600.00. tha following do acrlbad property: Located In tha Town of Wallace, Island Creak Town ship, Duplin County. North Carolina, and mora particu larly da acrlbad aa follows: BEGINNING at an Iron pipe that la located at tha South weet corner of Lot No. 24 of a revised map of Graham Heights as recorded In Plat Book 21f at Page 140. of the Register of Deeds Offlca of Duplin County, corner of Alberta Puaaell and running thanes with tha North edgs of an B-foot wide sidewalk area North M degress 50 minutes 30 seconda Wast 184.40 feat to an Iron stake that la located in tha East sdga of tha old Tsachava Road (formerly tha Graham Roadl. which said iron stake la also located North 36 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds East 32.60 fact from the cantor of a sanitary sswar manhole cover; thenca with the East edge of tha Tsachava Road Iformarly the Graham Roadl North 13 da grass 20 minutes 00 seconds East 230.34 fact to an iron stake that is located North 64 dagrasa 35 minutes 00 seconds West 152 feet from tha Northwest corner of a concrete block wall pillaster; thence South 74 degrees 42 minutas 00 seconds East 178.26 foot to an iron pipe that is located in the West line of Lot No. 35 of the Graham Heights Subdivision; thenca South 12 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds West 256.67 feat to the point of beginning. CONTAINING 1 acre, mora or less. And being the land conveyed by Dead of dated May 25. 1967. from Virginia Keene Colwell. to Buran Van Baval and wife, Zella G. Van Bevel, and ra corded in Book 634. Page 16. of tha Duplin County Registry. THE SALE WILL BE MADE SUBJECT TO ALL PRIOR LIENS. UNPAID TAXES ITOWN AND COUNTY), RESTRICTIONS. EASEMENTS OF RECORD. AND ASSESSMENTS. IF ANY. Tha record owners of the above-described real proper I ?? ? reflected on in# records ?? ?he Duplin Count* Rh|, of Deeds not mora than ?on HOI days prior to the poatino Ot thio Notke ara "?'?? V,n ????. Zolla Q. Van Bavel. Purauant to North Carolina General Statutoa 46-21.10(b). *nd tha terms of tha Daad of Truat. any auccaaaful biddar will bo raoulrod to dapoolt with tha Subatituta Truataa. immediately upon concluaion of tha aala. a caah dapoait of ton porcont |10%| aa evi dence of good faith Any auccaaaful biddar shall ba required to tandar tha full balance purchase prka so bid in caah or certified check at the time tha Subatituta Truataa tenders to him s Daad for tha property or attempts to tandar such Dead, and should aaid suc cessful biddar fail to pay tha full balance purchase prka so bid at that time, ha shall remain liable on his bid ss provided for In North Caro lina General Statutaa 45-21.30fd| (a). . wi" bold open ton 1101 days for upset bids ss rsquired by law. This tha 22nd day of March. 1986. David T. Phillips. Substitute T rustaa P.O. Box 727 Kenansville. NC 28349 *-* 2t P*P190 NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF DUPLIN Under and by virtus of tha Power of sals contained in a certain Daad of Trust exe cuted by Oscar Millar .nd wife. Hattie S. Millar Iboth deceased), to Jamas O. Buchanan. Trustee, dated tha 2bth day of July, 1959 end recorded In Book 869. Pope 486. in tha Office of the Register of Deads for Duplin County. North Carolina, da fault having bean made in tha payment of the indebtedness thorebyt secured and tha said Dead of Trust being by tha thems thereof subject to fore closure. and tha holder of tha indsbtadnass thsraby se cured having demanded a foreclosure thereof for tha purpose of satisfying aaid indebtedness, and the Clark of Court granting permission for the foreclosure, tha un dersigned Trustee will offer ?r ?* Public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Kononsvllle. North Carolina, st 12:00 Noon, on tho 10th day of April 1000. tho lond. u improved, conveyed in ?old Deed of Trust, tho uml lying end being In Smith Township. Duplin County, North Cor of Ins. end being more porticulsrly described os follows: BEQINNINO st on iron pipe on tho right-of-wsv lino of Socondsry Rood No. 1700 s now corner In Jsspor Thomes' lino, sold right-of wsy being 30 foot ss moo sured st right snglu from tho center of same. Hid begin ning being touted tho fol lowing ulls from s point in the center of Hid rood di rectly ebove tho center of sn IS inch concrete culvert: South SS degrees - 12 min utes East 269 96 foot. South 06 osgrus -16 minutes West 30.00 feet; running thence from said beginning with Jsspor Thomas' lino South 00 degrees ? 16 minutes West 200 00 feet to an iron pipo. ? now tornor in Mid lino; thonco North M degrees ? 12 minutoo Wool 100.00 foot to a point in a atump. a now cornor; thonco North 00 doproo* - 16 minutoo Eaat 200.00 foot to an Iron pipo. a now cornar on tho right of way Una of Secondary Road No. 1700; thonco with Mid right-of-way lino South 00 dogrooa 12 minutoo Eaat 100.00 feat to tho BEGIN NINO containing 0.40 acra. mora or loaa. ee auryoved during May. 1000 Tho above doacrlbod lot or parcel of land being a portion of the land which wao con veyed to W.R. Smith and wife. Georgia E. Smith, by C.E. Quinn and wife. Katie F. Quinn. by a deed recorded In Book 607. Pago 274, Duplin County Rogiatry. The record ownare of thio property aa reflected on the records of the Register of Dsedi are Marilyn Millar Greaham. and husband Danny Graafian, Oacar Millar. Jr and Libby Millar. Carolyn M. Oraon and hua band Donnla Oraon Reginald Miliar. Mlldrod Ellla. ft boa band. Polrra Ellla. Cynthia Millar Dixon and huaband Jamoa Edward Dixon. Patay Millar LocXatt and huaband. Jamoa Edward Lockatt ft Jamaa Edward Millar, haira of Oacar Millar. Tarma af tha aala. In cluding tha amount of tha caah dapoait. it any. to bo mada by tha hlghaat biddar at tha aala. era Fiva par cant [5%| of tha amount of tha hlghaat bid mult ba dapoaitad with tha Truataa ponding confirma tion of tha aala. Datad thia 14th day of March. 1*88 THURMAN E. BURNETTE. Truataa. aubatitutad by that inatrumant racordad In Book B*7. Pago (70. Duplin County Rogiatry, North Carolina. * fi'J fj iftfiEi I 200MovJes760 NewTitles^ We have all the latest movlesl I LOWEST PRICES ON VCR'S j Join Our Video Gab Today. Membership Only $25 [one time fee]. ?R Daily Rental Fee Only $2.50. VCR Rentals Available to Members only 1 $5 per night ? $15 per week. ] Western Auto | 106 W. College St., Warsaw, Ph: 293-7022 I" CHARLES HERRING v BOOKKEEPING & INCOME TAX SERVICE RT. 2, PINK HILL 9 14 YEARS' EXPERIENCE M INDIVIDUAL. SMALL DUSMESS & FARM TAX PREPARATION FOR AN APPOINTMENT CALL 568-3398 Are You Tired Of Roaches ? t Call Brann's Pest Control Now 324-5556 Richlands ?38 Initial *12 A Month Fraa Termite Inspection & Estimates i- ? PLANNING A JOB-CREATING BUSINESS OR EXPANSION IN DUPLIN COUNTY ? Then investigate the new long-term [up to 25 years], low down-payment [10%], fixed rate, finance program available to small f commercial or industrial businesses through. . . NEUSE RIVER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, INC. 1404 Neuie Blvd. I P.O. Box 1717 New Bern, N.C. 28560 Call Bob Quinn or Roy Fogle at 638-6724... f [Loan applicant must actively use or occupy assets acquired.] The age of satellite television Is here and with It comes a variety of entertainment that astounds the imagination. We have the quality Drake receivers along with all the Information you need to make an Intelligent choice. Take a minute to stop by and watch the world of satellite TV with your own eyes. One look at the Drake receiver and you'll be convinced. A new era of television viewing Is waiting at your fingertips! ' Carolina Earth Terminals, Inc. located on Hwy. 241 batwaan Baulavma anwPInk Hill.' 298-3757 (Day dr Night) ?1 1 1 s On Silver Lake Bluff' Shoal Motel Open Ai7 Year TV - AIR CONDITIONING - CENTRAL HEAT YOUR HOSTS - MIKE & KAY RIDDICK >? ? ^ phone 919-928-4301 P.O. Box 217 - 'ftctacoke, N.C. 27960 Use Less-Get More DUAL herbicide for corn and soybeans is super-active. Rates per acre are low. So, per acre of corn or beans, Dual is priced in line with the less active herbicides. Let us give you our low price. NEW BERN OIL AND FERTILIZER CO PINK HILL "J?" Dual" trademark of CIBA GEIGY for inetolachlor I m RESTAURANT ASSISTANT MANAGER Hardee franchisee with locations in Eastern North Carolina needs to hire an assistant manager Immediately. We offer good working conditions and an excellent benefit program In eluding health insurance, retirement, paid vacation, etc. Write to: Mr. T. Jackson, P.O. Box 538 Salembnrg, NC 28385 Presents The EXTRA CASH HOSPITAL PLAN Pays You Cash When You Need It Most I J.J. Herring Vl k . ?93-3336 St I I-* ^ "Uo to ?3 nnn / ? P?r month 111 Pays you up to *100 a day providing hospitalization tor CARDIAC or CANCER 12I Pays First Day for Accidant or Sickness. I3I Universal Coverage I4I Can ba Family Plan IS] Premiums are paid to age 86. Coverage Cannot Ba Terminated I6I Benefits you Receive are Absolutely TAX FREE I7I Low Premium may be doductibla on FEDERAL Income Tax Returns I8I Cannot be Co-payed I9I Money will ba Availabto to pay rant, food bitla. utilitiaa. car payments, etc. CALL TODAY TO SET AN APPOINTMENT FOR THIS MUCH NEEDED COVERAGE Wilkins of Warsaw to make a better deal" ? 8.8%Financing On New 1985 GMC S-15 Pickups ? >na~ .-a 8.8%Financing On New 1985 Pontiac c Sunbirds & Fieros 8.5% On 36 Months 9.5% On 42 Months 10.5% On 48 Months Financing On Renault Alliances or Encores We Also Offer LEASING With An Option To Buy On All 1985 Pontiac Firebirds, Trans-Ams & Renault Encores & Alliances With Our Lease Plan Your Trans-Am Payments Can Be As Low As $264.91 Come By Today For Com plete Details. Buy or Lease and You'll Save Here. Tobacco Growers Designate To Sell In... WILSON "The World'* Qroalotl Tobacco Market!" Your Martial ? Put ? Fraaart ft Future 1964 BELT AVERAGES Georgia-Florida *111" S.C. ft Border N.C. *191? Eastern Carolina 'ISO" Mlddla EOtd................... <H0? f WILSON'S AVERAGE 1984 *182" One* Again The Highest Average On The Eastern ieH (Pounds SoM 70.400.M7) Designate Your tobacco In Ona Of Thaaa Flna Warahouaaa ?HMtoiiar MC ?DgDixto WT ?Ubnty ?? ?Barn*c . ?C*ntr?Brick SM ?Big Star US ?BobCterk ............ SM ?Farmers Ml ?WalnwrtghU M2 ?Smith Ml ?Qrowara Cooparattva .. Ml Now More Than Ever it fays To Sell In Wilson ? i

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