MINCHEW Buick-Oldsmobile, Inc. HIGHWAY 117 N. WALLACE PHONE: 285-7151 Deater NO 2147 AM That* Cars Carry a 12-month 12 000-mile Machanicai Repair Plan ?4 Oalsun Nissan Sanira S/W. 5 speed. AC. cassette like new 9.000 mMas. 'T995H 80 Olds 98 Ragency. fully equipped ?MM"' 84 Che? El Cammo Con quista ' Pickup. V/8. AT. AC. stareo cassette cruise till, light blue/white extra clean one owner 20 000 rndas *9995" 84 Ford E150 Cargo Van AT. PS. factory air stereo cassette great lor family or business 20 000 miles *9995" 81 Olds Cutlass Supreme ?-dr like new 40 000 miles *5495?? 83 V/W Rabbit. 4-dr 5-speed. AC stereo. 39.000 miles *4995" 82 Buick Regal. 4-dr . AT. AC. eitra clean, one owner 40 OOO miles *6995*? 78 Cltev Monle Carlo, extra clean, like new 48.000 mites ?449S" 80 Olds Toronado. 2-dr.. lulty equipped excellent condition '849SM 81 Chexette. 4-dr air cond power steering. 44.000 miles *1995" LSOiP 80 Olds Cutlass Supreme 4-dr AT PS PB AC stereo great family car. ?199S*1 79 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham. 4-dr lully equipped one owner, local 89 000 miles 5995" '79 Chev Caprice Classic. 4-dr.. nicely equipped. V/8. extra clean. 58.000 miles ?4995" 81 Future 2-dr . sport coupe AC stereo sxtra dean 39 000 miles, one owner *4495" ?3 Olds Toronado. 2-dr . extra dean, lully equipped ?12,995" 81 Buick LeSabre. 4-dr . limned, lew miles, nicety equipped *5595" 79 Oodge Power Wagen. 4x4. 43 000 miles ?1995" I LEGAL NOTICES TBUSTFFSftALF I By virtu* of authority con t*in*d in a car tain Daad of Truat from Ronnia L. Tar ran*. Deborah L. Torran* and I uoilU C. Torrana to Clcaro P. Tow. Truataa. datad I Mucli 24. 1WI. racordad in Bouk SJ6. pas* 222. Dtiplin County Raglatry, and by I virtu* of an Ordar of th* Clark of Superior Court of Duplin County. North Caro lina. purauant to Chap tar 46 of th* Qanaral Statuta* of North Carolina, dafault having baan mad* in th* paymant of tha indabtadnaaa tharaby aacurad. I will on Tuaaday. April 23. 1MB at 10:00 a.m. at th* Courthoua* Door of th* Duplin County Courthoua* in Kananavlll*. North Carolina, off or for aal* at public auction to tho hlghoat biddar for caah, tha following land*: FIRST TRACT: BEGIN NING at a bunch of whit* bay* on th* Eaatarn adga of Big Ditch Branch. Gavin'* cornar. and run* thane* with Gavin'* lin* North 06-3/4 Eaat 2343 foot to a ataka In th* laat margin in Kanan'a Branch. Surratt'a line; thane* a* Surratt'a lin* and th* margin of tha branch to a atako intha aid Torrana line; thonca at th* old Torrana Una South 67 Waat about 200 faat to a atako in th* run of Kanana'a Branch: thanca down tho run of aaid branch about 760 foot to a ataka. B.O. Torran'a cornar: thanca aa hit lino South 66-3/4 Waat 2276 faat to a ataka In th* run of Bid Ditch Branch: thane* down th* run of aaid branch to th* beginning, containing 26.6 aero*, mora or lea*. And being Tract No. One a* da acribad in a daad datad January 6. 1949. from Cora E. Torran*. widow, to Ellia Torran* and wifa. Elizabeth Torrana. and racordad in Book 460. paga 180. of tha Duplin County Regiatry. SECOND TRACT: BEGIN NING at a ataka on tha run of Kanan'a Branch. B.D. Torrana corner, and runa thanca aa hia lin* North 83-2/3 Eaat 2062 foot to a ataka in Grieg Torrana' Una; thanca aa hi* lin* North 40 Waat 769 faat to a ataka at th* old path; thane* aa hia lin* South 88 Waat 426 faat to a ataka: thanca North 29 Waat 643.6 faat to a auk* in Surratt'a lino: thane* a* Sur ratt'a tin* South 67 Waat | 1425 feet to ? ataka in tha run of Kanan'a Branch; thanca up tha run of said branch to tha baginning, containing 49.9 acraa. mora or laaa. And baing Tract No. Two aa da ; acribad in a daad datad January 5. 1949. from Cora E. Torrana, widow, to Ellia Torrana and wifa. Elizabeth Torrana. and racordad in Book 450. Pago 190. of tha Duplin County Ragiatry. THIRD TRACT: BEGIN NING at a atako in tha old Waraaw Magnolia Road wharo aaid road Intaraacta tha cantor of a ditch. O.L. Torrana' cornar, and runa thanca aa tha ditch and be yond North 49-1/3 Weat 279 faat to a ataka in tha field; thanca North 89-3/4 Wait 764 faat to a ataka in a hedge row: thanca nearly aa tha hedge row North 24 degreea 08 minutaa Waat 459 faat to a ataka in tha old line; thanca ! aa tha Old line NOrth 88 dagraaa 35 minutaa Eaat 2013-1/2 faat to a lightwood atump; thanca South 51-1/2 Eaat 1961 faat to a lightwood ataka; thanca South 3-1/4 Eaat 82 feat to a ataka. B.D. Torrana' corner; thanca aa hia line North 74 Waat 2420 feat to a ataka In the old Waraaw-Magnolia Road; thanca with aaid road South 30 dagraaa 10 minutaa Eaat 104 faat to tha baginning. containing 42.5 acraa. mora or laaa. And baing Tract No. 3 aa deacrlbed in a deed dated January I. IMS. from Cora E- Torrana. widow, to Elllo Torrana and wife. Elisa beth Torrana. and raeordad In Book 460. Pago 160. of the Duplin County Registry THERE IS EXCEPTING. HOWEVER. FROM THE FOREGOING LANDS. THE FOLLOWING: BEGINNING at a (take In the cantor of Rural Road No. 1107 loading by the rocldoocoa of Ronnie Torrana and O.L. Torrana. and running thence aa the old lino of the 42.6 acre tract South 74 degraea Eaat 264 foot to a etake on the old lino: thenca a now Una and gonarally parallel to Rural Road No. 1107 In a North eaetern direction to a point where aald Una would Intor eoct tho old lino and the line of Ronnia Torrana. which point la located South 61-1/2 degraea Eaat 216 feet from tho center of Rural Road No. 1107; thance aa tho old lino North 61-1/2 dograoa Woat 216 feet to the cantor of Rural Road No. 1107; thence aa the cantor of Rural Road No. 1107. aa the aama curvoa. to the point of beginning, con taining 3-1/2 acroa. mora or loaa. Further excepting all land theretofore convoyed by Eliiabeth Torrana to Ronnia L. Torrana by daad dated Auguat 26. 1968. and re corded in Book 648. page 233, of the Duplin county Ragiatry. FOURTH TRACT: BEGIN NING at a point In tha cantor of Mount Olive Road and runa thenca with Dan Qulnn lino South 56-60 Weat 600 feet to a stake. C.W. Surratt, Jr. corner; thenca with hia Una North 86 Weat 2200 foot to a stake; thenca North 6 East 660 foot to a stake; thenca South 85 East 1200 feet to a stake: thance North 76 Eaat 1606 foot to a point in the cantor of tha road; thenca with tha cantor of said road South 6 Weat 200 foot to a curve; thance South 9-1/4 West 641.7 feat to tha be ginning, containing 47.1 acraa.. more or lasa. and being a portion of lands aa deacribed in a dead from J.E. Jarritt to C.W. Surratt. Jr.; and being aala landa da scribed In dead from C.W. Surratt, Jr. and wife, Lola P. Surratt. to Mattiia Millar, which deed la recorded in Book 440. at Page 276, of Duplin County Public Ragia try. EXCEPTED from ?ho above description is the fol lowing: BEGINNING at the intersection of N.C. Highway 11 and Duplin County Road #1004 and runs with County Roed 13 poles which belong to Four County Electric Membership Corporation; thence from the 13th pole North 26 West 160 feet to the point of beginning, which Is an iron stake located on the Edge of said County Road; thence from said beginning point North 80 West 100 feet to a stake; thence North 10 East 76 feet to a stake which is located near a field road; thence South 80 East 100 feet to a stake on the edge of said County Road; thence with the edge of said road South 10 West 76 feet to the begin ning, containing 7.600 square feet. SEVENTH TRACT: BE GINNING at an iron pipe, the -econd corner of Lot No. 2; thenca with the original line North 66 degrees 08 minutes East 234.6 feet to an Iron pipe, a corner of Lot No. 4; thence with the line of Lot No. 4 South 33 degreee 62 minutes East 1040 feet to an iron pipe on the Northern line of the 10.2 acre tract; thence with the said line South 84 degrees 13 minutes West 269 feet to an iron pipe, the third corner of Lot No. 2; thenca with Lot No. 2 North 33 degrees 62 minutes West 819 feet to the beginning, con i tabling B.24 acraa. mora or I iaaa. Balna lat Na. 3 allotted to William Hanrv Staillnga In tha dlvlalon of tho R.H. Stflillnaa landa R annrt of OMliinv^O igtiua, noj/vi? f Commlaalonara. raoordad In ! ?oak 066. Page 13. af tha Duplin County Registry. EIGHTH TRACT: Balna all our right, titla. Halm and | Intaraat In and to tha fal lowing: BEGINNING at an lion aplks an tha North woatorn adga of Secondary Highway No. ISM (10 foot from tha cantor I loading from ! N.C. Highway No. 1BQ0 to Arthur Bonoy'- houaa and running South go dagraaa SO mlnutaa Waat 331 foot to an iron otaka In tho ditch of an antranea road. Arthur Boney'ocornor; thanco South 0 dagraaa 20 mlnutaa Waat 80S foot to an Iron pipo on a ditch; thanca along aald ditch North 04 dagraaa 00 mlnutaa Waat 490 faat to an Iron axla at tho had af another ditch; thanca along tha cantor af aald other ditch North 2 dagraaa 00 mlnutaa Eaat 626 faat to an Iron axla; thanca ( North 0 dagraaa 20 mlnutaa Waat 223 foot to an Iron shaft, a corner af Lot No. 1; thanca with the dlvialon Una North 84 dagraaa 13 mlnutaa Eaat 764 foot to tha begin ning, containing 10.2 acraa. Being tha aama land de acrlbad In a dead dated May 19. 1967. between 'Mary A. Staillnga and Cora Staillnga Whitahaad and othera. re corded in Book 633, Pago 109. of tha Duplin County Reglatry. TENTH TKAtl: BEUIN NINQ at a ataka in tha South Una of tha 46-foot right of way of Collaga Straat IN C. Highway No. 24) at tha Northwaat cornar of tha Sacond Tract aa daacribad in a dood to Oaorga Lloyd aa racordad in Book 579. paga ?06. of tha Duplin County Ragiatry. (said baglnning cornar bolng locatad aouth 78 dagraaa 11 minutes 00 aacond Watt 578.00 faat along tha South Una of Collaga Straat from Ita inter section with tha canter of Ball Streotl and runs thonca with tha South lino of Collaga Straat (N.C. Highway No. 24) North 78 degrees 11 minutes 00 aacond Eaet 199.90 faat to a state; thence South 23 dagraaa 65 minutaa 00 sadond East 7.18 faat to an Iron stake; thence tha asms course containued South 23 dagraaa 65 minutes 00 second East 233.66 faat to an iron ataka; thanes South 78 dagraaa 11 minutaa 00 sacond Wast 185.00 faat to an iron ataka; thanca tha same course continued South 78 dagraaa 11 minutaa 00 sacond West 14.90 foot to a stake in tha old Lloyd lino; thanca with tha old George Lloyd line and with a canal ditch North 23 dagraaa 56 minutaa 00 second Wast 240.81 faat to tha point of beginning, containing 1.08 acrs. mora or laaa. and being a part at tha laeand Tract aa daaertbad In a dead* George Lloyd aa mar dad In Seek 171 papa 40t. at the Duplin ELEVENTH TRACT: In Waraew Townehlp BEGIN NING at an Iran ataka In the North*.at Una at the 100 teat wide rle?ex ? Attornaya at Law 4 1B-4t yycaf 731 notice of public auction of Motor > known ownar la White By Carav A. Wllliama. Jr. Auctioneer. N.C.A.L. 3148.ru P.O. Box 748 Kenanavllla. N.C. 28349 4-11-3t-CAW-18-3-aff - "c. LEGAL NOTICE Tha Cartlficato of Nagd ' Section, Dlviaion of Facility ^ Sarvicaa. North Carolina Da ^ partmant of Human Re sourcaa announced on March ' 29, 1986 approval of Protect " ft?"-" S?.? 1 "ctlon" Company. Goldaboro. N C. to? w th! C*P'f" . construction of o DuS? ^CF/MR "C?I,V " pMPlIn County [?631.610l 'nd ?ro<*? 1.0. i P 2169 84 Goldiboro. N.C. to laasa and Optrata the 15-bad I CP/MR facility in Duplin County to A be built by Charlaa Woodsrd 9 Constr jctlon Company ^ Review of tha project wee - eonduc.d pursuant " ? .C^P,r "1E- Artlel? ?. as amended, of the General Prior ?** ?' N?rth Carolina Prior to approval, tha project "as reviawed by tha EesVwn n Carolina Haalth Sy.tams Apency. Inc.. and found to , m.n^rm..,? 'h? applicable ta", di' *nd cr< Aftar ravlawing tha find- * Health"" racommandino A Sv*"m$ Aeancy. the ? SEE?* * N?i Section determined that tha projact le ?" ; -"h aVi the applicable plana, standards - ZL'W'LZTTT az'r,v"" win" c'd?*r*?n aoprievad by this " is ofi? K ?*d f^'aion a offered tha opportunity to thir,? d,Ci,io" ?*"rty days of tha approval tion' 1?' ?ddl,iona' informs Won, plaaaa contact tha Car i. I 27S06 ,,h carollna. f-ancoNSM F & J SALVAGE Cabinets. Door*. Windows, Bath Fixtures, Furnltura, Tila, Rangaa, Haat. Air, Watar Heaters, Lots Mora. F & J Salvage 2717 W, Vernon Ave., K i ?elen 522 0806 fresh Lish-tShrinip-Oyslers iSmall Line Of Groceries call or come by BILL SMITH SEAFOOD MARKET Main St 568 4193. Pink Hill I Open 8 30 6. M-F, Sat 8 30 5 ROOFING If your roof is leaking or you need a new roof, call the professionals who have 15 years' experience. All work guaranteed. Call Poor Boy Roofing 324-3752 WELDING SHOP 1 mil* North of Konanovlllo, Hwy. #11 Bolts. St*?l. Woldlng ft Cutting Suppllos JAMES HARPER Ph. 296-1807 p*7'n 1 ^""~1^7ajM#reai^yoi^air"Hve in. I NEW LISTING - 219 Dogwood Dr.-3 BRs. 2 Baths,largo don with firoplaco.all appliancoa. garago with storago. baauti ful cornor lot with foncod back yard. Pricod Right! POLLOCK STREET - *?? ow White frame, * ,hs- 'iving room, largefcll\j-rea Largo corner lot. tW/ .,ioro detailsl AN AFFORDABLE HOME! Intersection of Memorial Dr. & College St., Warsaw. Den. living room, three bedrooms. 1V4 baths. Approximately 1,500 aq. ft. PRICED TO SELL! Walnut Strset - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, approx. 1.650 sg. ft., heatad, plus attached storage. I WHY PAY RENT! Pollock St. 2 bed rooms, 1 bath. Fireplace with wood BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD I 103 E. North St. - Warsaw. 1V4 story. 4-BR, 1 bath. LR. DR and Dsn. Host pump Appro*. 1700-sq.-ft haatad. Largs lot. Dstachod garaga NEW LIST'W^Vla-BR. 1 bath. 3 miles f, 4L\J?% FmHA financing BUY OF THE YEARI ? Cornor Lot on Ward Bridgo Road. Warsaw. This One has 4 bedrOOms 2 bath*, don. dining rOOm and spaciOus kitchen. , TWO STORY COLONIAL Pollock St.. Warsaw. 4-BR. 2 baths. Dsn. LR. DR, Central Hsat A Air. Priced to Soil. RESTORABLE - Older house. 5 acres Of land, located 1 mile north of Magnolia. HWY 1601 NEAR GARNERS CHAPEL CHURCH 326 acres. 52 acre* cleared. 3,990 lbs. tobacco. Owner financing fOr 10 yea ? at 10% interest. FANTASTIC LOT - 301 Wad* St. - Appro* 1960 sq.ft. of living arts. 3-bedrooms. 2 baths, firsplaca with inaart. Beautiful corner lot with outside storage and workshop attached. 2-car carport. PRICE REDUCEDI ? 406 N. Frisco St.. Warsaw. This 3-bedrOOm, 2-beth, house is beautifuly arranged and deco rated Y6u must see tO appreciate. LOW DOWN/PAYMENTI WARSAW - 202 Wade St. Brick 3-bedroom. IK beths. large corner lot. 1,170 sq.ft. COUNTRY LIVING I Mobile home on 30 acres of land. 12 acres cleered. Located off RPR ?1700 appro*. 6 miles from Konansville. KENANSVILLE - 3 acres located near Guilford East off PRP 1300. Will sell 1 -acre lots separately Or all together. We Provide Duplin County's Most Complete Auction, Appraisal, and Real Estate Agency. Call us Today for All your .Appraisal or Auction Needs! .. I Let Us Show You How To.e. Put Number 1 to work for you; "ra^ZZfifTZl ? i| DRAIIGHOn I M CTpI/?Pi?o ft Mr uor?*3 4*73 Front Street. Wareaw AGENCY LJLm EDITH KORNEOAY 658-3430-H REALTOR* 1983 Centurv 21 Krai Estate Corporation as trustee lor the IW k and TM-trademarks of Cer ury 21 Real Estate Corporation. Equal Housing Opportunity EACH OFFICE IS INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED. b i 1 B And S Plumbing , Albertson, NC ?.?? New Work end Installation, Repair Work, Water lino Systems, Industrial Pipe Maintenance, Welding, Trenching Service Phone 568-4167 or 568-4019 i I I * ? ti>r> 9 "Here's whv f I sell Bicep" Bicep does a better job of controlling broad leaf weeds and grasses in corn and sorghum than most tank mixes. In field after field, year after year, I've watched them all per \ form. And I've had my customers come \ back, for Bicep. .L Here's why I like to recommend BICEP: ? Weed and grass control that you don't get with other prod ucts or tank mixes. ? The convenience of handling just one product. ? And economics is the clincher. It's pretty interesting. When my customers start to discuss weed control in com or sorghum, Bicep usually comes out on top. And for good reasons. Bleep* trademark of CIBA-GEIGY Dixie Chemical Warsaw , Beulaville Pink Hill Turkey Bleep Also Available in Bulk 120 Gallon Tanks