WANT ADS... Get 4th Week FREE ^>P SOIL FOR SALE - *28 per load plua mllaaga from Pink Hill. Alao flower dirt $36 par load. Call StS-4436. 4430 or SSS-4S42 CTF-ah DAVID JONES UPHOL STERINQ - Cart & furnitura, pick-up and delivery. Beula villa. Call 298 4073 any lime. CTF-dj ^SPLAY SIGNS, SALES A ^wENTALS Byrd'a Family Fare, Hwy. 11 North, Pink Hill. Phone 568-4129 CTF-bff QDINN'S WELL A PUMP CO. - Shallow walla and daap walla. Call 293-7712. CTF-qwpc MAGNETIC SIGNS FOR SALE - Cuatom-made Ready in 1 hour. Joe Lanier, 402 Memorial Drive, Waraaw. Ph 293 4884 yni ATTENTION: HOG FARM ERS - For rant or laaaa. Dunlin County. 16-etall far - rowing. 14'x80' Gaatatlon. Call 290-1147 4-21-4t-pd RING MOUNTS A REPAIR Don* in the store. Evans Jewelry "Quality Jewelry - Watch Repair " Wallace and Warsaw CTF-ej Dwell s fashions in PINK HILL for the fashion conscious, budget minded woman. Mlaaes A Junior. CTF-j< NEED CASH-41,000-410,000 on your aignatura. Write: Quaat. P.O. Box 437, Ksnanevilla, NC 28349 4;.-21-4t-pd FOR RENT - Mobile Home Site naar East Duplin High .School on Highway 111. Rick. ?M-1764 UTF-rs FOR RENT - Two- or Throe bedroom houae In Warsaw. Rick. 298-1764 CTF-ra tv service ? Milton's tv Service located at his home on Highway 41, 3 mi. E. of Beulaville toward Potters Hill. ?hOne 298 4311. C'iF-mtv-4 FEDERAL. STATE A CIVIL |lbs now available. Call 1-618-669-8304 for Infer. 24 Itrs. 4-4-4t-pd-taa AIR CONDITION SERVICE and Repair. CaN Jlmmia'a Appliance Service 296-1369 CTF-laa FOR RENT - 2 BR. 12x60 mobile home, furnished or unfurnished, neer Wsrsawr. Cell 296 1364 4-4-H-pd-jbb ^?REE 1-ACRE LOTS FOR SALE - Ideel for mobile home or house. Neer Guilford Esst. Owner financing avellable. 616 477 4947 4 26-4t-pd-sw _ HOUSE FOR RENT-Warsaw. Spacious rooms, Hdwd. floors, firaplaca. central heat A air, no pets, deposit re quired. Call 293-4482 CTF-rb ^OR SALE - 100 amp mobila home sarvlca pole. Phone 296-1626 CTF-dt FOR SALE - Amost new 2-pc. contemporary living room suite, sofa A lovaaaat. 1300. Rhone 296-1628. 4-26-4t-pd-bt FOR SALE - 1979 Toyota Corolla. New tires, 4-sp? good gas mileage. 61,000 or bast offer. Call after 6 or Weekends. 668-4017 *-4-1t-pd WOULD LIKE TO LEASE TOBACCO. Call 296-1799 (nights) or 296-0090. 4-11-2t-c-PF PLANTSI PLANTSIPLANTSI Cabbage, Collards and Tomatoes now ready. Barnes Seed Farm near K'villa on Hwy 11. 296-1676 4-4-lt-pd ' 1^ YOUR LA-Z-BOY CHAIR DEALER - Jonoa Furniture Co.. Pink Hill. 888-3200 CTF-|fc SHINGLES *12.80 aq.. 80 lb. Roll Roofing *7.86. 16 lb. FoR *6.98. 4'x8' H.B. Siding *6.86. ?1 Bulldora Supply, Mt. Ollvo, 868 6586 4-26-4t-c-?1B EASTER BASKETS A EASTER BUNNIES - largo aolaction. Byrd'a Family Faro - Hwy 11, Pink Hill. 4-4-lt-c-lbff GOOD OLE COUNTRY COL LARD PLANTS-EARLY JER I SEY CABBAGE. HEADING BROCCOLI. CAULIFLOWER BRUSSEL SPROUT PLANTS - READY TO GO - BETTER BOY TOMATOES. HOME STEAD TOMATOES. BELL A HOT PEPPER READY SOON - SEE OR CALL SPECK SANDERSON 668 3621, PINK HILL CTF-m BRIDAL AND FORMAL WEAR BUSINESS FOR sal F - (Iraat Oooortunltv for Ittrtlng your own buainaaa. If intarastad call 919-298-3779 daya or 919-298-3928 nlghta 4-11-21-c-C legal notices TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtu* of authority con tained in a certain Dead of Truat from Ronni* L. Tor rana. Individually and d/b/a Torrana Sarvlc* Canter. Deborah L. Torrana. and Lucille C. Torrana to Clcaro P. Yow. Truat**, dated April 17. 1178, recorded In Book S37, peg* 238, and rere corded in Book 837. pas* 728. Duplin County Registry, and by virtua of an Order of th* Clark of Superior Court of Duplin County, North Caro lina. purauant to Chapter 45 of th* Qanaral Statute* of North Carolina, default having bean mad* in th* payment of the Indabtadnaaa thereby aacurad. I will on Tuaaday. April 23. 1866 at 10:00 a.m. at th* Courthouse Door of th* Duplin County Courthouse In Kanansvill*. North Carolina, offer for sal* at public auction to th* highest bidder for cash, th* following lands: EXHIBIT A FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at a bunch of whit* bay* on th* Eastern edge of Big Ditch Branch. Gavin's corner, and run* thane* with Gavin's linn North 66-3/4 East 2343 fear to a stake In the last margin in Kanan's Branch. Surratt's line: thane* as Surratt's Una and th* margin of th* branch to a stake In th* old Torrana Una: thane* as th* old Tor rana Una South 67 Wast about 200 fast to a stake In th* run of Kenan'* Branch; thane* down th* run of said branch about 760 foot to a staka, B. D. Torrana' corner; thanes as his line South 66-3/4 Wait 2276 fast to a stake in th* run of Big Ditch Branch; thane* down th* run of said branch to th* begin ning. containing 26.6 acres, mora or laas. And begins Tract No. On* as dascribed in a dead dated January 6. 1968, from Cora E. Torrana. widow, to Ellis Torrana and wife. Elizabeth Torrana. and recorded In Book 460. paga 180. of th* Duplin County Registry. SECOND TRACT: BEGIN NING at a ataka on tha run of Konan'a Branch. B.O. Torram cornar. and runa thanca aa hla lino North 83-2/3 Eaat 2082 foot to a ataka In Grigg Torrana' lino: thonca aa hla lina North 40 Woat 759 foot to a ataka at tha old path: thonca aa hla lino South 88 Waat 428 foot to a ataka; thanca North 28 Waat 643.5 foot to a ataka In Surratt'a Una: thanca aa Sur ratt'a Una South 67 Woat 1425 foot to a ataka In tha run of Konan'a Branch: thanca up tha run of aaid branch to tha baglnning. containing 49.9 acroa. mora or loaa. And being Tract No. Two aa do acrlbad In a daad datad January 6. 1949. from Cora E. Torrana. widow, to Ellis Torrana and wlfa, Elizabeth Torrana. and recorded In Book 460. Pago 180. of the Duplin County Ragiatry. THIRD TRACT: BEGIN NING at a ataka in tha old Warsaw Magnolia Road whera said road intersacta tha cantor of a ditch. D.L. Torrana' cornar. and runs thanca as tha ditch and bayond North 49-1/3 Waat 278 foot to a ataka in tha field; thanca North 89-3/4 Woat 784 foot to a stake In a hedge row; thence noarly as tha hadga row North 24 dooroaa 0t> ulnutaa Wast 481 foot to a staka In tha old lino; thence aa tha old lino North M doorooa 36 mlnutoa East * 2013-1/2 foot to a llghtwood stump; thsnca South S1-1/2 East 1M1 fast to a llghtwood staka; thanes South 3-1/4 East 32 lost to a staka, B.D. Torrsns' corner; thonca as his Una North 74 Wast 2420 fact to a staka In the old Warsaw-Magnolia Road; thence with said road South 30 dagroaa 10 minutes East 104 feet to the beginning, containing 42.S acres, mors or lass. And being Tract No. 3 as described In a dead dated January S, 1S4s. from Cora E. Torrans, widow, to Ellis Torrans and wife. Ellis bath Torrans. and recorded In Book 460. Pags ISO. of the Duplin County Raglstry. THERE IS EXCEPTING, HOWEVER. FROM THE FOREGOING LANDS. THE FOLLOWING: BEGINNING at a staka in the center of Rural Road No. 1107 loading by tha rasldancss of Ronnio Torrans and D.L. Torrans. and running thonco as tha old line of tha 42.6 acre tract South 74 degrees East 264 foot to a auks on the old Una; thonca a now Una and gener ally parallel to Rural Road No. 1107 In a Northeastern direction to a point where said Una would Intersect tha old Una and the Una of Ronnio Torrans, which point Is lo cated South 51-1/2 degrees East 216 foot from tha confer of Rural Road No. 1107; mence as in* oia lin* North 61-1/2 degrees W**t 216 feet to th* canter of Rural Road No. 1107; thane* aa th* center of Rural Road No. 1107, aa the aama curve*, to th* point of beginning, con taining 3-1/2 acre*, mora or lea*. FOURTH TRACT: BEGIN NING at a point In th* center of Mount Ollv* Road and run* thane* with Dan Quinn lln* South 56-60 Wait 600 feat to a ataka. C.W. Surratt. Jr. cornar; thane* with hi* lin* North 86 Waat 2200 foot to a ataka; thane# North 5 East 860 feat to a ataka; thane* South 86 Eaat 1200 feat to a ataka; thane# North 76 Eaat 1608 feat to a point In th* canter of the road; thence with canter of aald road South 6 Waat 200 f*#t to a curve; thane* South 8-1/4 Waat 641.7 feat to th* beginning, containing 47.1 acre*, mora or laaa. and baing a portion of land* aa daacrlbad In a dead from J.E. Jarrltt to C.W. Surratt. Jr.; and baing cam* land* daacrlbad In deed from C.W. Surratt Jr. and wife. Lola P. Surratt. to Mathia Millar, which dead la re corded in Book 440. at Pag* 276. of Duplin County Public Ragiitrv. EXCEPTED from th* above daacription I* th# fol lowing: BEGINNING at th* In tar aaction of N.C. Highway 11 and Duplin County Road 11004 and run* with County Road 13 pole* which belong to Four County Elactrlc Membership Corporation; thane* from th* 13th pol* North 26 Waat 160 fact to th* point of beginning, which la an iron ataka located on th* adg* of aald County Road; thane* from said beginning point North 80 Waat 100 fact to a ataka; thane* North 10 East 76 fact to a stake which is located near a Raid road; thonce South 80 East 100 foot to a ataka on th* adg* of aald County Road; thanca with th* adg* of aald road South 10 Waat 76 fact to th* begin ning. containing 7.600 square fact. eptrruTu TBA or. ae ocvcmn i i . b t - GINNING at an Iron plpa. tho MCond cornor of Lot No. 2; thonco with the original lino North 66 dagrooo 06 mlnutoa Eaat 234.1 foot to an Iron plpo, a cornor of Lot No. 4; thonco with tho lino of Lot No. 4 South 33 dagrooo 62 mlnutoo Eatt 1040 foot to an Iron pipe on tho Northorn lino of tho 10.2 aero tract; thonco with tho aald llna South 64 dagrooo 13 mlnutoo Watt 266 foot to an Iron plpo. tho third cornor of Lot No. 2; thonco with Lot No. 2 North 33 dagrooo 62 mlnutoo Woat 618 foot to tho beginning, con taining 6.24 acrao. mora or loot. Bolng lot No. 3 allotted to William Henry Stalling! In tho dlvlilon of tho R.H. Stalling! land!. Report of Commlaalonera. recorded In Book 666. Pago 16. of the Duplin Countv flagiotry. EIGHTH TRACT: Being all our right, title, claim and interact In and to tho fol lowing: BEGINNING at an iron aplko on tho North woetern Edge of Secondary _Highway No. 1666 130 foot from the cantor 1 loading from N.C. Highway No. 1600 to Arthur Bonoy'i houae and running South M dogreao 80 mlnutoa Win 131 foot to an Iron itaka in tha ditch of an antranca road. Arthur Bonay'a cor nor; thanca South 0 dagraoa 20 mlnutaa Waat SM foot to an iron pipa on a ditch; thanca along aald ditch North S4 dagraoa 06 mlnutaa Waat 4S0 foot to an iron axle at tha haad of anothor ditch; thanca along tha cantor of aaid othar ditch North 2 dagraoa 00 mlnutaa Eaat 026 foot to an Iron axla; thanca North 0 dagraoa 20 mlnutaa Waat 223 faat to an Iron aha ft, a cornar of Lot No. 1; thanca with tha dlviaion lino North 84 dagraoa 13 mlnutaa Eaat 784 foot to tha begin ning. containing 10.2 acraa. Baing tha aama land da acrlbad In a daod datad May 19. 1887. batwaan Mary A. Stalling! and Cora Stallinga Whltohaad and othara. ra cordad In Book 633. Page 108. of tha Duplin County Ragiatry. TENTH TRACT: BEGIN NING at a ataka in tha South Una of tha 46-foot right of way of Collage Street [N.C. Highway No. 24) at tha Northwoat cornar of tha Second Tract aa deacrlbed in a daad to Gaorge Lloyd aa recorded in Book 678. paga 406, of tha Duplin County Ragiatry, laaid beginning cornar baing located South 78 dagraoa 11 mlnutaa 00 aacond Waat 678.00 faat along tha South lino of Col lage Street from ita Inter aection with tha cantor of Ball Street; and runa thanca with tha South Una of College Street IN.C. Highway No. 241 North 78 degrees 11 minutes 00 second East 1M.90 feet to a state; thence South 23 degrees 66 minutes 00 second East 7.16 feet to an iron staka; thence the same course continued South 23 degrees 66 minutes 00 se cond East 233.66 feet to an iron staka; thence South 78 degress 11 minutes 00 second West 186.00 feet to an iron stake: thence the same course continued South 78 degrees 11 minutes 00 second west 14.90 feet to a stake in the old Lloyd line; thence with the the old Qeorge Lloyd line and with a canal ditch Nrth 23 degrees 56 minutes 00 second West 260.80 feet to the point of begining, containing 1.08 acre, more or less, and being a part of the Second Tract as described In a deed to Qeorge Lloyd as recorded In Book 679. page 408. of the Duplin County Registry. ELEVENTH TRACT: In Warsaw Township. BEGIN NING at an iron stake in the Northeast line of the 100 foot wide right of way of N.C. Highway #24 at the Southeast corner of the tract herein described Isaid beginning corner being located South 68 degress 06 minutes 00 seconds East 1102.80 feet along tha centerline of N.C. -Highway ?24 to a staka and North 33 degrees 52 minutes 00 seconds East 60.00 feet to the said point of begining. from an Iron rod over the center of a 30-Inch concrete culvert under sal- highway at the canal of Grova Swamp I and runs thence with right of way line of N.C. Highway #24 North 66 degraes 08 minutes 00 seconds West 188.88 feet to an Iron stake; thence with the Southeast line of a 20 foot road easement I Book 890. page 38. Duplin Registry) North 34 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds East 231.98 feet to an Iron ataka; thanca South 56 dagraoa OS mlnutaa 00 aaconda Eaat 186.91 faat to an Iron ataka In tha Una of Conaolidatad Fuels. Inc. thanca with tha Una of Con aolidatad Fuala. Inc.. South 33 daaroas 52 minutaa 00 aaconda Woat 231.97 faat to tha point of beginning, con taining ona acre, mora or loaa. TWELFTH TRACT: Bounded, now or formerly, on tha N^rth by N.C. High way No. 24 loading from Waraaw to Clinton, on tha Eaat by tha landa of Tumor Mathia Eatata. on tha South by tha L.H. Quinn, and on tha Woat by Buck Hall Branch and Hagar Branch: mora particularly daacribed aa followe: BEGINNING at a marked holly tree on tha run of Buck Hall Branch, a corner of tha L.H. Quinn Eatata and Faioon Olxon Eatata. and alao the moat Southern corner of tha Jameo A. Boat and wifo 3.9 acre tract aa recorded in a dead In Book 630. page 566. of tha Duplin County Regie try. and running thanca with tha Una of tha L.H. Quinn Eatata and eroaalng N.C. Road No. 1111 South 85 dagraaa 00 minutaa Eaat 1246 foot to a ataka; thanca as tha Una of Tumor Mathia' Eatata. crossing Buck Hall branch, and continued aa a ditch. North 4 dagraoa 24 minutaa East 1160 faat to a ataka on tho Southorn Edge of N.C. Highway No. 24 and which ataka la located 30 faat from tho cantor of aald highway; thence aa the Southern edga of aald highway and running 30 foa: from the cantor thereof North 88 degreea 30 mlnutee Weat 726 feat to a ataka In tho canter of the run of Hagar Branch; thence aa the meandera of the run of Hagor Branch In a South and Southweatarn direction to tha junction of Hagar Branch and Buck Hall branch; thence aa tha meandera of tha run of Buck Hall Branch In a South and Southwaatern direction j to tho beginning, containing 23.2 acrea. mora or laaa. EXCEPTING, HOWEVER. FROM THE FOREGOING LANDS. THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: FIRST EXCEPTION: Bounded on the South by L.H. Quinn Eatata. on tho Woat by tha run of Buck Hall Branch IJamee A. Baat'a linal. on tha North by tha landa of Tommie Millar, and on tho Eaet by Secondary Road #1111, and being mora particularly deacribed aa fol ' Iowa: BEGINNING at a marked holly tree on tha run of Buck Hall ranch, a corner ; of tho L.H. Quinn Eatata and tha Faieon Dixon Eatata. and running thanca aa tha line of the L. H. Quinn Eatata South 86-00 Eaat 690 faat to a ataka in tha cantor of Secondary Road #1111 leading into N.C. Highway #24; thanca aa tha canter of Secondary Road #1111 North 4-24 Eaat 174 j faat to a ataka in tho cantor of Seoondary Road #1111; thanca aa a new Una of Tommia Millar North 85-00 Weet approximately 480 faat to a ataka In tha canter of tha run of Buck Hall Branch; thanca down tha canter of tha run of Buck Hall Branch aa tha aama meandera and aa tha Una of Jamaa A. Boat to tha point of beginning, con taining 2 acraa. mora or laaa. And being a portion of tha landa aa aet forth and de acribed in a dead to Tommia Miller and wife, laalaan Millar, and recorded in Book 518. page 96. of tha Duplin County Rogiatry. And being tha aama landa aa aat forth In a dead dated Auguat 12. 1971. from Tommia Millar and wifa. laalaan Millar, to George Fryar. Jr.. and re corded in Book 716. page 45. of tha Duplin County Raglatry. SECOND EXCEPTION: BEGINNING at an iron ataka. buried In tha canter Una of State Road No.1111 'oad bed. which aaid iron a.ako beginning corner la located South 06 degreea 39 minutaa 40 aeconda Weet 820.70 faat from tha intareection of State Road No. 1111 road-bad and centerline of North Carolina Highway No. 24 and from tha aforeaaid beginning corner ao located running thanca aa followe: with thb centerline of tha road bed of State Road No. 1111 South 06 dagraaa 39 minutaa 40 aaconda Waat 133.03 faat to an Iron ataka buried In tha centerline of State Road No. 1111 road bod. tho North eaat corner of a lot deeded to George Fryer, Jr.. rocordod In Doad Book i 776, paso 46. and rocordod In tha Duplin County Roalotry; thonca laaving tha road and running with tha North Una of tha Qaorga Fryar. Jr. lot North 83 dagraaa 43 mlnutaa 34 aacondt Waat 604.04 foot to an iron ataka In tha cantarllna of '.ha run of Buck Hall branch; thanca with tha cantor of tha run of Buck Hall Branch polnta on which ara locatad by tha following calla: North 08 dagraaa 33 mlnutaa 64 aaconda Waat 44.84 foot. North 69 dagtaaa 46 mlnutaa 39 aaconda Eaat 64.18 foot. South 82 dagraaa 33 mlnutaa 43 aaconda Eaat 38.48 foot. North 28 dagraaa 03 mlnutaa 17 aaconda Eaat 19.00 foot. North 17 dagraaa 14 mlnutaa 67 aaconda Waat 19.88 foot. North 81 dagraaa 67 minutoa 24 aaconda Waat 11.06 foot. North 00 dagraaa 12 minutoa 48 aaconda Waat 22.87 foat to an Iron ataka In tha cantarlina of tha run of Buck Hall Branch; thanca laaving tha run of Buck Hall Branch and running South 83 dagraaa 44 minutoa 20 aaconda Eaat 446.24 faot to tha beginning, containing 1.44 acrea. and baing all of tha lot daadad to Hoaaa Vann, Jr. and wifa, Paarllne Harvay Vann, by dadd datad January 29. 1972. and recorded In Book 716, paga 47. of tha Duplin Countyt Raglatry. aa aur vavod during April of 1972. by Charlaa L. Matthia. R.L.S., with all linaa ahown correct In their angular rela tione and relative to tha April. 1972, magnetic meridian. And baing tha aama landa aa eat forth in a Dead of Correction datad October 26, 1972. from Tommia Millar and wifa. lea lean Millar, to Hoaaa Vann, Jr. and wifa. Paarllne Harvey Vann. and recorded in Book 739, page 266. of tha Duplin County Ragiatry. THIRD EXCEPTION: Bounded on tha Eaat by ' Secondary Road No. 1111. on | tha South by the landa of Hoaaa Vann, Jr. and wifa. on the Weat by tha run of Buck Hall Branch, and on tha North by the landa of Tommia Millar, and mora particularly deacribed aa followa: BE GINNING at an iron ataka buried in tha cantarlina of Secondary Road No. 1111. which aaid iron ataka begin ning corner ia located South 06 degreea 39 minutaa 40 eeconde Waat 820.70 feat from tha intaraaction of Secondary Road No. 1111 and j tha cantarlina of North Caro line Highway No 24. aaid beginning point being tha Northeaet corner of tha tract of land conveyed by dead datad October 28, 1972. from Tommia Millar and wife, to I Hoaaa Vann. Jr. and wifa, aa recorded in Book 739. paga 256. of tha Duplin County Ragiatry. and runa thanca from aaid beginning point ao locatad aa tha North Una of Hoaaa Vann. Jr. North 83 dagraaa 44 mlnutaa 20 aaconda Weat 446.24 feat to an iron ataka in tha cantor of tha run of Buck Hall Branch; thanca aa the meandara of tha run of Buck Hall Branch in ? Northern direction ap proximately 233 feet to en Iron eteke In the center of ?eld fun; thence ? new line South S3 depreee 44 minute* 20 seconds East approxi- | metoly 444 24 feet, more or lee*, to en iron (take located In the centerllne of Secondary Road No. 1111; thence a* the centerllne of Secondary Road No. 1111 South 06 degree* 34 minute* 40 aecond* West 133 feet to the point of beginning And being a portion of the land conveyed by deed dated November 12. 1S67. from C.J. Carroll and wife, to Tommie Miller and wife. Ise lean Miller, recorded In Book 611. page 94. of the Duplin County Registry. And *l*o in ? deed in Book 62S. page 428. of the Duplin County Regis try. And being the sam* lands as set forth in ? deed dated January It. 1873. from Tommie Miller and wife, Isa lean V. Miller, to John Henry Williams and wife. Mettle Dors Williams and recorded in Book 74S. page 21, of the Duplin County Registry. FOURTH EXCEPTION: Bounded on the North by North Carolina Highway No. 24. on the East by Secondary Road No 1111. on the South by John Henry Williams and wife, and on the West by the run of Buck Hall branch. Hager Branch and lands of James M. Frederick and being more particularly de scribed as follows: BEGIN NING at the point where the centerllne of North Carolina Highway No. 24 Is Inter sected by the extended can tsrline of Secondary Road No. 1111 and runs thence from said beginning point so located as the center of : Secondary Road No. 1111 South 06 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds West 687.70 feet to an Iron stake located In tha cantarllne of aald rood, tha Northeast corner of tha let conveyed to John Henry Wll llama and wife. by dead dated January lb. 1173; thence aa their Una North S3 dooreoa 44 mlnutea 20 aeeonds Weet approximately 440.24 feat to an Iran ataka In tha canter of the run of Buck ; Hall Branch; thance aa the meanders of tha run of Buck Hall Branch In a genera! Northeastern Direction to the junction of Buck Hall Branch and Hagar Branch; thanca aa tha meanders of tha run of Hagar Branch In a general Northeastern direction to tha point whora the canter of tha run of Hagar Branch la Inter sected by the cantarllne of North Carolina Highway No. I 24; thanca as tha centerline of North Carolina Highway No. 24 South 80 dograaa 30 minutes East 72 feet to tha point of beginning. And boing a portion of the land conveyed by dead from C.J. Carroll and wife, to Tommla Millar and wife, Isalean 1 Millar, dated November 12. 1967, and recorded In Book 518. page 06. of tha Duplin County Registry. And boing tha same lands as sot forth in s deed dated January 20. 1073, from Tommla Miller and wife. Isalean V. Millar, to Jamas M. Frederick and wife. Lanora C. Frederick, and recorded In Book 746. page 23. of the Duplin CountV Registry. THIRTEENTH TRACT: BEGINNING st an Iron stake at tha Northwest corner of the one acre tract described above, and runs thanca with tha Southeast Una of a 20 foot road easement I Book 000. page 38. Duplin Registry] North 34 dsgrsas 10 minutes 00 seconds East 148.03 fset to a atako; thanca South M daaraaa OS mlnutaa SO aaconda Eaat 1SS.7S taat to an Iran atafca at tha North waat cofnac at tha Canaail datad Fueie, Inc. lot: thanca with tha Conaolldatad Fuola. Inc. Una South 13 daaraaa S2 mlnutaa 00 aaconda Waat 148 03 foot to an Iran atako: thanca with tha Una of tha aforamantlonad ona acra lot. North SO daaraaa 00 mlnutaa 00 aaconda Waat ISO.01 foot to tha point ef boalnnlna. contalnlna 0 83 acra. mora or loaa. Tha abova daacribad tract or parcal of land bolna a portion of tha land aat forth In a dood from Qeorpa D. Waat at ux. to Larry P. McCullan at ux. racordad In Book 70S. papa OS. Duplin County Rapiatry. and alao bolnp aat forth in a daad from Larry P. McCullan at ux to Jamaa Allan Dunn, duly racordad In tha Public Rapiatrv of Duplin County. And bainp tha Sacond Tract aa aat forth In a daad datod Novambar 4, 1074. from Jamaa Allan Dunn and wifa. Suaia Lao Dunn, to Ronnie L. Torrana. and ra cordad In Book 70S. papa 707. of tha Duplin County Raplatry. Thia aala will ba mada aubject to all outatandinp and unpaid taxaa and all prior liana of record and any aaaeaamenta that may ba duo or pact due Tha terma ef tha aala are aa followa: A depoait of 10% of tha firat 41.000.00 plua 6% of the amount of bid in axcaaa of 41,000.00 will ba required aa tha aala: balance duo upon delivery of tha Dead. Thla tha 1?th day of Feb ruary. 1985. Cicero P.Vow. Truatee Yow. Yow. Culbreth A Fox Attornaya at Law 4-18-4t-YYC*F-774 Water Connections Owner, Daniel Brown, Chinquapin We specialize in plumbing installation on waterline systems from meter to house, plumbing repair, trenching service? Also we make after-hour emergencies. We guarantee wnat we do. Phone 324-4712 IBUILDING MATERIALS Headquarters! ? BUILDING SUPPLIES ? ROOFING g^TfJn nITI ? CARPET I J ? FLOOR COVERING RMMMRM ? HARDWARE Toll Free No. 1-800-682-0075 BLIZZARD BUILDING SUPPLY 405 Walston Ave. , KINSTON Farm Machinery Auction Sale Tuesday, April 16th At lO A.M. 150 Tractors.500 Implements We buy & sell used equipment daily Wayne Implement Auction Corp. P.O. Box 233 ? Goldsboro, North Carolina 27530 ? Telephone 219/734-4234 ? N.C. License No. 188 The Pest Season is HERE ? ^-?-^ ? ? (namw) - ' TERMITE and PEST CONTROL 908 South East Blvd. ? Clinton, N.C. 28328 (919) 592-1338 We also Insulate Homes and Finance T0H pree 1.800-682-0346 A1 Belano vich Introducing Reward.' ^CZ7.g Selective Herbicide J It leaves sicklepod defenseless. Reward reduces the waxy armor" on sicklepod leaves so later postemergence ^^^^^^^prays can attack more eftectively ^ Reward Knocks back early sickiepod and forces later-emerging sickiepod to grow up in the shade of your soybeans canopy You can hardly find ? tougher-to-control weed in your soy beans than sicklepod (or coffeeweed). But sicklepod has two defense mechanisms that new Reward helps you crack. First, sicklepod has a tough waxy coating that is almost impossible to penetrate by most postemergence herbicides. Reward, applied preplant, reduces these foliar waxes. So your postemergence sprays can stick and adsorb better and knock out sicklepod more effectively. Second, sicklepod grows fast in full sun but grows poorly in the shade. Reward knocks back First flush sicklepod to give your beans a head start. Later emerging sicklepod never lias a enaiiee, uwausc uy wiai uine your soybeans have started to canopy. If sicklepod is one of your biggest problems in soybeans, knock it defenseless with new Reward. See your dealer for all the details now. Stauffer Chemical Company, Agricultural Chemical Division, Westport, CT 06881. The first step in Stauffer sicklepod control. \