"N Along The Way ___ By Emily Kllletfe f May marks the 50th anniversary of the Rural Electrification Adminis tration. Rural America was the last to receive electrical service to homes. Today, it is hard to imagine our country and life without electricity at home and at work. In fact, the " largest percentage of the American population has no memory of a time without electrical service to our rural homes and the local cities. The Rural Electrification Adminis tration was established as a federal agency through an executive order of President Franklin D. Roosevelt on May 11,1935. Fewer than 11 percent of Ameri can farms had electrical service in 1935. In southeastern North Carolina one 6f the few privately-owned utilities to take advantage of the REA loans was the now defunct Tidewater Power Company head quartered in Wilmington. A branch office of the Tidewater Company was located in Warsaw and the utility provided electrical service areas of Duplin. The May 30, 1935 issue of the DUPLIN HERALD published an article about the rural electrification movement. The article was based on a report presented to the North Carolina Governor about the rural electricification movement. Rural Electrification Just Ahead That rural electrification promises to be "one of the greatest forward movements in all the history of rural North Carolina" is the confident prediction of Dr. Clarence Poe, chairman of the North Carolina Rural Electrification Committee, in pre senting his formal report to Governor Ehringhaus Wednesday, May 29. For Duplin County, Dr. Poe's report summarizes the results of surveys so far made as follows, together with state averages of totals, also. Number of lines surveyed, county 9; state 677. Length of all surveyed lines in miles, county 69.77; state 4,486.57. Total number of interested pros pects; county 353; state 23,779. Interested prospects per mile, county 5.06; state 5.08. Estimated connected load in KW, county 1101.4; state 70,374. Estimated cost of all lines sur veyed, county $117,946; state $7,477,273. Estimated connection load in KW per mile, county 17.20; state 17.70. Estimated line cost in dollars per mile, county, $1,678; state $1,666. Estimated line cost in dollars per prospect, county, $332; state $328. Estimated annual revenue, county $11,835; state $742,454. Estimated annual revenue per mile, county $170; state $165. Estimated annual revenue per prospect, county $34; state $32. Estimated annual consumption in KWH, county $150,660; state $10,648,534. Estimated annual consumption, KWH per mile, county 2,159; state 2,373. Estimated annual consumption, KWH per prospect, county 427; state 467. ????? Last week the DUPLIN TIMES received a press release from Four County Electric Membership Corporation about its history. The electric company services part of Duplin and is headquartered in our county in Rose Hill. The main office of the company is located in Burgaw. i Four County EMC Locally, Four County EMC was chartered in 1937 to distribute electricity to the rural areas of Bladen, Duplin, Pender and Samp son counties. By 1938 an initial loan of $145,000 had been obtained from REA, and in 1939, the fir 175 miles of line serving 432 member-consumers was energized. In the early days the Cooperative was headquartered in Kerr Station. Today, Four County has its main office in Burgaw, and district offices in Elizabethtown, Rose Hill and Burgaw, and it serves over 19,000 consumers. From its initial loan of $145,000, the Cooperative has increased its plant value to more than $31.5 million. It is governed by a consumer elected board of directors, whose president is R.W. Blanchard Jr. of Turkey. Vice-president is W.A. Settlemeyer of Kiegelwood, and treasurer is R.E. Pendergrass of Tomahawk. Other directors include J.J. Malpass of Burgaw; O.Homer James, Wallace; Garland P. King, Teachey; Lucille Eakins, Watha; Iva W. Brinson, Magnolia; James Hollingsworth, Willard, tend Linwood Royal, White Oak. I General manager of Four County " EMC is L.P. (Bill) Beverage of Burgaw. District managers are T.R. Vick, Burgaw; Bryant Herring, Elirabethtown, and Glenn Brad shaw, Rose Hill. Homemaker '* Health Aide Graduation Rose Hill Restaurant was the setting for the Homemaker Health Aide class graduation. The com mencement took place May 2. The class was co-sponsored by Du-Penza and James Sprunt Technical College and was a training program designed for older workers. The guest speaker was Ms. Margie Parker, field representative for Rural/Private Industry Council, Division of Employment and Train ing, Natural Rescources Community Development. Ms. Parker, a graduate of Bennett College and UNC-CH, spoke on the pride her division took in seeing people meet goals that thev thought were im possible. She offered each graduate a challenge. "Don't put your certi ficate in a frame or hang it on a wall, put your training touse." Members of the graduating class are: Elouise Blocker, Louise Bron son, Mary Dixon. Lular Duckett, Lottie Farrior, Dennis Graham, Elmo Hayes, Inez Haley, Lois Lamb, Dorothy Lamb, Thelma Miller, Elea nor Moore, Elizabeth Smith, Kate Shaw, Eula Wallace, Mrs. Clarence Williams, Ernestine Williams, Eleanor Williams and Gladys Wil liams. DUPLIN TIMES-PROGRESS SENTINEL Published Weekly by DUPLIN PUBLISHING CO., INC. Ike Riddick, Publisher P.O. Box 68 Kenansvllle, NC 28349 ???** Second Class Postage Paid at KenansvlUe, NC 28349 SUBSCRIPTION PRICES Single Copy 11 Cents In Duplin and Adjoining Counties 6 Mos. ?SI .83 1 Yr.?$3.66 Outside of Duplhi and Adjoining Comities 6 Mos.?$2.35 1 Yr.?$4.70 Outside North Carolina $5.50 per year m ifiif Hold Ov#r - Third Wmr V Show* 7 6 0. Sat. 3. 7, 3:06. Sun. 2.1 4:06. 7 6 0:06 L LAST ORAOON J yltimWidiiirtw^a^^ r Show. 7 6 0. Sat -0.760. Sun. 2.1 L ' RAMBO J ^^FJjtBioodfJ^RPtadR^^ ^^MaJdOva^aeondWaafc^^B f Show. 7 6 0. 8at. 3. 7. 0. Sun. 2. 4. 7^ L RAPPIN J ^ P Saturday M.tino. - Una snow Omy i J 1 .t ip m ?2 OOadmiaaiontoaH. B ? B ^^^^^^^^^^BEULAVIUE'^OMES^ROCER^TOR^ERVIN^BEULAVILLE^^^^ I I WjjD VV flV & FOR 50 ? I Whaley o I OPEN TIL a PJA. SUPER MARKET Monk Whaley, Owner I ( FRIDAYS 4 SATURDAYS ^ phone 290-3646 we welcome BEULAVILLE j food stamp customers JM& TENDERIZED I ||g| HAMS I 89' ? | WHOLE BONELESS BONELESS RlBEYE RIBEYE LOIN STEAKS >3.29 *3.491.. GWALTNEY ( BOLOGNA'^A ?1.19 J I FRESH LUNDY WJ I NECKBONE | } 39' - [ STEW BEEF SMITHFIELD ^HOT DOGS 89< p?K CATSUP^S ikI ? 1 ?Til 89c I GOLDEN & YELLOW q| ? cake mix| i 79 i I SUPER SUDS I Idetergent] I GT SIZE I i 89* i PETER PAN PEANUT butter 18 OZ. *1.39 TEXAS PETE CHILI sauce 10 OZ. ^PRID^^H^AR^I WHOLE KERNEL & CREAM STYLE i corn i |3/2jooi PERFECTION i rice i |_?j % |ji^DOWNY-FLAKI^^^^r ? WAFFLES I 13 OZ. I 79* I MAOLA ICE I CREAM I 5 QUART I ^3j59_| GRADE A MEDIUM I EGGS I DOZ. I 49c I IHIHHM CHUNX MM DOG FOODT 50 LB. I *6.591 : 1 PALMOLIVE DISH I DETERGENT I 22 OZ. W 89' ^PEPSI^I DIET PEPSI, I DIET SLICE I 2 LITER I 89* W PEPSI, DIET PEPSI | JJ* & PEPSI FREE I ? (16 OZ- 8 PACK) I ?2.09 M CAULIFLOWER 1| HEAD I _99^J lundy i chitterlings i 10 lb. bucket wesson oil j?l 48 oz. tol swift premuim i butter i lb *1.99 i butter me not i biscuits I 9.5 oz. broccol^ bunch i 79*1 white mm potatoes I 10^^191