LEGAL NOTICI . *_ *1.1'.. *?'?' 1 I " NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY FU? N?. S3 SP ISO IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK MARIE HERRING CARTER. WIDOW. SY AND THROUGH EUNICE H. REC NGTON. TRUSTEE UNI A THE LAST WILL AND TEST AMF NT OF MAZIE A. HERRING. DE CEASED; IRENE H EVANS. BY AND THROUGH EUNICE RED DINGTON. ATTORNEY IN FACT. EUNICE H. RED DINGTON. INDIVIDUALLY; JOHN P REDOINGTON. EXECUTOR UNDER THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF MAZIE A. HERRING. DECEASED; JOHN P REDDINGTON. INfVVIDUALLY; HAZEL H. niyiivai uiuuoi ivi baan, iiium certain tract* or parcal* of land lying and baing in Magnolia Township and Rockfish Township. Ouplin County. North Carolina, and baing mora particularly da scribad as follows: TRACT NO. 1-A: BEGIN NING at a craosotad fanca corner post that la located at the Northeast corner of a 6-acre tract of land shown ss the First Tract in a Deed from R.O. Matthews and wife, Eva Matthews, to Cicaro Rhodes, dated January 17. 1910. and recorded in Book 127, Pago 9. of the Ouplin County Regis try. which said craosotad fence corner post beginning corner is slso located at the Northwest corner of a 142 5/B-acre tract of land of which this land is a part, and from said beginning corner so located running thence as follows: with the old North boundary line of said 142 5/4-scre tract of land South 79 degrees 16 minutes 00 seconds East, to and with the South edge of a ditch, a total distance of 1.687.00 feet to an iran pipe in a cart path; POWELL AND HUSBAND. C.H. POWELL; WINNIE H. HOWELL AND HUSBAND. RUDOLPH HOWELL; KITTY H. HERNANDEZ AND HUSBAND. ANTHONY HERNANDEZ; AND TAPPY H MURRAY AND HUS BAND. OEROQE SCOTT MURRAY VS GEORGE D HERRING. DIVORCED; CHIPPY D HERRING AND WIFE. MYRNA HERRING; DANNY R. HERRING AND WIFE. CHERYL HERRING; AND GEORGE M HERRING ANO WIFE. DONNA HERRING NOTICE OF COMMISSIONERS SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of on Ordor fllod on tho 27th day of Juno. 1984. with tho Clerk of Superior Court for Duplin County in Spaclal Proceeding Filo No. 83-SP 160. entitled. 'Marie Her ring etals vo George D. Herring etolo". the under signed Commissioner will on Friday tho 15th day of November. 1386. at 12:00 o'clock noon at the Court house door. East entrance, located in Kenanoville. North Carolina, offer for sale to the thane* the win course con- | tinued and with th* old Usher line South 79 degrees 16 minutes 00 seconds East 618.24 feet to a copper nail in a concrete monument that is boried in the center of the rtaid bed of an unpavad road; thence with the canter of the road South 03 degrees 04 minutes 30 second* West 471.38 feet to an iron pip* I buried) at th* beginning of a curve; thence continued with the center of the road bed a* it curves. points on which ara located by the following chords:.South 00 degraes 19 minute* 00 seconds East 100.00 fact and South 04 degree* 08 minutas 00 second* East 100.00 faet to an Oon pipe at th* and of the curve; thence with th* centsr of tha road bed South 06 degress 21 minutas 30 sacend* East 370.63 feet to a copper nail in a concrete monument Iburiadl: thence lapwing th* road and running North 87 degrees 46 minutes 00 seconds East SO 00 faet to ?h if on pips; thanca ths him courts continuad North 87 dagrsat 46 minutat 00 ascandt East 388 00 (sat to a coppar nail In a concrsts mooumant; thanca South 08 dagrsat 47 minutat 00 ascOndt Watt 492 00 fast to an iron pips; thanes ths tarns courts continuad South 08 dagrsat 47 minutat 00 itconda Watt 60.00 faat to an iron pips Iburisdl in ths road bad of ths old road and in ths old Hsrring and Uthar propartv lina; thanes along an old road bad and with tha old Hsrring and Uthar prop arty Una North 70 dagraaa 46 minutat 16 asconda Watt 1.456.66 faat to an iron pips Iburisdl; thanca tha lams courts continuad and with tha old Uthar propartv lina. tha tarns running along an old road North 70 dagraaa 45 minutat 16 aacondt Watt 1.106.67 fast to an iron pips Iburisdl at tha old Southwatt .. i . i ' J?i???1 cornar of tha aid 143 C/O-aera tract of land of which this land la a part; thanca with tha old propartv llna. tha aama balno an aid choppad llna North 00 dapraaa 10 minutaa 30 aaconda Eaa* 710.57 faat to a eraoaotad fanca poat at a | cornar of tha Matthawa land; thanca with tha aid Matthawa llna. tha aama running with a wlra fanca and an old choppod lino North 10 da groaa 31 minutaa 03 taconoa Waat 422.40 foot to tha point of baginnlng. CONTAINING ) 04.2 acroa. mora or loaa. aa aurvayad during Juno of 1040 by William W. Blanchard. Raolatorad Profaaaional Englnoar. with all llnaa ahown corract In thair angu l*r ..Utlnn. ^ .. Juno 1968 magnetic meri dian. The abova-deacrlbed land ia a part of that 142 6/8-acre tract of land de ecribed In a Dead from Edgar Hallan Uahar and Edith M. Uaher, hie wife, to Armond M. Uahar and wife. Mary C. Uaher. dated Juna 4. 1949, and recorded in Book 452. Page 482, of the Duplin County Ragiatry. And being the land aa conveyed by a Dead dated Juna 21. 1968. from Mary C. Uahar. a widow, and othara to T.D. Herring and wife. Maiia A. Herring, and recorded in Book 646, Pago 626. of the Duplin County Ragiatry. And aaid tract of land baing known aa the Mary Uahar Tract, wife of Armond Uahar. and further identified aa per map made and pre pared by Salmon and Aeao ciataa. PA. dated January 7, 1985. and made a part hereof THERE IS EXCEPTED HOWEVER FROM THE FOREGOING DESCRIBED 64.2 ACRE TRACT OF LAND THE FOLLOWING: EXCEPTION: Located in Magnolia Townahip, Duplin County. State of North Caro lina on the eaat aide of S.R. Nn 1175 and 0.6 mile aouth oi S.R. No. 1003. and being deacribed with baaringa rela tive to the 1968 Magnetic Meridian aa followa: BEGINNING at an Iron pipe in the cantor of S.R. No. 1175 over an 18 inch concrete culvert, and runa thanca with the center of S.R. No. 1175 norm uv degrees uv mmuioi 28 second* West s distance of 312.22 feet to an iron stake J.L. Lanier's corner; thence with the J.L. Lanier. Jr. I Book 682, Page 2361 linaa North 87 degrees 40 minutes 04 seconds East a distance of 439.54 feet to an iron stake, and South 08 degrees 46 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 542.27 feet to an iron stake in an old road bed; thence with the old road bed North 70 degrees 47 minutes 43 seconds West a distance of 331.04 feet to a stake in the center of S R. No. 1176; thence with the center of S.R. No. 1175 North 06 degrees 06 minutes 28 seconds West a distance of 99.25 feet to the point of beginning. CON TAINING 4.10 acres, more or less, and being part of that 142-6/8 acre tract of land described in a deed from Edgar Hallan Usher and Edith M Usher, his wife, to Armond M Usher snd wife. Mary C. Usher, dated Juns 4. 1949. Book 452. Paga 482. of the Duplin County Registry, and being a part of the land as conveyed by a Deed dated June 21. 1968. from Mary C. Usher, a widow, and others to T.D. Herring and wife. Marie A. Herring, and re corded in Book 646. Page 626. of the Duplin County nogisxry TRACT NO. 1-A-1: Locat ed in Magnolia Townahip. Duplin County. Stata of North Carolina on tha aaat aida of S R. No 1176 and 06 mila south of S R. No. 1003. and baing described with bearings relative to tha 1968 Magnat Meridian as fol lows BEGINNING at an iron pipe in tha canter of S.R. No. 1176 over an 18 inch con crete culvart. and runt thanca with the canter of S.R. No 1175 North 06 dagraaa 06 minutes 28 seconds Wast a distance of 312.22 feat to an iron stake J.L. Lanier's corner; thanca with tha J.L. Lanier. Jr. IBook 682, Page 236I lines North 87 dagraas 40 minutes 04 seconds East s distance of 439.54 feat to an iron stake, and South 08 degrees 46 minutes SO seconds Wast a distance of 542.27 feat to an iron stake in an old road bad; thanca with tha old road bad North 70 dagraas 47 minutes 43 seconds Wast a distance of 331 04 feat to a stake in tha cantor of S.R. No. 1176; thanca with tha canter of S.R. No. 1175 North 06 dagraas 06 minutes 28 seconds Wast a distance of 99.25 feat to tha point of beginning. CON TAINING 4.10 acres, mora or leas, and being part of that 142-5/8 acre tract of land deecribed in a Deed from Edgar Hallen Ushar and Edith M Ushar. his wife, to Armond M. Usher and wife, Mary C. Ushar. dated June 4. 1949. and recorded in Book 462. Page 482. of tha Duplin County Registry. and being ? ? part of tha land as oonvayad ? by a Oaad da tad Juno 21. ? 1966. from Mary C. Usher. a ?i widow, and others to T.O. Herring and wlfa. Matio A. Harrlng, and racordad In Book MB. Pago (26. of tha ! Duplin County Registry TRACT NO. 1-B: BEGIN NING at a ataks in tha canal of Boavardam Croak. D.A. Harrlng'a old lower corner. Corner 11 on map. and runs thanes North 03 degrees 26 minutes 3t seconds East BBO.M foot to a ataks. Georga DeWitt Herring's tract of land as rscordad in Book M7. Pago 26. of ths Duplin County Registry. Corner No. ? on map; thanes South 70 dagroes 4t minutes 09 seconds East 1.309.M foot to a stake on tho run of Murphy's Branch, Corner No. 9 on map; thsncs down ths run of Murphy 's Branch I which points locatsd tt fol lows: South 04 dsgrsss 23 minutos 31 seconds Wsst 77.SO foot. South 37 degrees 59 minutos 07 seconds East 92.49 fast. South 12 degrees 16 minutes 50 seconds West 63.69 fset. South 39 degrees 28 minutes 06 seconds East 146.63 feet. South 10 degrees 59 minutes 12 seconds East 206.70 fset. South 61 degrees 45 minutes 26 seconds East 62.38 fset. South 09 degrees 54 minutes 56 seconds West 154.99 feet. South 23 degrees 24 minutes 14 seconds East 140 69 feet. South 19 degrees 49 minutes 42 seconds West 107.81 feet. South 89 degrees 36 minutes 09 seconds West 90.10 fset. South 16 degrees 20 minutes 32 seconds West 136.55 fset. South 49 degrees 17 minutes 00 seconds West 177.66 feet. South 83 degrees 13 minutes 26 seconds West ! 66.71 feet, and South 35 degrees 08 minutes 32 seconds West 92.83 feet. Corner 10 on map; thencs up the run of Beavardam Creek which points located as fol lows: North 34 degrees 06 minutes 17 seconds West 124.60 feet. North 80 degreos 31 minutes 50 seconds West 339.23 feet. North 71 degrees 23 minutes 44 seconds West 143.76 feet. North 64 degrees 38 minutes 26 seconds West 226.42 feet. North 07 de grees 32 minutes 33 seconds East 89.68 feet. North 36 degrees 17 minutes 04 seconds Wast 86.42 feet. North 66 degrees 31 minutes 35 seconds West 130.03 feet. North 46 degrees 42 minutes 61 seconds West 236.21 feet. and North 39 degreea 43 minutas 54 aaconda Woat 149.54 faat to tha point of beginning. CONTAINING 39.4 acraa, mora or loaa. Balng Tract No. 2 aa aat out in Map antltlad, ' Maria BRICE HERRING ESTATE", datad Jan. 7, I 1985. praparad by Salmon and Aaaociatea. P.A. aa ra cordad in Map Book 12. Pago 3, of tha Duplin County Ragiatr-. Baing tha land con veyed to Thomaa D. Herring by Dead from Oacar B. Turner. Commiaaionor. and recorded in Book 424, Page ' 223. Ragiatry of Duplin County. And being the land aa conveyed by a Deed dated February 27, 1953. from George DeWitt Herring and wife. Carlotta S. Herring, to Thomaa D. Herring, and recorded In Book 480, Page 79. of the Duplin County Regiatry. TRACT NO. 2: All that certain tract or parcel of land in Magnolia Townahip. Duplin County. North Caro lina. bounded on the North by the landa of Naah Johnaon & Sons' Inc., on the Eaat by the landa of E.M. Beaalay, on the Southeaat by the landa of Clyde Surratt Heira. and on the Weat by Sand Hill Branch, and -being mora particularly deacribed aa fol lowt BEGINNING at an iron pipe located juat North of N.C.S.R No. 1104 and one (iiv run ur ?na run Dranrn and on tho lino of Noah Johnson ft Sons. Inc. and running thanes as tha Una of Nash Johnson ft Sons' Inc. North 88 dagreas 58 minutes 54 seconds East 482 80 fast 1 to an iron pipe. Corner No. 2 on map thenca South 83 de grees 01 minute 03 seconds East 841.58 feat to an iron pipe. Corner No. 3 on map; | thence as tha line of E.M. Bsaslsv South 18 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds East 1453.54 foot to an iron pipe. Corner No. 4 on map; thsnca as the Clyde Surratt Heirs line South 48 degrees 56 minutes 08 seconds West 1448.80 feet to en Iron pipe on tha run of Sand Hill Branch; thence down the run 1 of Sand Hill Branch the fol lowing courses and dis tances: North 43 degrees 60 minutes 00 seconds West 7.21 feet. North 68 degrees 62 minutes 22 seconds West 53.76 feet. NorstwWdegrees 00 minutes 04 seconds East 38 28 feet. North 88 degrees 1 28 minutes 12 seconds West 31.40 feet. North 36 degrees 55 minutes 38 seconds West 56 28 feet. North 63 degrees ' 55 minutes 66 seconds West 36 72 feet. North 64 degrees 54 minutes 28 seconds West 467.27 feet. North 56 degrees 28 minutes 16 seconds West 57 03 feet. North 88 degrees SO minutes 54 Mcondi Wast 167.73 feet. North St degrees 24 minutos 26 seconds Woot 1M IS foot. North 2S dotrtti 01 minutos OS seconds Wast 93.St foot. North It degrees 28 minutos 03 soconds Wsst 140.52 foot. North 13 degrees 10 minutes 32 soconds East 164.39 feet. North 37 degreoa 32 minutos 27 soconds Wsst 114.13 fsot. North 02 degrees 66 minutos 33 soconds East 97.21 foot. North 63 doorsos 66 minutos 14 soconds Wsst 99.62 foot. North 01 degrso 10 minutos 09 seconds Wsst 94.20 foot. North 22 degrees 11 minutos 64 soconds West 37.19 foot. North 34 dogrsea 56 minutos 64 seconds East 46.49 foot. North 04 degrees 56 minutes 69 soconds Wsst 97.67 foot. North 20 degress 60 minutes 19 soconds East 46.64 fsot. North 12 degress 00 minutes 04 seconds East 75.70 foot. North 09 degress 26 minutes 30 soconds East 89.81 foot. North 29 dsgrsss 53 minutos 42 soconds Wsst 61.69 fsot. North 02 dsgrsss 38 minutes 43 seconds Wsst 92 66 fsot. North 16 dsgrsss 57 seconds 46 soconds Wsst 140.23 foot. North 911 HoarAAl 41 minutes Ut> seconds best 70 66 feet. North 60 degrees 48 minutes 18 seconds Eest 72 99 feet. North 27 degrees 40 minutes 17 seconds Eest 76.18 feet. North 40 degrees 64 minutes 43 seconds Eest 133.00 feet. North 66 degreee 31 minutes 18 seconds Eest 63.71 feet. North If degrees 07 minutes 26 seconds Eest 31.81 feet. North 14 degrees 09 minutes 27 seconds West 51.82 feet. North 68 degrees 43 minutes 27 seconds Eest 80.09 feet. South 88 degrees 48 minutes 43 seconds Eest 65.44 feet. North 63 degrees 55 minutes 05 seconds Eest 55.26 feet. North 11 degrees 27 minutes 13 seconds Eest 37.07 feet, end North 13 degrees 33 minutes 11 seconds Eest 68.31 feet to Corner No. 1 on mep. CONTAINING 87.54 seres, more or lees. And being Trsct No. 2 on mep entitled. MAZIE BRICE HERRING ESTATE "Beesleys Mill Roed Trsct", deted August 16. 1982. surveyed end mapped by Selmon end Associates, P.A., e copy of which is hereto ettached end incorporated herein by reference. TRACT NO. 3: LOCATED IN ROCKFISH TOWNSHIP. DUPLIN COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA. ADJOINING the land of Maydell Savage Fusaell. J.C. Savage. Clifton Savege. W.G. Dixon, John C. Bryant, Jr., David C. Hall. Evander Savage end others, and being more fully de scribed as follows to wit: BEGINNING at an iron pipe in the center of Secondary Road No. 1136 as Its point of intersection with the center of Secondary Road No. 1136. Maydell Savage Fussell's corner and designated as Corner No. 1 a* shown on a map entitled "Map of Maiia Srica Herring and Wilber Badger Ushsr-Land Divi sion." as recorded in Map Book 8 at Page 131, In the Duplin County Registry; run ning thence from said iron pipe beginning corner so located with the center of Secondary Road No. 1138 South 04 degrees S3 minutes 25 seconds West 378.01 feet to an iron pipe at the approxi mate P.C. of a curve, desig nated as Corner No. 2 on the sbove-referred-to map; thence continuing with the center of Secondary Road No. 1136 as it curves a chord of which is South 02 degrees 18 minutes 41 seconds West 108.73 feet to an iron pipe. Maydell Savage Fussell's corner, designated as Corner No. 3 on the above-referred to map; thence with the center line of N.C.S.R. 1136 South 13 degrees 46 minutes East 920 feet, more or lees, to sn iron pipe in the center ofN.C.S.R. 1138. Thomas L. Clark's Southeast corner; thence as his line North 84 degrees 57 minutes 00 seconds West 478 83 feet to sn iron stake in the center of Long Branch; thence down the run of Long Branch South 06 degrees 43 minutes 15 aaconda cast 203.63 feat. South 01 dagrea 49 minutaa 56 aaconda Watt 346.16 foot. South 68 dagroaa 43 minutaa 58 saconda Eaat 184.91 foot. South 48 dagraaa 57 minutaa 18 aaconda Eaat 148.93 foot and South 01 dagraa 02 minutaa 44 aaconda Waat 59.98 foot to an Iron pipa, J.C. Savaga'a cornar In tho run of Long Branch, daaig natari aa Cornar No. 6 on tha abova-rafarrad-to map; thanca with J.C. Savaga'a lino South 86 dagroaa 33 minutaa 34 aaconda Eaat 219.74 foot to an iron pipa. Clifton Savaga'a cornar in J.C. Savaga'a lino, daaig natao aa Cornar No. 8 on tha abova-rofarrad-te map; thanca with Clifton Savaga'a lino to and with W.Q. Dlxon'a lino North 12 dagraaa 22 minutaa 17 aaconda Waat 778 80 teat to sn Iron pips on sn ol-J mill dsm, W.Q. Dixon's cor nor, designated as Cornor No. 7 on llw abr ve-reterred-to map; thanes with W.Q. Dixon's Una cross!ns Sasondary Road No. 11M South 88 dsgrass 00 mlnutss 4] aaconda East 1.488.08 fast to an Iron pips in ths run of Lota Branch. W.Q. Dixon's eornar. desig nated as Corner No. 8 on the | abova-rafarred-ta map; tbanco up the run of Lou Branch polnu along which aro located: North 27 degrees 07 minutes 14 aaconda East 28.12 fast and North 18 degrees 28 minutes 02 seconds Wast 73.88 fast to an Iron pipe In the run of Lott Branch at the mouth of a ditch, daaignatad as Corner No. 10 on ths above-refer red-to map: thance up said dteh points along which ars located in the cantor and ara marked by Iron pipes: Noth 18 dagraas 33 minutes 20 seconds West 488.17 feat. MnrtK M Hanraes U mlnsstaa 03 tacondt Watt 237.60 faat. North 60 dagraat 41 minutat 26 taconds Eatt 200.20 faat. North 60 degrees 02 minutat 36 ttcondt Eatt 06.06 faat. North 16 dagraat 32 minutat 00 tacondt Eatt 176.71 faat. North 04 dagraat 23 minutat 00 tacondt Watt 270.03 faat and North 00 dagraat 17 minutat 46 tacondt Eatt 263.64 faat to an iron plpa in tha cantar of Sacondary Road No. 1136. datignatad at , Cornor No. 27 on tha abova raforrod-to map; thanca with tha cantar of Sacondary Road No. 1136 North 04 dagraat 26 minutat 29 tacondt Watt 606.16 foot to an iron pipa. Evandar Savaga't cornar. ' datignatad at Cornar No. 20 on tha abova-rafarrad-to map; thanca continuing with tha cantar of Sacondary Road No 1136 North 04 dagraat 26 minutat 42 tacondt Watt 417.62 faat to an Iron pipo at tha approximata P.C. of t curvo; thonca continuad with tha cantar of Sacondary Road No. 1136 at it curvot polntt tlong which art iocatad by tha following chorda: North 07 dagraat 66 minutat 17 tacondt Watt 100.02 faat. South 07 dagraat 46 minutat 27 tacondt Watt 100.02 faat. South 01 dagraat 46 minutat 06 tacondt Watt 100.02 feat. South 74 dagraat 47 minutat 41 tacondt Watt 100.02 faat and South 69 dagraat 16 minutat 20 tacondt Watt 100.02 faat to an iron pipo at tha approximata P.T. of aaid curve, datignatad aa Cornar No. 26 on tho above-referred to map; thanca continuing with tha cantar of Sacondary Road No. 1136 South 67 dograat 30 minutaa 11 aaconda Watt 276.80 foot to tha beginning, CON TAINING 60.86 acraa. mora or loaa, at turvayad during May. 1973. by Sal mon-Matthia and Aaaoclatea. Raglatarad Land Survoyora. Tha abova-deacribed tract or ' parcel of land being a portion of Lot No. 1 at thown on that certain map entitled. Map of Mazie Brica Herring and Wilber Badger Usher-Land Division." as recorded in Map Book 8 at Page 131. In the Duplin County Registry, and further being a portion of Lot No. 1 allotted to Mazie Brica Herring under Report of Commissioners as filed in the Duplin County Clerk of Superior Court's Office in 73 SP-6 and recorded in Book 767. Page 103. of the Duplin County Registry. THERE IS EXCEPTED HOWEVER FROM THE FOREGOING DESCRIBED 60 86 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LANDS: EXCEPTION: Located In Rockfish Township, Duplin County. State of North Caro lina. and being described with bearings relative to the June 1670 Magnetic Meridian as follows: BEGINNING at an Iron pipe in the center of S.R. No. 1136 the southeast corner of Thomas L. Clark's lot (Book 788. Paga 8801. laid Iron pipa baing locatad South 04 da graaa 53 mlnutaa 25 aaconda Wait a diitanca of 378.01 foot. South 02 dagraoa 18 minutaa 41 aaconda Wait a diitanca of 108.73 foot, and South 14 dagraoa 23 minutaa 53 aaconda Eaat a diitanca of 818.35 faat from an iron pipa In tha cantor of tha fntor aaction of S.R. No. 1138 and S.R. No. 1135. and runa thanca with tha Thomaa L. Clark'! lina North 84 dagraoa 57 minutaa 00 aaconda Wait a diitanca of 478.83 foot to an iron ataka in tha cantor of Long Branch; thanca down and with tha run of Long Branch South 08 dagraoa 43 minutaa 15 aaconda Eaat a diitanca of 203.63 foot. South ' 01 dagrao 48 minutaa 66 aaconda Waat a diitanca of 3a. 18 foot. South 68 dagraoa 43 minutaa 58 aaconda Eaat a diitanca of 184.81 foot. South a dagraoa 67 minutaa 18 aaconda Eaat a diitanca of ia.83 foot and South 01 dagrao 02 minutaa 44 seconds WM a dlatanca of M.N foot to on Iron pips. J.C Savoge's (Ornor In tho run of Long Brooch, desig nated os Cornor No. 8 shown on o map sntltlsd "Map of Mails Brico Harrlng and Wllbar Badgar Ushar Land Division", as rocordod In Map Book 8. Pago 131, of tho Duplin County Registry; thanes with J.C Savags's Una South 88 dagrses 33 mlnutos 34 soconds East a distance of 218.74 foot to an Iron pips. Clifton Savage's corner in J.C. Savage s lino, designated as Cornor No. S on the above referred to map; thanca with Clifton Savags's Una and W. 0. Dixon's Una North 12 dsgraaa 22 minutes 17 seconds Wast a distance of 778.80 foot to an Iron pips on the old mill dam, W.Q. Dixon's corner, designated os Cornor No. 7 on the above rsferrad to map; thanca with W.e Dixon s lino South 86 dogrooo 00 mlnuto* 46 oocond* East a diatanca of 161.67 foot to a ataka In S.R. No. 1136; thanca with S R. No. 1136 North 20 degress 2* mlnutaa 66 aaconda Waat a diatanca of 33.20 foot to tha point of beginning. CONTAINING 6.2 acrai. mora or lasa, and balng part of Lot No. 1 ahown on a map antitlad. "Map of Mails Brica Harring and Wilbar Badgar Uahar -Land Dlviaion" aa racordad In Map Book 6. Pago 131, of tha Duplin County Raglatry. TRACT NO. 3-A; Locatad In Rockfiah Townahlp, Duplin County. Stata of North Caro lina. and balng daacrlbad with baaringa ralativa to tha Juna 1970 Magnatlc ' Meri dian aa follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipa in tha cantar of S.R. No. 1136 tha southeast cornar of Thomas L. Clark's lot IBook 786. Page 580I. said iron pipa balng locatad South 04 da graas S3 minutas 26 aaconda Waat a diatanca of 37S.01 loot. South 02 degrees 18 minutas 41 seconds West a distance of 108.73 foot, and South 14 dsgrsaa 23 minutas 63 seconds East a diatanca of 916.36 feat from an iron pips In tha cantar of tha Inter section of S.R. No. 1136 and S.R. No. 1136. and runs thanca with tha Thomas L. Clark's line North 84 dsgrsaa 67 minutas 00 seconds Waat > distance of 478.83 foot to on Iron stoko in tho contor of Long Branch; thonco down ?nd with tho run of Long Branch South 08 dogroaa 43 minutes 18 ooconda East Of distance of 203.83 foot. South )1 degree 49 minutoa 68 Mconds West a dlstonco of 348.18 foot. South 68 dagraas 13 minutes 88 seconds East a distance of 184.91 foot. South 16 degrees 87 minutes 16 wconds East s distance of 148.93 foot end South 01 degree 02 minutoa 44 toconds West o distance of 39.96 foot to on Iron pipe, I.C. Savage's corner in the 'un of Long Branch, desig nated as Corner No. 6 shown >n a mop entitled "Mop of Motlo Brlco Herring end Wilber Badger Usher-Lend Sivision", es recorded in Mop Book 8. Page 131. of the 3uplin County Registry; ^ hence with J.C. Savage's ine South 88 degrees 33 ninutes 34 seconds East a distance of 219.74 feet to en ron pipe. Clifton Savage's sorner In J.C. Sevege's line, designated es Corner No. 6 >n the above referred to mop; hence with Clifton Sevege's ine end W.G. Dixon's line dorth 12 degrees 22 minutes 7 seconds West e distance of TO.80 feet to an Iron pipe on he old mill dem. W.G. )ixon's corner, designated i? Corner No. 7 on tho abovo ofarred to map; thanca with N.G. Dlxon'a Una South 85 lagraas 00 minutaa 46 laconda East a diatanca of 151.67 foot to a ataka In S.R. 4o. 1136; thanca with S.R. Ho. 1135 North 20 dagraoa 29 ninutoa 66 aaconda Waat a liatanca of 33.20 foot to tha mint of baglnning. CON rAINING 6.2 acraa. mora or aaa. and boing part of Lot 4o. 1 ahown on a map intltlad, "Map of Maxia Irica Harring and Wilbar ladgar Uahar- Land Divi ilon" aa racordad In Map look a Paaa 131 nf th? luplin County Raglstry. TRACT NO. 4: Lying ami xing in Magnolia Township. )upiln County. North Caro ina, adjoining tha lands of i I.L. Laniar, Jr., now or ormarly by 8.0. Johnson rhomas Alva Harring, and Saorga DaWItt Harring. and xing dascribod mora parti ularly aa follows BEGINNING at an Iron itaka locatad in tha lina of I.L. Laniar. Jr. formarly. now I.L. Laniar. Jr. Haira. and xing tha Northaaat cornar of lAazia Brica Harring'a 83 icra homaplaca tract and unning thanes from said xginning rornar along said arm road South 70 dagraaa 17 mlnutas 43 saconds East 102.18 fast to point 3 on map; thane* continued- a* th* c*nt*r of **ld (ami road South 70 dasraoo 49 mlnutan 00 tacond* Eaat 004.32 faat to an Iran (taka. point 7 an map. the Northweet earner of Thoma* Alva Herrlna'o land* ?* r*cord*d in Book 047. P*0* 20. ot th* Duplin County Realatry; th*nc* M th* Una of Thoma* Alva H*rrlng and continued ?? th* lln* of Q*ore* DoWItt Her ring South 3 dogroad* 26 minute* 36 aacond* W*?t 2276.33 faat to an Iron atak* ??> ok. .... a r\ vn ill* mn VI DMl*i warn Crook. point 11 on map; thane* up th* run of Boavor Dam Craak. th* following court** and dlatancaa; North 81 dagraaa 30 mlnutaa Waal 300 faot. North 76 dagroa* 30 minutaa Waat 178 faat. North 52 dagraaa 00 minutaa Waat 158 faot. South 89 dagraoa 00 minutaa Waat 488 faat. South 46 dagraaa 00 minutaa Waat 131 faat. North 88 dogroaa 30 minutaa Waat 212 faat. North 43 dagraaa 30 minutaa Waat 77 faat. North 80 dagraaa 15 minutaa Wait 113 faat. North 76 dagraaa 00 minutaa Waat 188 faat. North 43 dagraaa 30 minutaa Waat 170 faat. North 12 dagraaa 00 minutaa Eaat 88 faat to point 1 on map; thane* North 3 dagraaa 27 minutaa 17 aaconda Eaat 2387.74 faat to tha point of baginning. CONTAINING 104.8 acraa, mora or loaa. And baing Tract No. 3 on that cartain map antitiad. "Map of a Portion of Mazi* Brica Harrlng Eatata." aa praparad by Salmon and Aaaociataa. P.A., datad January 7. 1986. and racord ?d in Map Book 12. Paga 3. of tha Duplin County Ragiatry. TRACT NO. 5: BEGIN- j NING at an iron ataka on tha run of Murohv'a Branch Corner No. 6 on map. said iron stake baing the North aaat corner of Thomas Alva Herring's tract of land as recorded in Book 647, Page 20. of the Duplin County Registry, and runs thanes as the Thomas Alva Herring's line North 70 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds Wast 1319.06 fast to a stake in the canter of the farm road; thanca as the canter of the farm road North 70 dagraas 49 minutes 00 seconds Wast 994.32 feat to an iron stake, i Corner No. 3 on map; thanca leaving the farm road with a fence on Una North 04 j dagraas 34 minutes 62 seconds East 1623.21 to an iron stake. Corner No. 4 on map: ttianca South 70 da praaa 40 minutat 00 aaconda Eat! MS M faat to an Iron ataka tot 3.7 foot South o? old llphtwood ttump with cornar pointart; thonca South 70 dapraaa 40 mlnutaa Caat 1140.04 foot and continued IS faat to tha run of Murphy'a Branch. Cornar No. S on map: thanco down tha run af Murphy'a Branch, tha fol lowing couraaa and dia tancaa: South 30 dapraaa 30 minutoo 37 oaeondi Ellt 144.60 tMt. South 26 dsgrsss 13 mlnutas 17 saconds East 130.16 (sat. South 12 daoraat 01 mlnuta 03 saconds East 70.74 (sat. South 20 dsgrsss 34 mlnutas 60 saconds Wast 73.40 (sat. South 04 dsgrsss 29 mlnutas 10 saconds East 222 88 (sat. South 07 dsgrsss 46 mlnutas 44 saconds Esst 346.06 (sat. South 29 dsgrsss 34 minutas 63 saconds East 499.02 (sat. South 29 dsgrsss 38 mlnutas 14 saconds Esst 96.62 (sat. and South 00 dagrsas 39 minutas 49 saconds Wast 278.30 (sat to tha point ot bsginning. CON TAINING 70.97 acros. mora or lass. And balng Tract No. 1 as sat (orth upon s map sntltlad. "Msiia Brlca (.wring Estata." datad Jan. 7, 1986. prsparad by Salmon and Assoclatas. P.A. And balng Tract No. 1 on that cartaln map sntltlad. "Map ot a Portion o( Mails Brlca Hsrring Estats." as prspsrad by Sslmon snd Assoclstss. P.A., dstsd Jsnusry 7, 1986. snd ra fnvAmA In Man Rnnlt 19 PIBS 3. of tho Duplin County Registry; THE FOREGOING DE SCRIBED LAND WILL BE SOLD SUBJECT TO ALL 1986 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS COUNTY TAXES. AND FURTHER SUBJECT TO ALL RIGHT OF WAYS AND EASEMENTS THAT APPEAR OF RECORD. For your informstion, soid Commissioner hss elected to expose sold lends ss srs hereinsbove described ss follows: 1. AS TO TRACT NO. 1-A (64.2 ACRESl: Lend snd timber will bo sold seperotely snd not combinsd ss one unit; 2 AS TO TRACT NO 1-A-1 14.10 ACRES): Lsnd will bo sold ss one unit I no timber located on this t recti; 3 AS TO TRACT NO. 1-B 139.4 ACRES]: Lsnd snd timber will bo sold seperotely snd not combined ss one lift it' 4 AS TO TRACT NO. X (S7.B4 ACRES): Land and , timber will be eold seperately and not oomblnod aa one unit: i S. AS TO TRACT NO. S , 160.86 ACRES): Land and timber together will bo eold as ona unit; S. AS TO TRACT NO. 3A IS.2 ACRESI: Land and timber together will be sold as one unit; Aa 1. AS TO TRACT NO. 4 W una a ACRESI: Land and timber will be eeld teperetely end not combined ee one ? unit. ? AS TO TRACT NO. 6 . 170 97 ACRESI: Lend end ?r"^?v"^ jy/jgy I |