WANT ADS /LEGAL \GetWwteSkfrffX NOTICES Bop soil for sale ? *26 Her load plus mileage from Hlnk Hill. Alao flower dirt MS ?or load. Call S8S-443S. Huu or SSS-4S42 BrOUR LA-Z-BOY CHAIR ?>EALER - Jones Furniture NH.. Fink HHI. 808-3200 >AVID JONES UPHOL ITERING - Cor* & furniture, lick-up and delivery. Baula ilia. Call 298-4073 any time. ITF-dj IANO FOR SALE. Call SS-1S3S aftor 3 p.m. 1-7-4t-c-ch ATS A RYE SEED for Fall lanting now In Stock. Alao ,brutal St VllaQrato. Com ?hre Our Prleae. " Qulnn'a True Value Kenanevlllo - Call 296 0034 TFqtv :OR RENT - Office Space. :ront St.. Konanavlllo. Next o Courthouao. Two rooms, torage closat and private aetroom. Could bo usad for Ireas shop or small businaas. Ml W.E. Craft-296-1197. rrp-woc ?FREE KITTENS. Call Bl-4111 or SSS-3S0S any BlO-31-rt-pd I TV SERVICE Milton's TV ? Service Ideated at his home ? on Highway 41, 3 mi. E of ? Beulaville toward Potters' ? Hill. ?hOne 298-4311. ? Ci F-mtv-4 I RING MOUNTS A REPAIR I Dona in tha store. Evans I Jewelry-"Quality Jewelry - I Watch Repair " Wallace and ^Warsaw. W JTF-ai I DISPLAY SIGNS. SALES & ? RENTALS - Byrd's Family H Fare, Hwy 11 North. Pink ? Hill. Phone 568 4129 ? CTF-bff I QUINN'S WELL A PUMP ? CO. - Shallow wells and deep ? wells. Call 293-7712. I CTF-qwpc I FOR SALE - Two 9x12 rust ? Oriental rugs In pert. cond. MS ea. Oak bedroom Sulta ?/beveled mirror draeear. 4600. Will negotiate. Phone 290-3916. 11-21-4t-pd-lg TWO APARTMENTS FOR RENT - 2-BR, LR. Kit. A both. Beu la villa. Call Avon Oil Co. 296-3960 n-14-3t-np-aoc NOW OPEN - VERNON'S FLEA MARKET. Tako 117 S. at Faieon. 1st pavod road to lott. 1 ml. on right. R PRY 1364 Mkall 267-3741 to roeorve B Tpece Hrs. 7a.m.-6 p.m. I CTF-mv DEEP RUN ? Small Hog Farm eonaiatlng of building*, i aqulpmant. lagoon and ap proximately 14 acrat of land. Durwood Kannady, Raaltor. 658 2666 CTF-dk MONK'S FURNITURE WAREHOUSE ; Why pay ratall. (hop tha warahouta way I Hwy. 70 Eaat of La Qranga. 566-3172 or 736-S528. CTF-mfw SHINGLES *12.50 eq.. H" Utility Plywood **.*0. SO lb. Roll Roofing *6.S6. S' xIS' H.B Siding *2.50. W Bulld art Supply, Mt. Ollva 658 6686. 10-31 -6t-C-TIB MATURE LADY WISHES TO WORK with aldarly in thalr homa or In day-cara tatting, aoma a van. poaalbla. 568-4293 10-31 4t pd FOR SALE - Handmada quilt*, all aliaa. Taka ordar*. Hava on* kingelxe. Will quilt your top*. Call Mary Han darton. 568 3889. Pink Hill 11-14-6t-pd-m h PEANUT HAY FOR SALE - No rain. Haavy bala* Call Morrl* Murphy. 568-4703 11-7-4t-pd-nn MOVED TO BEULAVILLE - Opan Oct. 14. Goahan Sup ply, haadquartar* for hunting ?nd dog supplies. Located corner of North Kennedy and East Bostlc streets, formerly Dr. F.L. Norrls office build ing. Hours 10 a.m. ? 6 p.m. 11-7-4t-c-gs FOR SALE - 197S TOYOTA CRESSIDA. For Information printout, call 1-800-468-8606. 11-21-4t-c-rk FOR THE FINEST IN FRESH SEAFOOD, vlelt Johnnie's Grill 8 Seafood. 2 mi. a. Scott's Store. Take-out or call-In orders 668-4028 11-21-4t-pd SAWS SHARPENED - Saw chains, bars and sprockets Same location. Cacil Stroud. Rt. 1. Ablertaon 668-3879 CTF FOR SALE - Two-bedroom house In nice neighborhood in Kananavllle. Reasonably priced. Call 2H8-0787 after 6 p.m. 11-14-4t-pd-pb FOR SALE - 2-9x12 rust Oriental ruga in perfect cond. 4126 each. Oak bedroom drassar. beveled mlrrar. 4600. will negotiate. Phone 298-3916. 11-14-4t-pd?-lg PINK HILL ENTERPRISES - 24-hr. plumbing repair. Phone 668-4786 office or 568 3913 home. 11-21-4t-pd 3 BEDROOM. 1 1/2 BATH " Brick home for root. Hoc big yard, one mile out of Warsaw on 117. *300 a month with dapoait down. Coll Jamaa Modlin. 821 775* in Raleigh. 10-31 -2t-pd. LAD CLEANING SERVICES - Quality houaahold and bualnaaa cleaning. Low ratoa. Call 568-4530. 11-14-4t-c-DA R PHYSICS INSTRUCTOR ? Maatara dagraa In phyaica with background In baalc electricity/electron lea. Teaching axparianca pre ferred. Salary baaod on inatl tutlonal aalary plan, faculty level. Beginning data 1/2/86. Appllcationa accepted thru 10/30/85. Sant resume and < tranacripta to Personnel Office. Jamaa Sprunt Tech nical Collage. Kanansvllla. NC 28349. PH: 819/296-1341. | EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER. MEMBER. NC COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM 10-31-2t-c-JSTCf737 FOR RENT - Service Station and Garage. Phone 298-3186 or 668-3706 11-14-4t-p d FARM FOR SALE - Seeled bids. 11-22-86. Lola Parrleh Farm. 18 acres. Sua Hayes. R-4. Box 232. Ph. 569-4321 11-14-4t-pd FOR SALE - 1985 Monta Carlo, black. 7.800 ml., fully equipped, am-i-m radio. Call 298-3260 any time 10-31-4t-c-sh FOR SALE - 1977 Buick Estate Wagon, ona owner, good condition. Call 293-7669 aftar 6 p.m. 10-31-4t pd-hr WHALE YS FARM A SHOP. INC. Reasonabla ratat on meter hookups to new water system. 568-3348 or 568-3701 10-31-1t-p d WHALEY'S FARM A SHOP. INC. - Reasonable rataa on all type repairs, welding, elec trical, plumbing and heating. Call 568-3348 or 568-3701 10 31 It-pd FOR SALE ? One barbecue trailer with tank, ready to uaa. One 15-ft. upright freez er. naw rond. One 8-ft. picnic table. Wrought iron railings A posts. Call 295-0561. 11-21-4t pd FOR SALE 1981 14x56 Brig adier mobile home. 2-BR. I B. large den and kit. with range and refrlg. unfurn. but includes 8x8 deck, back porch underpinning A curtains. Optional central AC system. Has country-look. Great for newlyweds or small family. Call 296-1685 after 6 p.m. 1114 4t-pd HENS FOR SALE. Excel tor freezer. All reaeonable off on accepted. Coll 668 3273 10 31 It-pd a\ Cyy Legal Notices NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY FILE NO. 86 SP 174 IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF THE DEED OF TRUST EXE CUTED BY FRANK BODNAR TO HE. PHIL LIPS. TRUSTEE. FOR PAUL BOLIN, JR.. AS RECORDED IN BOOK 849. PAGE 142. OF THE DUPLIN COUNTY REGISTRY MARTIN GREGORY BODNAR; AND LEE E. BROWN. ADMINIS TRATOR CTA. UNDER THE LAST WILL AND TESTA- | MENTOF FRANK BODNAR IN 83E 362 UNOER AND BY VIRTUE A! #ft?A AAUAAB AHjl ftll*kik*l4u vi ii iv iwnfi anu ouiiiumit contained In that certain Dead of Truet executed and delivered by Frank Bodnar, dated January 23. 1973. filed for record on February 20. 1979, and recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Duplin County. North Carolina, in Book 849. Page 142, end because of default in the payment of the Indebtedness thereby ae cured and failure to carry out or perform the stipulations and agreements contained and pursuant to the demand of the owner and holder of the indebtedness secured by eaid Deed of Truet, and pursuant to an Order of the Clerk of Superior Court of Duplin County. North Caro lina. entered on October 24. 1985. in this foreclosure pro ceeding. the undersigned. H.E. Phillips. Trustee will offer for sale at public auction on the 27th day of November, 1986, at 12 Noon, at the door of the Duplin County Court house lEast entrance], located in Kenansvllle. North Carolina, the following de scribed real property: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Limestone Township. Duplin County, North Carolina, and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake located in the Southern right of way line of N.C. Highway No. 24. which said iron stake is located as fol lows: BEGINNING at the point where the center line of N.C. Highway No. 24 is intersected by the center line of Secondary Road No. 1723 and runs thence as the center line of N.C. Highway No. 24 In an Eaatarn dlractlon 2784.00 feet to a point in aaid cantor Una and thanca South 08 dasram 50 mlnutm East 50.00 foot to aaid beginning iron ataka and runa thanca from aaid beginning point ao located aa tha Southern right of way of N.C. Highway No. 24 North 81 degrees 04 minutes East 200.00 feet to an iron ataka; thanca as new lines of Sarah S. Bolin South 08 degrees 58 mlnutm East 200.00 feet to a stake and South 81 dagreas 04 minutes West 200.00 feet to an iron ataka; thanca North 08 de grees 58 minutes Wast 200.00 feet to the beginning, CONTAINING .818 of an acre, more or less. Being a portion of tha land conveyed by Deed dated February 14. 1973. from Sara P. Olson to Serah S. Bolin recorded In Book 748. Page 1. of tha Duplin County Registry. And being the seme lands as set forth in a Deed dated January 19. 1979. from Sarah S. Bolin. to Paul Bolin. Jr.. and duly filed of recorded in tha Duplin County Registry. THE SALE WILL BE MADE SUBJECT TO ALL PRIOR LIENS. UNPAID TAXES [TOWN AND COUNTYl, RESTRICTIONS. EASEMENTS OF RECORD. AND ASSESSMENTS. IF ANY. Tha Record owners of tha abova-daacribad real property reflected on the recorde of the Duplin County Register of Deeds not more then ten (10) devi prior to the posting of this Notice is Martin Gregory Bodner, son of Frank Bodner, by virtus of Last Will and Testament of Frank Bodner In 83-E-362/ Duplin County. Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes 46-21.101b], and the terms of the Deed of Trust, any successful bidder will be required to depoeit with the Trustee, imme diately upon conclusion of the sals, a cash deposit of tan percent 110%) as evidence of good faifh. Any successful bidder shall be required to tender the full balance pur chase pries so bid in cash or certified check at the time the Trustee tenders to him a Deed for the property or attempts to tender such Deed, and should said suc cessful bidder fail to pay the full balance purchase price so bid at that time, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided for in North Carolina General Statutes 46-21.30ld)[e). This sale will be held open tan (101 days for upsat bids as required by law. This the 24th day of Oc tober. 1986 H E Phillips, Trustee P.O. Box 727 Kenansville. NC 28349 1-919-296-0215 11-21-4t-P4P-167 NORTH CAROLINA DUPLIN COUNTY FILE NO. S6-SP-184 IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK NOTICE OF SALE VIOLETTE K. PHILLIPS. ADMINISTRATRIX OF THE ESTATE OF THURMOND G. HERRING: GLADYS H. KORNEGAY. A WIDOW; T. TAFT HERRING AND WIFE. MARY LOU 8. HERRING; EARL W. HER RING AND WIFE. BONNIE H. HERRING. LELAND C. HERRING AND WIFE. OLIVIAS. HERRING; ALISE H. 8TALMACH AND HUS BAND. LEROY E. STAL MACH; YVONNE H. BUR CHFIELD AND HUSBAND. ALLEN BURCHFIELD; PAT RICIA H. TURNAGE AND HUSBAND. JOHNNY M. TURNAGE; CAROLYN SUE H. WITHERS AND HUSBAND. MICHAEL J. WITHERS; AND EMILY GAY H. FARMER AND HUSBAND. WILLIAM H. FARMFR EX PARTE PETITIONERS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of tho power and authority vaatad In the Clark of Superior Court of Duplin County purauant to N.C.G.S. 28A-17-7 and purauant to an Order of Sale iaauad by the Clark of Superior Court of Duplin County, North Caro lina, entered on the 25th day ofSaptambar, 1985. David T. Phlllipe. Court appointed Commiaaionar. will expoee for tola *t public auction on Saturday, tha 2nd day of Novombar, 1986, at 12:00 o'clock noon, on tha pramiaaa located in Oliaaon Townahip. Ouplin County, North Carolina, tha following de ocrlbed real property: FIRST TRACT: Located in Gllaeon Townahip, Duplin County. State of North Caro lina. and baing deacribed with bearinga relative to the Juno. 1985, Magnetic Meridian aafollowa: BEGINNING at an iron atake in tha canter of tha pavement of S R. No. 1308 tha aoutheaat corner of Batty H. Smith'a lot [formerly Earl W. Harring'a lot), aaid iron ataka baing located South 25 dagraaa 29 minutea 10 aeconda Waat a dletance of 290.44 feat, and South 26 dagraaa 27 minutaa 65 aeconda Waat a dletance of 133.97 faat from a P-K Nail In tha canter of tha interaection of S R. No. 1306 and S R. No. 1619. and rune thance with tha pavement of S.R. No. 1306 South 25 dagraaa 32 minutaa 00 aeconda Waat a diatance of 346.33 faat to a railroad apika tha northeaet corner of Laroy Stalmach'a lot; thanca with tha linaa of Laroy Stalmach'a lot North 64 dagraaa 37 minutaa 36 aeconda Waat a diatance of 362.72 faat to an iron pipe. South 25 dagraaa 26 minutaa 10 aeconda Waat a diatance of 120.00 fact to an iron pipe, and South 64 dagraaa 37 minutaa 34 aeconda Eaat a diatance of 362.83 faat to a railroad apika in tha center of tha pavement of S.R. No. 1306; thanca with tha canter of tha pavement of S.R. No 1306 South 26 dagraaa 28 minutea 00 aeconda Waat a diatance of 290.04 faat to iron pipe tha northeaet corner of Jamie O. Powell'e 8.06 acre tract; thanca with a ditch and fanca, Jamie O. Powell'e line North 66 dagraaa 17 minutaa 51 aeconda Waat a diatance of 764.13 faat to an iron pipe tha northwaat cornarof tha 8.06 acre tract; thanca with tha Una of Jamie O. Powell'e other tract North 66 dagraaa 17 minutaa 61 aeconda Waat ? distance of Ml.91 foot crossing the run of Beaver Dam Branch to a 1-1/4 Inch iron pipe in Joyce Evelyn Outlaw Hlnson's lino at ths edge of tha mud land; thanca with tha linaa of Joyce Evelyn Outlaw Hinaon and Erneatine Outlaw Hudaon and tha edge of tha mud land North 42 dograaa 11 minutaa B2 aeconda Eaat a distance of 113.40 fast to a 1/2 inch iron rod. North 26 dograaa 48 minutaa 18 aeconda Eaat a diatanca of 234.12 feat to a 1/2 inch iron rod. North 08 dograaa 33 minutaa 29 aeconda Weet a distance of 211.61 foot to a 1/2 inch iron rod. North 26 dograaa 27 minutaa 16 aeconda Eaat a diatanca of 343.39 feat to a 1/2 inch iron rod, and North 40 dograaa 66 minutaa 16 aeconda Eaat a diatanca of 224.60 foot to an old drive shaft, ths cornar of Rommia Outlaw's land; thanca with th. II??- .i n ? ? r\.,.i ?_ mo imo? 01 nommn uuuaw > land and tha edge of the mud land North 69 degreea 22 minutaa 00 aaconda Eaat a diatanca of 239.81 faat to a 1/2 inch iron rod on tha aouth aida of S R. No. 1519. and North 35 dagraaa 19 minutaa 37 aaconda Eaat a diatanca of 70.24 faat to a 1-1/4 inch iron pipa on the north aida of S.R. No. 1519 tha corner of Emmatt Herring Haira' 45.5 acre tract; thanca with Emmatt Horring Haira' Una South 47 dagraaa 00 minutaa 00 aaconda Eaat a diatanca of 99.00 faat to a 1/2 inch iron rod in tha canter of tha pavement of S.R. No. 1519 over the center of an 8 foot diameter ateal pipa culvert in tha run of Baavar Dam Branch at tha mouth of a amall branch whdre thara waa a bridge previoualy; thence with Emmatt Herring Haira' line to and with tha amall branch South 41 da graaa 30 minutaa 05 aaconda Eaat a diatanca of 137.34 feat to a 1/2 inch iron rod. South 55 dagraaa 31 minutaa 05 aaconda Eaat a diatanca of 281.66 faat to a 1/2 inch iron rod. and South 33 dagraaa 30 minutaa 10 aaconda Eaat a diatanca of 159.24 feat to an old iron pipa tha northwaat corner of Emmatt Herring Haira' 2.4 acre fact; thence with the Unas of tha 2.4 acra tract South 33 dagraaa SO minutaa 37 aaconda Waat a diatanca of 180.00 foot to an old pipa. and South B1 da Qraaa 38 minutaa 58 aaconda Eaat a diatanca of 688.88 foot to an old jack ahaft; thanca South 84 dagraaa 48 minutaa 51 aaconda Eaat a diatanca of 153.06 foot to an old iron pipa tha aouthwaat cornar of Batty II. Smith'a lot; thanca with Batty H. Smith'a lot South 69 dagraaa 39 minutaa 61 aaconda Eaat a diatanca of 249.49 faat to tha pbint of baginning, CONTAINING 39.5 acraa. mora or laaa. and ahown aa Tract I on a map antitlad "Survay for: Thur mond G. Herring Eat." dated July 28. 1985. aa recorded In Map Book 12. Page 2. of tha Duplin County Regietry. and baino Dart of Lot No 1 aa allotted to Thurmond Herring < in the division of the B.F Herring lend dated Decern- ( ber 5.1932. recorded in Book | 367. Page 116. of the Duplin ( County Registry. SECOND TRACT: Loceted in Glisson Township. Duplin , County, Stete of North Cero- ( line, end being described , with bearings relative to the , June. 1985. Magnetic Meri dian as follows: BEGINNING at en old iron pipe the southwest corner of Betty H. Smith's lot Ifor- : merly Earl W. Herring's lot). | said iron pipe being located South 26 degrees 29 minutes , 10 seconds West a distance of , 290.44 feet. South 25 degrees ( 27 minutes 55 seconds West , a distanca of 133.97 feet, and North 69 degrees 39 minutes ? 51 seconds West a distance of 249.49 feat from a P-K Nail in the center of the intersection , of S.R No. 1306 and S R No { 1519, and runs thence with the line of Tract 1 North 64 degrees 48 minutes 51 , seconds West a distance of 153.06 feet to an old jack shaft the southeast corner of Emmett Herring Heirs' 2.4 acre tract: thence with the line of the 2.4 acre tract North 38 degrees 44 minutes , 36 seconds East a distance of 179.51 feet to an iron stake in a wire fence the line of Emmett Herring Heirs' 45 5 acre tract: thence with the line of the 45.5 acre tract iouth 64 degrees JU minutes ? >6 seconds East a distance oI . 111.16 faat to an old Iron pips . ha northwest coriiar of Batty - 4. Smith's lot; tHence with ha Una of Betty H. Smith's ? ot South 24 degrees 36 ninutes 02 seconds Wast ?? listance of 164.66 foot to the ? loint of beginning. CON 'AINING 0 6 acres, mors or" ass. snd shown as Tract 2 on i map antitlsd "Survey for: . rhurmond G. Herring Est." lated July 26, 1966. as ecorded in Map Book 12. 'ago 2. of ths Ouplin County ? Registry, snd being part of ?ot No. 1 as allotted to inurmunu nfiiiiiv ?i? ??? division of tho B.F. Herring and datad Dacambar t. - 1932. racordad In Book 367. - Paso 115. of tho Duplin County Registry. LOCATION OF SALE SITE: Located on N.C.S.B. . 1306 between Snow Hill Church and Pleaaant Orove Fire Department. Sign will be Dotted on premioee The successful bidder at said sale will be required to deposit with the undersigned. Commissioner, immediately jpon the conclusion of said ?ale. a cash dsposit of tan percent 110%I of the first One Thousand Dollars 111.000.001 and five percent 15% I of all over One Thou sand Dollars 1*1.000.001 of his bid as svidenca of good Paith. Any successful bidder shall be required to tender tha full balancs purchaaa price so bid in cash or certif iad chock at tha time the undersigned Commissioner tenders to him a Deed for the property or attempts to tencsr such Dead, and should said successful bidder fail to pay tha full balance purchase price so bid at that time, ha shall remain liable on his bid ss provided for in N.C.G.S. 1 339.30.lei. The sale will be held open lor ten 1101 days for upset bids as required by N C.G.S. 1-339.25.1a). This tha 25th day of Sep tember. 1985. ' David T. Phillips. ? Commissioner P O Box 727 Kanansville, NC 28349-0727 Telephone 919 296 0215 10 31-4t P8.P 325 Farm Machinery Auction Sale Tuesday, Nov. 5th at 10:00 A. M. 125 Tractors, 300 Implements We buy & sell used equipment daily Wayne Implement Auction Corp. P.O. Box 233 ? Goldsboro, North Carolina 27530 ? Telephone 219/734-4234 ? N.C. License No. 188 I We don't just list your home. | We represent it. 1 For Solo Or Rent oUY OF THE YEAR I ? Corner Lot on Word Bridge Rood, Wiru> This ono (too 4 bodroomo, 2 batht. don, dining room ond tpoclout kltchon. PRICED TO SELLI Wolnut Stroot - 3 bodroomo. 2 botho, approx. 1,460 aq.ft., hootod, plus attached storage WHY PAY RENT! Pollock St., 2 bod rooma. 1 bath. Fireplace with wood ineert. Outside storage building. 1 PRICE nEDUCEDI 406 N. Frisco St.. Warsaw. This 3-bedroom, 2-bath. house Is beautifully arranged and decorated. You must see to appreciate. COUNTRY LIVING - Mobile home on 30 acres of land 12 acres cleared. Located off RPR 11700 approx. 6 miles from Kenansvllle. RESTORABLE OLD HOUSE - Just outside Warsaw City Limits on 1 acre wooded lot. Priced Low I WARSAW 2-ttory Cap* Cod oil 3.46 acr* lot - 4-BR. 2 Bath*. 2 kltchana. 2 LR?. 2 tlroplaco*. *croon*d porcn. out door BBQ grill, hardwood floor*, alum, tiding. Lot hat frontagt on Collog* St. A Mom. Or.. With tub-dlvltion potontial. AN AFFORDABLE HOME I Intartoctlon of Mamorigl Dr. A Collog* St., Wartaw. Dan, living room, thraa badroomt. 1V4 batht. Approximately 1,600 tq. ft. BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD I 103 E. North St. - Wartaw. IH-atory, 4-BR. 1 bath. LR. DR and Dan. Haat pump. Approx 1.700-*q.-ft. haatad Larg* lot. Datachad garag* FANTASTIC LOT - 301 Wad* St. - Approx. 1,960 aq.ft. of living araa. 3 badroomt, 2 batht, ftraplac* with Intart Baautlful cornar lot with outaid* ttorag* and workthop attachad. 2-car carport. WARSAW ? 106 W. Bay St.. 3 BR. 1 bath, tcroonod porch. Buy choap A aava rant. r RESTORA8LE - Oldor houta. b acra* of land. I oca tad 1 mil* north of Magnolia We Provide Duplin County's Most Complete Auction, Appraisal, and ? Real Estate Agency. Call as Today for All Your Appraisal or Auction N-d" 11 STAN DRAUQHON 2*3-4*73 DRAUGHON AGENCY ? ^ STEVE DRAUQHON 107 North Front Street ?????i toiTH kohneoay t**-3430-H Warsaw, North Carolina 28398 REALTOR* 9 Put Number 1 to work for you; I ?1*14 Century 21 Reai Estate Corporation as trustee for the NAF. 9 and ""-trademarks of Century 21 Real Estate Corporation. Equal Housing Opportunity (3) EACH OFFICE IS INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED. ' $ 1 1 PBprereu ??j CARPCTSjg ? ? Direct from the Mill Prices ? We Carry Our Own Accounts ? No Waiting ? Over 300 Rolls of Vinyl & Carpet in Stock ? Our Own Professional Installation 0 ? Lowest Prices ' We're Bigger Than We Look, Displaying 28,000 Sq. Ft. of Furniture & Carpet in a 14,000 Sq Ft. Store 'One of the best things we have is our prices' A Frederick Furniture WW Company I In* ?l tit* ?' m ott- r*tct ^ I .li-Walter P. West [0 | INSURANCE ft REAL ESTATE AGENCY 114 E. College St. - Warsaw Phone 293-4156 or 293-4302 ) ^ ^We Sell Duplin County ? Sales ? Appraisals ? Rentals * Residential * Farm Land * Timber Land * Commercial "1 flj ? % I I Something to sell ? B Auto? Boat? Home? Antiques? Garage Sale? Or is it a service like Painting? Plumbing? Odd jobs? Cabinet work? Whatever you have to sell, we can help you Call 296-0239 and place a classified ad for so little, you'll never sell anything without it again. No question about it. Duplin Publishing Co., Inc. i Duplin Times Duplin Tod^y/The Pink Hill Review j J