6 THE RALEIGH ENTERPRISE. Thursday, September 29, 1904. HOW THE PLATFORM WAS CHANGED. Copy of it was Handed to a Reporter Before it was Amended, Hence was Published Incorrectly. Chairman Rollins has sent out the following1 explanation of the differ ent wording in a plank of the Re publican State platform. It seems that a copy of the platform was given to a reporter of the Post before it wa3 amended and adopted, and the reporter failed to note the change: To the Republicans of North Caro lina: The Democratic papers and the Democratic speakers are making the statement that the temperance plank in the Republican State platform which I am sending out has been changed, and is not a copy of the plank as it was adopted by our State Convention. This charge is absolute ly false, and without foundation and simply shows to what desperate straits the Democratic politicians are driven for an issue. The plat form published in the Raleigh Post, on the morning of May 19th (the day after the Convention), was printed from a rough draft which was hand ed to Mr. Pence, the reporter, before the Convention was called to order on May 18th, and thinking it would be adopted as prepared, he mailed it to the Post, without waiting for the Convention to act upon it. The platform as drafted was amended by the Committee on Platforms and Resolutions and adopted by the Con vention as reported by the commit tee and the platform I am sending out is an exact copy of the platform adopted by our Convention. The at tached letters from Hon. T. T. I licks, Hon. II. C. Cowles and Prof . J. J. Britt, are self-explanatory and corroborate what I have stated. v Very truly, THOMAS S. ROLLINS, Chairman Rep. State Ex. Com. THE REPUBLICAN TEMPERANCE PLANK EXPLAINED BY MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE ON PLATFORM Asheville, N. C, Sept. 12th, 1904. Mr. Thos. Rollins, Chairman Greens boro, N. C. Dear Sir: I was chairman of the Committee on Platforms at the late Republican Convention, and I wrote every word of the temperance plank and know that the platform sent out by you contains the idential temper ance plank adopted by the commit tee and ratified by the Convention. Very truly, J. J. BRITT. Henderson, N. C, Sept. 8. To the Editor of the Morning Post : I have read in this morning's Post the accusation that the Republicans have changed and are issuing a dif ferent platform than the one adopt ed by the Convention of Mn 18th. The facts are that the platform as published in the Post and News and Observer of the 19th of May was of fered in committee, of which I was a member. 1 moved that the follow ing be struck out, "but we denounce the Democratic Legislature for the enactment of the Watts law, for the reason that it was conceived and en acted for political advantage, under the guise of temperance reform, and for its unjust and unfair discrimina tion in conferring rights and privi leges upon the inhabitants of incor , porated towns and cities which it de nies to the citizens of the country." There was considerable discussion upon it, participated in by Messrs. II. L. Grant, J udge Robinson, Hon. C. A. Reynolds, Prof. J. J. Britt and myself, and nearly all the other mem bers of the committee, after which my motion prevailed, and the words I have quoted were not reported nor read to- the Convention nor adopted as a part of the platform, but were marked around or cancelled. I was surprised on seeing them in the pub lished platform the next day and was about to publish a correction, but I doubted if one would be printed, and seeing that it was printed correctly in Republican papers at once as re ported and adopted, I thought to let the matter rest, until seeing your ac cusation, I request the publication of this statement. Yours truly, T. T. HICKS. Statesville, N. C., Sept. 13, 1904. Hon. Thos. S. Rollins, Chairman Re publican State Executive Commit tee, Greensboro, N. C. Dear Sir : Replying to your in quiry, I beg to say that I was a mem ber of the Committee on Platforms and Resolutions at the last Republi can State Convention, and would respectfully state that the platform you are sending out is an exact copy of the platform as reported by the Convention. The statement that the platform has been altered or amend ed in any manner, shape or form is absolutely without foundation. Very truly yours, II. C. COWLES. Meet me at the Star Lunch. C. M,; BERNARD, Attorney at Lgl-wv RALEIGH, N. C. Real Estate Bought and Sold, Office Jones Building, Salisbury St RUBBER STAMPS! One line not exceeding 8 inches by 15c.;' two lines, 26c; three lines. 30c, etc. Cush ion: One line, 20c; two lines, 30c; three lines, 40c; four lines, 65c; five lines, 65c; etc. W. T. TERRY, - - Raleigh, N. C. Holloman Building. Books at Halt Price. All kinds of Books and Typewriters bought, sold, rented, repaired, or ex changed. Stationery, Blank Books, Foun tain Pens, Bibles. Pictures, Eye Glasses, etC. ' LARGEST STOCK AND LOWEST PRICES. Southern Book Exchange, RALEIGH, N. C. Raleigh ...Marble... Works. COOPER BROS. PROPS. Monuments IRON FENCE CATALOGUE ON REQUEST. WE PAY THE FREIGHT. THE MARKETS. RALEIGH COTTON MARKET. (Corrected every Wednesday by Bar bee & Co.) Strict good middling.........................:;.. 10 Good middling...... 10 Htrlct middling 9 7-8 Middling... ) mm RALEIGH PRODUCE MARKET. (Corrected weekly by Len H. Adams.) Cowpeas 75 cents bus Eggs 15 to 20c. per doz. Chickens 15 to 85c each Butter 20 to 25c Potatoes (Irish) 75c to 81.00 Potatoes (sweet)..... 76 to 11.00 Cabbage scarce Hams (N. C.)... 15 to 16c Hide meat 10c Hhoulders 10 to 11c Lard .. 11c Corn 80o Wheat $1.00 Rye ?1.00 Apples 80c Peaches scarce. iiii.il mi miiwuw Green Trading Stamps BUYING AT Green Trading Stamps Bobnw Drug company, MEANS COMPLETE SATISFACTION ALWAYS. The Drug Store by Day, by Night. Onion Sets, Annual Clover Seed, and Seed Rye. Fresh Stock, Plant Now and Obtain the Best Yield Possible, five cars no. i shinqles One Car Fine Lathes. FIVE CARS No. 2 SHINQLES one car cheap sap shinqles Builders Nails, all Sizes. Remember, We Buy Cow Peas of All Kinds. An extra fine lot N. C. Meat. A fresh-lot Groceries and Feed always on hand. Close Prices. .... Raleigh and Int. 'Phones. Prompt Delivery. LEN. H. ADAMS. THE CROP HAS BEEN r It. IJt Al T-r-j Li,iv,:-T-VMrrrr m I jbhoosa BUT AND Mil ' t mi i i on nil WILL OuUK 1 HARVESTED, Q Be Ready for the Blade. Is what Its name Implies "CHAMPION." Call and let us show It to you. : Rakes, Harrows, Hardware, Fresh Turnip Seed, Etc. YOUNG HARDWARE COMPANY, t RALE I G H, N . : C. V WORLD'S FAIR ST. LOUIS, MO. MAY-NOVEMBER, 1904. ...SOUTHERN RAILWAY... Account the above occasion, Southern Railway now has on sale daily, tickets at extremely low rates, to St. Louis, Mo., and return. Fol lowing are rates applying from principal points in State of North Carolina:'-.- Asheville . . Charlotte . Durham Gastonia . Goldsboro , Greensboro Henderson . . Hendersonville . .. ,i. .. .. .. .. .... .. . 33.35 Hickory Marion . . . Morganton Mt. Airy Newton . . Raleigh . Rutherfordton Salisbury .... Sanford Selma Statesville (via Knoxville) Wilkesboro . . . Winston-Salem Southern Railway operates through Pullman Sleeping Car between Greensboro, N. C, and St. Louis, Mo., via Salisbury, Asheville, Knoxville, Lexington and Louisville: leaving Greensboro daily at 7.20 p. m. ' . For full information as to rates from all points, Sleeping-Car reser vations, schedules, illustrated literature, etc., address ANY AGENT, or R. L. Vernon, Traveling Pass. Agt.,- T. E. Green 0. T. A., Charlotte, N. 0. Raleigh, N. O. S. H. Hardwick, Pass. Traffic Mgr., W. H. Tayloe, Gen. Pass Agt., Washington, D. O. Season. 60-Day. 15-Day. .$35.55 $29.60 $24.20 . 32.25' 26.90 22.25 . 36.10 30.10 24.65 . 34.10 28.40 23.30 . 36.10 30.10 24.65 . 37.10 31.40 26.25 . 34.10 28.40 23.30 . 34.10 28.40 23.30 . 33.35 27.85 22.95 . 34.10 28.40 23.20 . 34.10 28.40 23.30 . 34.10 28.40 23.30 . 37.00 30.85 25.10 . 34.10 28.40 23.30 . 35.60 29.90 24.80 . 35.55 29.60 24.20 . 34.10 28.40 23.30 ,. 37.60 31.90 26.25 . 37.10 31.40 26.25 . 34.10 28.40 23.30 . 40.00 33.40 25.10 7 35.85 29.85 24.40