4 THE RALEIGH ENTERPRISE. Thursday, October 5. 1905. Letter From Mrs. Bilkins. Fuquay Springs, N. C, Oct. 2. Deer Mister Editer: This leves me az bright an' cheerful ez possi bul, 'thout Zeke. He wood fill my cup uv contentment tu the brim. Fuquay iz still lively and ackcordin tu my promus, I'll tell yu erbout the pick-nick me an' Mrs. Sunshine Johnson shapperoanedi We shorely give all the courtin' cupples a good chanst; our hearts is still yung, yu no. We hired a big two-mule-waggin fur the jolly crowd and a steer cart fur the eatables. The yung feller whare got kicked by his gal cum erlong in a buggy erbout a mile behind a poutin' like enny thing. He seen his gal a set tin' by a nice looking feller in the waggin.' a tossin' her hed like she wuz az happy az a lark. But I knowed better. I seed thet Roily crowd settin' eround the edge ov a mud-hole called a lake. All they needed wuz sum boddy tu butt their heads tugether and I maid up my mind tu to sum thin's on thet order before ahnuther sun set. So when she busted out cryin' I took her in my arms and told her it wood awl cum rite, f er yu n o, sez I, "the coarse uv trew luve never runs smoothe." Wun uv the gals wuz a makin' a mirashun erbout put tin' a wurm on a hook and the way she screemed wuz enuff tu skeer the mijiners we laid out tu ketch 2 miles erway. She wuz jest a givin' wun uv them gostly men critters a chanst to skwecze her hand, fer I seen him when he done it. Jest erbout thet time I hearn sum thin' go off like Zeke's ole muskit. A purty gal, drest in her Sunday go tu meetin', and wun uv them gosts (I call 'em thet fer they go erbout in white garments and they haint angels), turned two dubble backerd summersets off the long plank that wuz stretched acrost wun end uv the lake. They maid a hole ez big ez a hawgsed and a spatter ez high ez our barn and uv awl the yells and screems yu ever hearn thet house party done it. I had to laff at the way that cup pie cum" up out uv the water. His hat wuz surreenly bobbin' acrost the lake, but hern wuz pinned on, and when they stood up in thet shaller, muddy water, little yaller streems run down on her pine blank like wun uv them nu-f angled shower baths. But the culler ov them white garments beet me. I hope them fokes wuz Baptists, fer a Metherdist cr a Episcopailyan wood a lost awl thare religyun, as well as thare cloze. Jest then up road our poutin' fel ler, and wuz gallunt enuff tu lend 'em hiz buggy tu go hoam. Ov course he had tu git in our waggin, and he pouted wussin ever. I didn't count on gettin' no fish after awl thet commoshun at the mud hole, so after we got our crowd awl fixed, waitin' with bated hooks and breth (is thet a joke) ? I set back in the shaid and begun tu dreeme. I see a bend in a crick, woods full uv wild flowers, on eether side, spots ov sunshine a dancin' on the water and me and Zeke (Mr. and Mrs. Bil kins, ef yu pleeze), a settin' on the bank jist a pullin' in the perch. I could even see the dinner baskit and smell whut wuz in it. Then ez I dreemed It wuz gittin lait and Mr. and Mrs, Bilkins wuz homewerd a ploddin thare weery way. He with a long string uv fish in wun hand and holdin' 2 poles on his shoulder with tuther o"ie. Mrs. Bilkins wuz a luggin' the empty dinner baskit and a big bunch uv wild flowers tu maik the house look woody. She wuz a puffin' and a blowin' on account uv her size and it bein' near milkin' time and Sukey a-lowin fer her calf; when Sich a yell brought me back ter the presunt. Jest as I looked up, a big, Inland mockersun run rite square acrost the feet ov the gal what kicked her fel ler! The fine lookin' gent a settin' by her took tu his heels, and up run her feller tu the resku with a big limb and laid the pesky varmint low. He wuz a whopper, almost ez big ez my arm. The gal sorter turned sick and wobbled a little and her feller didn't do a thing but take her in hiz arms and she seamed tu fit rite thar. I konsidritly turned my back and called out tu the crowd, "Who's agoin' to help fix dinnur?" In the rush thet follered that gal and her feller disuppyeared and we didn't lay eyes on 'em till we blue the dinner horn. When they cum san terin' back her face wuz ez brite and smilin' ez a May mornin', and he wuz sweet ez peeches and creem. Our day wuz without a cloud ex cep' Mrs. Sunshine Johnson's black shadder. He wanted mother tu du this and not du that. Mother du you see whut Bill is a doin'? Maik Tom stop thet. You'll ruin thare digesh tyun. Don't starve 'em. I'll tell Mother, ef yu boys don't quit scrap pin'... v.' Poor little Mother, and she don't way a hundred! Them kids is most ez big ez she iz now and ought to be lookin' out fer her. I ast her on the way hoam why she didn't run thet Thunder cloud out o' the kuntry, and yher face dimpled ez she sod, merrily, "Why Sunshine iz the biggest baby in the lot and the trubble iz I can't spank him. I do beleeve that tender-harted little thing loves thet cross graned old bare ! Whare's the f ule killer ? I wanted tu tell you erbout our plesant and safe return but my letter is awlreddy tu long. BETSY BILKINS. Wake County Commissioners. Wake County Commisisoners met Monday and Tuesday. The follow ing is a part of the proceedings : A petition from citizens in Pan ther Branch township asking that Mr. M. C. Batts be allowed to straighten the public road running through his farm in said township without cost to the county was re commended by Supervisor J. J. Jor dan was granted. On a report of Supervisor J. J. Jordan the petition of JVM. Roberts for a new road in Panther Branch township was refused. A change in the Smithfield road, urged by Dr. Blalock and opposed by Mr. J. T. Leach and referred to Superintendent II. G. Holding and Supervisor Jordan. W. F. Smith, the new superintend ent of the county home, resigned as supervisor in Barton's Creek and J. H. Carlton was elected to succeed him. The vote stood: Ennis Brog den 1, C. IT. Holloway and J. II. Carlton 3. N. B. Johnson, of Panther Branch, was granted a free license to ped dle vegetables and confections. S. W. Smith, of Panther Branch, was given a similar license. Superintendent Holding made a report. The Avent Ferry road had been worked and improved. The Averyboro road from Holly Springs to Fuquay had been partly worked, and he recommended that Supervis or Burt hire labor. The Hutchinson road had not been opened because the people there would not bear the damages. In regard ,to the working of the road from the Mills' Place to New Hope Church, which was the origi nal Louisburg road leading by Roles ville, when the road was changed to run by Mr. A. E. S. Lindsay's, there is little travel on this road and it. was allowed to go down. He had agreed .with1 the parties living on said, road that they were to snnd two days out of the four which they were liable on said road. The Tip pers cross roads, leading to Lees ville, had not been worked for some time, he had agreed that the people on that road should work two days of the four on same. The new bridge in New Light township, near C. C. Lowry's had been put in and the abutments fixe 1. At the request of Secretary Jos. E. Pogue,. the road superintendent was directed to use the road force for four days to put the race track in good condition at the fair grounds. FULL OF TRAGIC MEANING are these lines from J. H. Simmons, of Casey, la., Think what might have resulted from his terrible cough if he had not taken the medi cine about which he writes: "I had a fearful cough, that disturbed my night's rest. I tried everything, but nothing would relieve it, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, which completely cured me." Instantly re lieves and permanently cures- all throat and lung diseases; prevents grip and pneumonia. At all Drug gists; guaranteed; 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. RALEIGH STEAM LAUNDRY Guarantees Satisfaction. Give us a trial. ' A. CRINRLEY, Proprietor. Cor. Salisbury and Davie. 49-Agents wanted everywhere. fl. STE1NMETZ FLORIST RALEIGH, N. C. Choice Cut Flowers for all Occasions. Roses, Carnations, Violets, all kinds of Bulbs, Tulips, Callas, Freeslas, Narclssas, for fall planting. MAGNOLIAS AND EVERGREENS. Send for price list. Mall and Telephone orders solicited. Plum b i ng, H ot Water Heati ng, Stea m Fitti ng. Sanita ry Plumbing a Specialty. W. A. STUN KIEL & CO., No. 13 W. Hargett St., Raleigh, IM. C. Phones: Inter-State, 576; Bell, 1502. Per sonal Attention Given to All NAork. 5 Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills Ciire Headache Almost instantly, and leave no bad effects. They also relieve every other pain, Neuralgia, "Rheumatic Pain, Sci atica, Backache, Stomach ache, Ague Pains, Pai n s from injury, Bearing down pains, Indigestion, Dizziness, Nervousness and Sleeplessness. lis All Pain is Nerve Pain Pain is sure to follow any strain or weakening influence upon the nerves. It may be caused by over-exertion, heat, intense mental effort, colds, in digestion, or any cause that depresses, excites or agitates the nerves. So sensitive are they that the least pressure or strain causes suffering. By sooth ing, strengthening and quieting the nerves, Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills relieve the pain. They are sold by druggists, 25c a box, under a guarantee that the first box will benefit, or money refunded. Never sold in bulk. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.