Thursday, February 22, . 1906. THE RALEIGH ENTERPRISE. "I'i -,v !; LUCKIEST MAN; IN ARKANSAS ; "I'm ? the luckiest man in Arkan: sas," writes H. L. Stanley, of Bruno, "since the restoration , of my wife's health, after five years of continu ous coughing and bleeding from both lungs ; and-1 owe my good fortune to the world's greatest medicine, Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, which I know from experience will cure consumption if taken in time. My wife improved with first bottle and twelve bottles completed the cure." Cures the worst coughs and colds or money refunded. At all druggists. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Watson ilagazine -Increase in Price. Beginning with the February (1906) number, our Magazine will be called Watson's Magazine. It will have a handsomer cover. Several new features will be added. The price at book-stores and news-stands will be 35 cents. To be just to our present subscrib ers, we have decided to receive re newals and new subscriptions at $1.00 a year up to March 31, 1906. After that the subscription price will be $1.50 per year. This is a golden opportunity for those who are not within easy reach of news-stands. If you have never seen the magazine, ask for sample copy, mentioning this paper and ad dress ' TOM WATSON'S MAGAZINE, 121 West 42d St., New York City. The armers and the Trusts Of all producers the fanner is hit hardest by the trusts. They catch him coming and going. And the trust lives and grows because of railroad rebates, the "protective" tariff,' and national bank control of our money system. Evidently the rem edy is to cut off these special favors which' build up and " perpetuate the trust. Tom Watson's Magazine "The Magazine with a purpose back of it," was established to teach the best way of abolishing these spe cial pr ivil eges, and, hence, of reiidet -ing the trusts powerless to rob the public. It is a big monthly maga zine of 128 pages, with illustrations, cartoons, Mr. Watson's brilliant edi torials, special articles, a serial storv, novelettes, short stories and poems, by the world's best writers. Regular price, $1.00 per year ; 10 cents the copy, at all news stands. Every far mer is intorestpd in knowiner the best way to cure the trust evil and how to bring it about. Now in its second volume, Tom Watson's Magazine is firmly established, and its circulation is growing rapidly ; but we want to add a hundred thousand subscribers to our list in the next month or two. Send Ua Three Names Of reading farmers in your neigh borhood, together with this advertise ment and 25 one-cent stamps or r silver quarter securely wrapped and well enroll you for a four months' trial trip subscription. Or five of you may club together, sending a dollar bill and 25 good names and ad dress, and get five trial trip subscrip tions. Learn how to clip the trust's wings. Address TOM WATSON'S MAGAZINE, No. 121 West 42d Street, New York, N. Y. Room 1249. L. G. GILL Fraps Bldg., . . . . RALEIGH, N. O. CLOTHES PRESSEH, CLEANED 6r ALTERED at short notice. Dyeing a specialty. Satis faction guaranteed. When writing advertisers, please mention this paper. Improved Cotton Seed, Stalks large, limbs close together, boll large. Five year's careful culture. Stalks exhibited at State Fair with 100 matured: bolls. One limb contained 17, being more than an average per stalk for ordinary cot? ton. Seed for sale. Address . . W. A. QIMPKINQ, R. F. D. No. 4, RALEIGH, N. C 9 VW WWWVWWWVWWW WATCH REPAIRING S Is just as Important as watch mak ing. If we repair your watch It will be a satisfactory Job. T. W. BLAKE, Jewler, RALEIGH, N. C. vwvww vwwv ww WANTED. Agents In every town and City to call on professional and business men, soliciting orders for Patent Luminous Door Plates and Numbers. Can be read In the dark. Easy to sell, no competition, good profits $3 to $4 a day and often more. These plates never tarnish, always bright and will last a life time. Send stamp for terms and Illustra tions. Address J. E RUE, Littleton, N. C TEJIjfilTIZEMS NATION ALlANK ? RALEIGH, N. C, Offers its services to all the people pf this section. We will be glad to carry your account, whether large or small. DEPOSITS MORE THAN ONE MILLION DOLLARS, ASSETS - - - - - $1,450,000. JOSEPH HENRY G. BROWN, President. I. LITCHFORD, Cashier. OQOOOCCOSCCCCOCCCCCOOOSOCCCOSOSCO!OCCGOCOGS W E PAY THE FR FIGHT. fDurha 8 8 m Ma r b le Ao r ks DURHAM, N. C. 8 $ Monuments, Tombstones and Tablets. Granite & . Work and Marble Tile for Buildinq. & 1878 J ung. Established in Write for estimates or particulars. : SOQOOOOQOOOCOOOSOaSQOOQOSOOQiQOOQOQOS When writing advertisers, please mention this paper. ? JOHN W. BROWN. Esiabushbd 1836 FABIUO P. BROWN, e A ' ... President Sec'y & Treas. M. rO;iFFIAf;! HOUSE INCORPORATED) FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS RALEIGH, N. C. f e r f i f Corner South Salisbury and West Hargett Streets 9 9 9 A word as to our prices. We keep Coffins and Caskets from the cheapest to the most ex- d J pensive. We positively guarantee that our prices are reasonable and will give perfect satisfaction ? rn all. ' 'r:' --'-': 4 w T . YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST NOV TRY THE BEST This is the record for 1905 made by Mr W. A. Simpkins of Raleigh. This was the best acre of cotton in North Carolina and won FIRST PRIZE given by the N. C. Department of Agriculture; also first prize for best sta k and seed. Was used under this cotton. It just HAD to grow. Mr. Simpkins has used "CARALEIGH FERTILIZER" several years. Read what he says: Dear Sirs: It affords me pleasure to testify to the met its of your High Grade Fertilizers. They are alt tou claim for them. I have been using "HORNE'S BEST" for sometime under cotton, truck and tobacco with the most satisfactory results, and expect to use nothing else the coming year. Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 7, 1905. . (Signed) W. A. SIMPKINS. Norn The Dig Three that made 1 'CAR ALE IQH" famous. Other brands to suit your needs. If-you are not a "CARALEIGH" user, get right for this year and give us a trial. u Garal Ml :, ;' Raleigh, Phosphate & Fertilizer works. : N orthi Ca rol i ha