Thursday, March 28, 1907. THE RALEIGH ENTERPRISE. STATE NEWS. The graded school at Hickory has closed on account of scarlet fever. Rev. Geo. H. Cornelson, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Concord, has declined a call to the pastorate of Moore Memorial church, Nashville, Tenn. The remains of Fred Williams, a white man, were found beside the railroad track, near Hillsboro, Sun day. The wounds on the body indi cated foul play. The closing exercises of the medi cal department of the University will be held at Chapel Hill May 9th. Dr. Geo. W. Long, of Graham, will de liver the address. A State laudrymen's Association was organized at Raleigh last week, with P. M. Cave, of Charlotte, presi dent, and J. W. Morton, of Asheville, secretary and treasurer. Mr. Henry L. Vanstory, who has been chief clerk in the Central Hotel, at Charlotte, has leased the Connelly Springs property and will conduct that resort during the summer. There are now 1,180 rural delivery mail carriers in the State. Those on routes of standard length twenty four miles get $60 per month. Af ter July . 1st, they will get $75 per month. Mrs. Charley Greer, of Watauga County, tied her baby in a chair be fore the fire and left it alone. When she returned the child had fallen in the fire on its face and was burned to death. In an affray near Andrews, Chero kee County, .Sunday night, Avery Pulliam, aged twenty-one years, shot and instantly killed his brother, El bert Pulliam. The survivor claims self-defense, of course. Drinking and gambling, No eye-witnesses to the difficulty.' Miss Tommie Gore, who lives near Warsaw, Duplin County, passed near a burning brush heap, he clothes caught fire and she was burned so that she died. Two persons who at tempted to extinguish the flames were badly burned on the hands and ' face. ' Near Parkton, Robeson County, a few days ago, Mr, John T. Nihcol son was helping to fight a forest fire when he became exhausted and start ed home in a buggy. Becoming worse, he was taken to the home of a neighbor and died before a physi cian could arrive. In Charlotte, Saturday, Sam Reid, fourteen years old and colored, was riding a bicycle through the streets rapidly when he collided with the team of Dr. W. O. Nesbit. A shaft of the vehicle struck the boy in the chest, inflicting injuries from which he died two days later. The agricultural department Mon day shipped the first carload for the State's exhibit at the Jamestown Ex position. Four more carloads will be sent. The material consists of dis plays in agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fish and game, mining, building stone and other material. The rooms of the Colored Business Men's Social Company, in Greens boro, were raided by the police Mon day evening and more than 100 gal lons of whiskey and beer seized. The manager, Perry Young, was arrested on a charge of retailing. The con cern was a mammoth "blind tiger." In a head-on collision between a work train and a freight in Swanna noa tunnel Monday morning four Asheville trainmen were badly bruis ed and traffic delayed. The work train stalled in the tunnel and a freight train ran into it. Engineer J. A. Madison, Fireman Jo. Davidson, and Brakeman E. A. Hammet and John Davidson were injured. The engines were damaged, several cars derailed and one torn to pieces. A High Point news item says the North State Telephone Company, the independent company of that town, has increased its business 40 per cent the past year and paid a hand some dividend to its stockholders. The company has .600 'phones in High Point and long distance con nection with several towns. At Smithfield, Johnston County, telephone rates were regarded as un reasonably high and a reduction was refused. By agreement the use of 'phones was discontinued by mer chants, an independent company was organized and all the stock has been subscribed. The company will put in a telephone system and thus another town will be freed from the grasp of a monopoly. For Mayor. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for mayor of the city of Ra leigh, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. If elected, I will work for the best interests of the whole people of the city, regard less of clicks or rings. M. S. CLARK. March 28, 1907-tf. For Alderman. I hereby announce myself a can didate for alderman from the First Division of the Third Ward, subject to the action of the Democratic prim ary. If nominated, I will represent the whole people, and not any click or combination. G. M. HARDEN. (March 21-tf.) .;.'-.,; Card. .; ...... The new city charter provides for a Police Commission, consisting of three members, terms of office two, four, and six years, respectively. I am a candidate for the six-year term, subject to the Democratic prim ary to be held April 4th. I believe in a clean, moral city, and if elected, will strive to make our police force more efficient than ever along these lines. I will appreciate jour support. Yours respectfully, JO. II. WEATHERS. Local Items. Mrs. Simon Hayes, who was some thing over eighty years of age, passed away Sunday evening at 7 o'clock at the home of Mr. J. N. McRary, on the corner of Davie and Dawson Streets. She had been ill for some days with pneumonia -and the end was not un expected. Mrs. Hayes was the wife of the late Simon G. Hayes, who was in business in Raleigh for a number of years. Miss Mattie Smith, a young wo man nineteen years of age, died of pneumonia. She had been sick for about two weeks and the end came at the Rex Hospital. Miss Smith was a daughter of Mrs. Lanie Smith, who lives on West Lane Street. The cir cumstances connected with her death were unusually sad. The remains were sent to Fuquay Springs for in terment. She died Monday. The case of two colored women, Emily Jones and her daughter, Mary Edwards, who are charged with run ning an assignation house on West Edenton Street, near West Street, which was before Justice Separk, has been moved to Justice Yearby's court, to be tried April 6th at 3.30 p. m. Col. J. C. L. Harris and Col. Argo will appear for the defendants, and Mr. W. B. Jones for the State. The trial will draw a large crowd, as startling information may : be given out. Since the above was written a true bill has been found against her by the grand jury of Wake Superior Court. The peace of God will hold you in safe keeping; and what a peace that must be! No plummet line cannot fathom it, no tempest can assail it, no time can destroy it. J. R. Mc-Dufl. "Everybody Should Know." says C. G. Hays a prominent business man of Bluff, Mo., that Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the quickest and sur est healing Salve ever applied to a sore, burn or wound, or to a case of piles. I've used it and know what I'm talking about." Guaranteed by all Druggists. 25c. Improved Service for North on the Southern. The inauguration of a new passen ger train between Greensboro and Goldsboro, effective February 1 0th, will afford greatly improved service from this section for Washington, Baltimore, New York and all points North. This train leaves Goldsboro 4.30 p. m., Selma 5.15 p. m., Raleigh 6.30 p. m., Durham 7.30 p. m., ar riving Greensboro 9.30 p. m., making close connection at Greensboro with train No. 34, Washington and Flor ida Limited, which handles through sleeper from Charlotte to New York. Space on this car is on sale at Raleigh, Durham, and Greensboro, and requests for reservation made to agents at these points or to Charlotte will have prompt attention. For additional information call on any agent of Southern Railway or address, T. E. GREEN, C. T. A., Raleigh, N. C. Renew Promptly. We often meet subscribers whose subscriptions have expired and who say that they wanted the paper on, didn't want to miss a copy, but neg lected to renew;, "didn't come to town," etc. They show their faith by renewing. But they could often avoid missing several issues of the paper by using the U. S. mails, which were invented for just such purposes. If it is icecream in fancy shapes and of the finest quality that you need Dughi-manufactures it. The Raleigh Enterprise and the New York World, thrice-a-week edi tion, for only $1.60 a whole year. Think of it! The Raleigh Enterprise and the American Farmer both one year for only $1.00. Dughi has purchased a fine lot of singing canaries and cages. If this is what your wife wants, see them. Sale of Real Estate. On Monday, the 28th day of Jan uary, 1907, at the Court House door, in the City of Raleigh, I will offer for sale at public auction for cash, thirty acres of land belonging to the estate of Sarah J. Darden, deceased, lying and being in Middle CreeK township, Wake County, and adjoin ing on the north the lands of Penina Darden; on the east by the land of A. J. Blalock; on the south by the land of W. A. Myatt; and on the west by J. W. Rowland. The sale will be made in order to convert this real estate into assets to pay the debts of Sarah J. Darden. Title perfect. J. M. POLLARD, Commissioner. J. C. L. HARRIS, Atty of Commissioner, January 3, 1907 30d. TONE The essence of piano quality is TONE. The goal of all piano makers should be TONE. That property without which the most elaborately constructed piano is valueless is TONE. Without TONE durability is a mockery. Without TONE a piano is a "thumb box." Tone in a broad sense means character. Synonym for TONE is Write for Special Price List and Descriptive Booklet. CHAS. M; STIEFF, 66 GRANBY STREET, NORFOLK, VA. GEO. S. NIHSEAR, Mgr. liarch 18th to mi I 4 Special Spring Sale and Special Spring :: :: :: Opening :: :: :: $1.50 Tiimmed Hats, at . .98 3.00 Trimmed Hats, at . 1.98 4 00 Trimmed Hats, at . . 2.98 Special offerings in Dress Goods, Long Silk Gloves, Lawns and Organdies, Domestics, Hosiery, Laces and Embroideries. SEE OUR BIG HAN D-BILLS. Only New Spring Goods will be shown and sold during this sale. You will be well repaid by attending this sale. WAITER UOOLLCOTT 12 EAST MARTIN STREET. V

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