Thursday, May 2, 1907. THE RALEIGH ENTERPRISE. Sermonettes. It is the soul that sees. Fruits depend on roots. To shirk is to surrender. Time spent in courtesy is never wasted. Living with "Christ makes the Christian. There is no old age to the Christian life. Life's little frets call for its largest faith. Morning prayer sets a picket for the day. Reverence is a sign of reality in religion. What we call sorrow God may call strength. The waste of time sows the weed3 of eternity. The heavy laden are likely to rise the highest. Great aspirations do not atone for little actions. God gives opportunity in answer to importunity. Love is the best lens with which to view another. Patience and earnestness are pass words to success. A sad world cannot be sweetened by a sour religion. Individual righteousness will se cure universal reform. Our duty to the present is paying our debts to the past. No need to eat the brambles in order to get the berries. The robe of righteousness is not a cloak for the sores ct sin. The pruning off of sins will not of itself produce perfection. He who seeks to get without giving is a gambler, no" matter what his bus iness. Selected. Hints to Housewives. i .-. . ' Be charitable, not only with your purse, but in your opinions. Remember that flour t.hrown on burning kerosene or gasoline will ex tinguish the flame. Oilcloth tacked across the bottom of a screen door will strengthen the netting and prevent rain beating in. A candle protected by a glass chim ney made for the purpose is much safer to carry about the house than a lighted lamp. Keep a good-sized piece of charcoal in the refrigerator until frost comes, removing the charcoal every ten days or two weeks. ' Keep a lump of washing soda over the sink pipe, as it will neutralize the grease in the dish water and so pre vent the pipe clogging. Pongee silk to be successfully laundered must be hung on the line without wringing the water out and allowed to thoroughly dry. Press with a moderately warm iron without sprinkling. A clever woman traveler mended a rent in her gown by using a hair from her head as thread for the needle she always carries in her purse. . If a paper bag is slipped over the hand before the cloth or brush is tak en to clean the stove, the finger-tips and nails will be saved from contact with the grime. A poultice of finely scraped gar den beets is well ' recommended for cuts with glass or wounds from rusty iron. It should be frequently renew ed in order to keep the wound moist for several hours. "The guests looked annoyed. They ate the expensive grapes charily. But Doctor Hale, smiling, extended his plate and said: " 'Would you mind cutting me off about $1.87 worth more, please?' " A Significant Prayer. "May the Lord help you to make Bucklen's Arnica Salve known to all," writes J. G. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, N. C. It quickly took the pain out of a felon for me and cured it in a wonderfully short time." Best on earth for sores, burns and wounds. 25c. at all Druggists. The. Host Was Pleased. "Edward Everett Hale," said a lawyer, "was one of the guests at a millionaire's dinner. The million aire was a free spender but he want ed full credit for every dollar put out. And, as the dinner progressed, he told his guests what the more ex Densive dishes had cost. He dwelt especially on the expense of the large and beautiful grapes, each bunch a foot .long, each grape bigger , than a plum. He told, down to a penny NOTICE OP REMOVAL OP Dr. D, S. Rowland s Office. I am now situated In my new of fices opposite the postoffice. In addi tion to general office work, having installed quite a number of the latest electrical instruments, will be in po sition to administer Electro Therapy in all its phases including X-Ray work. Special engagements can be arranged for. OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 to 11:30 a. m.; 2:30 to 6:30 p. m., and 8 at night. THE CAVINESS LILLIXUTON, N. C. New Building, New Furniture. Every thing Modern. No town In the South the Blze of Lllllngton has a hotel equal to the CAVINESS. The patronage of the travelling public 1b solicited DR. J. E. CAVINESS, PROPRIETOR, THE MARKETS. RALEIGH COTTON MARKET. (Corrected every Wednesday by Chas. E. Johnson & Co.) Strict good middling...... Good middling , Strict middling...... , Mddllng Strict low middling ....... Low middling. Tinges Stains 16 W ......... nya 11 W ......... w ......... w 8(ofin .........7to8 RALEIGH PRODUCE MARKET. (Corrected weekly by King Bros.) Eggs...., Spring Chickens Hens Potatoes (Irish) Potatoes (sweet) Hams (N. C.)new Side meat ..... Shoulders Lard Corn Wheat... Rye... Apples per bbl Unions pG&muts Cabbage, per hundred..... n to 18c 20 to 31 45 to 60 ... $1.00 bash 50 to 75c. 11V, ... 16c 15C ...... 12c ,.. I.8C $1 10 .. 85c .... S3 00 to f :$ 75 , 1.40 to 11 50 ..11.26 to SI 30 2. 60 ALWAYS IN THE LEAD! INSPECT MY STOCK OF Fruits, Candies, Confectioneries, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Cigars and Tobaccos. A complete up-to-date stock all the season. Come to see me at my old stand (Spence Building-), 126 East Martin Street, and, ask for prices before you make your purchases elsewhere. Yours truly, 126 E. Martin St., Raleigh, N. C. R. G. BATCH ELOR. r To Write LIFE INSURANCE for the PEOPLE'S MUTUAL BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF NORTH CAROLINA. BIG MONEY TO A HUSTLING MAN. More than $50,000 Paid to Home People Last Year. All Money Kept at Home and Paid Only to Home People. No high salaried officers to support. Apply to M. E. KING, Sec'y-Treas., RALEIGH, N. C, Box 223 GENERAL MERCHANDISE. To my friends and customers throughout this section: I am prepared to offer a better stock o general merchandise for the fall trade than- ever :' -.before.' HIGHEST PRICES FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE FULL LINE OF SHOES. Call and see my stock. C. J. RHODES, EAGLE ROCK, N. C. GO TO THE BARH AM HOUSE AT FUQUAY SPRINGS, N. C, For Health, Convenience and Comfort. rates. $1.00 per day or 86,00 per week. R. 8 BARHAM, Proprietor, Fuquay Springs, N. C. Feed Stable. I wish to inform my friends and the public generally that I am con ducting the stables known as Jack son's Stable on Wilmington Street. Stalls and feed at moderate prices. Respectfully, L. M. STEPHENSON. & JOHN W. BROWN. Establishhd 1816. FABIUS P BROWN President Sec'y A Treas, H. J. BROWN GOFFMM HOUSE (INCORPORATED) FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS 4 9 9 3 9 t 9 $ Corner South Salisbury and West Hargett Streets, A word as to our prices. We keep Coffins and Caskets from the cheapest to the most ex- f i pensive. We positively guarantee that our prices are reasonable and will give perfect satisfaction a I to all. I (J--). f f c i f e f c f RALEIGH, N. C. f t what he iad figured it out the grapes had cost him apiece.