4 THE RALEIGH ENTERPRISE. Thursday, July 11, 1907. The Marital Unrest. In the times of our great-grandmothers and grandmothers nobody thought of dissolving the marriage tie. A woman's career was marriage, and having once embarked upon it, she never considered going back. But in these days debate is ram pant, and so many persons have "con sidered going back" that one wonders what slight reciprocal affection in duced them ever to advance at all. Probably it was not affection, but at traction, which depends upon out ward and visible signs rather than inward and spiritual graces, and can cause the most unlikely and unblend able characters to find each other ir resistibly charming. And while they are finding each other charming, mar riage is so easy! Since the beginning of the world, admonition and advice have done little toward the curbing of passion, and obstacles have only served to excite it. And it is not too much to say that most young people, if left to form their own characters, with little in the way of responsibility forced upon them and a great deal in the way of comfort and pleasure at their right hand, will form rather self-indulgent characters, which, rushing rapturous ly into matrimony, as it were into the seventh heaven, are exceedingly cha grined to find how much self-denial is demanded of them when they get there. Nobody has explained to them what marriage, and the companion ship of it really means, nor what a fund of tact and tenderness, forbear ance, good-will and gentle judgment one must have to tide over the hard places that come, at times, to even the most loving couples. Caroline Duer, in the June Delineator. I How to Cure Chilblains. "To enjoy freedom from chiJ. blains," writes John Kemp, East Ot isfield, Me., "I apply Buckle. Arni ca Salve. Have also used it for salt rheum with excellent results." Guar anteed to cure fever sores, indolent ulcers, piles, burns, wounds, frost bites and skin diseases. 25c. at all drug stores. Mark Twain Obeyed the Scriptures. In the Iowa town where Mark Twain used to reside, the following story of him is occasionally handed about: One morning when he was busily at work an acquaintance dropped in upon him, with the request that he take a. walk, the acquaintance having an errand on a pleasant country road. "How far is it?" emphasized Mark . Twain. . "Oh, about a mile," replied the friend. Instantly the humorist gathered his papers together, laid them aside, and prepared to leave his desk. "Of course I will go," he an nounced : "the Bible says I must." "Why, what in the world has the Bible got to do with it?" asked the puzzled friend. "It distinctly commands," answer ed Mr. Clemens, " 'if a man ask thee to go with him a mile, go with him, Twain!' " Lippincott's. Announcement of Norfolk & South ern Railway. The Norfolk & Southern Railway Company announces the opening ot its all-rail route between New Bern and Norfolk beginning June 18, 1907. Train No. 3 will leave New Bern daily except Sunday at 6.15 a. m., arriving at Norfolk at 2 p. m. Train No. 4 will leave Norfolk daily except Sunday at 11.55 a. m., arriving at 7.40 p. m. Steamers will run between New Bern and Belhaven as usual, except that steamers will leave New Bern at 3 p. m. on and after June 18th, instead of 6.30 p. m. as at present. H. C. HUDGINS, G. P. A. R. E. L. BUNCH, Traffic Mgr. Durham & Southern Ry. Schedule in Effect Maj 5,1007. Scuth No. 41 READ DOWN. No. 5 S 00 A. M. 7 80 7 42 7 W 8 1ft 8 61 9 00 9 15 10 10 10 26 10 46 11 2u 11 40 11 69 12 10 12 30 1 00 P. M No. 41 bio. P. M. 16 21 0 44 67 U4 16 31 42 60 6 07 6 16 6 26 6 82 6 42 7 00 P. M. STATIONS. Lv Durhsm At East Durham Oyama Toko Carpenter Upcnorcn Apex Holly Hprlngs Wllbon Varlna Angler Barclay vllle Coats Turlington Duke Ar. Dnnn Lv. North No. 38 BEAD UP. No. 38 A. M. 9 85 9 29 9 1. 1 8 51 8 43 8 S 8 20 8 12 8 l6 61 40 81 24 1 00 A. M. No. 6. a, q, P. M 15 16 60 31 15 (4 11 6 11 20 11 0 10 45 10 10 a 50 9 40 27 9 05 H 45 A.M. Train No. 88 makeB connection at Dunn with Atlantic roam Line from Kayeitevlile. At Apex with Seaboard Mo. 88 from an points S nth, a ad for all points North, ar riving at Raletgn 10.80 a. m. T ain No. 6 makes close connection at Apex with Seaboard No. 66 from the South for Durham. Train No. 41 makes connection at Apex with Seaboard No. 41 for all points Soutb, and at Varlna for Fayette vllle and interme diate points. J. E. ST AGO, S. H. REAMS, Vlce Prt.8. Gen. Pass Agt. ENVELOPES BY MAIL 200 Envelopes by mall to any address for 25 cents In stamps or coin. J. B. 7IBDALK, Wakoflela N. C THE NORTH CAROUNA State Normal and Industrial College. Regular Courses Leading to Degrees of Bachelor of Peda gogy. Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and New Course Leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Music. Board, laundry, tuition, and fees for use of text books, etc , $170 a year. For free-tuition students, $125. The Normal Department gives thorough instruction in the subjects taught in the schools and colleges, and special pedagogical training for the profession of teaching. Teachers and Graduates of other colleges are of fered a one-year special course in Pedagogy and allied subjects. The Commercial Department offers practical instruction in Stenography Typewriting, Book-keeping and other business subjects. The Department o Manual Arts and Domestic Science provide in struction in Manual Training and in such subjects as relate directly to the home and family. The Music Department, in addition to the degree course, offers a certifi cate course in vocal and instrumental music. To secure board in the dormitories, all free-tuition applications should be made before July 15. The fall term opens September 18, 1907. For catalogue and other information, address, J. I. FOUST, President, greensboro, n. c. Mechanics and Investors Union. Money to loan for bnlldlng Houses. For 100 monthly payments, In place of Rent. Six Per Cent. Investment Certificates for sale. GEORGE ALLEN, SECRETARY, Pullon Building. . UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1789-1907. Head of the State's Educational Sys tem. DEPARTMENTS. College, Engineering, Graduate, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Library contains 45,000 volumes. New water-works, electric lights, central heating system. New dormitory, gymnasium, Y. M. C. A. Building, library. 732 STUDENTS. 74 IN FACULTY. The Fall Term begins Sept. 9, 1907. Address, FRANCIS P. VENABLk, President. Chapel Hill, N. C. Jamestown Exposition Norfolk, Va. APRIL 26 TO NOVEMBER 30, 1907. Southern Railway Will afford superior service and ac comodations to the Jamestown Ex position. SPECIAL RATES FROfl RALEIQH. Round trip season tlckets...58.26 Round trip 60 day tickets.. 7.50 Rnnnri t.rtn 1(1 Hair t1b-ota ft fin A V M A V. fc W V T VJ 1 U - iwana trip coucn excursion iic-teis.. .uu Coach Excursion Tickets will he sold on the day prior to the opening date of the Expo sition, and on Thursday of each week there after and limited seven dajB,wlll be stamped or er doreed r'Not Good In Meep'ng, Pullman or Parlor Cars" ether tickets will be sold daily April 19th, to and Including November 30th, 1907. For full Information and rates from other pointp, Sleeping Car reservations, schedules, litf rature, etc , address any Agent of the Bout-tern Railway, or R. L. Vernon, T. P. A., T. E. Green, C. T. A , Charlotte, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. The Wonderful Headache and Neuralgia Remedy. The One That Has Stood th Test far Years 25c and 50c Bottle! 1c Dos at Fountains There aTe a nnmber or new preparations n the market but Antlcephalalglne still leads ttiemali in elegance of preparation a d efficiency. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ONE CURE FOR RHEUMATISM 1 "GETS AT THE JOINTS FROM THE INSIDE." I1 l -- A fM -.'-. JK lyufcuiuoviuv una wuicu luuuasuua Ul LlSt3 CI l.Ttf-llD matism, Lumbago, Sciatica and other Blood Diseases after all the doctors have failed ; has cured four cases after Johns Hopkins Hospital has failed. forwsteto HUBBIII UHfcMIUAL CO., Prep's, BALTIMORE, m YOUR DRUGGIST SCLLS IT. CURES TO STAY CURED. I wns laid up last November with Rheumatism in my feet aiiu cjui.ics, dui auer lamng iour Domes ot Kiieui:ia ide I vc nui u-cn Doinerea since, l inea evervoil lo. mot liniment ana was under two doctors, and all I tried had tne same result, until l got Kheumacide. Now, I am pieasea to say, it has not been necessary for me to tancany incaicinc ior R.neumatism since reo- ruary last. . nverybody that I recommended u io nas naa tne same results, r. Kan agan, Manager, uuincy Industrial W. .-xWO ...FA C ' Everybody oatislied You will be satisfied, and so will the buyer of your tobacco if you improve the quality and increase the weight of your tobacco by using 500 to 800 lbs. of VirginiaCarolina Fertilizer per acre, ten days before planting. These fertilizers give an early start to the plant, which , very soon grows large enough to withstand the ravaees of insects.' Soils that under ordinary conditions would make a yield of poor, papery tobacco, lacking in gummy or oily matters, will produce a very high type of tobacco by liberally using these fertilizers. Get from your dealer one of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer free almanacs. Its a beauty, and full of information on farming. SALES OFFICES: Richmond, Va. Durham, N. C. Atlanta, Ga. Norfolk, Va. Charleston, S. C. Savannah, Ga. Baltimore, Md. Montgomery, Ala Memphis, Tenn. Shreveport, La. S.. increase Your ields Per Acre