I Thursday, July 11 1907. THE RALEIGH ENTERPRISE. Cynthia Westover Alden to Girls. Take matters of taste. When you are tempted to forget yourself, and romp like a tomboy, and shriek at the top of your voice; when you are liable to be led astray by the red In dian taste for loud colors; when the taste for too much jewelry seizes on you as it is sure to do sometimes, re call the Factor of Safety, and stop. Then repeat slowly to yourself those other lines of Burns which all the world knows by heart : "Oh wad some power giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us!" To go up the scale, take matters of study or of work. If you are in school, it is not enough to make your teacher believe that you know your lessons. You must feel that you know them, that no matter what test you may be put to, there will still be a Factor of Safety between you and failure. If you are practicing music, don't cut the hour by five minutes. Take five minutes overtime instead. That is the Factor of Safe ty in practicing. If you are sewing, take every stitch so that it might be part of an exhibit of needlework. What is right can never be criticised. What is wrong, no matter how clev erly concealed, is in danger. The Factor of Safety is the margin be tween shrewdly hidden inefficien cy and efficiency. If you are reading, understand what you read. When some one leads you into talking of what you have read, and that time is sure to come, if it has been worth reading, you always want to have a Factor of Safety be tween you and a glaring display of ignorance. Let me apply the same idea to matters of morals. You detest such and such a girl because she almost never tells the truth. Never forget her when you are tempted into what are called white lies. Truth and falsehood have each a hundred phases. The temptations to untruth are manifold. They come to you al most every day. You cannot set your standard too high. No de ception is too petty to be avoid ed; in fact the petty ones are often the most demoralizing. Gynthia Westover Allen, in The Pilgrim. The Word says, "No good thing will be withheld from them that walk uprightly." We must ask, then whether we are not so walking, or whether the thing was not truly . good. GOOD NEWS FOR RALEIGH. Science at Last Discovers a Real Cure for Rheumatism. After years of experiment a new scientific remedy has been found that not only relieves, but absolutely cures Rheumatism and kindred dis eases, to stay cured. Rheumatism is caused by an excess of poisonous acids in the blood. The new discov ery RHEMUACIDE, though purely vegetable, and acting through na ture's channels, neutralizes these acids and sweep3 all poisons and harmful germs out of the blood. At the same time it tones up the stomach and regulates the liver and kidneys. RHEUMACIDE, therefore, wcures the disease permanently, because it removes the cause. It has cured hun dreds of cases after the most noted doctors and hospitals have failed. RHEUMACIDE cured James Wilkes, of Dillon, S. C, after he had been held in bed by rheumatism for three years and his feet were drawn up al most to his back. This is only one of the many marvelous cures RHEU MACIDE has already performed. RHEUMACIDE is curing many cases of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout, Kidney Trouble, Indigestion, and Constipation, right in this com munity to-day. Because it has cured so many oth ers, we believe it will cure you. All the leading druggists in this place sell and recommend RHEUMACIDE, THE CAVINESS LILLINGTON, N. C. New Building, New Furniture. Every- i thins: Modern. No town In the South the size of LUllngton has a hotel equal to the CAVINESS. The patronage of the travelling public 1b solicited DR. J. E. CAVINESS, PROPRIETOR. Raleigh & Southport Railway Company. TIME TABLE NO. 21 Effective Sunday May 12th, 1907, at 12:01 A. M. ffOO'H I0UNI Tl riAINS. 1ST CLASS. daily. 1 A M 8 00 8 15 8 25 8 3k 8 43 8 55 9 01 tf 16 9 26 9 40 9 65 10 03 111 0 10 14 10 29 10 37 10 .0 11 02 11 5 11 30 11 40 11 55 A. M. PM. 40 50 54 00 07 15 20 6 30 5 8 5 61 6 (JO 6 06 6 13 6 17 6 30 6 3G 6 48 6 58 7 10 7 23 7 32 7 45 P.M. STATIONS. L.T.... .. Balelgn At. F. Caralelgh Mill.. SYirauia F Baniep F............Hobb S McCULLUBS F......... ...Banks 8... Willow Springs ... F Cardenas F.. Varlna S... Fuquay Springs..,. F........... Bawls 8... Chalybeate ....... F Kipling. F Cape 'ear 8 Lllling ton.. F......BunnleveJ.. 8.. i in den F.........Buckner ........ F...Oarver's alia....... F......... Tokay............ Ar...Fajettevllle.. Lt. EASTERN STAND ARD TIME. Hwr 1ST class. DAILY. 4 A. M 10 40 10 30 10 26 10 18 10 10 10 06 10 00 9 50 9 43 9 40 9 23 9 13 9 16 9 02 8 47 8 42 8 27 8 17 8 05 7 51 7 44 7 30 A. M P. M. 6 fO 5 45 6 35 5 26 5 16 5 11 01 50 35 32 17 07 69 54 37 31 10 05 62 38 31 15 P. M. S Regular Stop. F. Stop on Signal. Connections: At Raleigh with Southern Raliwa., and Seaboard Air Line Railway; at arlna with Durham and Southern Ky.; at Fayettevllle with At antle Coast Line Railroad. JOHN A. MILLS President tnd Gen. Manager THE MARKETS. RALEIGH COTTON MARKET. (Corrected every Wednesday by Chas. E. Johnson & Co.) Strict good middling................ .... 13 to 14 Good middling... 13 Strict middling . 13 Mddllng..... 13 Strict low middling Low middling.... 10 Tlngeh.. 10 Stains to W RALEIGH PRODUCE MARKET. (Corrected weekly by King Bros.) Spring Chickens lie Eggs put Lens Potatoes (Irish) new....... ... 12Kc 20 to 81 ....... 35c $1.00 Potatoes (sweet) new.... $2 25 Hams (N. C.) tew.. .18 to 19c Side meat... Ho Shoulders l5o Lard - 12c Corn ......11.70 sack Wheat... ... fl 10 Rye 85c Peanuts.............................M.... 11.26 to $1 38 Cabbage, per hundred..... 91.50 ALWAYS IN THE LEAD! INSPECT MY STOCK OF Fruits, Candies, Confectioneries, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Cigars and Tobaccos. A complete up-to-date stock all the season. Come to see me at my old stand (Spence Building), 126 East Martin. Street, and ask for prices before you make your purchases elsewhere. Yours truly, 126 E. Martin St., Raleigh, N. C. R. C. BATCH ELOR. To Write LIFE INSURANCE for the PEOPLE'S MUTUAL BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF NORTH CAROLINA. BIG MONEY TO A HUSTLING MAN. More than $50,000 Paid to Home People Last Year. All Money Kept at Home and Paid Only to Home People. No high salaried officers to support. Apply to - H. E. KING, Sec'y-Treas., RALEIGH, N. C.f Box 228 GENERAL MERCHANDISE. To my friends and customers throughout this section : I am prepared to offer a better stock o general merchandise for the summer trade than ' : " ever before. V: HIGHEST PRICES FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE FUIvL LINE OK" SHOES. Call and see my stock. C. J. RHODES, EAGLE ROCK, N. C. GO TO THE BARHAM HOUSE AT FUQUAY SPRINGS, N. C, For Healtb, Convenience and Comfort. Rates. 91.00 per day or $6,00 per week. R. 8 BARHAM, Proprietor, Fuquay Springs, N. C. Feed Stable. I wish to inform my friends and the public generally that I am con ducting the stables known as Jack son's Stable on Wilmington Street. Stalls and feed at moderate prices. Respectfully, L. M. STEPHENSON. President JOHN W. DROWN, 1- 9 9 i 9 9 Established 1836. FABIUG P. DROWN Oec'y & Treas. (INCORPORATED) n FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALK1ERS RALEIGH, N. C. tern t : Corner Gouth Salisbury and West Hargett Streets, 9 $ A word as to our prices. We keep Coffins and Caskets from the cheapest to the most ex- $ 9 TT7 - 1. 1.1.-1. ' ' . j :ii . .t. f f r 1 t t t to all.

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