Thursday, August i 1907. THE lUt.ElGil STATE NEWS. They're seeing bears and bear tracks in Stokes County. The moou shine product in Stokes makes 'em see strange things. Dr. E. Kerner, who was in his ninety-second year and had practiced medicine for more than half a cen tury, died Monday at his home at Kernersville. In Wilson County Sunday a thirteen-year-old son of Mr. J. B. Ellis found a half gallon jug of whiske and drank so much of its contents that he died. The Moore Cotton Mill Company, of Lenoir, has been chartered with $150,000 authorized capital. It will do a general maunfacturing and mer chandise business. The Seaboard Air Line, which is operating under the reduced passenger- rate law, has taken off two pas senger trains between Charlotte and Rutherfordton, claiming that this is necessary to reduce expenses on ac count of decreased earnings. Two negro boys were arrested in Wilmington last week for breaking bottles and scattering glass on the public highway. They were bound to court on a charge of obstructing the highway. The glass had given wheel men and motorists much trouble. The Anti-Saloon League of Car thage, Moore County, has a notice in the Carthage Blade headed, "Notice to Blind Tigers," in which all per sons who-deal in the ardent contrary to the form of the statute are notified that they must be good or get hurt. ENTERPRISE. AVakc Lund High School. Wakefield and Zebulon have won the race, In selecting a site for the High School to place; May they ever remember St. Mat thew 23, Whenever on a matter they want to agree. Zebulon wanted to be first, With Wakefield in the rear; But, hurrah for Mr.- Ruffin Carroll, Who helped them on with cheer. Cease now with your strife And join together in love; When you are in need of wisdom Just ask of our Lord above. 1 J. B. TISDALE. It takes less sense to criticise than to do anything else. There are a great many critics in the asylum. Raleigh Cleaning House Near Corner of Wilmington and llargett 8ts , Second Floor. Clothes pressed and cleaned in best of style. Prices reasonable. "If work is satisfactory tell others, if not tell us." WESLEY GORIIAM, Prop. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS. Practical education in Argri culture; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Cot ton Manufacturing, Dye;ng and Industrial Chemistry. T uition $45 a year; Board $io a month. 120 Scholarships. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, West Raleigh, N. C. E. B. EVANS & SONS, NO. 8 EAST DAVIE ST., RALEIGH, PL UMBERS. Gas and Hteam Fitting, and Gen eral Repair Work. First-class work at moderate prices. Itrtiew PromiMly. We often meet subscribers whose subscriptions have expired and who say that they wanted the paper on, didn't want to miss a copy, but neg lected to renew; "didn't come to town," etc. They show their faith by renewing. But they could often avoid missing several issues of the paper by using the U. S. mails, which were invented for just such purposes The Raleigh Enterprise and the New York World, thrice-a-week edi tion, for only $1.60 a whole year. Think of It I It is said that Mr. Long had a damage suit against the octopus some time ago and didn't get but a small amount. Mr. Glenn has a Senatorial bee in his bonnet. When the3e scores are wiped out perhaps the atmos phere will clear up. CHAS. M. STIEFF, 60 GRANHY STREET, NORFOLK, VA. GEO. S. NUSSEAR, Mgr. Prof. A. E. Woltz, superintendent of Lenoir graded schools since then establishment, has resigned to ac cept the superintendency of the Goldsboro city schools. Salisbury will vote in October on an issue of $300,000 of bonds to pay the city's floating debt, to extend and enlarge the water and sewer lines and to improve the streets. A severe storm of wind and rain, with some hail, visited Newton Wed nesday afternoon and did some dam age to crops, buildings and trees. The storm was cyclonic in character. A special from Asheville says that Dr. Arthur Pritchard, son of Judge J. C. Pritchard, has been appointed assistant surgeon of the Southern for the Asheville district or division. In Asheville Tuesday afternoon Wesley Tate, a colored boy, was swinging on the side of a coal wagon when he fell under the wheels, which passed over his body and killed him. Franc H. Jones, who embezzled from the Charlotte National Bank, and who was sentenced to the peni tentiary for six years, is in the book keeping department of the penitenti ary. At Kernersville Saturday afternoon Dewitt Marshall, nineteen years old, fell from a load of straw onto a pitch fork. The prongs of the fork pene trated his breast and killed him al most instantly. Ernest Stevens, a negro boy, while riding a bicycle in Greensboro Satur day, collided with a horse and buggy. '1 he shaft of the buggy pierced the boy's side, inflicting what is thought to be a fatal injury. A negro who had secreted himseli in the house attempted to assault Mrs. A. W. Ellison, at Laurinburg, Friday night. Mrs. Ellison escaped his clutches and attempted to shoot him, but he escaped. It is reported from Durham that a very destructive hail, rain and wina storm swept over the northern por tion of Orange County Thursday eve ning. In some localities growing crops were literally cut to pieces. The barn of William Beck, near Farmington, Davie County, was burn ed Friday night. with a mule and a lot of feed stuff. The fire is supposed to bo incendiary and bloodhunds were ssnt for to track the criminal, but could not be obtained. Thomas Giddings, aged sixty-five, of Wintson-Salem, was committed to jail Monday in default of $6,500 bond, for incest, the victim being his sixteen-year-old daughter, who is a cripple. Gidding went to Winston- Salem from Providence, R. I. Wilkesboro Chronicle : Mr. Brud Yates, of Purlear, was accidentally killed at Garvey, Va., last week. His body was sent home and buried Sun day at New Hope Church. He was an employe of the railway repair shops and was under a car tightening some bolts when a train backed against the car, running it over him and severing his body. He was about flfty-flve years old. Mr. R. F. Burton, for a number oi years in the service of the Southern Railway Company at Statesville, and for the past several years agent for the company at Marion, recently re signed the latter position to become cashier of the First National Bank of Marion. A young man who was killed by a train at Landis, Rowan County, Thursday of last week, . and who was buried without identification, proved to be Melford Dent, son of Mr. James Dent, of Concord. Mr. Dent had the remains exhumed and identified them as those of his son. ' ' ' The lifeless body of James Mc Cann, an employe of the White Oak Mills at Greensboro, was found Mon day evening within a short distance of his home, where it had lain sev eral hours; guarded by a faithful dog. The growls of the animal when the spot was approached by two men in a buggy led to the discovery of the body. Thirty-seven revenue officers, arm ed to the teeth, made another raid on Smithtown, Stokes County, the noted blockader settlement this week expecting to do battle. Contrary to expectation the place was practically deserted, only two men and two dis tilleries being found. The men were arrested and the distilleries de stroyed. Newton Enterprise: In Caldwell Township last Wednesday Mr. Wli burn Caldwell had a cow killed by lightning, and about fifteen minutes later another stroke killed a hog. On the same afternoon lightning struck a tree at Mr. Lee Setzer's, in the same township, and a splinter from the tree hit the daughter of Mr. Calvin Setzer in the face. She was stunned for awhile, but not badly injured. A man named Ellis, whose home rs at Gibsonville, Guilford Count, whipped his wife on the public strets of that town a few days ago and as a result he is now at work o:t the chain-gang. The charge agains. him in the mayor's court was whip ping his wife in public, which, undei the law, is considered a more serioua offence than private correction. But in either case he deserved all he got. John Lewis Franklin, driver of a team for the State Hospital at Mor ganton, went to Marion Saturday for whiskey. Returning on a freight which did not stop at Morganton, he was carried to Drexel, eight miles away. Franklin started to walk back to Morganton on foot, carrying his jug. A freight train overtook him and his "mangled body was buried next day. The jug of liquor was un broken. Mrs. Graham, telegraph operator at Paint Rock, was attacked Sunda , while walking along a - road near Paint Rock, by John Kennedy pre sumably a white man, who attempted criminal assault. It is said that Ken nedy had dragged Mrs. Graham from the road and had choked her almost into insensibility when passers-by saw the struggle and interfered. Kea nedy was arrested promptly and placed in Jail at Marshall. tone! 3 The essence of piano quality ;: is TONE. The goal of all piano makers should be TONE. That property without which the most elaborately constructed piano is valueless is TONE. Without TONE durability is a mockery. Without TONE a piano is a "thumb box." Tone in a broad sense means character. Synonym for TONE is ...STIEFF... Write for Special Price List and Descriptive Booklet. FOB TEE HOT Iffil Ladies' Gauze Vest 10, IS, 25c. Ladies' Gauze Pants.... .................. 25c. Gentlemen's Summer Underwear..---. . .25 and 50c. Gents' Negligee Shirts 50c. and $1.00. Handkerchiefs.. ... ..... .. .5 to 25c. Big assottment Belts 25 and 50c. Cool Lawns.. ... . . -..... ......... ..10 to 40c. OXFORD TIES FOR CHILDREN MID GROWN PEOPLE. Fans of quality.......... ...... ....... .......5 to 50c. Drop-stitc h Hose .......... . . . . ......... .... 15 and 25c. Our Shoe department is making a big name for itself. 12 EAST MARTIN STREET.