TITE RALEIGH ENTERPRISE. tThusrday, August 1, 1907. We Are Coming Along. North Carolina is making rapid strides in moral sentiment. v If a man sells a pint of liquor he goes to the chain-gang. If he kills a man he pleads self-defense, "unwritten law,- "brain storm" or insanity, is acquit ted by friends. If he breaks down a jail door and helps to lynch a man, under cover of darkness, he is called the bravest of the brave. Yes, we are progressing by leaps and bounds. Marshville Our Home. A Valuable Lesson. "Six years ago I learned a valua bles lesson," writes John Pleasant, of Magnolia, Ind. "I then began taking Dr. King's New Life Pills, and the longer I take them the better I find them." They please everybody, Guaranteed at all Druggists. 25c. Rising From the Grave. A prominent manufacturer, Wm. A. Fertwell, of Lucama, N. C, relates a most remarkable experience. He says: "After taking less than three bottles of Electric Bitters, I feel like one rising from the grave. My trou ble is Bright's disease, in the Dia betes stage. I fully believe Electric Bitters will cure me permanently, for it has already stopped the liver and bladder complications which have troubled me for years." Guar anteed at all Druggists. Price only 50 cents. Shi'iners to Jamestown Exposition, August 10-11, 1907. The Norfolk and Southern Railway 1 Company announce the sale of tick ets to Norfolk, Va., from the points named on account of the above occa- ' sion at the following round-trip rates: i From Rates. Beaufort . . . . . . . ... . . . . $5.50 Bests . . .......... . 3.60 Caswell . . . . , ... ... .... 3.60 Cove . . . 3.60 Croatan . . . . . ... .... . . . 3.S5 Dover ........ v . . . ... . . 3.60 Clarka . ............... 3.60 Goldsboro .... . .'. ..... . 3.60 Havlock . . . . . ...... .... 3.85 Kinston ..... ......... . 3.60 LaGrange ". . .... ..... . 3.60 Mansfield ... . . . . . . . 3.60 New Bern ... . . . .. .'. .... 3.60 Morehead City .... . ..... 5.00 Newport . . . ... 3.85 Rlverdale ..... ..... 3.85 Tuscarora . . . .... ... . . .3.60 Wildwood . . . ........ . v 3.90 Bayboro ..... . . 3.85 Grantsboro ... 3.85 Reelsboro .... . . . . ..... .3.85 Tickets to be sold on Saturday, August 10, 1 907, via either New Bern or Goldsboro and A. C. L. On Sun day, August 11th, tickets to be good only via Goldsboro and A. C. L. The final limit of the tickets will be seven days, including date of sale. H. C. HUDGINS, G. Pi A. R. E. L. BUNCH, Traffic Manager. An army paymaster is said to have lost h's l'fe as the result of handling money, and yet th? world will be a good deal older when creditors de mand that money must be sterilized before they accept it for debt.- -Cleveland Plain Dealer, Announcement of Norfolk & South ern Railway. The. Norfolk & Southern Railway Company announces the opening oi its all-rail route between New Bern and Norfolk, beginning June 18, 1907. Train No. 3 will leave New Bern daily except Sunday at 6.15 a. m.. arriving at Norfolk at 2 p. m. Train No. 4 will leave Norfolk daily except Sunday at 11.55 a. m., arriving at 7.40 p. m. Steamers will run between New Bern and Belhaven as usual, except that steamers will leave New Bern at 3 p. m. on and after June 18th, instead of 6.30 p. m as at present. H. C. HUDGINS, G. P. A. R. E. L. BUNCH. Traffic Mgr. Durham & Southern Ry. Schedule in Effect May 0,1907. South Ho. 41 BEAD DOWN. No 5 5 M 2 A. M 7 80 7 42 7 6ti 8 15 8 6t 9 00 9 15 10 10 10 25 10 45 11 2u 11 40 11 59 12 10 12 30 1 00 P. M. No. 41 Id S1 "3 Qu 03 " , P M. 4 4 4 4 4 6 5 15 21 0 44 57 04 15 5 31 5 42 5 60 6 07 6 16 6 6 6 82 6 42 7 00 P. M. STATIONS. No. 38 Lv Durham Ar East Durham Oyama Togo Carpenter' Upchurch Apex Holly Springe wiibon Varlna Angler Barclayvllle Coats ' Turlington Duke Ar, Dunn Lv North No. 38 BEAD UP. " 3 oq A.M. 9 35 9 29 9 1) M t 8 51 8 43 8 85 8 20 8 12 8 05 A. M. No- 6. 0) 0)2 P. M. 15 15 50 31 15 04 11 56 11 20 11 01 10 45 10 10 9 50 9 40 U 27 9 05 8 45 A. M. Train No. 88 makes connection at Dunn with Atlantic Coast Line from Fayettevllle. At Apex with Seaboard o. 88 from all points South, and for all points North, ar riving at Raleigh 10.80 a. m. Train No. 6 makes close connection at Apex with Seaboard No. 66 from the South for Durham. Train No. 41 makes connection at Apex with Seaboard No. 41 for all points South, and at Varlna for Fayettevllle and interme diate points. J. B. STAGG, ; S. H. REAMS, Vice-Pres. Gen. Pass. Agt. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College. Regular Courses Leading to Degrees of Bachelor of Peda ROtry. Bachelor of Arts. Bachelor of Science, and New Course Leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Music. Boardlaundry, tuition, and fees for use of text booksf etc , $170 a year. For free-tuition students, $125. The Normal Department gives thorough instruction in the subjects taught in the schools and colleges, and special pedagogical training for the .profession of teaching. Teacher and Graduates of other colleges are of fered a one-year special course in Pedagogy and allied subjects. The Commercial Department offers practical instruction in Stenography, Typewriting, Book-keeping and other business subjects. The Department off Manuai Arts and Domestic Science provide in struction in Manual Training and in such subjects as relate directly to the home and family. The Musjc Department, in addition to the degree course, offers a certifi t cate course, in vocal and instrumental music. To secure board in ihe dormitories, all free-tuition applications should be made before July 15. The fall term opens September 18, 1907. For catalogue and other information, address, J. I. FOUST, President, Greensboro, n. c. Mechanics and Investors Union. ' Money to loan for building Houses. K or 100 moDtbly payments. In p'ace of Rent. Six Per Cent. Investment Certificates for sale. GEORGE ALLEN, SECRETARY, Pullen Building. ' UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1789-1907. Head of the. State's Educational Sys tem. DEPARTMENTS. College, Engineering, Graduate, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Library contains 45,000 volumes. New water-works, electric lights, central heating system. New dormitory, gymnasium, Y. M.- C. A. Building, library. 732 STUDENTS. 74 IN FACULTY. The Fall Term begins , Sept. 9, 1907. Address, FRANCIS P. VENABKbi, President. Chapel Hill, N. C. Jamestown Exposition Norfolk, Va. APRIL 26 TO NOVEMBER 30, 1907. Southern Riimv.iii Will afford superior service and ac comodations to the Jame6town Ex position. SPECIAL RATES FROH RALEKJH. Round trip season tickets.. 18.26 Round trip 60 day tickets.. ... 7.60 Round trip 10 day tickets - 6.80 Round trip coach excursion tickets 4.00 Coach Excursion Tickets wlU be sold on the day prior to the opening date of the lx po sition, and on Thursday of each week th re after and limited seven days, will be stamped or endorsed "Not Good In Bleep ng, Pullman or Parlor Cars" tther tickets will be sold dally April 19th, to and Including Novemltr 30tb, 1907. For full Information and ra tes from other points, Sleerlng Car reservations, schedules, literature, etc, address any Agent of the Southern Railway, or R. L. Vernon, T. P. A., T. E. Green, C. T. A , Charlotte, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. The Wonderful Headache and Neuralgia Remedy. Tho Ona That Has Stood thf Test for Years 25c and 50c Hot. tie! 10c Dose at Fountains There ae a number or new preparations n the market but Antlcephalalglne still leads them an In elegance of preparation and efficiency. FOR SALE BY ALL. DRUGGISTS SWEEPS OUT ALL POISONS. RHEUM ACIDE goes right to the seat of the trouble and cures permanently because it removes the cause of disease. Rheumatism is an internal disease. Rubbing will not cure it. But RHEUM ACIDE cures after all others fail, because it "GETS AT THE JOINTS FROM THE INSIDE." CURES RHEUMATISM TO STAY CURED. Cured After 16 Years. 1301 James St.. Baltimore. Dec. 10th. For 16 years I have suffered terribly with rheuma tism. No one knows how much pain and torture I have endured during that time. I was treated by leading physicians in this city, but grot no relief. Long: since I despaired of ever being well again. But hearing of RHEUM ACIDE. I decided to give it atrial. I have taken two bottles, and. thanks to this wonderful medicine. I now feel that I have got ten a "new lease on life." It has done so much for me that I cannot say enough in its praise. Practi cally every vestige of the disease has been driven from my system. Mrs. Laura d. CjAkdner. a Rheumacide has cured thousands of cases of Rheumatism after all other means and noted physicians had failed. Sample bottle and booklet free if you send 5c. for postage. BOBBIN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE. Everybody oatisiied You will be satisfied, and so will the buyer of your tobacco if you improve the quality and increase the weight of your tobacco by using 500 to 800 lbs. of VirginiaCarolina Fertilizer per acre, ten days before planting. These fertilizers cive an early start to the plant, which very soon grows large enough to withstand the ravages of insects. Soils that under ordinary conditions would make a yield of poor, papery tobacco, lacking in gummy or oily matters, will produce a very high type of tobacco by liberally using these ' fertilizers. "' Get from your dealer one of Virginia-Caro'inx Fertilizer free almanacs. Its a beauty, and full of inioimation on farming. SALES OFFICES: Richmond, Va. Durham, N. C. Atlanta, Ga. Norfolk, Va. Charleston, S. C. Savannah, Ga. Baltimore, Md. Montgomery, Al Memphis, Tena Snreveport, La. "Increase Your Vlclds Per Acre. r 1

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