Thursday, December 5, 1907. STATE NEWS. AAA ;1VU1U1UVU C V VIA 4 ton, Pitt County, Tuesday, 40 votes were cast for prohibition and not one against it. V The Republican says that dressed muskrats, at 15 cents each were of fered for sale on the Winston mar kets a few days ago. Burglars have been bothering Hickory. In he past two weeks fif teen houses have been entered or at tempts made to enter them. In Wayne County a few days ago a small negro boy was going hunt ing The gun was accidentally dis charged and killed his little sister. Near Wilmington, Monday, Robt. Irving, a negro boy, was shot and killed by the accidental discharge of a gun in the hands of Earl Onell, white and fourteen years old. r Mr. R. L. Leather wood, of Bryson City, a prominent lawyer and citizen of Swain County, died in a hospital in Asheville Monday. He was taken 111 while attending court in Ashe ville. The cotton holding warehouse at Mooresville opened for business last week and cotton is being stored. The new; Merchants' and Farmers' Bank at Mooresville opened for business yesterday. Gov. Glenn has offered a reward of $150, Catawaba County $100, and the town of Newton $ 100, a total of $ 35 0, for the arrest of the burglar who shot Policeman Goforth at New ton last Friday night. Senator Simmons has secured the appointment of Mrs. Matt. Ransom McCorkle, of Newton, a daughter of General Matt. Ransom, to a desirable position in the Agricultural Depart ment at Washington. Carl Norwood, employed at the saw mill of Abernethey and Howard, at Alexis, Gaston ' County, accident ally on the running saw Friday after noon and was killed. An arm was cut off and his head split open. Mr. and Mrs. Shoaf, of Thomas ville, who are in jail at Charlotte on the charge of mistreating the little Fields girl, have been admitted to bail in the sum of $500 each but at last account they had not given bond. The barn of Mr. J. Watt Hood, near Matthews, Mecklenburg County, a new building stocked with corn, hay and other feed, was burned Monday night with most of its con tents, causing a loss of possibly $1,000. : It is stated that a rich quality of gold ore has been found in the heart of Spencer, on the right of way of the Southern Railway, where the railroad company is sinking an ar tesian well, the well having reached a depth of about 300 feet. Joseph Newman, of Stokes Coun ty, aged twenty, while out hunting Wednesday, was accidentally shot in the leg by one of his companions named Nelson, and before physicians arrived young Newman died . from the loss of blood and shock. In Winston early Wednesday morning fire in the five-story' brick building owned by the Messick Gro eery Company and occupied by the company and the Winstonia Hotel, resulted in damage, by fire and wa ter, to the amount of $10,000. The loss Is well covered by insurance. Some of the guests of the hotel had a narrow escape. At Laurinburg Sunday morning a colored man by the name of Nathan McRae was found lying on a guy wire of the city light plant dead. The coroner's Jury was unable to ae termine the cause of death, as there were no signs of violence, but later ed with more than 100 volts of elec tricity and the man had been elec trocuted when he leaned against it. Near Lexington this week Ivey Briggs received a load of bird shot in his legs from a companion in a hunting party who shot at a rabbit. This is the second accidental shoot ing among hunters in that vicinity in a week, the other resulting fatally. Russie Wilson, a young white man about 22 years old, was fatally shot at Price, 1 Rockingham County, Sat urday, by Berry Bonds. The two men quarreled and the shooting fol lowed. Robt. Smith, a small boy, was, slightly injured. Bond is at large.", y:- Lenoir News; Mrs. D. B. Tuttle, who lives 4 Vi miles south of Lenoir, planted some cotton in her garden, worked it, picked, carded and spun it, then knit a pair of stockings out of the yarn, sent them to the Meek- -lenburg fair and took first premium, 1 a cash prize of $1. ! Sanf ord Express : The Germans who have moved to the Cumnock sec tion have, established a school to ed ucate tjieir children. It is taught by the young pastor of their church who moved down with the colony. When, the Germans organize or form a colony they open a school. Near Sparta, Alleghany County, Thanksgiving Day, Rufus Mabe, 18-year-old son of Geo. Mabe, was hunt ing when his foot slipped from a log. His gun was accidentally dis charged and the contents entered his stomach, causing death in three hours. Bill Nye's Ready Wit. Billy Nye, when a young man, once made an engagement " with a lady friend of his to take her driving. The appointed day came; but at the livery stable all the horses were taken out save one old, shaky and exceedingly bony horse. Mr. Nye hired the' nag and drove to his friend's residence. The lady let him wait nearly an hour before she was ready, and then, on viewing the disreputable outfit, flatly refused to accompany Mr. Nye. "Why," she exclaimed sneeringly, "that horse may die of age any mo ment.",'.', "Madam," Mr. Nye replied, "when I arrived that horse was a prancing young steed. Exchange. Remarkable Rescue. That truth is stranger than fiction, has once more been demonstrated in the little town of Fedora, Tenn., the residence of C. V. Pepper. He writes: "I was in bed, entirely dis abled with hemorrhages of the lungs and throat. Doctors failed to help me, and all hope had fled when I began taking Dr. King's New Dis covery. Then instant relief came. The coughing soon ceased; the bleeding diminished rapidly, and in three weeks I was able to go to work." Guaranteed for coughs and colds. 50c. and $1.00 at all Drug gists. Trial bottle free. It is Political Foolishness Let us soak into you misdirect ed political zeal is the source of most of our national misfortunes. The Yellow Jacket. Renew Promptly. We often meet subscribers whose subscriptions have expired and who say that they wanted the paper on, uidn't want to miss a copy, but neg lected to renew; "didn't come to town," etc. They show their faith by renewing. But they could often avoid missing several issues of the paper by using the U. S. mails, which were invented for just such purposes The New York World has an edi torial: "Wanted A Statesman." We have not less than 200,000 of them right here in North Carolina. Why don't you place a want ad. in some of the State papers? And Yet the Railroads Wonder. The railroads through underlings flaunt the red flag in the face of the public and then wonder why it Is that they get so many roasts. Con cord Tribune. Much truth in the above. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS. Practical education in Argri culture; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Cot ton Manufacturing, Dyeing and Industrial Chemistry. Tuition $45 a year; Board io a month. 120 Scholarships. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, West Raleigh, N. C. Aft IDEAL FIAN0 FOR THE HOME IS A Stieff Upright. Sweet, mellow tone and volume per fectly proportioned to the requirements ol the home. A Substantial Investment to the Purchaser. After "Expense" is entirely obliterated through the efforts of btleff's conscien tious workmanship that's one reason why the name ol Mieff never appears on 'second-hand lists." ASK FOR OUR CATALOGUE ! Second-hand List of Other Prominent Makes Sent on Request. GAS H O R CREDIT. Write for special price list and descrip tive booklet. Chas. M. Stieff, 66 Granby St,' Norfolk, Va., Geo. S. Nussear, Mgr. E. 8. EVANS & SONS, NO. 8 BAST DAVIE ST., RALEIGH, PLUMBERS. Gas and Steam Fitting, and Gen eral Repair Work. First-class work at moderate prices. i Ai Are you Receiving Full Value for your Money? VE POLL VALUE! Ladies' Long Coats, $3.50 to $10.00 Dress Shoes, - - $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3 50 Both Ladles' aud Men's. Heavy Work Shoes, - - - - - $1.75 to $3.50 Children's Shoes, - - - - - 50cts. to $2.00 Dress Goods, 25c, 50c, 75c. and $1.00. All the new weaves shown. Christmas Toys and Novelties on Safe After December 15 th. Anything and everything in Toys for the little ones will be found from the 5c. articles to the J3.50 ones. 12 EAST MARTIN STREET. in j m mmmmmmmmm I MODEL B 1 T TVXlifS U. W. U JT JUlMIfeSS m SE1ISIBLE, USEFUL GIFTS lor the HOLIDAYS Attractively Packed in Handsome Slaie fair coxes Th.y contain mor. and better rubber thn any otber mak., hate fold-gilt non nna and itronc cord ndi that cannot wear thrown. Tn. nr (re. action parmiU eat. and comfort no Batter what position tn body may TIIEY OUTWEAR TI1RE R ORDINARY 'KINDS. WH TIIUF.R TIMES THE SERVICE OF USUAL 50 G Tho MOST COMFORTABLE snspoador mad tor taaa, youui ot do in Lixht, Heary or Extra Hny Weichta, Extra Lon( Wo Extra Cott) Thy make Inszpaaslv dHU avsrymaa. youth or bo jrwllUUdljrrscslT BE WES a POTTER. Dept. M78 , 87 tlacola Strsst. Bostoa. Us. Oar nteful Btru. Do. EnitmBih Coin aid Cin tnaCd for 10c portao. Inttrocttf 1 booklet. Vfetylc or How to DrwaComeUy," trM If yoo mantloa tbli yoblkatto cm . xm non-ruitlnf new back ' . nay aatoma. - IICH MEANS !ENT SORTS t ww found that the guy was cuarg