THE RALEIGH ENTERPRISE. Thursday, December ' 67' 1907. ' Jury List January Court. The following names have been drawn for the January term of Wake Superior Court: ; Raleigh A. H. Arrlngton, D. It. Shaw, W. C. White, R. C. Reid, T. S. Pearce, J. B. Pearce, B. S. Jer man, T. P. German, O. L. Betts, W. W, Fowler, Charles Card well (col ored). : Wake Forest W. J. Alston, E. C. Carroll. Barton's Creek J. R. Ray. Cary D. H. House. ; Neuse T. B. Weathers. Cedar Fork B. H. Macon, A. L. Nipper. Little River H. G. Perry, W. A. Upchurch, C. B. Edwards, J. C. Bol ton, G. A. Broughton. House Creek A. M. Thompson. Panther Branch R. I. Smith, S. C. Hobby. Mark's Creek C. R. Todd. White Oak B. L. Womble. Middle Creek W. H. Bostwlck. New Light Willis Ray,' J. Wiley Ray. St. Matthew's W. G. Mitchell. St. Mary's J. D. Honeycutt, Jas. Holder. Holly Springs W. W. Lynch. Oak Grove Jacob Rogers (col.) . Second Week. Raleigh D. I. Fort. White Oak J. H. Council. Wake Forest David Cooley, H. A. Chappell. Mark's Creek J. M. Tucker, E. T. Scarboro, G. A. Scarboro, J. R. Scarboro, Miles A. Scarboro. Little River S. W. Harris, W. R. Hopkins. Cedar Fork J no. L. King, Wil liam Carpenter. House's Creek W. A. King, Jr. Barton's Creek W. L. Nipper. St. Mary's J. D. Carroll. Panther Branch -Melvin Hocutt. Oak Grove M. C. King. Dastardly Deed. A few days ago the owners of the lumber plant at Wilson's Mills began cutting some pine logs on land pur chased some time ago about three miles from that town. The sawyer, Mr. J. W. Brinkley, soon cut into a railroad spike which damaged the saw and endangered the lives of a number of mill hands. On examination it was found that some person had driven railroad spikes into nearly all of the trees about three or four feet from the ground sometime ago and the bark had grown pretty well over the heads of the spikes, making it diffi cult to locate them. The saw was stopped at once and the ends of the logs were all cut off and will be ex amined before any further sawing will be done at the mill. There should be, and doubtless is, some law to severely punish any per son who would commit such an act if evidence to convict can be se cured. The saw was badly damaged when it went through the spike. JUDGE LONG REVERSED. A Fine Pig. Mr. D. O. Uzzle, a popular mer chant at Wilson's Mill, twenty miles east of Raleigh, in Johnston County, a member of the Uzzle-Davis Com pany, is also something of a pig raiser. He killed a pig a few days ago which was eleven months old and weighed 338 pounds. It was mixed Du roc Jersey and Berkshire blood. A Fortunate Texan. Mr. E. W. Goodloe, of 107, St. Louis St., Dallas, Texas, says: "In the past year I have become ac quainted with Dr. King's New Life Pills, and no laxative I ever before tried so effectually disposes, of ma laria and biliousness." They dpn't grind nor gripe, 25c. at all Drug gists, ":;-::r " V-W State Supreme Court Goes Against Judge Long and His $30,000 Fine Case. Four of the Judges on the State Supreme Court bench decided against Judge Long Tuesday in the case ap pealed in which Judge Long recently fined the Southern Railway Com pany $30,000 for failure to comply with an Act of the last Legislature in which railroad fare was placed at 2'4 cents per mile. Four of the Judges concurred in the reversal, while one, Judge Clark, wrote a dis senting opinion. The railroad ' company declared that the rate was too low consider ing the great cost of operating trains and the great increase in wages and material which goes to make up the operating expenses of railroads. Dm Jm MAYNARD, LILLINGTON, N. C. Fresh Fish and Oysters alwajs on hand In season. Prices right. LOST! A large tan colored bound dor, gray nose ears split fom fighting recently, when he left home had on heavy Ua'her collar with ring. Wl 1 pay a reward of S3 (0 for return of this dog, or will pay for reliable lnformaion as to where he Is Ad 'rtss T. J. FRANKS, Oen. Delivery, Raleigh, N C. Durham & Southern Ry. . Schedule in Effect Aug. , 1907. South No. 41 READ DOWN. No. 5 A. M. 7 80 7 42 7 W 8 15 8 40 9 00 9 49 10 10 10 25 10 45 11 20 II 40 11 59 12 10 12 30 1 00 P. M. No. 41 it 50 z a F M. 15 21 30 44 57 04 15 31 42 5 50 B 07 6 16 6 26 6,82 6 42 7 00 P. M. STATIONS. Lv Durham Ar East Durham Ova ma Togo Carpenter Upchurch Apex Holly Nprlngs wiibon Varlna Angler Barclayvllle Coats Turlington Duke Ar. Dunn Lv. North No. 38 BEAD UP. No. 88 a, A. M. 10 85 lu 29 10 14 10 01 9 51 9 43 9 Ho 9 20 9 12 9 ( 8 51 8 40 8 81 8 24 8 li 8 00 A.M. No 6. 2S P. M. 2 2 I 1 15 15 60 31 1 15 1 04 11 5b 11 20 .li-oi 10 45 10 10 y 50 9 40 M 27 9 05 8 45 A M. Train No. 88 makes connection at Dunn with Atlantic roast Line from FayettevMe. At Apex with Seaboard No. 88 from all points South, and tor all points North, ar riving at Raleigh 10.80 a. m. Tiain No. 6 makes close connection at Apex with Seaboard No. 66 from the South for Durham. Train No. 41 makes connection at Apex with Seaboard No. 41 for all point $outh, and at Varlna for Fayettevllle and lntei me diate points J.E.STAGG, S. H. REAMS, ' Vlce-Pres. en. Pas. Agt. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of authority conferred upon me by a certain mortgage deed given by Israel Bailey to the Wake Foundry Co., and by them duly transferred to me, which mort gage deed 'is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake County, N. C.,' in Book No. 204, at page 514, I will sell on Saturday, December 21, 1907, at public auction at the court-house door , for cash, that certain lot of land, situate in Wake Forest Township, Wake Coun ty, described as follows: Beginning at a stone in cemetery line; thence South 25 1-2 degrees, West 193 1-2 chains to a stone in cemetery line; thence South 66 de grees, East 259 chains to a stone: thence North 66 degrees, West 259 chains to the beginning, containing one-half an acre, more or less. , , Time of sale 12 o'clock noon. W. G. PEARSON, Assignee of Mortgagee. P., P. FORT." Attorney. LULL the COUCH AND CURE the LUNCO WITH r0 lm' Hon ii8Gouc?y PRICE OLDS Trial Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. mm jBS m am: GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY! OS HONEY REFUNDED. ZEBULON HOTEL J. M. Whitley , Prop. ZEBULON, N. C. New Building, new furniture. Good food, cleanliness throughout Good teams will be furnished traveling men. Rates Reasonable. : : : MOTHER GREAT OPTO As a matter of accommodation to any of our readers who may desire a valuable agricultural newspaper, we have completed arrangements, whereby we can offer that great pub lication, the HOME AND FARM, Louisville, Ky., and the Raleigh En terprise, both one year for $1.10. There is no better agricultural pa per than the Home and Farm. It Is published twice a month, and is filled with valuable agricultural and family reading. It is especially suitable for our Southern farmers, cattle raisers, and truckers, and no paper ln the country stands higher. Take advantage of this at once, as we may not be able to continue tMs offer Indefinitely. " Remember that you get both pa pers one year for $1.10. Call on or write the" Raleigh Enterprise, Ra leigh, N. C. Southern Railway Schcdulo. In Effect October 20, 1907. N. B These figures are published as Infor mation and not guaranteed. 4 80 a. m. No. 112, tor uoldeboro and Jocal stations. Handle Pullman sleeping; car from (ireeneboro to Raleigh. Makes connection at Goidsboro with the A.C L both north and south, atid with Nor folk & Southern for Morehead City and intermediate points. 8 20 a. m. No. iU7, for reenstoro and In termedlate stations. Makes connection at East Durham for Oxford, Key svli e,v Rich mond and Norfolk Makes connection at Ureensboro with mam Hue through trains for Wasulngton and New York. JO 20 a. m. No. 108 for Goidsboro and Inter' : mediate - stations, making connect on at GoldBboro with the A. (J L. north. Handles Southern Railway parlor car between oreensboro and Goidsboro. - 12 46 p. No. 144 lor Goidsboro and inter mediate stations. onnects at Helma.with A l'. b north and south, connects at Golds, boro with A. v, L. north aod south, and Nor folk & Sou hern lor Morehead Ulty and local stations. 2 59 p. m No. 136, for Greensboro and local stations Makes connection at Greenfcbo'O with, main Hue trains through to Atlanta, Birmlbgham and Memphis, also with Florida limited tram for Columbia. Savannah and Jacksonville. Haur-ies Southern Railway parlor car from Goidsboro to Greensboro. 6 80 p m. No. 136, fur Goidsboro and inter mediate stations, lonnects at Helma with A. C. L. for Fayettevllle, and at Goidsboro with A. C. L.. north. 6 80 p. m No 139, for Greensboro and lo cal stations. Make immediate connection at Greensboro with through tralnB for Wash ington and New York, also for Richmond and Noriolk. . 11 69 p m. No. ill for Greensboro and lo cal stations. ' Makes close connection at Greensboro with through train both north and south Haudie local s eeper between Raleigh and Greensboro, which opens for occupancy at U.O i p m. S. H. HARD WICK, P. T. M., W. H. TAYLOK, G. P. A., C. H ACKJR 1, V. P. & W. M., Wa8hlniaon, D C. 5 A. L. VERNON, T. P. A., Charlotte. W. H.MCGLAMEHY.P. & T. A., Raltilgh. N.C. WANTED! Boys and girls to distribute and mall fir culais tur a comtn ssien of 10 and v5 cents each. How to m-ibe a cure for old sores or ul rs, also a cure lor cullc, diarrhoea, etc.. t it her for $1 00 100 fresh names for printing or sace. Address J. B. Tisdale, Agency. Wakefield, N. C. FOR RENT. Two, four, rr six-hone farm. Right narty cau inaae good bargain. App y to J. H. GILL, Iron Foundry, Raleigh n. C. Or F. A. WHITAKER, R. F. D. No. 3, Raleigh, c. Mechanics and Investors Union. Money to loan for building Houses. . Kor 100 mo Uily payments, In p ace nf Kent. 81 x fer Cent, inyebirnent Certificates for H e. GEORGE ALLEN, SECRETARY, Pullon Building. ignime The Wonderful Headache and Neuralgia Remedy. Th0 On Thmt Ham Stood th0 Tmst tor YOarm ft Ha and 50c Hottlct Hie Dos at Fountains There are a number or new preparations in the market but Antlcephalalglne still leads tbem all in elegance of preparation ai d efficiency. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SUEEPS OUT ALL POISONS. RHEUM ACIDE tfoes right to the seat of the trouble and cures permanently because It removes the cause of disease. Rheumatism Is an internal disease. Rubbing will not cure It But RHEUMAC1DE cures after mil others fail, because It "GETS AT THE JOINTS FROM THE INSIDE." CURES RHEUMATISM TO STAY CURED. Cured After 16 Years. 1301 James St., Baltimore, Dec. 10th. For 16 years I have suffered terribly with rheuma tism. No one knows how much pain and torture i have endured durine that time, l was treated by leading Dhvsfcians In this ritv. but rat no relief. Rheumacide has cured thousands of cases of Rheumatism after all other means and noted physicians had failed. Sample bottle and hftftklei free if von this wonderful medicine. I now feel that have eot cn(t 5c. for oostare. ten a "new lease on life." It has done so much for ena 9C ! me matt cannot say enouen in us praise, tract i KU&Mlil LHtMlljAL bll. caliy every vestige of the disease has been driven 6 .""J, ' ! .111.1 " I ' I ' l i'' 1 1.111111 1.1 II ' ' f Loner since I desnalred of ever neinir well a rain. uut neannrof khkumaciuk. i decided to give it atrial. I have taken two bottles, and, thanks to

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